.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. Manual Heat Template Validation =============================== .. contents:: validation-scripts ------------------ This project contains validation scripts to test that a set of Heat Templates adheres to the ONAP VNF Heat Orchestration Template guidelines. For more information on the ONAP Heat Orchestration Template Guidelines, vist the `Heat Guidelines `__ About _____ The validation scripts project allows performing heat template validation without installing the full VVP platform. The following instructions apply to running these validation scripts in that manner. Installation ____________ This software is not platform dependent and can be run in a Windows, Unix or OS X environment. Satisfy Dependencies #################### These can be installed using pip (assuming pip is installed) with the command: ``$ pip install -r requirements.txt`` Use ___ Clone this project. To validate Heat templates just run this the command under the folder ``ice_validator``: ``$ pytest --tap-stream --template-directory=`` where ```` is the full path to a folder containing heat templates. Output ###### After performing a validation, an output folder will be created. ``/path/to/validation-scripts/ice_validator/output/`` This folder will contain a file ``report.html`` which contains a list of all of the ONAP VNF Heat Template Guideline violations. If there are no violations, the report will say ``No validation errors found.`` Interpreting the Output ####################### The report file will have 4 columns for details about a violation, and one row for each violation. Below contains details about each column. File ~~~~ This is the file(s) that contained the violation Error Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This shows the test and brief error message from the validation script that contained the violation. There is a ``Full Details`` button to show the complete raw test output. The error message will also contain details about what element is involved with the violation (such as the parameter name, resource id, etc...). Requirement(s) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This column contains the requirement(s) that each test/violation is mapped to. These requirements are taken directly from the VNF Requirements project Heat Orchestration Template Guidelines section. Resolution Steps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For some violations, there are pre-defined resolution steps that indicate what action the user should take to resolve the violation. **Note**: Not all violations will have resolution steps. Most violations can be resolved simply by reviewing the requirements that have been violated in the previous column. How to Contribute _________________ Before getting started ###################### Objective ~~~~~~~~~ **The objective for the VVP test suite is for each test to directly correlate with at least one requirement in the** `VNF Requirements `__ **project in ONAP. If the test you intend to write doesn't have a corresponding requirement in the VNF Requirements project, consider making a contribution to that project first.** Convenience vs Convention ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are a lot of ways to write tests. Priorities for the VVP test suite are - Accuracy - User Comprehension The test suite is often used by people who don't write code, or people who aren't devoted to writing python validation tests. The output of failed validation tests can be difficult to read, so keep that in mind when you are deciding whether to create another level of abstraction vs having some code duplication or verbose tests. Developer Guide ############### File Name ~~~~~~~~~ Test files are written in python, and should go into the ``/validation-scripts/ice_validator/tests/`` directory. They should be prefixed with ``test_``. If not, ``pytest`` will not discover your test if you don't follow this convention. Test Name ~~~~~~~~~ Tests are functions defined in the test file, and also must be prefixed with ``test_``. If not, ``pytest`` will not collect them during execution. For example: **test_my_new_requirement_file.py** .. code-block:: python def test_my_new_requirement(): Requirement Decorator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each test function should be decorated with a requirement ID from the VNF Requirements project. The following is required to be imported at the top of the test file: ``from .helpers import validates`` Then, your test function should be decorated like this: .. code-block:: python @validates("R-123456", "R-123457") # these requirement IDs should come from the VNFRQTS project def test_my_new_requirement(): This decorator is used at the end of the test suite execution to generate a report that includes the requirements that were violated. If a test is not decorated it is unclear what the reason for a failure is, and the implication is that the test is not needed. Test Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each test should be parameterized based on what artifact is being validated. Available parameters are enumerated in ``/validation-scripts/ice_validator/tests/parameterizers.py``. Below is a description of the most commonly used: - ``heat_template``: parameter is the full path name for a file with the extenstion ``.yaml`` or ``.yml``, if the file also has a corresponding file with the same name but extension ``.env``. - ``yaml_file``: parameter is the full path name for a file with the extenstion ``.yaml`` or ``.yml`` - ``yaml_files``: parameter is a list of all files with the extenstion ``.yaml`` or ``.yml``. - ``volume_template``: parameter is the full path name for a file name that ends with ``_volume`` and the extension ``.yaml`` or ``.yml``. There are many others that can also be used, check ``parameterizers.py`` for the full list. The parameter that you decide to use determines how many times a test is executed, and what data is available to validate. For example, if the test suite is executed against a directory with 10 ``.yaml`` files, and a test is using the parameter ``yaml_file``, the test will be executed once for each file, for a total of 10 executions. If the parameter ``yaml_files`` (note the plural) is used instead, the test will only execute once. Here's an example for how to parameterize a test: .. code-block:: python @validates("R-123456", "R-123457") def test_my_new_requirement(yaml_file): # this test will execute for each .yaml or .yml Collecting Failures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To raise a violation to ``pytest`` to be collected and included on the final violation report, use the ``assert`` statement. Example: .. code-block:: python @validates("R-123456", "R-123457") def test_my_new_requirement(yaml_file): my test logic ... ... ... assert not failure_condition, error_message As one of the VVP priorities is User Comprehension, the ``error_message`` should be readable and include helpful information for triaging the failure, such as the ``yaml_file``, the parameter the test was checking, etc... If the assert statement fails, the failure is collected by ``pytest``, and the associated requirements and error_message are included in the final report. Optional: Pytest Markers and Validation Categories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The VVP test suite has the concept of a ``base`` test. These are used as sanity tests and are executed before the other tests, and if they fail the test suite execution is halted. If you are writing a ``base`` test, mark your test like this: .. code-block:: python import pytest @pytest.mark.base # this is the base test marker @validates("R-123456") def test_my_new_requirement(): The VVP test suite also has the concept of a ``category`` to define what additional set of optional tests to execute. The way it works is by using ``categories`` decorator. By default, all ``base`` tests and tests with no category are executed. If you want an additional category to run, pass the command line argument: ``--category=`` This will execute all ``base`` tests, non-marked tests, and tests marked like the following: .. code-block:: python import pytest @categories("") # substitue with the category name @validates("R-123456") def test_my_new_requirement(): This should be used sparingly, and in practice consider reviewing a requirement with the VNF Requirements team before adding a test to a category. Self-Test Suite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The VVP test suite includes an extensive self-test suite. This can be executed by running ``$ pytest --self-test tests/`` This self test suite is used as a check for any new or modified tests. If you are adding a new test, a new self-test ``fixture`` **MUST** be created in the directory ``/validation-scripts/ice_validator/tests/fixtures``. The directory should be named identical to the new python file (without the ``.py`` extension), and it should contain 2 subdirectories: ``pass`` and ``fail``. These directories should include heat templates that pass and fail the new test. For Example, if I have created a new test called ``test_my_new_requirement.py`` , I should create: ``/validation-scripts/ice_validator/tests/fixtures/test_my_new_requirement/pass`` ``/validation-scripts/ice_validator/tests/fixtures/test_my_new_requirement/pass/pass.yaml`` ``/validation-scripts/ice_validator/tests/fixtures/test_my_new_requirement/fail`` ``/validation-scripts/ice_validator/tests/fixtures/test_my_new_requirement/fail/fail.yaml`` When executing the self-test suite, the templates in these folders are expected to pass and fail, respectively, **ONLY** for the corresponding test. They don't need to pass the whole test suite.