# ice-heat-validation This project contains a ``pytest`` tool that automatically checks Heat Templates are adhering to the AT&T Domain 2.0 Heat Template Guidelines. # Installation This software is not platform dependent and can be run in a Windows, Unix or OS X environment. ### Satisfy Dependencies In addition to python, this project requires the following packages: - ``pytest`` - ``PyYAML`` - ``pytest-tap`` These can be installed using pip (assuming pip is installed) with the command: ``$ pip install -r requirements.txt`` # Use Clone this project. To validate Heat templates just run this the command under the folder ``ice_validator``: ``$ pytest --tap-stream --template-directory=`` where ```` is the absolute path to the folder containing the Heat Templates to be verified. # Self-Test Suite The ``ice_validator`` includes an extensive self-test suite. It is a **requirement** for any additions or changes to the test suite to successfully and cleanly complete a tox run. Simply run ``tox`` from the project root as: ``$ tox`` You can also run it under the folder ``ice_validator``: ``$ pytest --self-test``