##### 4.6.0 29 April 2016 ###### Bug fixes - #215 - angular-cache.min.js tries to load the .map from dist/ - #204 - Does not work with Angular 1.3 and browserify ##### 4.5.0 12 January 2016 ###### Backwards compatible API changes - #205 - Feature request: Cache.getAllValues ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - #211 - Expires value gets sometimes automatically set to null - #212 - Internal Cache not reloaded on Reload ###### Other - Upgraded to CacheFactory v1.4.0 ##### 4.4.3 30 December 2015 - #179 - capacity does not work on often reload - #210 - Why does angular-cache ignore capacity configuration? ##### 4.4.1 12 October 2015 - #203 - trouble: bundle with r.js not works ##### 4.4.0 12 October 2015 - #200 - 4.3 storagePrefix is not backwards compatible - #201 - webpack minification error ##### 4.3.2 10 July 2015 - #191 - yabh issue with ie8 ##### 4.3.1 07 July 2015 - #190 - 4.3 breaks phantomJS tests ##### 4.3.0 06 July 2015 - #189 - Extracted non-angular code. ##### 4.2.2 01 July 2015 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - #165 - storageMode does not inherits from defaults ##### 4.2.1 01 July 2015 Upgraded dependencies Better CommonJS interop Added a number of build examples ##### 4.2.0 27 April 2015 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - #174 - Cache not being fully emptied if using localStorage and multiple web pages ##### 4.1.0 30 March 2015 ###### Backwards compatible API changes - #169 - Official support for ngResource ##### 4.0.2 22 March 2015 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - #164 - onExpire is still called when cache is empty ##### 4.0.1 20 March 2015 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - #163 - Configuring CacheOption storagePrefix results in "true.{key}" ##### 4.0.0 15 March 2015 ###### Breaking API changes - Completely disassociated angular-cache from the deprecated angular-data (angular-data has been replaced by js-data + js-data-angular) - Angular module renamed to _angular-cache_ - _DSCacheFactory_ renamed to _CacheFactory_ - _DSBinaryHeap_ renamed to _BinaryHeap_ - Removed `DSCacheFactoryProvider.setCacheDefaults`. You now do `angular.extend(CacheFactoryProvider.defaults, { ... });` - No longer exposing a `DSCache` constructor function (as it no longer exists) - `storageMode` can now be set dynamically, which will remove all items from current storage and insert them into the new storage ###### Other - Fixes #161 - Converted to ES6 and a webpack build with better umd support - Now exporting the module name _angular-cache_ (when you do `require('angular-cache')` you get `"angular-cache"`) - Deprecating angular-cache < 4.0.0 ##### 3.2.5 02 February 2015 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - #152 - Expired items sometimes only expire after double time. - #153 - Missing angular dependency in bower.json ##### 3.2.4 17 December 2014 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - #149 - when removing an object from localStorage the key didn't get removed if the passed parameter is of number type. ##### 3.2.3 13 December 2014 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - #112 - $resource cache and 3.0.0-beta-x - #122 - Error using DSCacheFactory with $http/ $resource and localStorage - #148 - Illegal operation when using local-/sessionStorage ##### 3.2.2 24 November 2014 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - #147 - `storeOnResolve` and `storeOnReject` should default to `false` ##### 3.2.1 10 November 2014 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - #142 - Use JSON.stringify instead of angular.toJson ##### 3.2.0 07 November 2014 ###### Backwards compatible API changes - #135 - Closes #135. (Improved handling of promises.) ##### 3.1.1 28 August 2014 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - #124 - DSCache.info does not work if the storageMode is localStorage. - #127 - requirejs conflict, require object overwritten ##### 3.1.0 15 July 2014 ###### Backwards compatible API changes - #117 - call to DSCacheFactory(...) produces JSHint warning (Added DSCacheFactory.createCache method) ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - #118 - dist/angular-cache.js doesn't end with a semicolon (Upgraded dependencies) - #120 - How come the non minified version has minified code? (Upgraded dependencies) ##### 3.0.3 16 June 2014 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - Angular 1.2.18 with $http/localStorage #116 ##### 3.0.2 15 June 2014 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - $http w/ cache is trying to store a promise, which dies on JSON.stringify #115 ##### 3.0.1 14 June 2014 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - Added polyfill for `$$minErr`. ##### 3.0.0 14 June 2014 3.0.0 Release ##### 3.0.0-beta.4 22 April 2014 ###### Backwards compatible API changes - Add feature to 'touch' elements in the cache #103 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - `localstorage` and Safari Private Browsing #107 ##### 3.0.0-beta.3 03 March 2014 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - Fixed duplicate keys when using localStorage #106 ##### 3.0.0-beta.2 25 February 2014 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - Fixed missing reference to DSBinaryHeap #105 ##### 3.0.0-beta.1 24 February 2014 ###### Breaking API changes - `maxAge` and `deleteOnExpire` are no longer overridable for individual items - Renamed angular module to `angular-data.DSCacheFactory`. Angular-cache is now part of the `angular-data` namespace - The `verifyIntegrity` option has been completely removed due to a cache being exclusively in-memory OR in web storage #96 - Supported values for the `storageMode` option are now: `"memory"`, `"localStorage"` or `"sessionStorage"` with the default being `"memory"` - `DSCache#put(key, value)` no longer accepts a third `options` argument - `DSCache#removeExpired()` no longer accepts an `options` argument and thus no longer supports returning removed expired items as an array - `DSCache#remove(key)` no longer accepts an `options` argument - `DSCache#setOptions(options[, strict])` no longer accepts `storageMode` and `storageImpl` as part of the `options` argument - `storageMode` is no longer dynamically configurable - `storageImpl` is no longer dynamically configurable ###### Backwards compatible API changes - Added `DSCache#enable()` - Added `DSCache#disable()` - Added `DSCache#setCapacity(capacity)` - Added `DSCache#setMaxAge(maxAge)` - Added `DSCache#setCacheFlushInterval(cacheFlushInterval)` - Added `DSCache#setRecycleFreq(recycleFreq)` - Added `DSCache#setDeleteOnExpire(deleteOnExpire)` - Added `DSCache#setOnExpire(onExpire)` - Added option `storagePrefix` for customizing the prefix used in `localStorage`, etc. #98 - Refactored to be in-memory OR webStorage, never both #96 ###### Other - I might have missed something... ##### 2.3.3 - 24 February 2014 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - *sigh Fixed #102 (regression from #100) ##### 2.3.2 - 23 February 2014 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - Fixed #100 (regression from #89) ##### 2.3.1 - 19 February 2014 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - Fixed #89 ##### 2.3.0 - 09 January 2014 - Caches can now be disabled #82 - The `options` object (`$angularCacheFactory()`, `AngularCache#setOptions()`, and `$angularCacheFactoryProvider.setCacheDefaults()`) now accepts a `disabled` field, which can be set to `true` and defaults to `false`. - `$angularCacheFactory.enableAll()` will enable any disabled caches. - `$angularCacheFactory.disableAll()` will disable all caches. - A disabled cache will operate as normal, except `AngularCache#get()` and `AngularCache#put()` will both immediately return `undefined` instead of performing their normal functions. ###### Backwards compatible API changes - `removeExpired()` now returns an object (or array) of the removed items. ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - `removeExpired()` now removes _all_ expired items. ##### 2.2.0 - 15 December 2013 ###### Backwards compatible API changes - `removeExpired()` now returns an object (or array) of the removed items. ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - `removeExpired()` now removes _all_ expired items. ##### 2.1.1 - 20 November 2013 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - Allow number keys, but stringify them #76 - Fix "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'maxAge' of null" #77 (thanks @evngeny-o) ##### 2.1.0 - 03 November 2013 ###### Backwards compatible API changes - Modify .get(key, options) to accept multiple keys #71 (thanks @roryf) ###### Other - Run tests against multiple versions of Angular.js #72 - Add banner to dist/angular-cache.min.js #68 ##### 2.0.0 - 30 October 2013 - Not all methods of AngularCache and $angularCacheFactory are in README #61 - Fix demo to work with 2.0.0-rc.1 #62 - Using Bower to install this package, the dist filenames change per version? #63 ##### 2.0.0-rc.1 - 14 October 2013 ###### Breaking API changes - Swapped `aggressiveDelete` option for `deleteOnExpire` option. #30, #47 - Changed `$angularCacheFactory.info()` to return an object similar to `AngularCache.info()` #45 - Namespaced angular-cache module under `jmdobry` so it is now "jmdobry.angular-cache". #42 - Substituted `storageImpl` and `sessionStorageImpl` options for just `storageImpl` option. ###### Backwards compatible API changes - Added `recycleFreq` to specify how frequently to check for expired items (no more $timeout). #28, #57 - Added ability to set global cache defaults in $angularCacheFactoryProvider. #55 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - cacheFlushInterval doesn't clear web storage when storageMode is used. #52 - AngularCache#info(key) should return 'undefined' if the key isn't in the cache #53 - Fixed timespan issues in README.md. #59 ###### Other - Refactored angular-cache `setOptions()` internals to be less convoluted and to have better validation. #46 - Re-wrote documentation to be clearer and more organized. #56 - Fixed documentation where time spans were incorrectly labeled. #59 ##### 1.2.0 - 20 September 2013 ###### Backwards compatible API changes - Added AngularCache#info(key) #43 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - Fixed #39, #44, #49, #50 ##### 1.1.0 - 03 September 2013 ###### Backwards compatible API changes - Added `onExpire` callback hook #27 - Added `$angularCacheFactory.removeAll()` and `$angularCacheFactory.clearAll()` convenience methods #37, #38 ###### Backwards compatible bug fixes - Fixed #36 ##### 1.0.0 - 25 August 2013 - Closed #31 (Improved documentation) - Closed #32 ##### 1.0.0-rc.1 - 21 August 2013 - Added localStorage feature #26, #29 ##### 0.9.1 - 03 August 2013 - Fixed #25 ##### 0.9.0 - 03 August 2013 - Added a changelog #13 - Added documentation for installing with bower - Added ability to set option `aggressiveDelete` when creating cache and when adding items - Cleaned up README.md - Switched the demo to use Bootstrap 3 ##### 0.8.2 - 09 July 2013 - Added CONTRIBUTING.md #22 - Cleaned up meta data in bower.json and package.json ##### 0.8.1 - 09 July 2013 - Added .jshintrc - Cleaned up the docs a bit - `bower.json` now uses `src/angular-cache.js` instead of the versioned output files #21 - From now on the tags for the project will be named using [semver](http://semver.org/) ##### 0.8.0 - 08 July 2013 - Added `AngularCache.setOptions()`, the ability to dynamically change the configuration of a cache #20 - Added `AngularCache.keys()`, which returns an array of the keys in a cache #19 - Added `AngularCache.keySet()`, which returns a hash of the keys in a cache #19 ##### 0.7.2 - June 2013 - Added `angular-cache` to bower registry #7 - Created a working demo #9 #17 - Fixed the size not being reset to 0 when the cache clears itself #14 #16 - Added `$angularCacheFactory.keys()`, which returns an array of the keys (the names of the caches) in $angularCacheFactory #18 - Added `$angularCacheFactory.keySet()`, which returns a hash of the keys (the names of the caches) in $angularCacheFactory #18 ##### 0.6.1 - June 2013 - Got the project building on TravisCI - Renamed the project to `angular-cache` #5 ##### 0.5.0 - June 2013 - Added a roadmap to README.md #4 - Clarify usage documentation #3 - Wrote unit tests #2 ##### 0.4.0 - May 2013 - Added Grunt build tasks #1