Changed the Style of GUI
[holmes/rule-management.git] / rulemgt-frontend / src / assets / framework / browser / style / icon-places.css
1 /*! Global styles - v1.4.8 - Last updated: 2016-10-12. Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Services, Inc.*/
2 @font-face {
3   font-family: 'icoLocation';
4   src: url('fonts/font-icons/icon-places.eot?timestamp=@@timestamp');
5   src: url('fonts/font-icons/icon-places.eot?timestamp=@@timestamp#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('fonts/font-icons/icon-places.woff2?timestamp=@@timestamp') format('woff2'), url('fonts/font-icons/icon-places.woff?timestamp=@@timestamp') format('woff'), url('fonts/font-icons/icon-places.ttf?timestamp=@@timestamp') format('truetype');
6   font-weight: normal;
7   font-style: normal;
8 }
9 [class*="icon-location-"] {
10   font-family: 'icoLocation' !important;
11 }
12 .icon-location-global:before {
13   content: "\e900";
14 }
15 .icon-location-globalL:before {
16   content: "\e901";
17 }
18 .icon-location-minus:before {
19   content: "\e902";
20 }
21 .icon-location-minusL:before {
22   content: "\e903";
23 }
24 .icon-location-plus:before {
25   content: "\e904";
26 }
27 .icon-location-plusL:before {
28   content: "\e905";
29 }
30 .icon-location-map:before {
31   content: "\e906";
32 }
33 .icon-location-mapL:before {
34   content: "\e907";
35 }
36 .icon-location-pinpoint:before {
37   content: "\e908";
38 }
39 .icon-location-pinpointL:before {
40   content: "\e909";
41 }
42 .icon-location-pointsofinterest:before {
43   content: "\e90a";
44 }
45 .icon-location-pointsofinterestL:before {
46   content: "\e90b";
47 }
48 .icon-location-position:before {
49   content: "\e90c";
50 }
51 .icon-location-positionL:before {
52   content: "\e90d";
53 }
54 .icon-location-unitedstates:before {
55   content: "\e90e";
56 }
57 .icon-location-unitedstatesL:before {
58   content: "\e90f";
59 }
60 .icon-location-addgeofence:before {
61   content: "\e910";
62 }
63 .icon-location-edit:before {
64   content: "\e911";
65 }
66 .icon-location-editmap:before {
67   content: "\e912";
68 }
69 .icon-location-geofence:before {
70   content: "\e913";
71 }
72 .icon-location-terrain:before {
73   content: "\e914";
74 }