# -*- coding: utf8 -*- # ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # org.onap.vvp/validation-scripts # =================================================================== # Copyright © 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # =================================================================== # # Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed # under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # # Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed # under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License"); # you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ============LICENSE_END============================================ import collections import csv import datetime import hashlib import io import json import os import sys import time import requests import docutils.core import pytest from more_itertools import partition from six import string_types import xlsxwriter __path__ = [os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))] resolution_steps_file = "resolution_steps.json" requirements_file = "requirements.json" FAILURE_DATA = {} report_columns = [ ("Input File", "file"), ("Test", "test_file"), ("Requirements", "req_description"), ("Resolution Steps", "resolution_steps"), ("Error Message", "message"), ("Raw Test Output", "raw_output"), ] report = collections.OrderedDict(report_columns) def extract_error_msg(rep): try: msg = str(rep.longrepr.reprcrash) except AttributeError: msg = str(rep) if "AssertionError:" in msg: return msg.split("AssertionError:")[1] else: return msg @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): outcome = yield rep = outcome.get_result() output_dir = "{}/../output".format(__path__[0]) if rep.outcome == "failed": if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) if hasattr(item.function, "requirement_ids"): requirement_ids = item.function.requirement_ids else: requirement_ids = "" if "environment_pair" in item.fixturenames: resolved_pair = "{} environment pair".format( item.funcargs["environment_pair"]["name"] ) elif "heat_volume_pair" in item.fixturenames: resolved_pair = "{} volume pair".format( item.funcargs["heat_volume_pair"]["name"] ) elif "heat_templates" in item.fixturenames: resolved_pair = item.funcargs["heat_templates"] elif "yaml_files" in item.fixturenames: resolved_pair = item.funcargs["yaml_files"] else: resolved_pair = rep.nodeid.split("[")[1][:-1] FAILURE_DATA[len(FAILURE_DATA)] = { "file": resolved_pair, "vnfrqts": requirement_ids, "test": item.function.__name__, "test_file": item.function.__module__.split(".")[-1], "raw_output": str(rep.longrepr), "message": extract_error_msg(rep), } with open("{}/failures".format(output_dir), "w") as f: json.dump(FAILURE_DATA, f, indent=4) def make_timestamp(): timezone = time.tzname[time.localtime().tm_isdst] return "{} {}".format(str(datetime.datetime.now()), timezone) def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus): if not session.config.option.template_dir: return template_path = os.path.abspath(session.config.option.template_dir[0]) profile_name = session.config.option.validation_profile_name generate_report( "{}/../output".format(__path__[0]), template_path, profile_name, session.config.option.report_format, ) def pytest_runtest_setup(item): profile = item.session.config.option.validation_profile markers = set(m.name for m in item.iter_markers()) if not profile and markers and "xfail" not in markers: pytest.skip("No validation profile selected. Skipping tests with marks.") if profile and markers and profile not in markers and "xfail" not in markers: pytest.skip("Doesn't match selection validation profile") def make_href(path): paths = [path] if isinstance(path, string_types) else path links = [] for p in paths: abs_path = os.path.abspath(p) filename = os.path.split(abs_path)[1] links.append( "{filename}".format( abs_path=abs_path, filename=filename ) ) return "
".join(links) def generate_report(outpath, template_path, profile_name, output_format): failures = "{}/failures".format(outpath) faildata = None rdata = None hdata = None if os.path.exists(failures): with open(failures, "r") as f: faildata = json.loads(f.read()) else: faildata = {} resolution_steps = "{}/../{}".format(__path__[0], resolution_steps_file) if os.path.exists(resolution_steps): with open(resolution_steps, "r") as f: rdata = json.loads(f.read()) heat_requirements = "{}/../{}".format(__path__[0], requirements_file) if os.path.exists(heat_requirements): with open(heat_requirements, "r") as f: hdata = json.loads(f.read()) # point requirements at the most recent version current_version = hdata["current_version"] hdata = hdata["versions"][current_version]["needs"] # mapping requirement IDs from failures to requirement descriptions for k, v in faildata.items(): req_text = "" if v["vnfrqts"] != "": for req in v["vnfrqts"]: if req in hdata: req_text += "\n\n{}: \n{}".format(req, hdata[req]["description"]) faildata[k]["req_description"] = req_text # mapping resolution steps to module and test name for k, v in faildata.items(): faildata[k]["resolution_steps"] = "" for rs in rdata: if v["test_file"] == rs["module"] and v["test"] == rs["function"]: faildata[k]["resolution_steps"] = "\n{}: \n{}".format( rs["header"], rs["resolution_steps"] ) output_format = output_format.lower().strip() if output_format else "html" if output_format == "html": generate_html_report(outpath, profile_name, template_path, faildata) elif output_format == "excel": generate_excel_report(outpath, profile_name, template_path, faildata) elif output_format == "csv": generate_csv_report(outpath, profile_name, template_path, faildata) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported output format: " + output_format) def generate_csv_report(output_dir, profile_name, template_path, faildata): rows = [] rows.append(["Validation Failures"]) headers = [ ("Profile Selected:", profile_name), ("Report Generated At:", make_timestamp()), ("Directory Validated:", template_path), ("Checksum:", hash_directory(template_path)), ("Total Errors:", len(faildata)), ] rows.append([]) for header in headers: rows.append(header) rows.append([]) # table header rows.append([col for col, _ in report_columns]) # table content for data in faildata.values(): rows.append( [ data.get("file", ""), data.get("test_file", ""), data.get("req_description", ""), data.get("resolution_steps", ""), data.get("message", ""), data.get("raw_output", ""), ] ) output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "report.csv") with open(output_path, "w", newline="") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) for row in rows: writer.writerow(row) def generate_excel_report(output_dir, profile_name, template_path, faildata): output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "report.xlsx") workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output_path) bold = workbook.add_format({"bold": True}) code = workbook.add_format(({"font_name": "Courier", "text_wrap": True})) normal = workbook.add_format({"text_wrap": True}) heading = workbook.add_format({"bold": True, "font_size": 18}) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet("failures") worksheet.write(0, 0, "Validation Failures", heading) headers = [ ("Profile Selected:", profile_name), ("Report Generated At:", make_timestamp()), ("Directory Validated:", template_path), ("Checksum:", hash_directory(template_path)), ("Total Errors:", len(faildata)), ] for row, (header, value) in enumerate(headers, start=2): worksheet.write(row, 0, header, bold) worksheet.write(row, 1, value) worksheet.set_column(0, len(headers) - 1, 40) worksheet.set_column(len(headers), len(headers), 80) # table header start_error_table_row = 2 + len(headers) + 2 for col_num, (col_name, _) in enumerate(report_columns): worksheet.write(start_error_table_row, col_num, col_name, bold) # table content for row, data in enumerate(faildata.values(), start=start_error_table_row + 1): for col, key in enumerate(report.values()): if key == "file": paths = ( [data[key]] if isinstance(data[key], string_types) else data[key] ) contents = "\n".join(paths) worksheet.write(row, col, contents, normal) elif key == "raw_output": worksheet.write_string(row, col, data[key], code) else: worksheet.write(row, col, data[key], normal) workbook.close() def generate_html_report(outpath, profile_name, template_path, faildata): with open("{}/report.html".format(outpath), "w") as of: body_begin = """

Validation Failures

""".format( profile=profile_name, timestamp=make_timestamp(), checksum=hash_directory(template_path), template_dir=template_path, num_failures=len(faildata), ) of.write(body_begin) if len(faildata) == 0: of.write("

Success! No validation failures detected.

") return table_begin = '' of.write(table_begin) # table headers of.write("") for k, v in report.items(): of.write(''.format(k)) of.write("") # table content for k, v in faildata.items(): of.write("") for rk, rv in report.items(): if rv == "file": value = make_href(v[rv]) elif rv == "raw_output": value = "
".format(v[rv]) elif rv == "req_description": parts = docutils.core.publish_parts( writer_name="html", source=v[rv] ) value = parts["body"] else: value = v[rv].replace("\n", "
") of.write(" ".format(value)) of.write("") of.write("
") def pytest_addoption(parser): """ Add needed CLI arguments """ parser.addoption( "--template-directory", dest="template_dir", action="append", help="Directory which holds the templates for validation", ) parser.addoption( "--self-test", dest="self_test", action="store_true", help="Test the unit tests against their fixtured data", ) parser.addoption( "--validation-profile", dest="validation_profile", action="store", help="Runs all unmarked tests plus test with a matching marker", ) parser.addoption( "--validation-profile-name", dest="validation_profile_name", action="store", help="Friendly name of the validation profile used in reports", ) parser.addoption( "--report-format", dest="report_format", action="store", help="Format of output report (html, csv, excel)", ) def pytest_configure(config): """ Ensure that we are receive either `--self-test` or `--template-dir=