Correct unit test ordering dependency
[dmaap/dbcapi.git] / pom.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
3         xsi:schemaLocation="">
4         <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
5         <groupId>org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi</groupId>
6         <artifactId>dbcapi</artifactId>
7         <version>${artifact.version}</version>
8         <name>dmaap-dbcapi</name>
9         <parent>
10                 <groupId>org.onap.oparent</groupId>
11                 <artifactId>oparent</artifactId>
12                 <version>0.1.1</version>
13                 <relativePath />
14         </parent>
15         <build>
16                 <finalName>dbcapi</finalName>
17                 <resources>
18                         <resource>
19                                 <directory>src/main/java/org/onap/dmaap/dbcapi/logging</directory>
20                         </resource>
21                         <resource>
22                                 <directory>src/main/resources</directory>
23                         </resource>
24                 </resources>
25                 <plugins>
26                         <!-- reference: -->
27                         <plugin>
28                                 <groupId>com.github.kongchen</groupId>
29                                 <artifactId>swagger-maven-plugin</artifactId>
30                                 <version>3.1.5</version>
31                                 <configuration>
32                                         <apiSources>
33                                                 <apiSource>
34                                                         <springmvc>false</springmvc>
35                                                         <locations>
36                                                                 <location>org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi.resources</location>
37                                                         </locations>
38                                                         <schemes>
39                                                                 <scheme>http</scheme>
40                                                                 <scheme>https</scheme>
41                                                         </schemes>
42                                                         <host>www.[host]:[port]</host>
43                                                         <basePath>/webapi</basePath>
44                                                         <info>
45                                                                 <title>DMaaP Bus Controller REST API</title>
46                                                                 <version>1.1.0</version>
47                                                                 <description>
48                                                                         provides an API for OpenDCAE components which need to provision
49                                                                         underlying DMaaP technologies (Data Router and Message Router).
50                                                                         Primary clients for this API are anticipated to be the OpenDCAE
51                                                                         Controller, OpenDCAE Orchestrator, OpenDCAE Inventory and the
52                                                                         ECOMP Portal.
54                                                                         Objects managed by DMaaP are deployed in a dcaeLocation which is a
55                                                                         unique identifier for an OpenStack tenant for a dcaeLayer,
56                                                                         opendcae-central (aka ecomp) or opendcae-local-ntc (aka edge).
58                                                                         A dcaeEnvironment (e.g. FTL or prod) has a single DMaaP. A
59                                                                         DMaaP is managed by a one or more stateless DMaaP Bus
60                                                                         Controller(s), though Bus Controller relies on PGaaS for
61                                                                         persistence. Each DMaaP has a single instance of Data Router,
62                                                                         which has 1 or more DR_Nodes deployed at each dcaeLocation. DR
63                                                                         Clients of type DR_Pub generally publish to a DR_Node that is
64                                                                         local to its dcaeLocation. Routing for a Feed is determined by
65                                                                         the dcaelocation of its DR_Sub clients.
67                                                                         A DMaaP may have many Message Router instances. Each instance is
68                                                                         deployed as an MR_Cluster. One MR_Cluster is deployed at each
69                                                                         dcaeLocation. MR_Clients generally communicate to the
70                                                                         MR_Cluster at the same dcaeLocation. Replication of messages
71                                                                         between MR_Clusters is accomplished by MR Bridge, which is
72                                                                         provioned by DMaaP Bus Controller based on Topic attributes.
74                                                                         Therefore, the role of DMaaP Bus Controller is to support other
75                                                                         DCAE infrastructure components to dynamically provision DMaaP
76                                                                         services on behalf of DMaaP clients, and to assist in any
77                                                                         management or discovery activity of its clients.
79                                                                         A convention of this API is to return JSON responses per
80                                                                         OpenStack style.
81                                                                 </description>
82                                                                 <termsOfService>
84                                                                 </termsOfService>
85                                                                 <contact>
86                                                                         <url></url>
87                                                                 </contact>
88                                                                 <license>
89                                                                         <url></url>
90                                                                         <name>Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0</name>
91                                                                 </license>
92                                                         </info>
93                                                         <swaggerDirectory>target/generated-sources/</swaggerDirectory>
94                                                 </apiSource>
95                                         </apiSources>
96                                 </configuration>
97                                 <executions>
98                                         <execution>
99                                                 <phase>compile</phase>
100                                                 <goals>
101                                                         <goal>generate</goal>
102                                                 </goals>
103                                         </execution>
104                                 </executions>
105                         </plugin>
107                         <!-- for Staging -->
108             <plugin>
109                 <groupId>org.sonatype.plugins</groupId>
110                 <artifactId>nexus-staging-maven-plugin</artifactId>
111                 <version>1.6.7</version>
112                 <extensions>true</extensions>
113                 <configuration>
114                     <serverId>ecomp-staging</serverId>
115                     <nexusUrl>${nexusproxy}</nexusUrl>
116                     <stagingProfileId>176c31dfe190a</stagingProfileId>
117                 </configuration>
118             </plugin>
121                 <!-- for Distribution Managment -->
122                 <plugin>
123                   <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
124                   <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
125                   <version>3.6</version>
126                   <dependencies>
127                         <dependency>
128                           <groupId>org.apache.maven.wagon</groupId>
129                           <artifactId>wagon-webdav-jackrabbit</artifactId>
130                           <version>2.10</version>
131                         </dependency>
132                   </dependencies>
133                 </plugin>
135                 </plugins>
136                 <pluginManagement>
137                         <plugins>
138                                 <!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings 
139                                         only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
140                                 <plugin>
141                                         <groupId>org.eclipse.m2e</groupId>
142                                         <artifactId>lifecycle-mapping</artifactId>
143                                         <version>1.0.0</version>
144                                         <configuration>
145                                                 <lifecycleMappingMetadata>
146                                                         <pluginExecutions>
147                                                                 <pluginExecution>
148                                                                         <pluginExecutionFilter>
149                                                                                 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
150                                                                                 <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
151                                                                                 <versionRange>[2.10,)</versionRange>
152                                                                                 <goals>
153                                                                                         <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>
154                                                                                 </goals>
155                                                                         </pluginExecutionFilter>
156                                                                         <action>
157                                                                                 <ignore />
158                                                                         </action>
159                                                                 </pluginExecution>
160                                                         </pluginExecutions>
161                                                 </lifecycleMappingMetadata>
162                                         </configuration>
163                                 </plugin>
164                         </plugins>
165                 </pluginManagement>
166         </build>
167         <dependencyManagement>
168                 <dependencies>
169                         <dependency>
170                                 <groupId>org.glassfish.jersey</groupId>
171                                 <artifactId>jersey-bom</artifactId>
172                                 <version>${jersey.version}</version>
173                                 <type>pom</type>
174                                 <scope>import</scope>
175                         </dependency>
176                 </dependencies>
177         </dependencyManagement>
178         <dependencies>
179                 <dependency>
180                         <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
181                         <artifactId>jackson-annotations</artifactId>
182                         <version>${jackson.version}</version>
183                 </dependency>
184                 <dependency>
185                         <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
186                         <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>
187 <!-- for DMAAP-205, a point release on the common version
188          addresses a security issue.  Note the add notation here
189   -->
190                         <version>${jackson.version}.1</version>
191                 </dependency>
192                 <dependency>
193                         <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat</groupId>
194                         <artifactId>jackson-dataformat-yaml</artifactId>
195                         <version>${jackson.version}</version>
196                 </dependency>
197                 <dependency>
198                         <groupId>ch.qos.logback</groupId>
199                         <artifactId>logback-core</artifactId>
200                         <version>1.2.0</version>
201                 </dependency>
202                 <dependency>
203                         <groupId>ch.qos.logback</groupId>
204                         <artifactId>logback-classic</artifactId>
205                         <version>1.2.0</version>
206                 </dependency>
207                 <dependency>
208                         <groupId>io.swagger</groupId>
209                         <artifactId>swagger-core</artifactId>
210                         <version>1.5.13</version>
211                 </dependency>
212                 <dependency>
213                         <groupId>io.swagger</groupId>
214                         <artifactId>swagger-jersey2-jaxrs</artifactId>
215                         <version>1.5.13</version>
216                 </dependency>
217                 <dependency>
218                         <groupId>io.swagger</groupId>
219                         <artifactId>swagger-annotations</artifactId>
220                         <version>1.5.13</version>
221                 </dependency>
222                 <dependency>
223                         <groupId>org.glassfish.jersey.containers</groupId>
224                         <artifactId>jersey-container-servlet-core</artifactId>
225                         <!-- use the following artifactId if you don't need servlet 2.x compatibility -->
226                         <!-- artifactId>jersey-container-servlet</artifactId -->
227                 </dependency>
228                 <dependency>
229                         <groupId></groupId>
230                         <artifactId>jersey-media-moxy</artifactId>
231                 </dependency>
232                 <dependency>
233                         <groupId>log4j</groupId>
234                         <artifactId>log4j</artifactId>
235                         <version>1.2.17</version>
236                 </dependency>
237                 <dependency>
238                         <groupId>org.eclipse.jetty</groupId>
239                         <artifactId>jetty-server</artifactId>
240                         <version>${jettyVersion}</version>
241                 </dependency>
242                 <dependency>
243                         <groupId>org.eclipse.jetty</groupId>
244                         <artifactId>jetty-servlet</artifactId>
245                         <version>${jettyVersion}</version>
246                         <scope>compile</scope>
247                 </dependency>
248                 <dependency>
249                         <groupId>org.eclipse.jetty</groupId>
250                         <artifactId>jetty-servlets</artifactId>
251                         <version>${jettyVersion}</version>
252                         <scope>compile</scope>
253                 </dependency>
254                 <!-- -->
255                 <dependency>
256                         <groupId>com.googlecode.json-simple</groupId>
257                         <artifactId>json-simple</artifactId>
258                         <version>1.1.1</version>
259                 </dependency>
260                 <dependency>
261                         <groupId>commons-codec</groupId>
262                         <artifactId>commons-codec</artifactId>
263                         <version>1.6</version>
264                 </dependency>
265                 <!-- -->
266                 <dependency>
267                         <groupId>org.postgresql</groupId>
268                         <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId>
269                         <version>9.4.1208.jre7</version>
270                 </dependency>
271                 <dependency>
272                         <groupId>com.att.eelf</groupId>
273                         <artifactId>eelf-core</artifactId>
274                         <version>${eelf.version}</version>
275                 </dependency>
276                 <dependency>
277                         <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId>
278                         <artifactId>slf4j-api</artifactId>
279                         <version>1.7.22</version>
280                 </dependency>
281                 <dependency>
282                         <groupId>org.glassfish.jersey.test-framework.providers</groupId>
283                         <!-- use this if compatibility issues with jetty artifactId:
284                         <artifactId>jersey-test-framework-provider-jetty</artifactId>
285                 <version>${jersey.version}</version>
286                         -->
287                         <artifactId>jersey-test-framework-provider-jdk-http</artifactId>
288                 <version>2.22.1</version>
289                 </dependency>
290                 <dependency>
291                 <groupId>org.glassfish.jersey.inject</groupId>
292                 <artifactId>jersey-hk2</artifactId>
293                 </dependency>
294         </dependencies>
295         <reporting>
296                 <plugins>
297                         <plugin>
298                                 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
299                                 <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
300                                 <version>2.10.4</version>
301                                 <configuration>
302                                         <failOnError>false</failOnError>
303                                         <doclet>org.umlgraph.doclet.UmlGraphDoc</doclet>
304                                         <docletArtifact>
305                                                 <groupId>org.umlgraph</groupId>
306                                                 <artifactId>umlgraph</artifactId>
307                                                 <version>5.6</version>
308                                         </docletArtifact>
309                                         <additionalparam>-views</additionalparam>
310                                         <useStandardDocletOptions>true</useStandardDocletOptions>
311                                 </configuration>
312                         </plugin>
313                 </plugins>
314         </reporting>
315         <distributionManagement>
316                 <site>
317                         <id>ecomp-site</id>
318                         <url>dav:${nexusproxy}${sitePath}</url>
319                 </site>
320         </distributionManagement>
321         <properties>
322             <jackson.version>2.8.11</jackson.version>
323                 <jersey.version>2.26</jersey.version>
324                 <>UTF-8</>
325                 <jettyVersion>9.3.9.v20160517</jettyVersion> 
326                 <eelf.version>0.0.1</eelf.version>
327                 <artifact.version>1.0.2-SNAPSHOT</artifact.version>
328                 <!-- SONAR -->
329                 <jacoco.version></jacoco.version>
330                 <sonar-jacoco-listeners.version>3.2</sonar-jacoco-listeners.version>
331                 <sonar.core.codeCoveragePlugin>jacoco</sonar.core.codeCoveragePlugin>
332                 <!-- Default Sonar configuration -->
333                 <sonar.jacoco.reportPath>target/code-coverage/jacoco-ut.exec</sonar.jacoco.reportPath>
334                 <sonar.jacoco.itReportPath>target/code-coverage/jacoco-it.exec</sonar.jacoco.itReportPath>
335                 <!-- Note: This list should match jacoco-maven-plugin's exclusion list 
336                         below -->
337                 <sonar.exclusions>**/gen/**,**/generated-sources/**,**/yang-gen**,**/pax/**</sonar.exclusions>
339                 <!-- for Distribution Management -->
340                 <sitePath>/content/sites/site/org/onap/dmaap/buscontroller/${artifact.version}</sitePath>
341                 <nexusproxy></nexusproxy>
342         </properties>
343         <description>Data Movement as a Platform (DMaaP) Bus Controller provides a REST API for other DCAE infrastructure components to provision DMaaP resources.  A DMaaP resource is a Data Router Feed or a Message Router Topic, and their associated publishers and subscribers.</description>
344 </project>