Merge "[HOLMES] Bumped the version of holmes-rule-mgmt"
[oom.git] / kubernetes / so / components / so-bpmn-infra / resources / config / overrides / override.yaml
1 {{/*
2 # Copyright © 2018 AT&T USA
3 #
4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 #
8 #
9 #
10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
15 */}}
16 aai:
17   auth: {{ include "so.helpers.profileProperty" (dict "condition" "value1" "value2" .Values.aai.auth )}}
18   dme2:
19     timeout: '30000'
20   endpoint: https://aai.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8443
21   workflowAaiDistributionDelay: PT30S
22   pnfEntryNotificationTimeout: P14D
23 cds:
24   endpoint: cds-blueprints-processor-grpc
25   port: 9111
26   auth: {{ .Values.cds.auth }}
27   timeout: 600
28 camunda:
29   bpm:
30     admin-user:
31       id: admin
32       password: admin
33     history-level: full
34     job-execution:
35       max-pool-size: 30
36       core-pool-size: 3
37     generic-properties:
38       properties:
39         sunday-history-cleanup-batch-window-start-time: {{ quote .Values.camunda.sundayCleanupWindowStartTime }}
40         sunday-history-cleanup-batch-window-end-time: {{ quote .Values.camunda.sundayCleanupWindowEndTime }}
41 entitymanager:
42   packagesToScan: com
43 pnf:
44   dmaap:
45     host: message-router
46     port: 3904
47     protocol: http
48     uriPathPrefix: events
49     topicName: unauthenticated.PNF_READY
50     consumerGroup: consumerGroup
51     consumerId: consumerId
52     topicListenerDelayInSeconds: 5
53 bpelURL: http://so-bpmn-infra.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8081
54 msb-ip: msb-iag
55 msb-port: 80
56 mso:
57   rainyDay:
58     retryDurationMultiplier: 2
59     maxRetries: 5
60   msoKey: {{ .Values.mso.key }}
61   correlation:
62     timeout: 60
63   logPath: logs
64   config:
65     cadi: {{ include "so.cadi.keys" . | nindent 8}}
66   async:
67     core-pool-size: 50
68     max-pool-size: 50
69     queue-capacity: 500
70   adapters:
71     completemsoprocess:
72       endpoint: http://so-openstack-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8087/CompleteMsoProcess
73     requestDb:
74       endpoint: http://so-request-db-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8083
75       auth: {{ include "so.helpers.profileProperty" (dict "condition" "value1" "value2" .Values.mso.adapters.requestDb.auth )}}
76     db:
77       auth: {{ .Values.mso.adapters.db.auth }}
78       password: {{ .Values.mso.adapters.db.password }}
79       endpoint: http://so-request-db-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8083/services/RequestsDbAdapter
80       spring:
81         endpoint: http://so-request-db-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8083
82     network:
83       endpoint: http://so-openstack-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8087/services/NetworkAdapter
84       rest:
85         endpoint: http://so-openstack-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8087/services/rest/v1/networks
86     openecomp:
87       db:
88         endpoint: http://so-request-db-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8083/services/RequestsDbAdapter
89     po:
90       auth: {{ .Values.mso.adapters.po.auth }}
91     sdnc:
92       endpoint: http://so-sdnc-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8086/adapters/SDNCAdapter
93       rest:
94         endpoint: http://so-sdnc-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8086/adapters/rest/v1/sdnc
95       timeout: PT60M
96     tenant:
97       endpoint: http://so-openstack-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8087/services/TenantAdapter
98     vnf:
99       endpoint: http://so-openstack-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8087/services/VnfAdapter
100       rest:
101         endpoint: http://so-openstack-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8087/services/rest/{{ .Values.vnf.api.version }}/vnfs
102     volume-groups:
103       rest:
104         endpoint: http://so-openstack-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8087/services/rest/v1/volume-groups
105     vnf-async:
106       endpoint: http://so-openstack-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8087/services/VnfAsync
107     vfc:
108       rest:
109         endpoint: http://so-etsi-sol005-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8084/services/v1/vfcadapter
110     workflow:
111       message:
112         endpoint: http://so-bpmn-infra.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8081/mso/WorkflowMessage
113     nssmf:
114       endpoint: http://so-nssmf-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8088
115     oof:
116       endpoint: http://so-oof-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8090/so/adapters/oof/v1
117       timeout: PT5M
118       callback:
119         endpoint: http://so-oof-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8090/so/adapters/oof/callback/v1
120   callbackRetryAttempts: '5'
121   catalog:
122     db:
123       endpoint: http://so-catalog-db-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8082/ecomp/mso/catalog
124       spring:
125         endpoint: http://so-catalog-db-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8082
126   db:
127     auth: {{ include "so.helpers.profileProperty" (dict "condition" "value1" "value2" .Values.mso.adapters.requestDb.auth )}}
128   default:
129     adapter:
130       namespace: http://org.onap.mso
131   healthcheck:
132     log:
133       debug: 'false'
134   infra:
135     endpoint:
136       url: http://so.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8080/onap/so/infra
137     customer:
138       id: testCustIdInfra
139   po:
140     timeout: PT60M
141   request:
142     db:
143       endpoint: http://so-request-db-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8083/
144   rollback: 'true'
145   sdnc:
146     password: {{ .Values.mso.sdnc.password }}
147   service:
148     agnostic:
149       sniro:
150         endpoint: /sniro/api/v2/placement
151         host: http://sniro-emulator:80
152   site-name: CamundaEngine
153   sniro:
154     auth: {{ .Values.mso.sniro.auth }}
155     callback: http://so-openstack-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8087/adapters/rest/SDNCNotify
156     endpoint: {{ .Values.mso.sniro.endpoint }}
157     timeout: PT30M
158   oof:
159     auth: {{ .Values.mso.oof.auth }}
160     callbackEndpoint: http://so-bpmn-infra.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8081/mso/WorkflowMessage
161     endpoint: https://oof-osdf.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8698
162     timeout: PT30M
163   workflow:
164     CreateGenericVNFV1:
165       aai:
166         volume-group:
167           uri: /aai/v6/cloud-infrastructure/volume-groups/volume-group
168     default:
169       aai:
170         version: '14'
171         cloud-region:
172           version: '14'
173         generic-vnf:
174           version: '14'
175         v14:
176           customer:
177             uri: /aai/v14/business/customers/customer
178           generic-query:
179             uri: /aai/v14/search/generic-query
180           generic-vnf:
181             uri: /aai/v14/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf
182           l3-network:
183             uri: /aai/v14/network/l3-networks/l3-network
184           network-policy:
185             uri: /aai/v14/network/network-policies/network-policy
186           nodes-query:
187             uri: /aai/v14/search/nodes-query
188           route-table-reference:
189             uri: /aai/v14/network/route-table-references/route-table-reference
190           tenant:
191             uri: /aai/v14/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/CloudOwner/RegionOne/tenants/tenant
192           vce:
193             uri: /aai/v14/network/vces/vce
194           vpn-binding:
195             uri: /aai/v14/network/vpn-bindings/vpn-binding
196           sp-partner:
197             uri: /aai/v14/business/sp-partners/sp-partner
198           device:
199             uri: /aai/v14/network/devices/device
200         v11:
201           customer:
202             uri: /aai/v11/business/customers/customer
203           generic-query:
204             uri: /aai/v11/search/generic-query
205           generic-vnf:
206             uri: /aai/v11/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf
207           l3-network:
208             uri: /aai/v11/network/l3-networks/l3-network
209           network-policy:
210             uri: /aai/v11/network/network-policies/network-policy
211           nodes-query:
212             uri: /aai/v11/search/nodes-query
213           route-table-reference:
214             uri: /aai/v11/network/route-table-references/route-table-reference
215           tenant:
216             uri: /aai/v11/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/CloudOwner/RegionOne/tenants/tenant
217           vce:
218             uri: /aai/v11/network/vces/vce
219           vpn-binding:
220             uri: /aai/v11/network/vpn-bindings/vpn-binding
221         v8:
222           configuration:
223             uri: /aai/v11/network/configurations/configuration
224           customer:
225             uri: /aai/v8/business/customers/customer
226           generic-query:
227             uri: /aai/v8/search/generic-query
228           l3-network:
229             uri: /aai/v8/network/l3-networks/l3-network
230           network-policy:
231             uri: /aai/v8/network/network-policies/network-policy
232           nodes-query:
233             uri: /aai/v8/search/nodes-query
234           route-table-reference:
235             uri: /aai/v8/network/route-table-references/route-table-reference
236           tenant:
237             uri: /aai/v8/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/CloudOwner/RegionOne/tenants/tenant
238           vce:
239             uri: /aai/v8/network/vces/vce
240           vpn-binding:
241             uri: /aai/v8/network/vpn-bindings/vpn-binding
242         v9:
243           cloud-region:
244             uri: /aai/v9/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/CloudOwner
245           generic-vnf:
246             uri: /aai/v9/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf
247       retry:
248         attempts: '1'
249     deleteCinderVolumeV1:
250       aai:
251         volume-group:
252           uri: /aai/v6/cloud-infrastructure/volume-groups/volume-group
253     global:
254       default:
255         aai:
256           namespace: http://org.onap.aai.inventory/
257           version: 14
258     message:
259       endpoint: http://so-bpmn-infra.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8081/mso/WorkflowMessage
260     notification:
261       name: GenericNotificationServiceATT
262     sdnc:
263       replication:
264         delay: PT60S
265     sdncadapter:
266       callback: http://so-bpmn-infra.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8081/mso/SDNCAdapterCallbackService
267     vnfadapter:
268       create:
269         callback: http://so-bpmn-infra.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8081/mso/vnfAdapterNotify
270       delete:
271         callback: http://so-bpmn-infra.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8081/mso/vnfAdapterNotify
272       query:
273         callback: http://so-bpmn-infra.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8081/mso/vnfAdapterNotify
274       rollback:
275         callback: http://so-bpmn-infra.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8081/mso/vnfAdapterNotify
276   use:
277     qualified:
278       host: false
279   global:
280     dmaap:
281       username: testuser
282       password: alRyMzJ3NUNeakxl
283       host:
284       publisher:
285         topic: replaceme
286   naming:
287     endpoint:
288     auth: Basic bTA0NzY4QG5vbi1wcm9kLm1zby5lY29tcC5hdHQuY29tOkF0dG0wNDc2OExpZmUhQA==
289   bpmn-history-ttl: {{ .Values.bpmn.historyTTL }}
290 policy:
291   auth: Basic dGVzdHBkcDphbHBoYTEyMw==
292   default:
293     disposition: Skip
294   client:
295     auth: Basic bTAzNzQzOnBvbGljeVIwY2sk
296   endpoint: http://pdp.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8081/pdp/api/
297   environment: TEST
298 sdnc:
299   auth: Basic YWRtaW46S3A4Yko0U1hzek0wV1hsaGFrM2VIbGNzZTJnQXc4NHZhb0dHbUp2VXkyVQ==
300   host: http://{{ }}.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:{{ }}
301   path: /restconf/operations/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API
302   si:
303     svc:
304       types: PORT-MIRROR,PPROBE
305   dmaap:
306     host: http://message-router.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:3904
307     timeout: 30000
308     publisher:
309       topic: RAN-Slice-Mgmt
310     callback:
311       timeout: PT5M
312   lcm:
313     path: '/restconf/operations/LCM:'
314     actionTimeout: 300000
315     dmapp:
316       readTopic: SDNC-LCM-WRITE
317       writeTopic: SDNC-LCM-READ
318 appc:
319   client:
320     topic:
321       read:
322         name: APPC-LCM-WRITE
323         timeout: 360000
324       write: APPC-LCM-READ
325       sdnc:
326         read: SDNC-LCM-WRITE
327         write: SDNC-LCM-READ
328     response:
329       timeout: 360000
330     key: VIlbtVl6YLhNUrtU
331     secret: 64AG2hF4pYeG2pq7CT6XwUOT
332     service: ueb
333     poolMembers: message-router.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:3904,message-router.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:3904
334 sniro:
335   conductor:
336     enabled: true
337     host: http://sniro-emulator:80
338     uri: /v1/release-orders
339     headers.auth: Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0cHdk
340   manager:
341     timeout: PT30M
342     host: http://sniro-emulator:80
343     uri.v1: /sniro/api/v2/placement
344     uri.v2: /sniro/api/placement/v2
345     headers.auth: Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0cHdk
346     headers.patchVersion: 1
347     headers.minorVersion: 1
348     headers.latestVersion: 2
349 server:
350   port: {{ index .Values.containerPort }}
351   tomcat:
352     max-threads: 50
353 spring:
354   datasource:
355     hikari:
356       jdbcUrl: jdbc:mariadb://${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}/camundabpmn
357       username: ${DB_USERNAME}
358       password: ${DB_PASSWORD}
359       driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
360       pool-name: bpmn-pool
361       registerMbeans: true
362   security:
363     usercredentials:
364     -
365       username: apihBpmn
366       password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
367       role: BPMN-Client
368     -
369       username: sdncaBpmn
370       password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
371       role: BPMN-Client
372     -
373       username: poBpmn
374       password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
375       role: BPMN-Client
376     -
377       username: wmaBpmn
378       password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
379       role: BPMN-Client
380     -
381       username: sniro
382       password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
383       role: SNIRO-Client
384     -
385       username: mso_admin
386       password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
387       role: ACTUATOR
388 so:
389   vnfm:
390     adapter:
391       url: http://so-etsi-sol003-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:9092/so/vnfm-adapter/v1
392       auth: {{ }}
393 org:
394   onap:
395     so:
396       cloud-owner: CloudOwner