# ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # Copyright (C) 2019 Nordix Foundation. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= # # coding=utf-8 import os import httplib import base64 import time import zipfile import shutil import subprocess import logging log_file = '/opt/opendaylight/data/log/installCerts.log' with open(os.path.join('/opt/opendaylight/data/log', 'installCerts.log'), 'w') as fp: pass log_format = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file,level=logging.DEBUG,filemode='w',format=log_format) Path = "/tmp" zipFileList = [] username = os.environ['ODL_ADMIN_USERNAME'] password = os.environ['ODL_ADMIN_PASSWORD'] TIMEOUT=1000 INTERVAL=30 timePassed=0 postKeystore= "/restconf/operations/netconf-keystore:add-keystore-entry" postPrivateKey= "/restconf/operations/netconf-keystore:add-private-key" postTrustedCertificate= "/restconf/operations/netconf-keystore:add-trusted-certificate" truststore_pass_file = Path + '/truststore.pass' truststore_file = Path + '/truststore.jks' keystore_pass_file = Path + '/keystore.pass' keystore_file = Path + '/keystore.jks' jks_files = [truststore_pass_file, keystore_pass_file, keystore_file, truststore_file] odl_port = 8181 headers = {'Authorization':'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(username + ":" + password), 'X-FromAppId': 'csit-sdnc', 'X-TransactionId': 'csit-sdnc', 'Accept':"application/json", 'Content-type':"application/json"} def readFile(folder, file): key = open(Path + "/" + folder + "/" + file, "r") fileRead = key.read() key.close() fileRead = "\n".join(fileRead.splitlines()[1:-1]) return fileRead def readTrustedCertificate(folder, file): listCert = list() caPem = "" startCa = False key = open(folder + "/" + file, "r") lines = key.readlines() for line in lines: if not "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" in line and not "END CERTIFICATE" in line and startCa: caPem += line elif "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" in line: startCa = True elif "END CERTIFICATE" in line: startCa = False listCert.append(caPem) caPem = "" return listCert def makeKeystoreKey(clientKey, count): odl_private_key = "ODL_private_key_%d" %count json_keystore_key='{{\"input\": {{ \"key-credential\": {{\"key-id\": \"{odl_private_key}\", \"private-key\" : ' \ '\"{clientKey}\",\"passphrase\" : \"\"}}}}}}'.format( odl_private_key=odl_private_key, clientKey=clientKey) return json_keystore_key def makePrivateKey(clientKey, clientCrt, certList, count): caPem = "" if certList: for cert in certList: caPem += '\"%s\",' % cert caPem = caPem.rsplit(',', 1)[0] odl_private_key="ODL_private_key_%d" %count json_private_key='{{\"input\": {{ \"private-key\":{{\"name\": \"{odl_private_key}\", \"data\" : ' \ '\"{clientKey}\",\"certificate-chain\":[\"{clientCrt}\",{caPem}]}}}}}}'.format( odl_private_key=odl_private_key, clientKey=clientKey, clientCrt=clientCrt, caPem=caPem) return json_private_key def makeTrustedCertificate(certList, count): number = 0 json_cert_format = "" for cert in certList: cert_name = "xNF_CA_certificate_%d_%d" %(count, number) json_cert_format += '{{\"name\": \"{trusted_name}\",\"certificate\":\"{cert}\"}},\n'.format( trusted_name=cert_name, cert=cert.strip()) number += 1 json_cert_format = json_cert_format.rsplit(',', 1)[0] json_trusted_cert='{{\"input\": {{ \"trusted-certificate\": [{certificates}]}}}}'.format( certificates=json_cert_format) return json_trusted_cert def makeRestconfPost(conn, json_file, apiCall): req = conn.request("POST", apiCall, json_file, headers=headers) res = conn.getresponse() res.read() if res.status != 200: logging.error("Error here, response back wasnt 200: Response was : %d , %s" % (res.status, res.reason)) else: logging.debug("Response :%s Reason :%s ",res.status, res.reason) def extractZipFiles(zipFileList, count): for zipFolder in zipFileList: with zipfile.ZipFile(Path + "/" + zipFolder.strip(),"r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(Path) folder = zipFolder.rsplit(".")[0] processFiles(folder, count) def processFiles(folder, count): for file in os.listdir(Path + "/" + folder): if os.path.isfile(Path + "/" + folder + "/" + file.strip()): if ".key" in file: clientKey = readFile(folder, file.strip()) elif "trustedCertificate" in file: certList = readTrustedCertificate(Path + "/" + folder, file.strip()) elif ".crt" in file: clientCrt = readFile(folder, file.strip()) else: logging.error("Could not find file %s" % file.strip()) shutil.rmtree(Path + "/" + folder) post_content(clientKey, clientCrt, certList, count) def post_content(clientKey, clientCrt, certList, count): conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost",odl_port) if clientKey: json_keystore_key = makeKeystoreKey(clientKey, count) logging.debug("Posting private key in to ODL keystore") makeRestconfPost(conn, json_keystore_key, postKeystore) if certList: json_trusted_cert = makeTrustedCertificate(certList, count) logging.debug("Posting trusted cert list in to ODL") makeRestconfPost(conn, json_trusted_cert, postTrustedCertificate) if clientKey and clientCrt and certList: json_private_key = makePrivateKey(clientKey, clientCrt, certList, count) logging.debug("Posting the cert in to ODL") makeRestconfPost(conn, json_private_key, postPrivateKey) def makeHealthcheckCall(headers, timePassed): connected = False # WAIT 10 minutes maximum and test every 30 seconds if HealthCheck API is returning 200 while timePassed < TIMEOUT: try: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost",odl_port) req = conn.request("POST", "/restconf/operations/SLI-API:healthcheck",headers=headers) res = conn.getresponse() res.read() if res.status == 200: logging.debug("Healthcheck Passed in %d seconds." %timePassed) connected = True break else: logging.debug("Sleep: %d seconds before testing if Healthcheck worked. Total wait time up now is: %d seconds. Timeout is: %d seconds" %(INTERVAL, timePassed, TIMEOUT)) except: logging.error("Cannot execute REST call. Sleep: %d seconds before testing if Healthcheck worked. Total wait time up now is: %d seconds. Timeout is: %d seconds" %(INTERVAL, timePassed, TIMEOUT)) timePassed = timeIncrement(timePassed) if timePassed > TIMEOUT: logging.error("TIME OUT: Healthcheck not passed in %d seconds... Could cause problems for testing activities..." %TIMEOUT) return connected def timeIncrement(timePassed): time.sleep(INTERVAL) timePassed = timePassed + INTERVAL return timePassed def get_pass(file_name): try: with open(file_name , 'r') as file_obj: password = file_obj.read().strip() return password except Exception as e: logging.error("Error occurred while fetching password : %s", e) exit() def cleanup(): for file in jks_files: if os.path.isfile(file): logging.debug("Cleaning up the file %s", file) os.remove(file) def jks_to_p12(file, password): """Converts jks format into p12""" try: p12_file = file.replace('.jks', '.p12') jks_cmd = 'keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore {src_file} -destkeystore {dest_file} -srcstoretype JKS -srcstorepass {src_pass} -deststoretype PKCS12 -deststorepass {dest_pass}'.format(src_file=file, dest_file=p12_file, src_pass=password, dest_pass=password) logging.debug("Converting %s into p12 format", file) os.system(jks_cmd) file = p12_file return file except Exception as e: logging.error("Error occurred while converting jks to p12 format : %s", e) def extract_content(): """Extracts client key, certificates, CA certificates.""" try: certList = [] key = None cert = None truststore_pass = get_pass(truststore_pass_file) truststore_file_p12 = jks_to_p12(truststore_file, truststore_pass) keystore_pass = get_pass(keystore_pass_file) keystore_file_p12 = jks_to_p12(keystore_file, keystore_pass) clcrt_cmd = 'openssl pkcs12 -in {src_file} -clcerts -nokeys -passin pass:{src_pass}'.format(src_file=keystore_file_p12, src_pass=keystore_pass) clkey_cmd = 'openssl pkcs12 -in {src_file} -nocerts -nodes -passin pass:{src_pass}'.format(src_file=keystore_file_p12, src_pass=keystore_pass) trust_file = truststore_file_p12.split('/')[2] + '.trust' trustCerts_cmd = 'openssl pkcs12 -in {src_file} -out {out_file} -cacerts -nokeys -passin pass:{src_pass} '.format(src_file=truststore_file_p12, out_file=Path + '/' + trust_file, src_pass=truststore_pass) result_key = subprocess.check_output(clkey_cmd , shell=True) if result_key: key = result_key.split('-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----', 1)[1].lstrip().split('-----END PRIVATE KEY-----')[0] logging.debug("key ok") os.system(trustCerts_cmd) if os.path.exists(Path + '/' + trust_file): certList = readTrustedCertificate(Path, trust_file) logging.debug("certList ok") result_crt = subprocess.check_output(clcrt_cmd , shell=True) if result_crt: cert = result_crt.split('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', 1)[1].lstrip().split('-----END CERTIFICATE-----')[0] logging.debug("cert ok") if key and cert and certList: post_content(key, cert, certList, 0) else: logging.debug("Exiting. Key, cert or key are missing") return except Exception as e: logging.error("Error occurred while processing the file: %s", e) def look_for_jks_files(): if all([os.path.isfile(f) for f in jks_files]): extract_content() cleanup() else: logging.debug("Some of the files are missing") return def readCertProperties(): ''' This function searches for manually copied zip file containing certificates. This is required as part of backward compatibility. If not foud, it searches for jks certificates. ''' connected = makeHealthcheckCall(headers, timePassed) if connected: count = 0 if os.path.isfile(Path + "/certs.properties"): with open(Path + "/certs.properties", "r") as f: for line in f: if not "*****" in line: zipFileList.append(line) else: extractZipFiles(zipFileList, count) count += 1 del zipFileList[:] else: logging.debug("No zipfiles present in folder " + Path) logging.info("Looking for jks files in folder " + Path) look_for_jks_files() readCertProperties()