/* * ============LICENSE_START========================================== * ONAP Portal * =================================================================== * Copyright (C) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * =================================================================== * Modifications Copyright (c) 2019 Samsung * =================================================================== * * Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed * under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License"); * you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * ============LICENSE_END============================================ * * */ package org.onap.portal.domain.builder; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.validation.Valid; import javax.validation.constraints.Digits; import javax.validation.constraints.Email; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import javax.validation.constraints.PastOrPresent; import javax.validation.constraints.Size; import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.SafeHtml; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.cr.CrReportFileHistory; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.ep.EpPersUserWidgetPlacement; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.ep.EpPersUserWidgetSel; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.ep.EpUserNotification; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.ep.EpUserRolesRequest; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.ep.EpWidgetCatalogParameter; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.fn.FnAuditLog; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.fn.FnLanguage; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.fn.FnLuAlertMethod; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.fn.FnLuTimezone; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.fn.FnMenuFunctional; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.fn.FnOrg; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.fn.FnPersUserAppSel; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.fn.FnRole; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.fn.FnUser; import org.onap.portal.domain.db.fn.FnUserRole; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class FnUserBuilder { private @Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0) Long userId; private @Valid FnOrg orgId; private @Valid FnUser managerId; private @Size(max = 50) @SafeHtml String firstName; private @Size(max = 50) @SafeHtml String middleName; private @Size(max = 50) @SafeHtml String lastName; private @Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String phone; private @Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String fax; private @Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String cellular; private @Size(max = 50) @Email @SafeHtml String email; private @Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0) Long addressId; private FnLuAlertMethod alertMethodCd; private @Size(max = 20) @SafeHtml String hrid; private @Size(max = 20) @SafeHtml String orgUserId; private @Size(max = 30) @SafeHtml String org_code; private @Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String loginId; private @Size(max = 100) @SafeHtml String loginPwd; private @PastOrPresent LocalDateTime lastLoginDate; private @Size(max = 1) @SafeHtml @NotNull(message = "activeYn must not be null") String activeYn; private @Valid FnUser createdId; private @PastOrPresent LocalDateTime createdDate; private @Valid FnUser modifiedId; private @PastOrPresent LocalDateTime modifiedDate; private @Size(max = 1) @SafeHtml @NotNull(message = "isInternalYn must not be null") String isInternalYn; private @Size(max = 100) @SafeHtml String addressLine1; private @Size(max = 100) @SafeHtml String addressLine2; private @Size(max = 50) @SafeHtml String city; private @Size(max = 3) @SafeHtml String stateCd; private @Size(max = 11) @SafeHtml String zipCode; private @Size(max = 3) @SafeHtml String countryCd; private @Size(max = 8) @SafeHtml String locationClli; private @Size(max = 20) @SafeHtml String orgManagerUserId; private @Size(max = 100) @SafeHtml String company; private @Size(max = 200) @SafeHtml String departmentName; private @Size(max = 100) @SafeHtml String jobTitle; private @Valid FnLuTimezone timezone; private @Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String department; private @Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String businessUnit; private @Size(max = 100) @SafeHtml String businessUnitName; private @Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String cost_center; private @Size(max = 10) @SafeHtml String finLocCode; private @Size(max = 10) @SafeHtml String siloStatus; private @Valid @NotNull(message = "languageId must not be null") FnLanguage languageId; private @NotNull(message = "guest must not be null") boolean guest; private Set crReportFileHistorie; private Set fnRoles; private Set fnRoleList; private Set fnAuditLogs; private Set fnUsersCreatedId; private Set fnUsersManagerId; private Set fnUsersModifiedId; private Set epUserRolesRequests; private Set persUserAppSels; private Set epWidgetCatalogParameters; private Set epPersUserWidgetPlacements; private Set epPersUserWidgetSels; private Set fnUserRoles; private Set epUserNotifications; public FnUserBuilder setUserId(@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0) Long userId) { this.userId = userId; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setOrgId(@Valid FnOrg orgId) { this.orgId = orgId; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setManagerId(@Valid FnUser managerId) { this.managerId = managerId; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setFirstName(@Size(max = 50) @SafeHtml String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setMiddleName(@Size(max = 50) @SafeHtml String middleName) { this.middleName = middleName; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setLastName(@Size(max = 50) @SafeHtml String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setPhone(@Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String phone) { this.phone = phone; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setFax(@Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String fax) { this.fax = fax; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setCellular(@Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String cellular) { this.cellular = cellular; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setEmail(@Size(max = 50) @Email @SafeHtml String email) { this.email = email; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setAddressId(@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0) Long addressId) { this.addressId = addressId; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setAlertMethodCd(FnLuAlertMethod alertMethodCd) { this.alertMethodCd = alertMethodCd; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setHrid(@Size(max = 20) @SafeHtml String hrid) { this.hrid = hrid; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setOrgUserId(@Size(max = 20) @SafeHtml String orgUserId) { this.orgUserId = orgUserId; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setOrg_code(@Size(max = 30) @SafeHtml String org_code) { this.org_code = org_code; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setLoginId(@Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String loginId) { this.loginId = loginId; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setLoginPwd(@Size(max = 100) @SafeHtml String loginPwd) { this.loginPwd = loginPwd; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setLastLoginDate(@PastOrPresent LocalDateTime lastLoginDate) { this.lastLoginDate = lastLoginDate; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setActiveYn( @Size(max = 1) @SafeHtml @NotNull(message = "activeYn must not be null") String activeYn) { this.activeYn = activeYn; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setCreatedId(@Valid FnUser createdId) { this.createdId = createdId; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setCreatedDate(@PastOrPresent LocalDateTime createdDate) { this.createdDate = createdDate; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setModifiedId(@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0) FnUser modifiedId) { this.modifiedId = modifiedId; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setModifiedDate(@PastOrPresent LocalDateTime modifiedDate) { this.modifiedDate = modifiedDate; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setIsInternalYn( @Size(max = 1) @SafeHtml @NotNull(message = "isInternalYn must not be null") String isInternalYn) { this.isInternalYn = isInternalYn; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setAddressLine1(@Size(max = 100) @SafeHtml String addressLine1) { this.addressLine1 = addressLine1; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setAddressLine2(@Size(max = 100) @SafeHtml String addressLine2) { this.addressLine2 = addressLine2; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setCity(@Size(max = 50) @SafeHtml String city) { this.city = city; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setStateCd(@Size(max = 3) @SafeHtml String stateCd) { this.stateCd = stateCd; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setZipCode(@Size(max = 11) @SafeHtml String zipCode) { this.zipCode = zipCode; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setCountryCd(@Size(max = 3) @SafeHtml String countryCd) { this.countryCd = countryCd; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setLocationClli(@Size(max = 8) @SafeHtml String locationClli) { this.locationClli = locationClli; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setOrgManagerUserId(@Size(max = 20) @SafeHtml String orgManagerUserId) { this.orgManagerUserId = orgManagerUserId; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setCompany(@Size(max = 100) @SafeHtml String company) { this.company = company; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setDepartmentName(@Size(max = 200) @SafeHtml String departmentName) { this.departmentName = departmentName; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setJobTitle(@Size(max = 100) @SafeHtml String jobTitle) { this.jobTitle = jobTitle; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setTimezone(@Valid FnLuTimezone timezone) { this.timezone = timezone; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setDepartment(@Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String department) { this.department = department; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setBusinessUnit(@Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String businessUnit) { this.businessUnit = businessUnit; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setBusinessUnitName(@Size(max = 100) @SafeHtml String businessUnitName) { this.businessUnitName = businessUnitName; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setCost_center(@Size(max = 25) @SafeHtml String cost_center) { this.cost_center = cost_center; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setFinLocCode(@Size(max = 10) @SafeHtml String finLocCode) { this.finLocCode = finLocCode; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setSiloStatus(@Size(max = 10) @SafeHtml String siloStatus) { this.siloStatus = siloStatus; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setLanguageId( @Valid @NotNull(message = "languageId must not be null") FnLanguage languageId) { this.languageId = languageId; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setGuest(@NotNull(message = "guest must not be null") boolean guest) { this.guest = guest; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setCrReportFileHistorie(Set crReportFileHistorie) { this.crReportFileHistorie = crReportFileHistorie; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setFnRoles(Set fnRoles) { this.fnRoles = fnRoles; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setFnRoleList(Set fnRoleList) { this.fnRoleList = fnRoleList; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setFnAuditLogs(Set fnAuditLogs) { this.fnAuditLogs = fnAuditLogs; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setFnUsersCreatedId(Set fnUsersCreatedId) { this.fnUsersCreatedId = fnUsersCreatedId; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setFnUsersManagerId(Set fnUsersManagerId) { this.fnUsersManagerId = fnUsersManagerId; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setFnUsersModifiedId(Set fnUsersModifiedId) { this.fnUsersModifiedId = fnUsersModifiedId; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setEpUserRolesRequests(Set epUserRolesRequests) { this.epUserRolesRequests = epUserRolesRequests; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setPersUserAppSels(Set persUserAppSels) { this.persUserAppSels = persUserAppSels; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setEpWidgetCatalogParameters(Set epWidgetCatalogParameters) { this.epWidgetCatalogParameters = epWidgetCatalogParameters; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setEpPersUserWidgetPlacements(Set epPersUserWidgetPlacements) { this.epPersUserWidgetPlacements = epPersUserWidgetPlacements; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setEpPersUserWidgetSels(Set epPersUserWidgetSels) { this.epPersUserWidgetSels = epPersUserWidgetSels; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setFnUserRoles(Set fnUserRoles) { this.fnUserRoles = fnUserRoles; return this; } public FnUserBuilder setEpUserNotifications(Set epUserNotifications) { this.epUserNotifications = epUserNotifications; return this; } public FnUser createFnUser() { return new FnUser(userId, orgId, managerId, firstName, middleName, lastName, phone, fax, cellular, email, addressId, alertMethodCd, hrid, orgUserId, org_code, loginId, loginPwd, lastLoginDate, activeYn, createdId, createdDate, modifiedId, modifiedDate, isInternalYn, addressLine1, addressLine2, city, stateCd, zipCode, countryCd, locationClli, orgManagerUserId, company, departmentName, jobTitle, timezone, department, businessUnit, businessUnitName, cost_center, finLocCode, siloStatus, languageId, guest, crReportFileHistorie, fnRoles, fnRoleList, fnAuditLogs, fnUsersCreatedId, fnUsersManagerId, fnUsersModifiedId, epUserRolesRequests, persUserAppSels, epWidgetCatalogParameters, epPersUserWidgetPlacements, epPersUserWidgetSels, fnUserRoles, epUserNotifications); } }