Helm-generator - seedcode delivery for helm chart generation tool from component...
[dcaegen2/platform.git] / mod2 / helm-generator / helmchartgenerator-cli / src / test / input / specs / invalidSpecNoHelm.json
1 {
2   "self": {
3     "version": "1.8.0",
4     "name": "dcae-ves-collector",
5     "description": "Collector for receiving VES events through restful interface",
6     "component_type": "docker"
7   },
8   "streams": {
9     "subscribes": [],
10     "publishes": [
11       {
12         "format": "VES_specification",
13         "version": "5.28.4",
14         "type": "message router",
15         "config_key": "ves-fault"
16       },
17       {
18         "format": "VES_specification",
19         "version": "5.28.4",
20         "type": "message router",
21         "config_key": "ves-measurement"
22       },
23       {
24         "format": "VES_specification",
25         "version": "5.28.4",
26         "type": "message router",
27         "config_key": "ves-syslog"
28       },
29       {
30         "format": "VES_specification",
31         "version": "5.28.4",
32         "type": "message router",
33         "config_key": "ves-heartbeat"
34       },
35       {
36         "format": "VES_specification",
37         "version": "7.30.2",
38         "type": "message router",
39         "config_key": "ves-other"
40       },
41       {
42         "format": "VES_specification",
43         "version": "5.28.4",
44         "type": "message router",
45         "config_key": "ves-mobileflow"
46       },
47       {
48         "format": "VES_specification",
49         "version": "5.28.4",
50         "type": "message router",
51         "config_key": "ves-statechange"
52       },
53       {
54         "format": "VES_specification",
55         "version": "5.28.4",
56         "type": "message router",
57         "config_key": "ves-thresholdCrossingAlert"
58       },
59       {
60         "format": "VES_specification",
61         "version": "5.28.4",
62         "type": "message router",
63         "config_key": "ves-voicequality"
64       },
65       {
66         "format": "VES_specification",
67         "version": "5.28.4",
68         "type": "message router",
69         "config_key": "ves-sipsignaling"
70       },
71       {
72         "format": "VES_specification",
73         "version": "7.30.2",
74         "type": "message router",
75         "config_key": "ves-pnfRegistration"
76       },
77       {
78         "format": "VES_specification",
79         "version": "7.30.2",
80         "type": "message router",
81         "config_key": "ves-notification"
82       },
83       {
84         "format": "VES_specification",
85         "version": "7.30.2",
86         "type": "message router",
87         "config_key": "ves-perf3gpp"
88       },
89       {
90         "format": "VES_specification",
91         "version": "7.30.2",
92         "type": "message router",
93         "config_key": "ves-3gpp-fault-supervision"
94       },
95       {
96         "format": "VES_specification",
97         "version": "7.30.2",
98         "type": "message router",
99         "config_key": "ves-3gpp-provisioning"
100       },
101       {
102         "format": "VES_specification",
103         "version": "7.30.2",
104         "type": "message router",
105         "config_key": "ves-3gpp-heartbeat"
106       },
107       {
108         "format": "VES_specification",
109         "version": "7.30.2",
110         "type": "message router",
111         "config_key": "ves-3gpp-performance-assurance"
112       }
113     ]
114   },
115   "services": {
116     "calls": [],
117     "provides": [
118       {
119         "route": "/eventListener/v1",
120         "verb": "POST",
121         "request": {
122           "format": "VES_specification",
123           "version": "4.27.2"
124         },
125         "response": {
126           "format": "ves.coll.response",
127           "version": "1.0.0"
128         }
129       },
130       {
131         "route": "/eventListener/v2",
132         "verb": "POST",
133         "request": {
134           "format": "VES_specification",
135           "version": "4.27.2"
136         },
137         "response": {
138           "format": "ves.coll.response",
139           "version": "1.0.0"
140         }
141       },
142       {
143         "route": "/eventListener/v3",
144         "verb": "POST",
145         "request": {
146           "format": "VES_specification",
147           "version": "4.27.2"
148         },
149         "response": {
150           "format": "ves.coll.response",
151           "version": "1.0.0"
152         }
153       },
154       {
155         "route": "/eventListener/v4",
156         "verb": "POST",
157         "request": {
158           "format": "VES_specification",
159           "version": "4.27.2"
160         },
161         "response": {
162           "format": "ves.coll.response",
163           "version": "1.0.0"
164         }
165       },
166       {
167         "route": "/eventListener/v5",
168         "verb": "POST",
169         "request": {
170           "format": "VES_specification",
171           "version": "5.28.4"
172         },
173         "response": {
174           "format": "ves.coll.response",
175           "version": "1.0.0"
176         }
177       },
178       {
179         "route": "/eventListener/v7",
180         "verb": "POST",
181         "request": {
182           "format": "VES_specification",
183           "version": "7.30.2"
184         },
185         "response": {
186           "format": "ves.coll.response",
187           "version": "1.0.0"
188         }
189       }
190     ]
191   },
192   "parameters": [
193     {
194       "name": "streams_publishes",
195       "value": {
196         "ves-fault": {
197           "dmaap_info": {
198             "topic_url": "http://message-router:3904/events/unauthenticated.SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT"
199           },
200           "type": "message_router"
201         }
202       },
203       "description": "standard http port collector will open for listening;",
204       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
205       "policy_editable": false,
206       "designer_editable": false
207     }
208   ,
209     {
210       "name": "collector.service.port",
211       "value": 8080,
212       "description": "standard http port collector will open for listening;",
213       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
214       "policy_editable": false,
215       "designer_editable": false
216     },
217     {
218       "name": "collector.service.secure.port",
219       "value": 8443,
220       "description": "secure http port collector will open for listening ",
221       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
222       "policy_editable": false,
223       "designer_editable": true
224     },
225     {
226       "name": "collector.keystore.file.location",
227       "value": "/opt/app/dcae-certificate/cert.jks",
228       "description": "fs location of keystore file in vm",
229       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
230       "policy_editable": false,
231       "designer_editable": false
232     },
233     {
234       "name": "collector.keystore.passwordfile",
235       "value": "/opt/app/dcae-certificate/jks.pass",
236       "description": "location of keystore password file in vm",
237       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
238       "policy_editable": false,
239       "designer_editable": false
240     },
241     {
242       "name": "collector.truststore.file.location",
243       "value": "/opt/app/dcae-certificate/trust.jks",
244       "description": "fs location of truststore file in vm",
245       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
246       "policy_editable": false,
247       "designer_editable": false
248     },
249     {
250       "name": "collector.truststore.passwordfile",
251       "value": "/opt/app/dcae-certificate/trust.pass",
252       "description": "location of truststore password file in vm",
253       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
254       "policy_editable": false,
255       "designer_editable": false
256     },
257     {
258       "name": "collector.dmaap.streamid",
259       "value": "fault=ves-fault|syslog=ves-syslog|heartbeat=ves-heartbeat|measurementsForVfScaling=ves-measurement|mobileFlow=ves-mobileflow|other=ves-other|stateChange=ves-statechange|thresholdCrossingAlert=ves-thresholdCrossingAlert|voiceQuality=ves-voicequality|sipSignaling=ves-sipsignaling|notification=ves-notification|pnfRegistration=ves-pnfRegistration|3GPP-FaultSupervision=ves-3gpp-fault-supervision|3GPP-Heartbeat=ves-3gpp-heartbeat|3GPP-Provisioning=ves-3gpp-provisioning|3GPP-PerformanceAssurance=ves-3gpp-performance-assurance",
260       "description": "domain-to-streamid mapping used by VESCollector to distributes events based on domain. Both primary and secondary config_key are included for resilency (multiple streamid can be included commma separated). The streamids MUST match to topic config_keys. For single site without resiliency deployment - configkeys with -secondary suffix can be removed",
261       "sourced_at_deployment": true,
262       "policy_editable": false,
263       "designer_editable": false
264     },
265     {
266       "name": "auth.method",
267       "value": "noAuth",
268       "description": "Property to manage application mode, possible configurations: noAuth - default option - no security (http) , certOnly - auth by certificate (https), basicAuth - auth by basic auth username and password (https),certBasicAuth - auth by certificate and basic auth username / password (https),",
269       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
270       "policy_editable": false,
271       "designer_editable": false
272     },
273     {
274       "name": "header.authlist",
275       "value": "sample1,$2a$10$pgjaxDzSuc6XVFEeqvxQ5u90DKJnM/u7TJTcinAlFJVaavXMWf/Zi|userid1,$2a$10$61gNubgJJl9lh3nvQvY9X.x4e5ETWJJ7ao7ZhJEvmfJigov26Z6uq|userid2,$2a$10$G52y/3uhuhWAMy.bx9Se8uzWinmbJa.dlm1LW6bYPdPkkywLDPLiy",
276       "description": "List of id and base 64 encoded password.For each onboarding VNF - unique userid and password should be assigned and communicated to VNF owner. Password value should be base64 encoded in config here",
277       "policy_editable": false,
278       "sourced_at_deployment": true,
279       "designer_editable": true
280     },
281     {
282       "name": "collector.schema.checkflag",
283       "value": 1,
284       "description": "Schema check validation flag. When enabled, collector will validate input VES events against VES Schema defined on collector.schema.file ",
285       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
286       "policy_editable": false,
287       "designer_editable": false
288     },
289     {
290       "name": "collector.schema.file",
291       "value": "{\"v1\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_27.2.json\",\"v2\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_27.2.json\",\"v3\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_27.2.json\",\"v4\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_27.2.json\",\"v5\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_28.4.1.json\",\"v7\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_30.2.1_ONAP.json\"}",
292       "description": "VES schema file name per version used for validation",
293       "designer_editable": true,
294       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
295       "policy_editable": false
296     },
297     {
298       "name": "event.transform.flag",
299       "value": 1,
300       "description": "flag to enable tranformation rules defined under eventTransform.json; this is applicable when event tranformation rules preset should be activated for transforming <VES5.4 events to 5.4",
301       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
302       "policy_editable": false,
303       "designer_editable": false
304     },
305     {
306       "name": "tomcat.maxthreads",
307       "value": "200",
308       "description": "Tomcat control for concurrent request",
309       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
310       "policy_editable": false,
311       "designer_editable": false
312     },
313     {
314       "name": "collector.externalSchema.checkflag",
315       "value": 1,
316       "description": "Schema stndDefined validation flag. When enabled, collector will validate stndDefined fields in stndDefined domain events against mapped local schemas listed in file from property collector.externalSchema.mappingFileLocation.",
317       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
318       "policy_editable": false,
319       "designer_editable": true
320     },
321     {
322       "name": "collector.externalSchema.schemasLocation",
323       "value": "./etc/externalRepo/",
324       "description": "External schemas repository. Path to schemas storage directory.",
325       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
326       "policy_editable": false,
327       "designer_editable": false
328     },
329     {
330       "name": "collector.externalSchema.mappingFileLocation",
331       "value": "./etc/externalRepo/schema-map.json",
332       "description": "Path to JSON file containing mapping of externally located stndDefined schemas to local schema files.",
333       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
334       "policy_editable": false,
335       "designer_editable": false
336     },
337     {
338       "name": "event.externalSchema.schemaRefPath",
339       "value": "$.event.stndDefinedFields.schemaReference",
340       "description": "An internal path from validated JSON. Defines which field is taken as public schema reference, which is later mapped.",
341       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
342       "policy_editable": false,
343       "designer_editable": false
344     },
345     {
346       "name": "event.externalSchema.stndDefinedDataPath",
347       "value": "$.event.stndDefinedFields.data",
348       "description": "An internal path from validated JSON. Defines which field of event will be validated during stndDefined validation.",
349       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
350       "policy_editable": false,
351       "designer_editable": false
352     },
353     {
354       "name": "collector.description.api.version.location",
355       "value": "etc/api_version_description.json",
356       "description": "Path to the file containing description of api versions",
357       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
358       "policy_editable": false,
359       "designer_editable": false
360     }
361   ],
362   "auxilary": {
363     "healthcheck": {
364       "type": "http",
365       "interval": 15,
366       "timeout": 1,
367       "endpoint": "/healthcheck",
368       "port": 8080,
369       "initialDelaySeconds": 5
370     },
371     "volumes": [{
372       "config_volume": {
373         "name": "dcae-external-repo-configmap-schema-map"
374       },
375       "container": {
376         "bind": "/opt/app/VESCollector/etc/externalRepo/"
377       }
378     }, {
379       "config_volume": {
380         "name": "dcae-external-repo-configmap-sa88-rel16"
381       },
382       "container": {
383         "bind": "/opt/app/VESCollector/etc/externalRepo/3gpp/rep/sa5/MnS/blob/SA88-Rel16/OpenAPI/"
384       }
385     }],
386     "ports": [
387       "8080:0",
388       "8443:0"
389     ],
390     "log_info": {
391       "log_directory": "/opt/app/VESCollector/logs/"
392     },
393     "tls_info":{
394       "cert_directory":"/opt/app/dcae-certificate/",
395       "use_tls": true,
396       "use_external_tls": true
397     }
398   },
399   "policy_info":{
400     "policy":[
401       {
402         "node_label":"tca_policy_00",
403         "policy_model_id":"onap.policies.monitoring.cdap.tca.hi.lo.app",
404         "policy_id":"tca_policy_id_10"
405       },
406       {
407         "node_label":"tca_policy_11",
408         "policy_id":"tca_policy_id_11",
409         "policy_model_id":"onap.policies.monitoring.cdap.tca.hi.lo.app"
410       }
411     ]
412   },
413   "artifacts": [
414     {
415       "type": "docker image",
416       "uri": "nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.ves.vescollector:latest"
417     }
418   ]
419 }