[VVP] Fix issue floating IP params for R-35666
[vvp/validation-scripts.git] / ice_validator / tests / report.html.jinja2
1 {## ============LICENSE_START=======================================================#}
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35 {## ============LICENSE_END============================================#}
36 <!DOCTYPE html>
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41     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
42     <title>HEAT Validation Report</title>
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44     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
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62 </head>
63 <style>
64     #collection_failures {
65         table-layout: fixed;
66     }
67     .fileNames {
68         width: 20%;
69         word-wrap: break-word;
70         word-break: break-all;
71         white-space: normal;
72     }
73     .fixtures {
74         width: 10%;
75     }
76     .errorColumn {
77         width: 40%;
78     }
79     .fileLinks, .errorMessage {
80         word-wrap: break-word;
81         word-break: break-all;
82         white-space: normal;
83     }
84     .details {
85         white-space: nowrap;
86     }
88     .codeCell {
89         width: 100%;
90         overflow: auto;
91     }
92 </style>
93 <body>
94 <div class="grid-container fluid">
96     <div class="callout {{ "alert" if failures or collection_failures else "success" }}">
97         <h1>Validation Report</h1>
98         <ul>
99             <li><b>Categories:</b> {{ categories }}</li>
100             <li><b>Tool Version:</b> {{ version }}</li>
101             <li><b>Directory Validated:</b> {{ template_dir }}</li>
102             <li><b>Checksum:</b> {{ checksum }}</li>
103             <li><b>Generated:</b> {{ timestamp }}</li>
104             <li><b>Total Failures:</b> {{ num_failures }}</li>
105         </ul>
106     </div>
107     {% if collection_failures %}
108         <div class="callout alert">
109             <h2>WARNING: Errors Occurred During Validation Setup</h2>
110             <p>
111                 The following unexpected errors occurred while preparing to validate
112                 the the input files. Some validations may not have been executed.
113                 Please refer these issue to the VNF Validation Tool team.
114             </p>
115         </div>
116         <table id="collection_failures">
117             <thead>
118             <tr>
119                 <th class="fileNames">Validation File</th>
120                 <th class="fileNames">Test</th>
121                 <th class="fixtures">Fixtures</th>
122                 <th class="errorColumnn">Error</th>
123             </tr>
124             </thead>
125             <tbody>
126             {% for failure in collection_failures %}
127                 <tr>
128                     <td class="fileNames">{{ failure.module }}</td>
129                     <td class="fileNames">{{ failure.test }}</td>
130                     <td class="fixtures">{{ failure.fixtures }}</td>
131                     <td class="errorColumn">
132                         <div class="codeCell">
133                             <pre class="code">{{ failure.error }}</pre>
134                         </div>
135                     </td>
136                 </tr>
137             {% endfor %}
138             </tbody>
139         </table>
140     {% endif %}
142     {% if failures %}
143         <h2>Validation Failures</h2>
144         <table id="failures">
145             <thead>
146             <tr>
147                 <th>File(s)</th>
148                 <th>Error Message</th>
149                 <th>Requirement(s)</th>
150             </tr>
151             </thead>
152             <tbody>
153             {% for failure in failures %}
154                 <tr>
155                     <td>
156                         {{ failure.file_links }}
157                     </td>
158                     <td>
159                         <p><b>Failed:</b> {{ failure.test_id }}</p>
160                         <p>{{ failure.error_message }}
161                             <a class="details" href="#"
162                                data-open="raw-output-{{ loop.index }}">Full&nbsp;Details</a>
163                         </p>
164                     </td>
165                     <td>
166                         {{ failure.requirements }}
167                     </td>
168                 </tr>
169             {% endfor %}
170             </tbody>
171             {% for failure in failures %}
172                 <div id="raw-output-{{ loop.index }}" class="large reveal" data-reveal
173                      aria-labelledby="modalTitle"
174                      aria-hidden="true" role="dialog">
175                     <h2 id="modalTitle">{{ failure.test_id }}</h2>
176                     <pre class="code">
177                             {{ failure.raw_output }}
178                         </pre>
179                     <button class="close-button" data-close aria-label="Close modal"
180                             type="button">
181                         <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
182                     </button>
183                     <a class="close-reveal-modal" aria-label="Close">&#215;</a>
184                 </div>
185             {% endfor %}
186         </table>
187     {% else %}
188         <h2>No validation errors found.</h2>
189     {% endif %}
190     <script lang="javascript">
191         $(document).foundation();
192         $(document).ready(function () {
193             $('#failures').DataTable({
194                 dom: 'Bfrtip',
195                 buttons: [
196                     'csv',
197                     {
198                         extend: 'pdfHtml5',
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208                     {width: "40%", className: "requirements"},
209                 ]
210             });
211         });
212     </script>
213 </div>
214 </body>
215 </html>