[AAF-21] Initial code import
[aaf/authz.git] / authz-core / src / main / java / com / att / authz / org / Organization.java
1 /*******************************************************************************\r
2  * ============LICENSE_START====================================================\r
3  * * org.onap.aai\r
4  * * ===========================================================================\r
5  * * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.\r
6  * * Copyright © 2017 Amdocs\r
7  * * ===========================================================================\r
8  * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\r
9  * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\r
10  * * You may obtain a copy of the License at\r
11  * * \r
12  *  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\r
13  * * \r
14  *  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r
15  * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\r
16  * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\r
17  * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r
18  * * limitations under the License.\r
19  * * ============LICENSE_END====================================================\r
20  * *\r
21  * * ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.\r
22  * *\r
23  ******************************************************************************/\r
24 package com.att.authz.org;\r
25 \r
26 import java.util.ArrayList;\r
27 import java.util.Date;\r
28 import java.util.GregorianCalendar;\r
29 import java.util.HashSet;\r
30 import java.util.List;\r
31 import java.util.Set;\r
32 \r
33 import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;\r
34 \r
35 /**\r
36  * Organization\r
37  * \r
38  * There is Organizational specific information required which we have extracted to a plugin\r
39  * \r
40  * It supports using Company Specific User Directory lookups, as well as supporting an\r
41  * Approval/Validation Process to simplify control of Roles and Permissions for large organizations\r
42  * in lieu of direct manipulation by a set of Admins. \r
43  *  \r
44  *\r
45  */\r
46 public interface Organization {\r
47         public static final String N_A = "n/a";\r
48 \r
49         public interface Identity {\r
50                 public String id();\r
51                 public String fullID();                                 // Fully Qualified ID (includes Domain of Organization)\r
52                 public String type();                                   // Must be one of "IdentityTypes", see below\r
53                 public String responsibleTo();          // Chain of Command, Comma Separated if required\r
54                 public List<String> delegate();                 // Someone who has authority to act on behalf of Identity\r
55                 public String email();\r
56                 public String fullName();\r
57                 public boolean isResponsible();                 // Is id passed belong to a person suitable to be Responsible for content Management\r
58                 public boolean isFound();                               // Is Identity found in Identity stores\r
59                 public Identity owner() throws OrganizationException;                                   // Identity is directly responsible for App ID\r
60                 public Organization org();                              // Organization of Identity\r
61         }\r
62 \r
63 \r
64         /**\r
65          * Name of Organization, suitable for Logging\r
66          * @return\r
67          */\r
68         public String getName();\r
69 \r
70         /**\r
71          * Realm, for use in distinguishing IDs from different systems/Companies\r
72          * @return\r
73          */\r
74         public String getRealm();\r
75 \r
76         String getDomain();\r
77 \r
78         /**\r
79          * Get Identity information based on userID\r
80          * \r
81          * @param id\r
82          * @return\r
83          */\r
84         public Identity getIdentity(AuthzTrans trans, String id) throws OrganizationException;\r
85         \r
86 \r
87         /**\r
88          * Does the ID pass Organization Standards\r
89          * \r
90          * Return a Blank (empty) String if empty, otherwise, return a "\n" separated list of \r
91          * reasons why it fails\r
92          * \r
93          * @param id\r
94          * @return\r
95          */\r
96         public String isValidID(String id);\r
97 \r
98         /**\r
99          * Return a Blank (empty) String if empty, otherwise, return a "\n" separated list of \r
100          * reasons why it fails\r
101          *  \r
102          *  Identity is passed in to allow policies regarding passwords that are the same as user ID\r
103          *  \r
104          *  any entries for "prev" imply a reset\r
105          *  \r
106          * @param id\r
107          * @param password\r
108          * @return\r
109          */\r
110         public String isValidPassword(String user, String password, String ... prev);\r
111 \r
112 \r
113         /**\r
114          * Does your Company distinguish essential permission structures by kind of Identity?\r
115          * i.e. Employee, Contractor, Vendor \r
116          * @return\r
117          */\r
118         public Set<String> getIdentityTypes();\r
119 \r
120         public enum Notify {\r
121                 Approval(1),\r
122                 PasswordExpiration(2),\r
123         RoleExpiration(3);\r
124 \r
125                 final int id;\r
126                 Notify(int id) {this.id = id;}\r
127                 public int getValue() {return id;}\r
128                 public static Notify from(int type) {\r
129                         for(Notify t : Notify.values()) {\r
130                                 if(t.id==type) {\r
131                                         return t;\r
132                                 }\r
133                         }\r
134                         return null;\r
135                 }\r
136         }\r
137 \r
138         public enum Response{\r
139                 OK,\r
140                 ERR_NotImplemented,\r
141                 ERR_UserNotExist,\r
142                 ERR_NotificationFailure,\r
143                 };\r
144                 \r
145         public enum Expiration {\r
146                 Password,\r
147                 TempPassword, \r
148                 Future,\r
149                 UserInRole,\r
150                 UserDelegate, \r
151                 ExtendPassword\r
152         }\r
153         \r
154         public enum Policy {\r
155                 CHANGE_JOB, \r
156                 LEFT_COMPANY, \r
157                 CREATE_MECHID, \r
158                 CREATE_MECHID_BY_PERM_ONLY,\r
159                 OWNS_MECHID,\r
160                 AS_EMPLOYEE, \r
161                 MAY_EXTEND_CRED_EXPIRES\r
162         }\r
163         \r
164         /**\r
165          * Notify a User of Action or Info\r
166          * \r
167          * @param type\r
168          * @param url\r
169          * @param users (separated by commas)\r
170          * @param ccs (separated by commas)\r
171          * @param summary\r
172          */\r
173 \r
174     public Response notify(AuthzTrans trans, Notify type, String url, String ids[], String ccs[], String summary, Boolean urgent);\r
175 \r
176         /**\r
177          * (more) generic way to send an email\r
178          * \r
179          * @param toList\r
180          * @param ccList\r
181          * @param subject\r
182          * @param body\r
183          * @param urgent\r
184          */\r
185 \r
186         public int sendEmail(AuthzTrans trans, List<String> toList, List<String> ccList, String subject, String body, Boolean urgent) throws OrganizationException;\r
187 \r
188         /**\r
189          * whenToValidate\r
190          * \r
191          * Authz support services will ask the Organization Object at startup when it should\r
192          * kickoff Validation processes given particular types. \r
193          * \r
194          * This allows the Organization to express Policy\r
195          * \r
196          * Turn off Validation behavior by returning "null"\r
197          * \r
198          */\r
199         public Date whenToValidate(Notify type, Date lastValidated);\r
200 \r
201         \r
202         /**\r
203          * Expiration\r
204          * \r
205          * Given a Calendar item of Start (or now), set the Expiration Date based on the Policy\r
206          * based on type.\r
207          * \r
208          * For instance, "Passwords expire in 3 months"\r
209          * \r
210          * The Extra Parameter is used by certain Orgs.\r
211          * \r
212          * For Password, the extra is UserID, so it can check the Identity Type\r
213          * \r
214          * @param gc\r
215          * @param exp\r
216          * @return\r
217          */\r
218         public GregorianCalendar expiration(GregorianCalendar gc, Expiration exp, String ... extra);\r
219         \r
220         /**\r
221          * Get Email Warning timing policies\r
222          * @return\r
223          */\r
224         public EmailWarnings emailWarningPolicy();\r
225 \r
226         /**\r
227          * \r
228          * @param trans\r
229          * @param user\r
230          * @return\r
231          */\r
232         public List<Identity> getApprovers(AuthzTrans trans, String user) throws OrganizationException ;\r
233         \r
234         /*\r
235          * \r
236          * @param user\r
237          * @param type\r
238          * @param users\r
239          * @return\r
240         public Response notifyRequest(AuthzTrans trans, String user, Approval type, List<User> approvers);\r
241         */\r
242         \r
243         /**\r
244          * \r
245          * @return\r
246          */\r
247         public String getApproverType();\r
248 \r
249         /*\r
250          * startOfDay - define for company what hour of day business starts (specifically for password and other expiration which\r
251          *   were set by Date only.)\r
252          *    \r
253          * @return\r
254          */\r
255         public int startOfDay();\r
256 \r
257     /**\r
258      * implement this method to support any IDs that can have multiple entries in the cred table\r
259      * NOTE: the combination of ID/expiration date/(encryption type when implemented) must be unique.\r
260      *           Since expiration date is based on startOfDay for your company, you cannot create many\r
261      *           creds for the same ID in the same day.\r
262      * @param id\r
263      * @return\r
264      */\r
265     public boolean canHaveMultipleCreds(String id);\r
266     \r
267     /**\r
268      * \r
269      * @param id\r
270      * @return\r
271      */\r
272     public boolean isValidCred(String id);\r
273     \r
274     /**\r
275      * If response is Null, then it is valid.  Otherwise, the Organization specific reason is returned.\r
276      *  \r
277      * @param trans\r
278      * @param policy\r
279      * @param executor\r
280      * @param vars\r
281      * @return\r
282      * @throws OrganizationException\r
283      */\r
284     public String validate(AuthzTrans trans, Policy policy, Executor executor, String ... vars) throws OrganizationException;\r
285 \r
286         boolean isTestEnv();\r
287 \r
288         public void setTestMode(boolean dryRun);\r
289 \r
290         public static final Organization NULL = new Organization() \r
291         {\r
292                 private final GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(1900, 1, 1);\r
293                 private final List<Identity> nullList = new ArrayList<Identity>();\r
294                 private final Set<String> nullStringSet = new HashSet<String>();\r
295                 private final Identity nullIdentity = new Identity() {\r
296                         List<String> nullIdentity = new ArrayList<String>();\r
297                         @Override\r
298                         public String type() {\r
299                                 return N_A;\r
300                         }\r
301                         @Override\r
302                         public String responsibleTo() {\r
303                                 return N_A;\r
304                         }\r
305                         @Override\r
306                         public boolean isResponsible() {\r
307                                 return false;\r
308                         }\r
309                         \r
310                         @Override\r
311                         public boolean isFound() {\r
312                                 return false;\r
313                         }\r
314                         \r
315                         @Override\r
316                         public String id() {\r
317                                 return N_A;\r
318                         }\r
319                         \r
320                         @Override\r
321                         public String fullID() {\r
322                                 return N_A;\r
323                         }\r
324                         \r
325                         @Override\r
326                         public String email() {\r
327                                 return N_A;\r
328                         }\r
329                         \r
330                         @Override\r
331                         public List<String> delegate() {\r
332                                 return nullIdentity;\r
333                         }\r
334                         @Override\r
335                         public String fullName() {\r
336                                 return N_A;\r
337                         }\r
338                         @Override\r
339                         public Identity owner() {\r
340                                 return null;\r
341                         }\r
342                         @Override\r
343                         public Organization org() {\r
344                                 return NULL;\r
345                         }\r
346                 };\r
347 \r
348                 @Override\r
349                 public String getName() {\r
350                         return N_A;\r
351                 }\r
352         \r
353                 @Override\r
354                 public String getRealm() {\r
355                         return N_A;\r
356                 }\r
357         \r
358                 @Override\r
359                 public String getDomain() {\r
360                         return N_A;\r
361                 }\r
362         \r
363                 @Override\r
364                 public Identity getIdentity(AuthzTrans trans, String id) {\r
365                         return nullIdentity;\r
366                 }\r
367         \r
368                 @Override\r
369                 public String isValidID(String id) {\r
370                         return N_A;\r
371                 }\r
372         \r
373                 @Override\r
374                 public String isValidPassword(String user, String password,String... prev) {\r
375                         return N_A;\r
376                 }\r
377         \r
378                 @Override\r
379                 public Set<String> getIdentityTypes() {\r
380                         return nullStringSet;\r
381                 }\r
382         \r
383                 @Override\r
384                 public Response notify(AuthzTrans trans, Notify type, String url,\r
385                                 String[] users, String[] ccs, String summary, Boolean urgent) {\r
386                         return Response.ERR_NotImplemented;\r
387                 }\r
388         \r
389                 @Override\r
390                 public int sendEmail(AuthzTrans trans, List<String> toList, List<String> ccList,\r
391                                 String subject, String body, Boolean urgent) throws OrganizationException {\r
392                         return 0;\r
393                 }\r
394         \r
395                 @Override\r
396                 public Date whenToValidate(Notify type, Date lastValidated) {\r
397                         return gc.getTime();\r
398                 }\r
399         \r
400                 @Override\r
401                 public GregorianCalendar expiration(GregorianCalendar gc,\r
402                                 Expiration exp, String... extra) {\r
403                         return gc==null?new GregorianCalendar():gc;\r
404                 }\r
405         \r
406                 @Override\r
407                 public List<Identity> getApprovers(AuthzTrans trans, String user)\r
408                                 throws OrganizationException {\r
409                         return nullList;\r
410                 }\r
411         \r
412                 @Override\r
413                 public String getApproverType() {\r
414                         return "";\r
415                 }\r
416         \r
417                 @Override\r
418                 public int startOfDay() {\r
419                         return 0;\r
420                 }\r
421         \r
422                 @Override\r
423                 public boolean canHaveMultipleCreds(String id) {\r
424                         return false;\r
425                 }\r
426         \r
427                 @Override\r
428                 public boolean isValidCred(String id) {\r
429                         return false;\r
430                 }\r
431         \r
432                 @Override\r
433                 public String validate(AuthzTrans trans, Policy policy, Executor executor, String ... vars)\r
434                                 throws OrganizationException {\r
435                         return "Null Organization rejects all Policies";\r
436                 }\r
437         \r
438                 @Override\r
439                 public boolean isTestEnv() {\r
440                         return false;\r
441                 }\r
442         \r
443                 @Override\r
444                 public void setTestMode(boolean dryRun) {\r
445                 }\r
446 \r
447                 @Override\r
448                 public EmailWarnings emailWarningPolicy() {\r
449                         return new EmailWarnings() {\r
450 \r
451                                 @Override\r
452                             public long credEmailInterval()\r
453                             {\r
454                                 return 604800000L; // 7 days in millis 1000 * 86400 * 7\r
455                             }\r
456                             \r
457                                 @Override\r
458                             public long roleEmailInterval()\r
459                             {\r
460                                 return 604800000L; // 7 days in millis 1000 * 86400 * 7\r
461                             }\r
462                                 \r
463                                 @Override\r
464                                 public long apprEmailInterval() {\r
465                                 return 259200000L; // 3 days in millis 1000 * 86400 * 3\r
466                                 }\r
467                             \r
468                                 @Override\r
469                             public long  credExpirationWarning()\r
470                             {\r
471                                 return( 2592000000L ); // One month, in milliseconds 1000 * 86400 * 30  in milliseconds\r
472                             }\r
473                             \r
474                                 @Override\r
475                             public long roleExpirationWarning()\r
476                             {\r
477                                 return( 2592000000L ); // One month, in milliseconds 1000 * 86400 * 30  in milliseconds\r
478                             }\r
479 \r
480                                 @Override\r
481                             public long emailUrgentWarning()\r
482                             {\r
483                                 return( 1209600000L ); // Two weeks, in milliseconds 1000 * 86400 * 14  in milliseconds\r
484                             }\r
485 \r
486                         };\r
487                 }\r
488         };\r
489 }\r
490 \r
491 \r