# ECOMP Portal Web Application Back End for AT&T Internal Use ## Overview This is a Maven project with the ECOMP Portal web application back-end test files for internal use, containing test cases for controllers, interceptors and other Java classes for the AT&T version. This project uses the Maven war plugin to copy in ("overlay") the contents of the ECOMP Portal web application back-end common distribution at package time. Use Apache Maven to build. For more information please visit: https://wiki.web.att.com/display/EcompPortal/ECOMP+Portal+Home ## Release Notes This file tracks all changes to AT&T-specific versions, including back-end *and* All of the release notes in the ecomp-portal-BE-common-test area apply. -US874768 Created a new project to have common junit test cases which can be run from ecomp-portal-BE-att -Created PopulateTestData.sql and RemoveTestData.sql to populate and rollback the test data -Created Coomon configuration files ApplicationCommonContextTestSuite and MockitoTestSuite which can be extended from respective test classes. -Added Test cases for AppCatalogController