--- title: dataUrl name: options-data-url --- Load the node data from this url. {% highlight js %} $('#tree1').tree({ dataUrl: '/example_data.json' }); {% endhighlight %} You can also set the **data-url** attribute on the dom element: {% highlight html %}
{% endhighlight %} You can set additional [jquery ajax options](http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/) in an object: {% highlight js %} $('#tree1').tree({ dataUrl: { url: '/example_data.json', headers: {'abc': 'def'} } }); {% endhighlight %} Or you can use a function: {% highlight js %} $('#tree1').tree({ dataUrl: function(node) { return { url: '/example_data.json', headers: {'abc': 'def'} }; } }); {% endhighlight %}