Merge "Save new cm notification subscription"
[cps.git] / cps-ncmp-service / src / main / java / org / onap / cps / ncmp / api / impl /
2024-03-25 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Save new cm notification subscription"
2024-03-19 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Add kafka messaging support to integration test...
2024-03-19 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Update deployment docs for Postgres shared_buffe...
2024-03-19 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Fix SonarQube warnings"
2024-03-19 ToineSiebelinkFix SonarQube warnings 30/137530/4
2024-03-14 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Performance tests of alternate-id/module-set...
2024-03-13 JvD_EricssonProvide support for data producer identifier during... 41/137341/13
2024-03-06 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Test of retry of failed module sync"
2024-03-06 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Log all incoming HTTP requests to NCMP with...
2024-03-06 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Update postman collection to utilize newest...
2024-03-06 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Error reporting when registering cm handle with...
2024-03-05 halil.cakalError reporting when registering cm handle with alterna... 71/137371/10
2024-02-29 Sourabh SourabhMerge "Release notes added for 3.4.6"
2024-02-29 danielhanrahanAdd bearer token to NCMP async batch data passthrough... 48/137448/1
2024-02-29 danielhanrahanAdd bearer token to NCMP passthrough operations (CPS... 41/137441/6
2024-02-28 mpriyankRevert Spring Boot Uplift 38/137438/2
2024-02-26 Sourabh SourabhMerge "Create shared postman collections"
2024-02-26 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Get Subscription Delta"
2024-02-26 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Limit max connections in DMI stub"
2024-02-26 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Use default values for timers in docker-compose"
2024-02-26 Lee Anjella MacabuhayMerge "Remove subscriptionModelLoader flag"
2024-02-26 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Uplift Spring Boot to 3.2.2"
2024-02-26 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Add health check endpoint to DMI stub"
2024-02-23 Lee Anjella MacabuhayMerge "CmNotificationSubscription event from Dmi Plugin"
2024-02-23 halil.cakalError reporting when registering cm handle with alterna... 39/137239/9
2024-02-23 Lee Anjella MacabuhayMerge "NCMP to DMI CmSubscription Event"
2024-02-22 waqas.ikramUplift Spring Boot to 3.2.2 32/137332/4
2024-02-22 Lee Anjella MacabuhayMerge "NCMP to Client Cm Subscription Event"
2024-02-21 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "adding isUniqueSubscriptionId method"
2024-02-21 danielhanrahanUpgrade yang modules using module set tag 52/137252/2
2024-02-19 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Use DB for checking Alternate IDs"
2024-02-16 halil.cakalUse DB for checking Alternate IDs 11/137211/8
2024-02-13 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Create schemas for notification service in cps...
2024-02-08 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Revert "Introduce Hazelcast for alternateId...
2024-02-08 Levente CsanyiRevert "Introduce Hazelcast for alternateId-cmHandle... 51/137051/1
2024-02-08 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Introduce Hazelcast for alternateId-cmHandle...
2024-02-08 leventecsanyiIntroduce Hazelcast for alternateId-cmHandle relation... 11/137111/16
2024-02-06 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Add integration test for extending API: Get...
2024-02-06 Lee Anjella MacabuhayMerge "Add maven classifier to Spring Boot JAR"
2024-02-06 Toine SiebelinkMerge "[BUG] Retry interval for kafka consumer"
2024-02-06 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Limit heap size in Groovy integration tests"
2024-02-06 Lee Anjella MacabuhayMerge "CmSubscription service layer method #1"
2024-02-06 Lee Anjella MacabuhayMerge "CmSubscription validate datastore"
2024-02-06 Toine SiebelinkMerge "moduleSetTag and cmhandle upgrade functionalitie...
2024-02-06 sourabh_sourabhmoduleSetTag and cmhandle upgrade functionalities fix 79/136979/11
2024-02-06 Lee Anjella MacabuhayMerge "Set resource limits of docker-compose containers"
2024-02-01 Sourabh SourabhMerge "Extend API: Get Module Definitions"
2024-02-01 halil.cakalExtend API: Get Module Definitions 85/137085/8
2024-02-01 leventecsanyiIntroduce Hazelcast for alternateId-cmHandle relation 74/136974/26
2024-01-05 Sourabh SourabhMerge "Amend http status for CM Handles Data Enpoints...
2023-12-18 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Update Model to allow Persisting of alternateId"
2023-12-14 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Modify cmHandle registration for alternateId"
2023-12-13 leventecsanyiModify cmHandle registration for alternateId 64/136764/6
2023-11-30 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Add metrics for NCMP passthrough read operation"
2023-11-29 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Expose hazelcast cluster info"
2023-11-29 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Publish trust level notification event"
2023-11-28 JvD_EricssonPublish trust level notification event 01/136401/20
2023-11-23 sourabh_sourabhRetry for yang module upgrade operation 03/136403/10
2023-11-23 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Onboard merge subscriptions model"
2023-11-17 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Trust level updates with dmi status change"
2023-11-14 halil.cakalTrust level updates with dmi status change 31/136331/12
2023-11-14 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Adjust performance test timings"
2023-11-14 Lee Anjella MacabuhayMerge "Fix PASS/FAIL reporting in performance test...
2023-11-14 Lee Anjella MacabuhayMerge "Add DMI trustlevel at registration"
2023-11-13 seanbeirneAdd DMI trustlevel at registration 20/136420/2
2023-11-09 Lee Anjella MacabuhayMerge "Remove CPS-Temporal from RTD"
2023-11-08 Toine SiebelinkMerge "CPS-NCMP: No yang resources stored during cmhand...
2023-11-08 Lee Anjella MacabuhayMerge "Use Seconds as time unit for all performance...
2023-11-08 seanbeirneFix Code Smells 06/136406/1
2023-11-03 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Handling Yang module upgrade error scenarios"
2023-11-02 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Add trust level notification schema"
2023-11-02 sourabh_sourabhHandling Yang module upgrade error scenarios 50/136350/7
2023-11-02 seanbeirneInitial Registration with trustLevel on NCMP 01/136201/11
2023-10-26 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Update return body of RestOutputCMHandle"
2023-10-23 sourabh_sourabhIntroduce and use new Hazelcast map pt. 2 06/136206/10
2023-10-19 sourabh_sourabhCode coverage: Update YANG schema set using moduleSetTag 04/136204/5
2023-10-17 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Add memory usage to integration tests [UPDATED]"
2023-10-16 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Clean up Dependencies"
2023-10-16 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Adding NCMP Stubs documentation"
2023-10-16 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Add NCMP Stub documentation to RTD"
2023-10-16 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Add withTrustLevel condition to CmHandle Query...
2023-10-13 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Update Subscription Event Schemas for merge"
2023-10-12 halil.cakalAdd withTrustLevel condition to CmHandle Query API 40/136040/7
2023-10-11 sourabh_sourabhExpose REST endpoint to update YANG schema set using... 31/136031/6
2023-10-11 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Conflicting Error code"
2023-10-10 sourabh_sourabhConflicting Error code 10/136110/5
2023-09-26 Toine SiebelinkMerge "CM Data Subscriptions PoC/Performance test fixes"
2023-09-26 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Rename Subscrption Perf Test class to fit filename"
2023-09-25 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "CM Data Subscriptions PoC/Performance test"
2023-09-25 Toine SiebelinkMerge "RTD change to document migration to Spring Boot...
2023-09-25 sourabh_sourabhRefactoring persistence classes 01/136001/5
2023-09-25 Toine SiebelinkMerge "Reinstate Spring Boot 3.0 after revert"
2023-09-25 Priyank MaheshwariMerge "Add DMI to TrustLevel Cache During Registration"
2023-09-21 seanbeirneAdd DMI to TrustLevel Cache During Registration 28/135928/4
2023-07-14 Luke GleesonMerge "Improved code coverage for NetworkCmProxyDataSer...
2023-07-13 ToineSiebelinkImproved code coverage for NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImpl 19/135419/1
2023-07-11 danielhanrahanCombine alreadyDefinedException classes 58/135258/7
2023-06-28 Luke GleesonMerge "Subscription dmi_to_ncmp package clean-up"
2023-06-23 Luke GleesonMerge "Improve code coverage"
2023-06-23 Sourabh SourabhMerge "NCMP : Replacing the word 'Batch' as 'DataOperat...