Changed the Style of GUI
[holmes/rule-management.git] / rulemgt-frontend / src / assets / framework / browser / style / icon-speechbubbles.css
1 /*! Global styles - v1.4.8 - Last updated: 2016-10-12. Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Services, Inc.*/
2 @font-face {
3   font-family: 'icoBubble';
4   src: url('fonts/font-icons/icon-speechbubbles.eot?timestamp=@@timestamp');
5   src: url('fonts/font-icons/icon-speechbubbles.eot?timestamp=@@timestamp#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('fonts/font-icons/icon-speechbubbles.woff2?timestamp=@@timestamp') format('woff2'), url('fonts/font-icons/icon-speechbubbles.woff?timestamp=@@timestamp') format('woff'), url('fonts/font-icons/icon-speechbubbles.ttf?timestamp=@@timestamp') format('truetype');
6   font-weight: normal;
7   font-style: normal;
8 }
9 [class*="icon-bubble-"] {
10   /* use !important to prevent issues with browser extensions that change fonts */
11   font-family: 'icoBubble' !important;
12   speak: none;
13   font-style: normal;
14   font-weight: normal;
15   font-variant: normal;
16   text-transform: none;
17   line-height: 1;
18   color: #009fdb;
19   font-size: 36px;
20   vertical-align: middle;
21   /* Better Font Rendering =========== */
22   -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
23   -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
24 }
25 .icon-bubble-messaging:before {
26   content: "\ec92";
27 }
28 .icon-bubble-messagingL:before {
29   content: "\ec91";
30 }
31 .icon-bubble-message:before {
32   content: "\ec90";
33 }
34 .icon-bubble-messagesL:before {
35   content: "\ec8f";
36 }
37 .icon-bubble-hello:before {
38   content: "\ec8e";
39 }
40 .icon-bubble-helloL:before {
41   content: "\ec8d";
42 }
43 .icon-bubble-bye:before {
44   content: "\ec8c";
45 }
46 .icon-bubble-byeL:before {
47   content: "\ec8b";
48 }
49 .icon-bubble-autoconferencing:before {
50   content: "\ec8a";
51 }
52 .icon-bubble-autoconferencingL:before {
53   content: "\ec89";
54 }
55 .icon-bubble-commentcheck:before {
56   content: "\ec88";
57 }
58 .icon-bubble-commentcheckL:before {
59   content: "\ec87";
60 }
61 .icon-bubble-notifications:before {
62   content: "\ec86";
63 }
64 .icon-bubble-notificationsL:before {
65   content: "\ec85";
66 }
67 .icon-bubble-soundmessage:before {
68   content: "\ec84";
69 }
70 .icon-bubble-soundmessageL:before {
71   content: "\ec83";
72 }
73 .icon-bubble-textnotification:before {
74   content: "\ec82";
75 }
76 .icon-bubble-textnotificationL:before {
77   content: "\ec81";
78 }
79 .icon-bubble-videoconferencing:before {
80   content: "\ec7b";
81 }
82 .icon-bubble-videoconferencingL:before {
83   content: "\ec7c";
84 }
85 .icon-bubble-voicemailmessage:before {
86   content: "\ec7d";
87 }
88 .icon-bubble-voicemailmessageL:before {
89   content: "\ec7e";
90 }
91 .icon-bubble-webconferencing:before {
92   content: "\ec7f";
93 }
94 .icon-bubble-webconferencingL:before {
95   content: "\ec80";
96 }