user guide demo for monitoring gui 10/107510/6
authorHenry.Sun <>
Tue, 28 Apr 2020 07:52:20 +0000 (15:52 +0800)
committerHenry.Sun <>
Mon, 25 May 2020 08:14:14 +0000 (16:14 +0800)
Issue-ID: POLICY-2515
Change-Id: Ifca7e44cb9ba54cd3b867d1795108546b36d9d45
Signed-off-by: Henry.Sun <>
14 files changed:
docs/gui/Monitoring-GUI-Demo-Guide.rst [new file with mode: 0644]
docs/gui/demo.postman_collection.json [new file with mode: 0644]
docs/gui/images/ClassPathRunProperty.PNG [new file with mode: 0644]
docs/gui/images/ClassPathSetting.PNG [new file with mode: 0644]
docs/gui/images/CreateFolder.PNG [new file with mode: 0644]
docs/gui/images/FetchPdpLists.PNG [new file with mode: 0644]
docs/gui/images/ImportPostmanJson.PNG [new file with mode: 0644]
docs/gui/images/NoEngineWorker.PNG [new file with mode: 0644]
docs/gui/images/PDPstatistics.PNG [new file with mode: 0644]
docs/gui/images/PapInputParameter.PNG [new file with mode: 0644]
docs/gui/images/PapParameter.PNG [new file with mode: 0644]
docs/gui/images/UpdateStatistics.PNG [new file with mode: 0644]
docs/gui/images/XACMLstatistics.PNG [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/docs/gui/Monitoring-GUI-Demo-Guide.rst b/docs/gui/Monitoring-GUI-Demo-Guide.rst
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..64f2915
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution
+.. 4.0 International License.
+Using Monitoring Gui
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        Here is an example running Monitoring Gui on a Native Windows Computer.
+Environment setup
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        create and run docker images about the following tar packages
+        .. container:: listingblock
+            .. container:: content
+                .. code::
+                    :number-lines:
+                    docker load-i pdp.tar
+                    docker load-i mariadb.tar
+                    docker load-i api.tar
+                    docker load-i apex.tar
+                    docker load-i pap.tar
+                    docker load-i xacml.tar
+                .. container:: paragraph
+                    download latest source from gerrit and create tar by command
+                    .. code::
+                        :number-lines:
+                        tar example example.tar
+        .. container:: paragraph
+            download drools-pdp latest source from gerrit
+        .. container:: paragraph
+            prepare eclipse for starting drools-pdp
+        .. container:: paragraph
+            config drools-pdp dependency in eclipse
+    .. container:: ulist
+        - create config folder inside drools-pdp\policy-management, copy into this folder
+            .. container:: imageblock
+                .. container:: content
+                    |Create the Folder Arc|
+            .. container:: content
+                .. code::
+                    :number-lines:
+          ${envd:POLICY_PDP_PAP_GROUP:defaultGroup}
+                    dmaap.source.topics=POLICY-PDP-PAP
+                    dmaap.sink.topics=POLICY-PDP-PAP
+                    dmaap.source.topics.POLICY-PDP-PAP.servers=localhost:3904
+                    dmaap.source.topics.POLICY-PDP-PAP.managed=false
+                    dmaap.sink.topics.POLICY-PDP-PAP.servers=localhost:3904
+                    dmaap.sink.topics.POLICY-PDP-PAP.managed=false
+        - update run property "classpath" of "drools.system.Main" in Eclipse
+            .. container:: imageblock
+                .. container:: content
+                    |Update run Property|
+            .. container:: imageblock
+                .. container:: content
+                    |Lifecycle classpath setting|
+Prepare Postman for sending REST request to components during demo
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        import "demo.postman_collection.json" into PostMan
+                .. container:: imageblock
+                    .. container:: content
+                        |Import JSON in PostMan|
+        .. container:: content
+             "demo.postman_collection.json", ":download:`link <demo.postman_collection.json>`"
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        clean docker environment
+            .. code::
+                :number-lines:
+                # docker rm $(docker ps-aq)
+Demo steps
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        docker compose start mariadb and message-router. Mariadb must be started in a seperate console because it needs several seconds to finish startup, and other docker startups depends on this
+    .. container::
+        .. container:: content
+            .. code::
+                :number-lines:
+                # docker-compose up -d mariadb message-router
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        docker compose start other components API, PAP, APEX-PDP, XACML-PDP
+    .. container::
+        .. container:: content
+            .. code::
+                :number-lines:
+                # docker-compose up -d pdp xacml pap api
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        start "drools.system.Main" in eclipse
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        verify PDPs are registered into the database
+        .. container:: ulist
+            - get pdp lists in database
+                .. container:: paragraph
+                    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:7979/policy/pap/v1/pdps' --user 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' | json_pp
+            - get statistics
+                .. container:: paragraph
+                    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:7979/policy/pap/v1/pdps/statistics/' --user 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' | json_pp
+        .. container:: ulist
+            - start PAP statistics monitoring GUI
+                .. container:: paragraph
+                    java -jar client/client-monitoring/target/client-monitoring-uber 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
+            - open monitor in browser
+                .. container:: paragraph
+                    curl localhost:18999
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        set up pap parameter
+        .. container:: imageblock
+            .. container:: content
+                |Pap parameter|
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        input parameters
+        .. container:: imageblock
+                .. container:: content
+                    |Set up pap parameter|
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        Fetch PdpLists
+        .. container:: imageblock
+                .. container:: content
+                    |Fetch Pdp Lists|
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        no Engine Worker started, we can only see healthcheck result when we click on the instance APEX statistics
+        .. container:: imageblock
+                |No engine worker started|
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        XACML statistics
+        .. container:: imageblock
+                |XACML statistics|
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        use PostMan to send request to API to create policy type/create policy/ deploy policy
+            .. container:: content
+                    .. code::
+                        :number-lines:
+                        API_Create Policy Type
+                        API_Create Policy
+                        Simple Deploy Policy
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        now APEX PDP statistics data includes engine worker statistics, and shows the monitoring GUI updating automatically (every 2 minutes)
+        .. container:: imageblock
+                |Engine worker started|
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        use PostMan to send a request to DMAAP, add one xacml-pdp statistics message manually, show that the monitoring GUI updates the PostMan API
+    .. container::
+        .. container ::content
+            .. code::
+                :number-lines:
+                Update Xacml Stats
+    .. container:: paragraph
+        xacml-pdp statistics update
+        .. container:: imageblock
+                |Update XACML statistics|
+.. |Create the Folder Arc| image:: ./images/CreateFolder.png
+.. |Update run Property| image:: ./images/ClassPathRunProperty.png
+.. |Lifecycle classpath setting| image:: ./images/ClassPathSetting.png
+.. |Import JSON in PostMan| image:: ./images/ImportPostmanJson.png
+.. |Pap parameter| image:: ./images/PapParameter.png
+.. |Set up pap parameter| image:: ./images/PapInputParameter.png
+.. |Fetch Pdp Lists| image:: ./images/FetchPdpLists.png
+.. |No engine worker started| image:: ./images/NoEngineWorker.png
+.. |XACML statistics| image:: ./images/XACMLstatistics.png
+.. |Engine worker started| image:: ./images/PDPstatistics.png
+.. |Update XACML statistics| image:: ./images/UpdateStatistics.png
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/gui/demo.postman_collection.json b/docs/gui/demo.postman_collection.json
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1f28e19
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+    "info": {
+        "_postman_id": "63cd2a34-d11a-4acf-a3c2-fe84864b2d10",
+        "name": "demo",
+        "schema": ""
+    },
+    "item": [
+        {
+            "name": "Create Policy Type",
+            "request": {
+                "auth": {
+                    "type": "basic",
+                    "basic": [
+                        {
+                            "key": "password",
+                            "value": "zb!XztG34",
+                            "type": "string"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            "key": "username",
+                            "value": "healthcheck",
+                            "type": "string"
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
+                "method": "POST",
+                "header": [
+                    {
+                        "key": "Accept",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "value": "application/json"
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "key": "Content-Type",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "value": "application/json"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "body": {
+                    "mode": "raw",
+                    "raw": "{\r\n  \"tosca_definitions_version\": \"tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0\",\r\n  \"policy_types\": {\r\n    \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex\": {\r\n      \"version\": \"1.0.0\",\r\n      \"description\": \"Operational Policy for Control Loops using the APEX PDP\",\r\n      \"properties\": {\r\n        \"engine_service\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EngineService\",\r\n          \"description\": \"APEX Engine Service Parameters\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"inputs\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"map\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Inputs for handling events coming into the APEX engine\",\r\n          \"entry_schema\": {\r\n            \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventHandler\"\r\n          }\r\n        },\r\n        \"outputs\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"map\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Outputs for handling events going out of the APEX engine\",\r\n          \"entry_schema\": {\r\n            \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventHandler\"\r\n          }\r\n        },\r\n        \"environment\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"list\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Envioronmental parameters for the APEX engine\",\r\n          \"entry_schema\": {\r\n            \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Environment\"\r\n          }\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"data_types\": {\r\n    \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EngineService\": {\r\n      \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\r\n      \"properties\": {\r\n        \"name\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Specifies the engine name\",\r\n          \"required\": false,\r\n          \"default\": \"ApexEngineService\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"version\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Specifies the engine version in double dotted format\",\r\n          \"required\": false,\r\n          \"default\": \"1.0.0\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"id\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"int\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Specifies the engine id\",\r\n          \"required\": true\r\n        },\r\n        \"instance_count\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"int\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Specifies the number of engine threads that should be run\",\r\n          \"required\": true\r\n        },\r\n        \"deployment_port\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"int\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Specifies the port to connect to for engine administration\",\r\n          \"required\": false,\r\n          \"default\": 1\r\n        },\r\n        \"policy_model_file_name\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The name of the file from which to read the APEX policy model\",\r\n          \"required\": false,\r\n          \"default\": \"\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"policy_type_impl\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The policy type implementation from which to read the APEX policy model\",\r\n          \"required\": false,\r\n          \"default\": \"\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"periodic_event_period\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The time interval in milliseconds for the periodic scanning event, 0 means \\\"don't scan\\\"\",\r\n          \"required\": false,\r\n          \"default\": 0\r\n        },\r\n        \"engine\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.engineservice.Engine\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The parameters for all engines in the APEX engine service\",\r\n          \"required\": true\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventHandler\": {\r\n      \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\r\n      \"properties\": {\r\n        \"name\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Specifies the event handler name, if not specified this is set to the key name\",\r\n          \"required\": false\r\n        },\r\n        \"carrier_technology\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.CarrierTechnology\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Specifies the carrier technology of the event handler (such as REST/Web Socket/Kafka)\",\r\n          \"required\": true\r\n        },\r\n        \"event_protocol\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventProtocol\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Specifies the event protocol of events for the event handler (such as Yaml/JSON/XML/POJO)\",\r\n          \"required\": true\r\n        },\r\n        \"event_name\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Specifies the event name for events on this event handler, if not specified, the event name is read from or written to the event being received or sent\",\r\n          \"required\": false\r\n        },\r\n        \"event_name_filter\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Specifies a filter as a regular expression, events that do not match the filter are dropped, the default is to let all events through\",\r\n          \"required\": false\r\n        },\r\n        \"synchronous_mode\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"bool\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Specifies the event handler is syncronous (receive event and send response)\",\r\n          \"required\": false,\r\n          \"default\": false\r\n        },\r\n        \"synchronous_peer\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The peer event handler (output for input or input for output) of this event handler in synchronous mode, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in synchronous mode\",\r\n          \"required\": false,\r\n          \"default\": \"\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"synchronous_timeout\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"int\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The timeout in milliseconds for responses to be issued by APEX torequests, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in synchronous mode\",\r\n          \"required\": false,\r\n          \"default\": \"\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"requestor_mode\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"bool\",\r\n          \"description\": \"Specifies the event handler is in requestor mode (send event and wait for response mode)\",\r\n          \"required\": false,\r\n          \"default\": false\r\n        },\r\n        \"requestor_peer\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The peer event handler (output for input or input for output) of this event handler in requestor mode, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in requestor mode\",\r\n          \"required\": false,\r\n          \"default\": \"\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"requestor_timeout\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"int\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The timeout in milliseconds for wait for responses to requests, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in requestor mode\",\r\n          \"required\": false,\r\n          \"default\": \"\"\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.CarrierTechnology\": {\r\n      \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\r\n      \"properties\": {\r\n        \"label\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The label (name) of the carrier technology (such as REST, Kafka, WebSocket)\",\r\n          \"required\": true\r\n        },\r\n        \"plugin_parameter_class_name\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The class name of the class that overrides default handling of event input or output for this carrier technology, defaults to the supplied input or output class\",\r\n          \"required\": false\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventProtocol\": {\r\n      \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\r\n      \"properties\": {\r\n        \"label\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The label (name) of the event protocol (such as Yaml, JSON, XML, or POJO)\",\r\n          \"required\": true\r\n        },\r\n        \"event_protocol_plugin_class\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The class name of the class that overrides default handling of the event protocol for this carrier technology, defaults to the supplied event protocol class\",\r\n          \"required\": false\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Environmental\": {\r\n      \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\r\n      \"properties\": {\r\n        \"name\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The name of the environment variable\",\r\n          \"required\": true\r\n        },\r\n        \"value\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The value of the environment variable\",\r\n          \"required\": true\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.engineservice.Engine\": {\r\n      \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\r\n      \"properties\": {\r\n        \"context\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.engineservice.engine.Context\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The properties for handling context in APEX engines, defaults to using Java maps for context\",\r\n          \"required\": false\r\n        },\r\n        \"executors\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"map\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The plugins for policy executors used in engines such as javascript, MVEL, Jython\",\r\n          \"required\": true,\r\n          \"entry_schema\": {\r\n            \"description\": \"The plugin class path for this policy executor\",\r\n            \"type\": \"string\"\r\n          }\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.engineservice.engine.Context\": {\r\n      \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\r\n      \"properties\": {\r\n        \"distributor\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Plugin\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The plugin to be used for distributing context between APEX PDPs at runtime\",\r\n          \"required\": false\r\n        },\r\n        \"schemas\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"map\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The plugins for context schemas available in APEX PDPs such as Java and Avro\",\r\n          \"required\": false,\r\n          \"entry_schema\": {\r\n            \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Plugin\"\r\n          }\r\n        },\r\n        \"locking\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.plugin\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The plugin to be used for locking context in and between APEX PDPs at runtime\",\r\n          \"required\": false\r\n        },\r\n        \"persistence\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Plugin\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The plugin to be used for persisting context for APEX PDPs at runtime\",\r\n          \"required\": false\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Plugin\": {\r\n      \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\r\n      \"properties\": {\r\n        \"name\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The name of the executor such as Javascript, Jython or MVEL\",\r\n          \"required\": true\r\n        },\r\n        \"plugin_class_name\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"string\",\r\n          \"description\": \"The class path of the plugin class for this executor\"\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n}"
+                },
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+            "response": []
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "Create Policy",
+            "request": {
+                "auth": {
+                    "type": "basic",
+                    "basic": [
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+                            "key": "password",
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+                            "value": "healthcheck",
+                            "type": "string"
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
+                "method": "POST",
+                "header": [
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"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Act0_DIRECT_Act_NULL\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Act_NULL\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Act1\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Act1_DIRECT_Act_NULL\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Act_NULL\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Act2\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Act2_DIRECT_Act_NULL\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Act_NULL\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Act3\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Act3_DIRECT_Act_NULL\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Act_NULL\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               } ]\r\n                                            }\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"stateKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                               \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                               \"parentLocalName\" : \"NULL\",\r\n                                               \"localName\" : \"Decide\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"trigger\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Event0002\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"stateOutputs\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : \"Decide_Act\",\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outgoingEvent\" : {\r\n                                                        \"name\" : \"Event0003\",\r\n                                                        \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"nextState\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"NULL\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Act\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               } ]\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"contextAlbumReference\" : [ {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"ExternalContextAlbum\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            }, {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"GlobalContextAlbum\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            }, {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Policy0ContextAlbum\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            } ],\r\n                                            \"taskSelectionLogic\" : {\r\n                                               \"key\" : \"TaskSelectionLigic\",\r\n                                               \"logicFlavour\" : \"JAVASCRIPT\",\r\n                                               \"logic\" : \"/*\\n * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================\\n *  Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved.\\n * ================================================================================\\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \\\"License\\\");\\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\\n * \\n *\\n * \\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \\\"AS IS\\\" BASIS,\\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\\n * limitations under the License.\\n * \\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\\n * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\\n */\\n\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nvar gc = executor.getContextAlbum(\\\"GlobalContextAlbum\\\");\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nexecutor.subject.defaultTaskKey.copyTo(executor.selectedTask)\\n\\nvar returnValue = executor.isTrue;\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"stateFinalizerLogicMap\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ ]\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"defaultTask\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Task_Decide3\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"taskReferences\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Decide0\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Decide0_DIRECT_Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Decide1\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Decide1_DIRECT_Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Decide2\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Decide2_DIRECT_Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Decide3\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Decide3_DIRECT_Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               } ]\r\n                                            }\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"Establish\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"stateKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                               \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                               \"parentLocalName\" : \"NULL\",\r\n                                               \"localName\" : \"Establish\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"trigger\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Event0001\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"stateOutputs\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : \"Establish_Decide\",\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Establish\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Establish_Decide\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outgoingEvent\" : {\r\n                                                        \"name\" : \"Event0002\",\r\n                                                        \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"nextState\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"NULL\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Decide\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               } ]\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"contextAlbumReference\" : [ {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"ExternalContextAlbum\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            }, {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"GlobalContextAlbum\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            }, {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Policy1ContextAlbum\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            } ],\r\n                                            \"taskSelectionLogic\" : {\r\n                                               \"key\" : \"TaskSelectionLigic\",\r\n                                               \"logicFlavour\" : \"JAVASCRIPT\",\r\n                                               \"logic\" : \"/*\\n * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================\\n *  Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved.\\n * ================================================================================\\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \\\"License\\\");\\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\\n * \\n *\\n * \\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \\\"AS IS\\\" BASIS,\\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\\n * limitations under the License.\\n * \\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\\n * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\\n */\\n\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nvar gc = executor.getContextAlbum(\\\"GlobalContextAlbum\\\");\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nexecutor.subject.defaultTaskKey.copyTo(executor.selectedTask)\\n\\nvar returnValue = executor.isTrue;\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"stateFinalizerLogicMap\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ ]\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"defaultTask\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Task_Establish2\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"taskReferences\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Establish0\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Establish\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Establish0_DIRECT_Establish_Decide\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Establish\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Establish_Decide\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Establish1\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                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        },\r\n                                            \"trigger\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Event0000\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"stateOutputs\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : \"Match_Establish\",\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Match\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Match_Establish\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outgoingEvent\" : {\r\n                                                        \"name\" : \"Event0001\",\r\n                                                        \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"nextState\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"NULL\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Establish\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               } ]\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"contextAlbumReference\" : [ {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"GlobalContextAlbum\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            }, {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Policy0ContextAlbum\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            } ],\r\n                                            \"taskSelectionLogic\" : {\r\n                                               \"key\" : \"TaskSelectionLigic\",\r\n                                               \"logicFlavour\" : \"JAVASCRIPT\",\r\n                                               \"logic\" : \"/*\\n * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================\\n *  Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved.\\n * ================================================================================\\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \\\"License\\\");\\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\\n * \\n *\\n * \\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \\\"AS IS\\\" BASIS,\\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\\n * limitations under the License.\\n * \\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\\n * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\\n */\\n\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nvar gc = executor.getContextAlbum(\\\"GlobalContextAlbum\\\");\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nexecutor.subject.defaultTaskKey.copyTo(executor.selectedTask)\\n\\nvar returnValue = executor.isTrue;\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"stateFinalizerLogicMap\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ ]\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"defaultTask\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Task_Match0\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"taskReferences\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Match0\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Match\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Match0_DIRECT_Match_Establish\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Match\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Match_Establish\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Match1\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Match\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Match1_DIRECT_Match_Establish\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Match\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Match_Establish\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Match2\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Match\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Match2_DIRECT_Match_Establish\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Match\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Match_Establish\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Match3\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Match\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Match3_DIRECT_Match_Establish\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Match\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Match_Establish\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               } ]\r\n                                            }\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      } ]\r\n                                   },\r\n                                   \"firstState\" : \"Match\"\r\n                                }\r\n                             }, {\r\n                                \"key\" : {\r\n                                   \"name\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                   \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                },\r\n                                \"value\" : {\r\n                                   \"policyKey\" : {\r\n                                      \"name\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                      \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                   },\r\n                                   \"template\" : \"MEDA\",\r\n                                   \"state\" : {\r\n                                      \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"stateKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                               \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                               \"parentLocalName\" : \"NULL\",\r\n                                               \"localName\" : \"Act\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"trigger\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Event0103\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"stateOutputs\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : \"Act_NULL\",\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Act_NULL\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outgoingEvent\" : {\r\n                                                        \"name\" : \"Event0104\",\r\n                                                        \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"nextState\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"NULL\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.0\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"NULL\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"NULL\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               } ]\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"contextAlbumReference\" : [ {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"GlobalContextAlbum\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            } ],\r\n                                            \"taskSelectionLogic\" : {\r\n                                               \"key\" : \"TaskSelectionLigic\",\r\n                                               \"logicFlavour\" : \"JAVASCRIPT\",\r\n                                               \"logic\" : \"/*\\n * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================\\n *  Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved.\\n * ================================================================================\\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \\\"License\\\");\\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\\n * \\n *\\n * \\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \\\"AS IS\\\" BASIS,\\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\\n * limitations under the License.\\n * \\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\\n * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\\n */\\n\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nvar gc = executor.getContextAlbum(\\\"GlobalContextAlbum\\\");\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nexecutor.subject.defaultTaskKey.copyTo(executor.selectedTask)\\n\\nvar returnValue = executor.isTrue;\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"stateFinalizerLogicMap\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ ]\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"defaultTask\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Task_Act0\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"taskReferences\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Act0\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Act0_DIRECT_Act_NULL\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Act_NULL\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Act1\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Act1_DIRECT_Act_NULL\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Act\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Act_NULL\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                   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             },\r\n                                                     \"nextState\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"NULL\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Act\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               } ]\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"contextAlbumReference\" : [ {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"ExternalContextAlbum\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            }, {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"GlobalContextAlbum\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            }, {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Policy1ContextAlbum\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            } ],\r\n                                            \"taskSelectionLogic\" : {\r\n                                               \"key\" : \"TaskSelectionLigic\",\r\n                                               \"logicFlavour\" : \"JAVASCRIPT\",\r\n                                               \"logic\" : \"/*\\n * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================\\n *  Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved.\\n * ================================================================================\\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \\\"License\\\");\\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\\n * \\n *\\n * \\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \\\"AS IS\\\" BASIS,\\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\\n * limitations under the License.\\n * \\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\\n * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\\n */\\n\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nvar gc = executor.getContextAlbum(\\\"GlobalContextAlbum\\\");\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nexecutor.subject.defaultTaskKey.copyTo(executor.selectedTask)\\n\\nvar returnValue = executor.isTrue;\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"stateFinalizerLogicMap\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ ]\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"defaultTask\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Task_Decide3\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"taskReferences\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Decide0\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Decide0_DIRECT_Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Decide1\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Decide1_DIRECT_Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Decide2\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Decide2_DIRECT_Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Decide3\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Decide3_DIRECT_Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Decide\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Decide_Act\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               } ]\r\n                                            }\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"Establish\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n       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                    } ],\r\n                                            \"taskSelectionLogic\" : {\r\n                                               \"key\" : \"TaskSelectionLigic\",\r\n                                               \"logicFlavour\" : \"JAVASCRIPT\",\r\n                                               \"logic\" : \"/*\\n * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================\\n *  Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved.\\n * ================================================================================\\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \\\"License\\\");\\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\\n * \\n *\\n * \\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \\\"AS IS\\\" BASIS,\\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\\n * limitations under the License.\\n * \\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\\n * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\\n */\\n\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nvar gc = executor.getContextAlbum(\\\"GlobalContextAlbum\\\");\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nexecutor.subject.defaultTaskKey.copyTo(executor.selectedTask)\\n\\nvar returnValue = executor.isTrue;\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"stateFinalizerLogicMap\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ ]\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"defaultTask\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"Task_Match3\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"taskReferences\" : {\r\n                                               \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Match0\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Match\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Match0_DIRECT_Match_Establish\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Match\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Match_Establish\"\r\n                                                     }\r\n                                                  }\r\n                                               }, {\r\n                                                  \"key\" : {\r\n                                                     \"name\" : \"Task_Match1\",\r\n                                                     \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                                  },\r\n                                                  \"value\" : {\r\n                                                     \"key\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Match\",\r\n                                                        \"localName\" : \"Task_Match1_DIRECT_Match_Establish\"\r\n                                                     },\r\n                                                     \"outputType\" : \"DIRECT\",\r\n                                                     \"output\" : {\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyName\" : \"Policy1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                                        \"parentLocalName\" : \"Match\",\r\n  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 }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"Parameter1\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : {\r\n                                               \"parentKeyName\" : \"Task_Act0\",\r\n                                               \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                               \"parentLocalName\" : \"NULL\",\r\n                                               \"localName\" : \"Parameter1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"defaultValue\" : \"DefaultValue1\"\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"Parameter2\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : {\r\n                                               \"parentKeyName\" : \"Task_Act0\",\r\n                                               \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                               \"parentLocalName\" : \"NULL\",\r\n                                               \"localName\" : \"Parameter2\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"defaultValue\" : \"DefaultValue2\"\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      } ]\r\n                                   },\r\n                                   \"contextAlbumReference\" : [ {\r\n                                      \"name\" : \"ExternalContextAlbum\",\r\n                                      \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                   }, {\r\n                                      \"name\" : \"GlobalContextAlbum\",\r\n                                      \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                   }, {\r\n                                      \"name\" : \"Policy0ContextAlbum\",\r\n                                      \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                   }, {\r\n                                      \"name\" : \"Policy1ContextAlbum\",\r\n                                      \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                   } ],\r\n                                   \"taskLogic\" : {\r\n                                      \"key\" : \"_TaskLogic\",\r\n                                      \"logicFlavour\" : \"JAVASCRIPT\",\r\n                                      \"logic\" : \"/*\\n * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================\\n *  Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved.\\n * ================================================================================\\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \\\"License\\\");\\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\\n * \\n *\\n * \\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \\\"AS IS\\\" BASIS,\\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\\n * limitations under the License.\\n * \\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\\n * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\\n */\\n\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nvar gc = executor.getContextAlbum(\\\"GlobalContextAlbum\\\");\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nexecutor.logger.debug(executor.inFields);\\n\\nvar caseSelectedType = Java.type(\\\"java.lang.Byte\\\");\\nexecutor.outFields.put(\\\"TestActCaseSelected\\\", new caseSelectedType(2));\\n\\nvar JavaDate = Java.type(\\\"java.util.Date\\\");\\ntimeNow = new JavaDate();\\nexecutor.outFields.put(\\\"TestActStateTime\\\", timeNow.getTime());\\nexecutor.logger.debug(executor.eo);\\n\\nvar returnValue = executor.isTrue;\"\r\n                                   }\r\n                                }\r\n                             }, {\r\n                                \"key\" : {\r\n                                   \"name\" : \"Task_Act1\",\r\n                                   \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                },\r\n                                \"value\" : {\r\n                                   \"key\" : {\r\n                                      \"name\" : \"Task_Act1\",\r\n                                      \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                   },\r\n                                   \"inputFields\" : {\r\n                                      \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestDecideCaseSelected\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestDecideCaseSelected\",\r\n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======================================\\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \\\"License\\\");\\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\\n * \\n *\\n * \\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \\\"AS IS\\\" BASIS,\\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\\n * limitations under the License.\\n * \\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\\n * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\\n */\\n\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nvar gc = executor.getContextAlbum(\\\"GlobalContextAlbum\\\");\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nexecutor.logger.debug(executor.inFields);\\n\\nvar caseSelectedType = Java.type(\\\"java.lang.Byte\\\");\\nexecutor.outFields.put(\\\"TestActCaseSelected\\\", new caseSelectedType(0));\\n\\nvar JavaDate = Java.type(\\\"java.util.Date\\\");\\ntimeNow = new JavaDate();\\nexecutor.outFields.put(\\\"TestActStateTime\\\", timeNow.getTime());\\nexecutor.logger.debug(executor.eo);\\n\\nvar returnValue = executor.isTrue;\"\r\n                                   }\r\n                                }\r\n                             }, {\r\n                                \"key\" : {\r\n                                   \"name\" : \"Task_Act3\",\r\n                                   \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                },\r\n                                \"value\" : {\r\n                                   \"key\" : {\r\n                                      \"name\" : \"Task_Act3\",\r\n                                      \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                   },\r\n                                   \"inputFields\" : {\r\n                                      \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestDecideCaseSelected\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestDecideCaseSelected\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestCase\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestDecideStateTime\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestDecideStateTime\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestEstablishCaseSelected\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestEstablishCaseSelected\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestCase\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestEstablishStateTime\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestEstablishStateTime\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestMatchCase\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestMatchCase\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestCase\",\r\n                                            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"key\" : {\r\n                                      \"name\" : \"Task_Establish1\",\r\n                                      \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                   },\r\n                                   \"inputFields\" : {\r\n                                      \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestMatchCase\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestMatchCase\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestCase\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestMatchCaseSelected\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestMatchCaseSelected\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestCase\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestMatchStateTime\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestMatchStateTime\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestSlogan\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestSlogan\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestSlogan\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestTemperature\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestTemperature\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestTemperature\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      } ]\r\n                                   },\r\n                                   \"outputFields\" : {\r\n                                      \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestEstablishCaseSelected\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestEstablishCaseSelected\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestCase\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                 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==========\\n *  Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved.\\n * ================================================================================\\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \\\"License\\\");\\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\\n * \\n *\\n * \\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \\\"AS IS\\\" BASIS,\\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\\n * limitations under the License.\\n * \\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\\n * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\\n */\\n\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nvar gc = executor.getContextAlbum(\\\"GlobalContextAlbum\\\");\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nexecutor.logger.debug(executor.inFields);\\n\\nvar caseSelectedType = Java.type(\\\"java.lang.Byte\\\");\\nexecutor.outFields.put(\\\"TestEstablishCaseSelected\\\", new caseSelectedType(0));\\n\\nvar JavaDate = Java.type(\\\"java.util.Date\\\");\\ntimeNow = new JavaDate();\\nexecutor.outFields.put(\\\"TestEstablishStateTime\\\", timeNow.getTime());\\nexecutor.logger.debug(executor.eo);\\n\\nvar returnValue = executor.isTrue;\"\r\n                                   }\r\n                                }\r\n                             }, {\r\n                                \"key\" : {\r\n                                   \"name\" : \"Task_Establish3\",\r\n                                   \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                },\r\n                                \"value\" : {\r\n                                   \"key\" : {\r\n                                      \"name\" : \"Task_Establish3\",\r\n                                      \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                   },\r\n                                   \"inputFields\" : {\r\n                                      \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestMatchCase\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestMatchCase\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestCase\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestMatchCaseSelected\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestMatchCaseSelected\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestCase\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestMatchStateTime\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestMatchStateTime\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestSlogan\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestSlogan\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestSlogan\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestTemperature\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestTemperature\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                           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                  }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestTemperature\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestTemperature\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestTemperature\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      } ]\r\n                                   },\r\n                                   \"taskParameters\" : {\r\n                                      \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"Parameter0\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : {\r\n                                               \"parentKeyName\" : \"Task_Establish3\",\r\n                                               \"parentKeyVersion\" : \"0.0.1\",\r\n                                               \"parentLocalName\" : \"NULL\",\r\n                                               \"localName\" : \"Parameter0\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"defaultValue\" : \"DefaultValue0\"\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      } ]\r\n                                   },\r\n                                   \"contextAlbumReference\" : [ {\r\n                                      \"name\" : \"ExternalContextAlbum\",\r\n                                      \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                   }, {\r\n                                      \"name\" : \"GlobalContextAlbum\",\r\n                                      \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                   } ],\r\n                                   \"taskLogic\" : {\r\n                                      \"key\" : \"_TaskLogic\",\r\n                                      \"logicFlavour\" : \"JAVASCRIPT\",\r\n                                      \"logic\" : \"/*\\n * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================\\n *  Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved.\\n * ================================================================================\\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \\\"License\\\");\\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\\n * \\n *\\n * \\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \\\"AS IS\\\" BASIS,\\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\\n * limitations under the License.\\n * \\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\\n * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\\n */\\n\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nvar gc = executor.getContextAlbum(\\\"GlobalContextAlbum\\\");\\nexecutor.logger.debug(;\\nexecutor.logger.debug(executor.inFields);\\n\\nvar caseSelectedType = Java.type(\\\"java.lang.Byte\\\");\\nexecutor.outFields.put(\\\"TestEstablishCaseSelected\\\", new caseSelectedType(1));\\n\\nvar JavaDate = Java.type(\\\"java.util.Date\\\");\\ntimeNow = new JavaDate();\\nexecutor.outFields.put(\\\"TestEstablishStateTime\\\", timeNow.getTime());\\nexecutor.logger.debug(executor.eo);\\n\\nvar returnValue = executor.isTrue;\"\r\n                                   }\r\n                                }\r\n                             }, {\r\n                                \"key\" : {\r\n                                   \"name\" : \"Task_Match0\",\r\n                                   \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                },\r\n                                \"value\" : {\r\n                                   \"key\" : {\r\n                                      \"name\" : \"Task_Match0\",\r\n                                      \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                   },\r\n                                   \"inputFields\" : {\r\n                                      \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestMatchCase\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestMatchCase\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestCase\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestSlogan\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestSlogan\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestSlogan\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestTemperature\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestTemperature\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestTemperature\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      } ]\r\n                                   },\r\n                                   \"outputFields\" : {\r\n                                      \"entry\" : [ {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestMatchCase\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestMatchCase\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestCase\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestMatchCaseSelected\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestMatchCaseSelected\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestCase\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestMatchStateTime\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestMatchStateTime\",\r\n                                            \"fieldSchemaKey\" : {\r\n                                               \"name\" : \"TestTimestamp\",\r\n                                               \"version\" : \"0.0.1\"\r\n                                            },\r\n                                            \"optional\" : false\r\n                                         }\r\n                                      }, {\r\n                                         \"key\" : \"TestSlogan\",\r\n                                         \"value\" : {\r\n                                            \"key\" : \"TestSlogan\",\r\n   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           \"FirstConsumer\": {\r\n                  \"carrierTechnologyParameters\": {\r\n                    \"carrierTechnology\": \"RESTSERVER\",\r\n                    \"parameterClassName\": \"org.onap.policy.apex.plugins.event.carrier.restserver.RestServerCarrierTechnologyParameters\",\r\n                    \"parameters\": {\r\n                      \"standalone\": true,\r\n                      \"host\": \"\",\r\n                      \"port\": 23324\r\n                    }\r\n                  },\r\n                  \"eventProtocolParameters\": {\r\n                    \"eventProtocol\": \"JSON\"\r\n                  },\r\n                  \"synchronousMode\": true,\r\n                  \"synchronousPeer\": \"FirstProducer\",\r\n                  \"synchronousTimeout\": 2000\r\n                }\r\n              },\r\n              \"eventOutputParameters\": {\r\n                \"FirstProducer\": {\r\n                  \"carrierTechnologyParameters\": {\r\n                    \"carrierTechnology\": \"RESTSERVER\",\r\n                    \"parameterClassName\": \"org.onap.policy.apex.plugins.event.carrier.restserver.RestServerCarrierTechnologyParameters\"\r\n                  },\r\n                  \"eventProtocolParameters\": {\r\n                    \"eventProtocol\": \"JSON\"\r\n                  },\r\n                  \"synchronousMode\": true,\r\n                  \"synchronousPeer\": \"FirstConsumer\",\r\n                  \"synchronousTimeout\": 2000\r\n                }\r\n              }\r\n            }\r\n          }\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    ]\r\n  }\r\n}"
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+                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+                    ],
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+                    ]
+                }
+            },
+            "response": []
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "Simple Undeploy Policy",
+            "request": {
+                "auth": {
+                    "type": "basic",
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+                        },
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+                            "value": "healthcheck",
+                            "type": "string"
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
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+                        "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}"
+                    ],
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+                    ]
+                }
+            },
+            "response": []
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "Send event to apex-pdp",
+            "request": {
+                "method": "PUT",
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+                        "key": "Content-Type",
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+                    "mode": "raw",
+                    "raw": "{\r\n  \"nameSpace\": \"\",\r\n  \"name\": \"Event0000\",\r\n  \"version\": \"0.0.1\",\r\n  \"source\": \"test\",\r\n  \"target\": \"apex\",\r\n  \"TestSlogan\": \"Test slogan for External Event0\",\r\n  \"TestMatchCase\": 0,\r\n  \"TestTimestamp\": 1469781869269,\r\n  \"TestTemperature\": 9080.866\r\n}"
+                },
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+                    "raw": "",
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+                    ],
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+                    "path": [
+                        "apex",
+                        "FirstConsumer",
+                        "EventIn"
+                    ]
+                }
+            },
+            "response": []
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "Delete Policy Type",
+            "request": {
+                "auth": {
+                    "type": "basic",
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+                        {
+                            "key": "password",
+                            "value": "zb!XztG34",
+                            "type": "string"
+                        },
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+                            "key": "username",
+                            "value": "healthcheck",
+                            "type": "string"
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
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+                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+                    ],
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+                    ]
+                }
+            },
+            "response": []
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "Delete Policy",
+            "request": {
+                "auth": {
+                    "type": "basic",
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+                        {
+                            "key": "password",
+                            "value": "zb!XztG34",
+                            "type": "string"
+                        },
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+                            "value": "healthcheck",
+                            "type": "string"
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
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+                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
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+                        "1.0.0"
+                    ]
+                }
+            },
+            "response": []
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "Simple Deploy Policy",
+            "request": {
+                "auth": {
+                    "type": "basic",
+                    "basic": [
+                        {
+                            "key": "password",
+                            "value": "zb!XztG34",
+                            "type": "string"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            "key": "username",
+                            "value": "healthcheck",
+                            "type": "string"
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
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+                    "mode": "raw",
+                    "raw": "{\r\n  \"policies\" : [\r\n    {\r\n      \"policy-id\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.Operational.apex.sampledomain\",\r\n      \"policy-version\": 1\r\n    }\r\n    ]\r\n}"
+                },
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+                    "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies",
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+                        "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}"
+                    ],
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+                        "policy",
+                        "pap",
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+                    ]
+                }
+            },
+            "response": []
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "Update Xacml Stats",
+            "request": {
+                "method": "POST",
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+                        "key": "Content-Type",
+                        "name": "Content-Type",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "value": "application/json"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "body": {
+                    "mode": "raw",
+                    "raw": "{\r\n    \"pdpType\":\"xacml\",\r\n    \"state\":\"ACTIVE\",\r\n    \"healthy\":\"HEALTHY\",\r\n    \"description\":\"Pdp Heartbeat\",\r\n    \"policies\":[],\r\n    \"statistics\":{\r\n        \"pdpInstanceId\":\"pdp-xacml\",\r\n        \"timeStamp\":\"Dec 27, 2019 10:14:57 AM\",\r\n        \"pdpGroupName\":\"defaultGroup\",\r\n        \"pdpSubGroupName\":\"xacml\",\r\n        \"policyDeployCount\":2,\r\n        \"policyDeploySuccessCount\":1,\r\n        \"policyDeployFailCount\":1,\r\n        \"policyExecutedCount\":5,\r\n        \"policyExecutedSuccessCount\":4,\r\n        \"policyExecutedFailCount\":1,\r\n        \"engineStats\":[\r\n            {\r\n                \"engineId\":\"xacml-0:0.0.1\",\r\n                \"engineWorkerState\":\"READY\",\r\n                \"engineTimeStamp\":1577422082287,\r\n                \"eventCount\":1,\r\n                \"lastExecutionTime\":3,\r\n                \"averageExecutionTime\":2.0,\r\n                \"upTime\":57,\r\n                \"lastEnterTime\":0,\r\n                \"lastStart\":0\r\n            }\r\n        ]\r\n    },\r\n    \"messageName\":\"PDP_STATUS\",\r\n    \"requestId\":\"deb53261-4987-4e8a-948a-3cdf5ffad54c\",\r\n    \"timestampMs\":1576117118409,\r\n    \"name\":\"pdp-xacml\",\r\n    \"pdpGroup\":\"defaultGroup\",\r\n    \"pdpSubgroup\":\"xacml\"\r\n}",
+                    "options": {
+                        "raw": {
+                            "language": "json"
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                "url": {
+                    "raw": "http://localhost:3904/events/POLICY-PDP-PAP",
+                    "protocol": "http",
+                    "host": [
+                        "localhost"
+                    ],
+                    "port": "3904",
+                    "path": [
+                        "events",
+                        "POLICY-PDP-PAP"
+                    ]
+                }
+            },
+            "response": []
+        }
+    ],
+    "protocolProfileBehavior": {}
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index 59b3183..855ac05 100644 (file)
@@ -18,5 +18,6 @@ Policy Framework Architecture
+   gui/Monitoring-GUI-Demo-Guide
 ..    release-notes.rst