Updated Sparky to add ECOMP functionality Browse, Specialized Search, BYOQ, and the...
[aai/sparky-fe.git] / src / app / assets / configuration / aai / InvList.json
1 {
2     "NODESERVER": false,
3     "PROXY": "proxy",
4     "PREFIX": "aai",
5     "VERSION": "v23",
6     "APERTURE": "aperture",
7     "APERTURE_SERVICENAME": "inquiry",
8     "IS_ONAP": true,
9     "USERGUIDE_URL": "",
10     "useStubs": false,
11     "TABULAR": "tabular",
12     "TABULARVERSION": "v1",
13     "animationIntervalMs": 5000,
14     "INVENTORYLIST": {               
16             "apiPath": "nodes/availability-zones",
17             "display": "Availability Zones",
18             "modelPath": "availabilityZones",
19             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-globe"
20         },       
21         "ACTIVITIES": {
22             "apiPath": "nodes/activities",
23             "display": "Activities",
24             "modelPath": "activities",
25             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
26         }, 
27         "AGGREGATEROUTES": {
28                 "apiPath": "nodes/aggregate-route",
29                 "display": "Aggregate Routes",
30                 "modelPath": "aggregateRoutes",
31             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-link"
32         },
34             "apiPath": "nodes/autonomous-systems",
35             "display": "Autonomous Systems",
36             "modelPath": "autonomousSystems",
37             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-desktop"
38         },  
39         "BGPGROUPS": {
40             "apiPath": "nodes/bgp-groups",
41             "display": "Bgp Groups",
42             "modelPath": "bgpGroups",
43             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
44         },
45         "BGPNEIGHBORS": {
46             "apiPath": "nodes/bgp-neighbors",
47             "display": "Bgp Neighbors",
48             "modelPath": "bgpNeighbors",
49             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
50         },      
51         "CABLES": {
52             "apiPath": "nodes/cables",
53             "display": "Cables",
54             "modelPath": "cables",
55             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-link"
56         },
57         "COMPLEXES": {
58             "apiPath": "nodes/complexes",
59             "display": "Complexes",
60             "modelPath": "complexes",
61             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-building"
62         },
63         "CONFIGURATIONS": {
64             "apiPath": "nodes/configurations",
65             "display": "Configurations",
66             "modelPath": "configurations",
67             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-list-alt"
68         },
69         "CLOUDREGIONS": {
70             "apiPath": "nodes/cloud-regions",
71             "display": "Cloud Regions",
72             "modelPath": "cloudRegions",
73             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-cloud"
74         },
75         "CHASSIES": {
76             "apiPath": "nodes/chassies",
77             "display": "Chassies",
78             "modelPath": "chassies",
79             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
80         },        
81         "CARDS": {
82             "apiPath": "nodes/cards",
83             "display": "Cards",
84             "modelPath": "cards",
85             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-hdd-o"
86         },        
87         "CONTACTS": {
88             "apiPath": "nodes/contacts",
89             "display": "Contacts",
90             "modelPath": "contacts",
91             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-group"
92         },
93         "CUSTOMERS": {
94             "apiPath": "nodes/customers",
95             "display": "Customers",
96             "modelPath": "customers",
97             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-group"
98         },
99             "ENDPOINTS": {
100             "apiPath": "nodes/endpoints",
101             "display": "Endpoints",
102             "modelPath": "endpoints",
103             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-dot-circle-o"
104         },        
105         "GENERICVNFS": {
106             "apiPath": "nodes/generic-vnfs",
107             "display": "Generic Virtual Network Functions",
108             "modelPath": "genericVnfs",
109             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
110         },
111         "GEOREGIONS": {
112             "apiPath": "nodes/geo-region",
113             "display": "GeoRegions",
114             "modelPath": "geoRegions",
115             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-globe"
116         },        
117             "HARDWARECATALOGITEMS": {
118             "apiPath": "nodes/hardware-catalog-items",
119             "display": "Hardware Catalog Items",
120             "modelPath": "hardwareCatalogItems",
121             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
122         },
123         "HOSTAGGREGATES": {
124             "apiPath": "nodes/host-aggregates",
125             "display": "Host-Aggregates",
126             "modelPath": "hostAggregates",
127             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-cubes"
128         },
129             "INSTANCEGROUPS": {
130             "apiPath": "nodes/instance-groups",
131             "display": "Instance Groups",
132             "modelPath": "instanceGroups",
133             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-cubes"
134         },        
135         "LAGINTERFACES": {
136             "apiPath": "nodes/lag-interfaces",
137             "display": "Lag-Interfaces",
138             "modelPath": "lagInterfaces",
139             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-hdd-o"
140         },         
141         "LAGLINKS": {
142             "apiPath": "network/lag-links",
143             "display": "Line Aggregation Links",
144             "modelPath": "lagLinks",
145             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-exchange"
146         },        
147         "LINESOFBUSINESS": {
148             "apiPath": "nodes/lines-of-business",
149             "display": "Lines of Business",
150             "modelPath": "linesOfBusiness",
151             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
152         },
153         "LINTERFACES": {
154             "apiPath": "nodes/l-interfaces",
155             "display": "L-Interfaces",
156             "modelPath": "lInterfaces",
157             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-hdd-o"
158         },
159         "LOGICALLINKS": {
160             "apiPath": "nodes/logical-links",
161             "display": "Logical Links",
162             "modelPath": "logicalLinks",
163             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-exchange"
164         },        
165         "L3NETWORKS": {
166             "apiPath": "nodes/l3-networks",
167             "display": "L3 Networks",
168             "modelPath": "l3Networks",
169             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
170         },        
171         "MAPPINGS": {
172             "apiPath": "nodes/mappings",
173             "display": "Mappings",
174             "modelPath": "mappings",
175             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-code-fork"
176         },       
177         "OBJECTGROUPS": {
178             "apiPath": "nodes/object-groups",
179             "display": "Object Groups",
180             "modelPath": "objectGroups",
181             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-cubes"
182         },        
183         "OWNINGENTITIES": {
184             "apiPath": "nodes/owning-entities",
185             "display": "Owning Entities",
186             "modelPath": "owningEntities",
187             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-sitemap"
188         },        
189         "PDUS": {
190             "apiPath": "nodes/pdus",
191             "display": "Power Distribution Units",
192             "modelPath": "pdus",
193             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-flash"
194         },        
195         "PHYSICALLINKS": {
196             "apiPath": "nodes/physical-links",
197             "display": "Physical Links",
198             "modelPath": "physicalLinks",
199             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-exchange"
200         },
201         "PINTERFACES": {
202             "apiPath": "nodes/p-interfaces",
203             "display": "Physical Interface",
204             "modelPath": "pInterfaces",
205             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-hdd-o"
206         },
207         "PLUGGABLES": {
208             "apiPath": "nodes/pluggables",
209             "display": "Pluggables",
210             "modelPath": "pluggables",
211             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-plug"
212         },        
213         "PLATFORMS": {
214             "apiPath": "business/platforms",
215             "display": "Platforms",
216             "modelPath": "platforms",
217             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-connectdevelop"
218         },
219         "PNFS": {
220             "apiPath": "nodes/pnfs",
221             "display": "Physical Network Functions",
222             "modelPath": "pnfs",
223             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
224         },     
225         "POLICIES": {
226             "apiPath": "nodes/policies",
227             "display": "Policies",
228             "modelPath": "policies",
229             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-list-alt"
230         },
231         "PORTS": {
232             "apiPath": "nodes/ports",
233             "display": "Ports",
234             "modelPath": "ports",
235             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-dot-circle-o"
236         },      
237         "PROJECTS": {
238             "apiPath": "nodes/projects",
239             "display": "Projects",
240             "modelPath": "projects",
241             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-cubes"
242         },       
243         "PROFILES": {
244             "apiPath": "nodes/profiles",
245             "display": "Profiles",
246             "modelPath": "profiles",
247             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-list-alt"
248         },       
249         "PSERVERS": {
250             "apiPath": "nodes/pservers",
251             "display": "Physical Servers",
252             "modelPath": "pservers",
253             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
254         },
255         "RACKS": {
256             "apiPath": "nodes/racks",
257             "display": "Racks",
258             "modelPath": "racks",
259             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
260         },        
261         "RULES": {
262             "apiPath": "nodes/rules",
263             "display": "Rules",
264             "modelPath": "rules",
265             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-list-ol"
266         },  
267         "ROUTETARGETS": {
268             "apiPath": "nodes/route-targets",
269             "display": "Route Targets",
270             "modelPath": "routeTargets",
271             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
272         },       
274             "apiPath": "nodes/service-subscriptions",
275             "display": "Service Subscriptions",
276             "modelPath": "serviceSubscriptions",
277             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-newspaper-o"
278         },
279         "SERVICEINSTANCES": {
280             "apiPath": "nodes/service-instances",
281             "display": "Service Instances",
282             "modelPath": "serviceInstances",
283             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-list-alt"
284         },        
285         "SUBNETS": {
286             "apiPath": "nodes/subnets",
287             "display": "Subnets",
288             "modelPath": "subnets",
289             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-share-alt"
290         },
291         "TENANTS": {
292             "apiPath": "nodes/tenants",
293             "display": "Tenants",
294             "modelPath": "tenants",
295             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-cloud"
296         },                  
297         "VCES": {
298             "apiPath": "network/vces",
299             "display": "Virtual Customer Edge Routers",
300             "modelPath": "vces",
301             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-cloud"
302         },          
303         "VFMODULES": {
304             "apiPath": "nodes/vf-modules",
305             "display": "Virtual Function Modules",
306             "modelPath": "vfModules",
307             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-cloud"
308         },       
310             "apiPath": "cloud-infrastructure/virtual-data-centers",
311             "display": "Virtual Data Centers",
312             "modelPath": "virtualDataCenters",
313             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-cloud"
314         },
315         "VLANTAGS": {
316             "apiPath": "nodes/vlan-tags",
317             "display": "Vlan Tags",
318             "modelPath": "vlanTags",
319             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
320         },
321         "VLANRANGES": {
322             "apiPath": "nodes/vlan-ranges",
323             "display": "Vlan Ranges",
324             "modelPath": "vlanRanges",
325             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
326         },
327         "VNFCS": {
328             "apiPath": "network/vnfcs",
329             "display": "Virtual Network Function Components",
330             "modelPath": "vnfcs",
331             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
332         },
333         "VPLSPES": {
334             "apiPath": "network/vpls-pes",
335             "display": "VPLS-PES",
336             "modelPath": "vplsPes",
337             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
338         },
339             "VPNBINDINGS": {
340             "apiPath": "nodes/vpn-bindings",
341             "display": "VPN Bindings",
342             "modelPath": "vpnBindings",
343             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-exchange"
344         },
345         "VSERVERS": {
346             "apiPath": "nodes/vservers",
347             "display": "Virtual Servers",
348             "modelPath": "vservers",
349             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
350         },        
351         "VRFS": {
352             "apiPath": "nodes/vrfs",
353             "display": "VRFs",
354             "modelPath": "vrfs",
355             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-server"
356         }, 
357         "ZONES": {
358             "apiPath": "nodes/zones",
359             "display": "Zones",
360             "modelPath": "zones",
361             "icon": "browse-fa fa fa-map-marker"
362         }
363     }
364 }