--- - hosts: all tasks: - name: parameter neIdentifier set_fact: ne_identifier: "{{neIdentifier}}" when: neIdentifier is defined - name: compatible with parameter pnfName set_fact: ne_identifier: "{{pnfName}}" when: neIdentifier is not defined and pnfName is defined - name: create a temporary file for additional data tempfile: state: file register: additional_data_file - name: prepare additional data copy: content: "{{additionalData}}" dest: "{{additional_data_file.path}}" - name: execute post-check operation shell: ./swm/upgrade-post-check {{ne_identifier}} {{oldSwVersion}} {{targetSwVersion}} {{ruleName}} {{additional_data_file.path}} ignore_errors: yes register: postcheck_result - name: write output to file local_action: copy content="{{postcheck_result.stdout}}" dest="{{inventory_dir}}/{{inventory_hostname}}_results.txt" when: postcheck_result.stdout != "" - name: remove the temporary file file: path: "{{additional_data_file.path}}" state: absent when: additional_data_file.path is defined - name: build error message set_fact: err_msg: "reason": "{{postcheck_result.stderr}}" "result": "Failure" when: postcheck_result is failed and postcheck_result.stdout == "" and postcheck_result.stderr != "" - name: write error message to file local_action: copy content="{{err_msg}}" dest="{{inventory_dir}}/{{inventory_hostname}}_results.txt" when: postcheck_result is failed and postcheck_result.stdout == "" and postcheck_result.stderr != "" - name: use result of post-check as the result of Playbook fail: msg: "{{postcheck_result.stderr}}" when: postcheck_result is failed