[demo.git] / tutorials / ApacheCNF / service_config.yaml
1 # ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
2 # Copyright (C) 2022 Orange
3 # ================================================================================
4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 #
8 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 #
10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
15 #
16 # ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
17 user_params:
18   cnf_name: &cnf_name apache
19   k8s_namespace: test-cnf
20   k8s_version: 1.18.9
21   k8s_region: &region cnf-region
22   release_name: rel-1
23 #  profile_source: cnf-cds-base-profile
24   profile_source: node-port-profile
25   skip_day_2: &skip_day_2 True
27 cloud_regions:
28   - name: *region
29     cloud_owner: K8sCloudOwner
30     cloud_type: k8s
31     complex_id: k8s-complex1
32     tenants:
33       - name: &tenant  "{{ user_params.k8s_region }}-tenant"
34         k8s_version: "{{ user_params.k8s_version }}"
35     kubeconfig_file: artifacts/kubeconfig
36 # - name: openstack-region-test
37 #   cloud_owner: CloudOwner
38 #   cloud_type: openstack
39 #   complex_id: complex1
40 #   tenants:
41 #     - name: &my_tenant1 onap-dev
42 #       id: 5117085204e84027a8d1a0cf34abb0ba
43 #   identity_url: http://test:5000/v4
44 #   mso_id: test_user
45 #   mso_pass: test_encrypted_password
46 #   identity_server_type: KEYSTONE_V3
48 service_model:
49   macro_orchestration: True
50   model_name: &service_model_name "{{ user_params.cnf_name }}_{{ user_params.skip_day_2 }}_k8s_cnf_demo"
51   vnfs:
52     - model_name: &vnf_1_model_name "{{ user_params.cnf_name }}"
53       vsp:
54         vsp_file: vsp/native_cnf_k8s_demo.zip
55         vendor: cnf_vendor
56         sdnc_artifact_name: vnf
57         skip_post_instantiation_configuration: *skip_day_2
58 #  pnfs:
59 #    - model_name: pnf_example
60 #      vsp:
61 #        vsp_file: vsp/pnf_package.csar
62 #        vendor: pnf_vendor
63 #        skip_post_instantiation_configuration: False
66 service_instance:
67   model_name: *service_model_name
68   instance_name: I_{{ service_model.model_name }}_{{ user_params.release_name }}
69   customer_id: orange
70   cloud_region: *region # "{{ cloud_regions[0].name }}"
71   tenant_name: *tenant  # "{{ cloud_regions[0].tenants[0].name }}"
72   service_type: *cnf_name
73   vnfs:
74     - model_name: *vnf_1_model_name
75       #vnf_name_suffix: "001" #needed when more than one vnf instance
76       parameters:
77         k8s-rb-profile-namespace: "{{ user_params.k8s_namespace }}"
78         k8s-rb-profile-k8s-version: "{{ user_params.k8s_version }}"
79       processing_priority: 1 # may be used to order vnf deployment
80       vf_modules:
81         - model_name: helm_apache
82           vf_module_name_suffix: "001"
83           processing_priority: 1 # may be used to order vf-module deployment
84           parameters:
85             k8s-rb-profile-name: "{{ user_params.profile_source }}-{{ user_params.k8s_namespace }}"
86             k8s-rb-profile-source: "{{ user_params.profile_source }}"
87             k8s-rb-instance-release-name: "{{ user_params.release_name }}"
88             k8s-rb-profile-namespace: "{{ user_params.k8s_namespace }}"
89             k8s-rb-config-template-name: replica-count-template
90             k8s-rb-config-template-source: deployment-config
91             k8s-rb-config-name: replica-count-change
92             k8s-rb-config-value-source: custom-values
93 #  pnfs:
94 #    - model_name: pnf_example