# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import unittest import json from django.test import Client from rest_framework import status inst_res_url = "/api/vnflcm/v1/resources/inst" term_res_url = "/api/vnflcm/v1/resources/term" inst_res_data = { "vdus": [ { "description": "", "vdu_id": "vdu_vNat", "artifacts": [ { "artifact_name": "cirros.img", "type": "tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage", "properties": { "operating_system": "unbant", "sw_image": "/swimages/xenial-snat.qcow2", "name": "cirros.img", "checksum": "5000", "min_ram": "1 GB", "disk_format": "qcow2", "version": "1.0", "container_format": "bare", "min_disk": "10 GB", "size": "10 GB" }, "file": "/swimages/xenial-snat.qcow2" } ], "nfv_compute": { "flavor_extra_specs": { }, "mem_size": "2 GB", "num_cpus": 2 }, "image_file": "cirros.img", "local_storages": [ "intel_local_storages_1" ], "dependencies": [ ], "vls": [ "vl_vNat" ], "cps": [ "cp_vNat" ], "properties": { "configurable_properties": { "test": { "additional_vnfc_configurable_properties": { "aaa": "1" } } }, "name": "vNat", "location_info": { "vimid": "f1e33529-4a88-4155-9d7a-893cf2c80527", "tenant": "vnfm", "availability_zone": "zone1", "host": "host1" }, "descrption": "the virtual machine of vNat", "boot_order": [ "vNAT_Storage" ] } } ], "volume_storages": [ { "volume_storage_id": "volume_storage1", "description": "", "properties": { "size": "100 GB", "volume_id": "", "volume_name": "volumeStorage1", "custom_volume_type": "type1", "disk_type": "data", "delete_on_termination_vm": True, "location_info": { "vimid": "f1e33529-4a88-4155-9d7a-893cf2c80527", "tenant": "vnfm", "availability_zone": "zone1" }, "is_predefined": False, "is_shared": False, }, "image_file": [ "volume_image" ] } ], "local_storages": [ { "local_storage_id": "omp_local_disk1", "description": "", "properties": { "size": "100 GB", "disk_type": "root", }, } ], "routers": [ ], "image_files": [ { "description": "", "properties": { "operating_system": "unbant", "sw_image": "/swimages/xenial-snat.qcow2", "name": "cirros.img", "checksum": "5000", "min_ram": "1 GB", "disk_format": "qcow2", "version": "1.0", "container_format": "bare", "min_disk": "10 GB", "size": "10 GB" }, "image_file_id": "cirros.img" } ], "vnf_exposed": { "external_cps": [ { "key_name": "sriov_plane", "cp_id": "SRIOV_Port" } ], "forward_cps": [ ] }, 'vls': [ { "vl_id": "vl_vNat", "description": "", "properties": { "name": "vNat_big_subnet", "network_name": "vNat_big", "is_predefined": False, "vendor": "zte", "netmask": "", "mtu": 1500, "network_type": "vlan", "physical_network": "physnet1", "segmentation_id": "30", "vlan_transparent": False, "vds_name": "vds1", "cidr": "", "ip_version": 4, "gateway_ip": "", "dhcp_enabled": False, "start_ip": "", "end_ip": "", "host_routes": [ { "destination": "", "nexthop": "" } ], "location_info": { "vimid": "f1e33529-4a88-4155-9d7a-893cf2c80527", "tenant": "vnfm" }, "cloud_type": "IaaS" }, "route_id": "router01", "route_external": False } ], "cps": [ { "properties": { "name": "vNat_big_subnet_port", "ip_address": "", "vnic_type": "normal", "role": "root", "virtual_network_interface_requirements": [ { "requirement": { "SRIOV": "true" }, "support_mandatory": False, "name": "sriov", "description": "sriov" } ], "layer_protocol": "ipv4", "description": "sriov port" }, "vl_id": "vl_vNat", "description": "", "cp_id": "cp_vNat", "vdu_id": "vdu_vNat" } ], "metadata": { "vnfSoftwareVersion": "1.0.0", "vnfmType": "gvnfmdriver", "vnfProductName": "openNAT", "localizationLanguage": "[english, chinese]", "vnfProvider": "intel", "vnfmInfo": "GVNFM", "defaultLocalizationLanguage": "english", "csarVersion": "1.0.0", "vnfdId": "openNAT-1.0", "csarProvider": "intel", "vnfProductInfoDescription": "openNAT", "version": "1.0.0", "vnfdVersion": "1.0.0", "vnfProductInfoName": "openNAT", "vendor": "intel", "csarType": "NFAR", "id": "openNAT-1.0" } } term_res_data = { "volume": [{"vim_id": "1", "tenant_id": "2", "res_id": "3"}], "network": [{"vim_id": "2", "tenant_id": "3", "res_id": "4"}], "subnet": [{"vim_id": "3", "tenant_id": "4", "res_id": "5"}], "port": [{"vim_id": "4", "tenant_id": "5", "res_id": "6"}], "flavor": [{"vim_id": "5", "tenant_id": "6", "res_id": "7"}], "vm": [{"vim_id": "6", "tenant_id": "7", "res_id": "8"}] } class SampleViewTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.client = Client() def tearDown(self): pass def test_sample(self): response = self.client.get("/samples/") self.assertEqual(status.HTTP_200_OK, response.status_code, response.content) resp_data = json.loads(response.content) self.assertEqual({"status": "active"}, resp_data) def test_inst_res(self): resp = self.client.post(inst_res_url, data=json.dumps(inst_res_data), content_type='application/json') self.failUnlessEqual(status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, resp.status_code) def test_term_res(self): resp = self.client.post(term_res_url, data=json.dumps(term_res_data), content_type='application/json') self.failUnlessEqual(status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, resp.status_code)