Updated Sparky to add ECOMP functionality Browse, Specialized Search, BYOQ, and the...
[aai/sparky-fe.git] / src / generic-components / filter / components / SelectFilter.jsx
1 /*
2  * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
3  * org.onap.aai
4  * ================================================================================
5  * Copyright © 2017-2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
6  * ================================================================================
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
19  */
21 import React, {Component} from 'react';
22 import DropdownButton from 'react-bootstrap/lib/DropdownButton';
23 import MenuItem from 'react-bootstrap/lib/MenuItem';
25 class SelectFilter extends Component {
26         constructor(props) {
27                 console.log('SelectFilter props',props);
28         super(props);
29         this.props = props;
30         this.state = {dropdownIsOpen : false, isInitialize: true}
31     }    
32     componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {
33         console.log('next props componentWillReceiveProps>>>>>>>',nextProps);
34         console.log('tihs props componentWillReceiveProps>>>>>>>',this.props);
35         if(this.state.isInitialize || this.props.id !== nextProps.id){       
36             this.props=nextProps;
37             this.setState({isInitialize:false},()=>{this.updateDropDownState();});                 
38         }
39         console.log('this.state under Update>>>>>',this.state);
40     }
42     handleDropdownValues = (props) => {
43         const listItems = Object.keys(props.filterList).map((filter,index) => {
44           let filterValue=(props.filterList[index].value)?props.filterList[index].value:props.filterList[index];
45           let description=(props.filterList[index].description)?props.filterList[index].description:'';
46           return(    
47               <MenuItem eventKey={index} key={index} title={description}>{filterValue}</MenuItem>
48           );
49         }); 
50         console.log('listItems',listItems); 
51         return (    
52           listItems
53         );
54     };    
55     toggleDropdown = () => {
56         console.log('toggleDropdown>>>>>',this.state.dropdownIsOpen);
57         this.setState({ dropdownIsOpen: !this.state.dropdownIsOpen },()=>{this.updateDropDownState();});
58     };
59     updateDropDownState = () =>{
60         console.log('updateDropDownState',this.state.dropdownIsOpen);
61         //document.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));dropdownIsOpen
62         let id=(this.props.id)? 'dropdown-root-'+this.props.id :'dropdown-root-1'
63         if(this.state.dropdownIsOpen){
64             document.getElementById(id).getElementsByClassName('dropdown-menu')[0].style.display='block';
65         }else{
66             document.getElementById(id).getElementsByClassName('dropdown-menu')[0].style.display='none';
67         }                
68     }
69     handleSelect(eventKey, event) {
70        Object.keys(this.props.filterList).map((filter,index) => {
71            if(eventKey === index){
72                 let filterValue=(this.props.filterList[index].value)?this.props.filterList[index].value:this.props.filterList[index];
73                 this.props.onMenuSelect(filterValue,this.props.id)
74            }        
75        });    
76     }
77     render(){
78         if(this.state.isInitialize){
79             this.setState({isInitialize:false},()=>{this.updateDropDownState();});
80         }
81         return(
82             <div id={(this.props.id)? 'dropdown-root-'+this.props.id :'dropdown-root-1'}>
83                 <DropdownButton
84                     bsStyle='primary'
85                     title= {(this.props.selectedFilter)? this.props.selectedFilter: this.props.param.filterDisplay}
86                     key= '1'
87                     id={(this.props.id)? 'dropdown-basic-'+this.props.id :'dropdown-basic-1'} 
88                     className='dropdownButton'
89                     onToggle={this.toggleDropdown}
90                     onSelect={this.handleSelect.bind(this)}                    
91                     >
92                     { 
93                         this.handleDropdownValues(this.props)
94                     }           
95                 </DropdownButton>
96             </div>
97         );
98     }
99 }
100 export default SelectFilter;