Update INFO.yaml with new PTL
[demo.git] / vnfs / DAaaS / microservices / GoApps / src / go-hdfs-writer / kubernetes-manifests / hdfs_writer_deployment.yaml
1 # This Deployment manifest defines:
2 # - single-replica deployment of the container image, with label "app: go-hello-world"
3 # - Pod exposes port 8080
4 # - specify PORT environment variable to the container process
5 # Syntax reference https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/overview/
6 apiVersion: apps/v1
7 kind: Deployment
8 metadata:
9   name: go-hdfs-writer
10 spec:
11   replicas: 1
12   selector:
13     matchLabels:
14       app: hdfs-writer
15   template:
16     metadata:
17       labels:
18         app: hdfs-writer
19     spec:
20       containers:
21       - name: server
22         image: hdfs-writer
23         volumeMounts:
24           - name: config-volume
25             mountPath: src/hdfs-writer/cmd/hdfs-writer/config.json
26             subPath: config.json
27         ports:
28         - containerPort: 8080
29         env:
30         - name: PORT
31           value: "8080"
32         - name: BROKER
33           valueFrom:
34             configMapKeyRef:
35               name: configmap-kafka
36               key: broker
37         - name: GROUP
38           valueFrom:
39             configMapKeyRef:
40               name: configmap-kafka
41               key: group
42         - name: TOPIC
43           valueFrom:
44             configMapKeyRef:
45               name: configmap-kafka
46               key: topic
47         - name: HDFS_URL
48           valueFrom:
49             configMapKeyRef:
50               name: configmap-hdfs
51               key: hdfs_url
52         resources:
53           requests:
54             memory: "640Mi"
55             cpu: "2500m"
56           limits:
57             memory: "1280Mi"
58             cpu: "5000m"
59       volumes:
60         - name: config-volume
61           configMap:
62             name: config-json
63       terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 3