/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ONAP Policy Engine * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * Modified Copyright (C) 2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * Modifications Copyright (C) 2019 Bell Canada * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.policy.controller; import com.att.research.xacml.util.XACMLProperties; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.script.SimpleBindings; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.PolicySetType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.PolicyType; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.onap.policy.admin.PolicyNotificationMail; import org.onap.policy.admin.RESTfulPAPEngine; import org.onap.policy.common.logging.eelf.MessageCodes; import org.onap.policy.common.logging.eelf.PolicyLogger; import org.onap.policy.common.logging.flexlogger.FlexLogger; import org.onap.policy.common.logging.flexlogger.Logger; import org.onap.policy.model.PDPGroupContainer; import org.onap.policy.model.Roles; import org.onap.policy.rest.XACMLRestProperties; import org.onap.policy.rest.dao.CommonClassDao; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.Datatype; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.FunctionDefinition; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.PolicyEntity; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.PolicyVersion; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.UserInfo; import org.onap.policy.utils.PeCryptoUtils; import org.onap.policy.utils.PolicyUtils; import org.onap.policy.utils.UserUtils.Pair; import org.onap.policy.xacml.api.XACMLErrorConstants; import org.onap.policy.xacml.api.pap.PAPPolicyEngine; import org.onap.policy.xacml.util.XACMLPolicyScanner; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.controller.RestrictedBaseController; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.domain.UserApp; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.web.support.JsonMessage; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.web.support.UserUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.http.MediaType; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; @Controller @RequestMapping("/") public class PolicyController extends RestrictedBaseController { private static final Logger policyLogger = FlexLogger.getLogger(PolicyController.class); private static CommonClassDao commonClassDao; // // The PAP Engine // private static PAPPolicyEngine papEngine; private static String logTableLimit; private static String systemAlertTableLimit; protected static Map dropDownMap = new HashMap<>(); public static Map getDropDownMap() { return dropDownMap; } public static void setDropDownMap(Map dropDownMap) { PolicyController.dropDownMap = dropDownMap; } public static String getDomain() { return XACMLProperties.getProperty(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_ADMIN_DOMAIN, "urn"); } private static final Object mapAccess = new Object(); private static Map> mapDatatype2Function = null; private static Map mapID2Function = null; // Constant variables used across Policy-sdk private static final String policyData = "policyData"; private static final String file = "file"; private static final String SUPERADMIN = "super-admin"; private static final String POLICYGUEST = "Policy Guest"; private static final String LOGINID = "loginId"; // Smtp Java Mail Properties private static String smtpHost = null; private static String smtpPort = null; private static String smtpUsername = null; private static String smtpPassword = null; private static String smtpApplicationName = null; private static String smtpEmailExtension = null; // log db Properties private static String logdbDriver = null; private static String logdbUrl = null; private static String logdbUserName = null; private static String logdbPassword = null; private static String logdbDialect = null; // Xacml db properties private static String xacmldbUrl = null; private static String xacmldbUserName = null; private static String xacmldbPassword = null; // AutoPush feature. private static String autoPushAvailable; private static String autoPushDSClosedLoop; private static String autoPushDSFirewall; private static String autoPushDSMicroservice; private static String autoPushPDPGroup; // papURL private static String papUrl; // MicroService Model Properties private static String msOnapName; private static String msPolicyName; // WebApp directories private static String configHome; private static String actionHome; // File upload size private static long fileSizeLimit; private static boolean jUnit = false; public static boolean isjUnit() { return jUnit; } public static void setjUnit(boolean isJunit) { PolicyController.jUnit = isJunit; } @Autowired private PolicyController(CommonClassDao commonClassDao) { PolicyController.commonClassDao = commonClassDao; } public PolicyController() { // Empty constructor } /** * init method to load the properties. */ @PostConstruct public void init() { Properties prop = new Properties(); try { String fileName; if (jUnit) { fileName = new File(".").getCanonicalPath() + File.separator + "src" + File.separator + "test" + File.separator + "resources" + File.separator + "JSONConfig.json"; } else { fileName = "xacml.admin.properties"; } try (InputStream input = new FileInputStream(fileName)) { // load a properties file prop.load(input); } // file upload size limit property setFileSizeLimit(prop.getProperty("file.size.limit")); // pap url setPapUrl(prop.getProperty("xacml.rest.pap.url")); // get the property values setSmtpHost(prop.getProperty("onap.smtp.host")); setSmtpPort(prop.getProperty("onap.smtp.port")); setSmtpUsername(prop.getProperty("onap.smtp.userName")); setSmtpPassword(prop.getProperty("onap.smtp.password")); setSmtpApplicationName(prop.getProperty("onap.application.name")); setSmtpEmailExtension(prop.getProperty("onap.smtp.emailExtension")); // Log Database Properties setLogdbDriver(prop.getProperty("xacml.log.db.driver")); setLogdbUrl(prop.getProperty("xacml.log.db.url")); setLogdbUserName(prop.getProperty("xacml.log.db.user")); setLogdbPassword(PeCryptoUtils.decrypt(prop.getProperty("xacml.log.db.password"))); setLogdbDialect(prop.getProperty("onap.dialect")); // Xacml Database Properties setXacmldbUrl(prop.getProperty("javax.persistence.jdbc.url")); setXacmldbUserName(prop.getProperty("javax.persistence.jdbc.user")); setXacmldbPassword(PeCryptoUtils.decrypt(prop.getProperty("javax.persistence.jdbc.password"))); // AutoPuh setAutoPushAvailable(prop.getProperty("xacml.automatic.push")); setAutoPushDSClosedLoop(prop.getProperty("xacml.autopush.closedloop")); setAutoPushDSFirewall(prop.getProperty("xacml.autopush.firewall")); setAutoPushDSMicroservice(prop.getProperty("xacml.autopush.microservice")); setAutoPushPDPGroup(prop.getProperty("xacml.autopush.pdpGroup")); // Micro Service Properties setMsOnapName(prop.getProperty("xacml.policy.msOnapName")); if (getMsOnapName() == null) { setMsOnapName(prop.getProperty("xacml.policy.msEcompName")); } policyLogger.info("getMsOnapName => " + getMsOnapName()); setMsPolicyName(prop.getProperty("xacml.policy.msPolicyName")); policyLogger.info("setMsPolicyName => " + getMsPolicyName()); // WebApp directories setConfigHome(prop.getProperty("xacml.rest.config.webapps") + "Config"); setActionHome(prop.getProperty("xacml.rest.config.webapps") + "Action"); // Get the Property Values for Dashboard tab Limit try { setLogTableLimit(prop.getProperty("xacml.onap.dashboard.logTableLimit")); setSystemAlertTableLimit(prop.getProperty("xacml.onap.dashboard.systemAlertTableLimit")); } catch (Exception e) { policyLogger .error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Dashboard tab Property fields are missing" + e); setLogTableLimit("5000"); setSystemAlertTableLimit("2000"); } System.setProperty(XACMLProperties.XACML_PROPERTIES_NAME, "xacml.admin.properties"); } catch (IOException ex) { policyLogger.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Exception Occured while reading the Smtp properties from xacml.admin.properties file" + ex); } // Initialize the FunctionDefinition table at Server Start up Map> functionMap = getFunctionDatatypeMap(); for (Entry> entry : functionMap.entrySet()) { List functionDefinations = entry.getValue(); for (FunctionDefinition functionDef : functionDefinations) { dropDownMap.put(functionDef.getShortname(), functionDef.getXacmlid()); } } } /** * Get FunctionData Type from DB. * * @return list of FunctionData. */ public static Map> getFunctionDatatypeMap() { synchronized (mapAccess) { if (mapDatatype2Function == null) { buildFunctionMaps(); } } return mapDatatype2Function; } /** * Get Function ID. * * @return Function ID. */ public static Map getFunctionIdMap() { synchronized (mapAccess) { if (mapID2Function == null) { buildFunctionMaps(); } } return mapID2Function; } private static void buildFunctionMaps() { mapDatatype2Function = new HashMap<>(); mapID2Function = new HashMap<>(); List functiondefinitions = commonClassDao.getData(FunctionDefinition.class); for (int i = 0; i < functiondefinitions.size(); i++) { FunctionDefinition value = (FunctionDefinition) functiondefinitions.get(i); mapID2Function.put(value.getXacmlid(), value); if (!mapDatatype2Function.containsKey(value.getDatatypeBean())) { mapDatatype2Function.put(value.getDatatypeBean(), new ArrayList()); } mapDatatype2Function.get(value.getDatatypeBean()).add(value); } } /** * Get Functional Definition data. * * @param request HttpServletRequest. * @param response HttpServletResponse. */ @RequestMapping( value = {"/get_FunctionDefinitionDataByName"}, method = {org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod.GET}, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public void getFunctionDefinitionData(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { try { Map model = new HashMap<>(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); model.put("functionDefinitionDatas", mapper.writeValueAsString(commonClassDao.getDataByColumn(FunctionDefinition.class, "shortname"))); response.getWriter().write(new JSONObject(new JsonMessage(mapper.writeValueAsString(model))).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { policyLogger.error( XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Error while retriving the Function Definition data" + e); } } /** * Get PolicyEntity Data from db. * * @param scope scopeName. * @param policyName policyName. * @return policyEntity data. */ public PolicyEntity getPolicyEntityData(String scope, String policyName) { String key = scope + ":" + policyName; List data = commonClassDao.getDataById(PolicyEntity.class, "scope:policyName", key); return (PolicyEntity) data.get(0); } /** * Get Policy User Roles from db. * * @param userId LoginID. * @return list of Roles. */ public List getRolesOfUser(String userId) { List rolesList = new ArrayList<>(); List roles = commonClassDao.getDataById(Roles.class, LOGINID, userId); for (Object role : roles) { rolesList.add(((Roles) role).getRole()); } return rolesList; } public List getRoles(String userId) { return commonClassDao.getDataById(Roles.class, LOGINID, userId); } /** * Get List of User Roles. * * @param request HttpServletRequest. * @param response HttpServletResponse. */ @RequestMapping( value = {"/get_UserRolesData"}, method = {org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod.GET}, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public void getUserRolesEntityData(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { try { String userId = UserUtils.getUserSession(request).getOrgUserId(); Map model = new HashMap<>(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); model.put("userRolesDatas", mapper.writeValueAsString(getRolesOfUser(userId))); response.getWriter().write(new JSONObject(new JsonMessage(mapper.writeValueAsString(model))).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { policyLogger.error("Exception Occured" + e); } } /** * Policy tabs Model and View. * * @param request Request input. * @return view model. */ @RequestMapping(value = {"/policy", "/policy/Editor"}, method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView view(HttpServletRequest request) { getUserRoleFromSession(request); String myRequestUrl = request.getRequestURL().toString(); try { // // Set the URL for the RESTful PAP Engine // setPapEngine(new RESTfulPAPEngine(myRequestUrl)); new PDPGroupContainer(new RESTfulPAPEngine(myRequestUrl)); } catch (Exception e) { policyLogger.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR + "Exception Occured while loading PAP" + e); } Map model = new HashMap<>(); return new ModelAndView("policy_Editor", "model", model); } /** * Read the role from session for inserting into the database. * * @param request Request input for Role. */ public void getUserRoleFromSession(HttpServletRequest request) { // While user landing on Policy page, fetch the userId and Role from // session. // And, Query the Roles table and if user not exists or else modified // update the Roles table. List roles; List newRoles = new ArrayList<>(); String userId = UserUtils.getUserSession(request).getOrgUserId(); String name = UserUtils.getUserSession(request).getFullName(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set userApps = UserUtils.getUserSession(request).getUserApps(); for (UserApp userApp : userApps) { newRoles.add(userApp.getRole().getName()); } List userRoles = getRoles(userId); List filteredRoles = filterRole(newRoles); if (!filteredRoles.isEmpty()) { cleanUpRoles(filteredRoles, userId); } for (String filteredRole : filteredRoles) { if (userRoles == null || userRoles.isEmpty()) { savePolicyRoles(name, filteredRole, userId); } else { userRoles = getRoles(userId); Pair, List> pair = org.onap.policy.utils.UserUtils.checkRoleAndScope(userRoles); roles = pair.second; if (!roles.contains(filteredRole)) { savePolicyRoles(name, filteredRole, userId); } } } } /** * Build a delete query for cleaning up roles and execute it. * * @param filteredRoles Filtered roles list. * @param userId UserID. */ private void cleanUpRoles(List filteredRoles, String userId) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("delete from Roles where loginid = '" + userId + "'"); if (filteredRoles.contains(SUPERADMIN)) { query.append("and not role = '" + SUPERADMIN + "'"); } else { for (String filteredRole : filteredRoles) { query.append("and not role = '" + filteredRole + "'"); } } query.append("and id > 0"); commonClassDao.updateQuery(query.toString()); } /** * Save the Role to DB. * * @param name User Name. * @param filteredRole Role Name. * @param userId User LoginID. */ private void savePolicyRoles(String name, String filteredRole, String userId) { UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo(); userInfo.setUserLoginId(userId); userInfo.setUserName(name); commonClassDao.save(userInfo); Roles role = new Roles(); role.setName(name); role.setRole(filteredRole); role.setLoginId(userId); commonClassDao.save(role); } /** * Filter the list of roles hierarchy wise. * * @param newRoles list of roles from request. * @return */ private List filterRole(List newRoles) { List roles = new ArrayList<>(); boolean superCheck = false; for (String role : newRoles) { if ("Policy Super Guest".equalsIgnoreCase(role.trim())) { superCheck = true; roles.add("super-guest"); } else if ("Policy Super Editor".equalsIgnoreCase(role.trim())) { superCheck = true; roles.clear(); roles.add("super-editor"); } else if ("Policy Super Admin".equalsIgnoreCase(role.trim()) || "System Administrator".equalsIgnoreCase(role.trim()) || "Standard User".equalsIgnoreCase(role.trim())) { superCheck = true; roles.clear(); roles.add(SUPERADMIN); } if (!roles.contains(SUPERADMIN) || (POLICYGUEST.equalsIgnoreCase(role) && !superCheck)) { if ("Policy Admin".equalsIgnoreCase(role.trim())) { roles.add("admin"); } else if ("Policy Editor".equalsIgnoreCase(role.trim())) { roles.add("editor"); } else if (POLICYGUEST.equalsIgnoreCase(role.trim())) { roles.add("guest"); } } } return roles; } public PAPPolicyEngine getPapEngine() { return papEngine; } public static void setPapEngine(PAPPolicyEngine papEngine) { PolicyController.papEngine = papEngine; } /** * Get UserName based on LoginID. * * @param createdBy loginID. * @return name. */ public String getUserName(String createdBy) { String loginId = createdBy; List data = commonClassDao.getDataById(UserInfo.class, LOGINID, loginId); return data.get(0).toString(); } /** * Check if the Policy is Active or not. * * @param query sql query. * @return boolean. */ public static boolean getActivePolicy(String query) { return !commonClassDao.getDataByQuery(query, new SimpleBindings()).isEmpty(); } public void executeQuery(String query) { commonClassDao.updateQuery(query); } public void saveData(Object cloneEntity) { commonClassDao.save(cloneEntity); } public void updateData(Object entity) { commonClassDao.update(entity); } public void deleteData(Object entity) { commonClassDao.delete(entity); } public List getData(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class className) { return commonClassDao.getData(className); } public PolicyVersion getPolicyEntityFromPolicyVersion(String query) { return (PolicyVersion) commonClassDao.getEntityItem(PolicyVersion.class, "policyName", query); } public List getDataByQuery(String query, SimpleBindings params) { return commonClassDao.getDataByQuery(query, params); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Object getEntityItem(Class className, String columname, String key) { return commonClassDao.getEntityItem(className, columname, key); } /** * Watch Policy Function. * * @param entity PolicyVersion entity. * @param policyName updated policy name. * @param mode type of action rename/delete/import. */ public void watchPolicyFunction(PolicyVersion entity, String policyName, String mode) { PolicyNotificationMail email = new PolicyNotificationMail(); email.sendMail(entity, policyName, mode, commonClassDao); } /** * Switch Version Policy Content. * * @param thePolicyName which is used to find associated versions. * @return list of available versions based on policy name. */ public JSONObject switchVersionPolicyContent(String thePolicyName) { String policyName = thePolicyName; String dbCheckName = policyName.replace("/", "."); if (dbCheckName.contains("Config_")) { dbCheckName = dbCheckName.replace(".Config_", ":Config_"); } else if (dbCheckName.contains("Action_")) { dbCheckName = dbCheckName.replace(".Action_", ":Action_"); } else if (dbCheckName.contains("Decision_MS_")) { dbCheckName = dbCheckName.replace(".Decision_MS_", ":Decision_MS_"); } else if (dbCheckName.contains("Decision_")) { dbCheckName = dbCheckName.replace(".Decision_", ":Decision_"); } String[] splitDbCheckName = dbCheckName.split(":"); String query = "FROM PolicyEntity where policyName like :splitDBCheckName1 and scope = :splitDBCheckName0"; SimpleBindings params = new SimpleBindings(); params.put("splitDBCheckName1", splitDbCheckName[1] + "%"); params.put("splitDBCheckName0", splitDbCheckName[0]); List av = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object entity : commonClassDao.getDataByQuery(query, params)) { PolicyEntity policyEntity = (PolicyEntity) entity; String removeExtension = policyEntity.getPolicyName().replace(".xml", ""); String version = removeExtension.substring(removeExtension.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); String userName = getUserId(policyEntity, "@ModifiedBy:"); av.add(version + " | " + policyEntity.getModifiedDate() + " | " + userName); } if (policyName.contains("/")) { policyName = policyName.replace("/", File.separator); } PolicyVersion entity = (PolicyVersion) commonClassDao.getEntityItem(PolicyVersion.class, "policyName", policyName); JSONObject el = new JSONObject(); el.put("activeVersion", entity.getActiveVersion()); el.put("availableVersions", av); el.put("highestVersion", entity.getHigherVersion()); return el; } /** * getUserId. * * @param data PolicyEntity * @param value String * @return String */ public String getUserId(PolicyEntity data, String value) { String userId = ""; String userValue = value; // Why? String description = getDescription(data); if (description.contains(userValue)) { userId = description.substring(description.indexOf(userValue) + userValue.length(), description.lastIndexOf(userValue)); } UserInfo userInfo = (UserInfo) getEntityItem(UserInfo.class, "userLoginId", userId); if (userInfo == null) { return SUPERADMIN; } return userInfo.getUserName(); } /** * getDescription. * * @param data PolicyEntity * @return String */ public String getDescription(PolicyEntity data) { InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getPolicyData().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); Object policy = XACMLPolicyScanner.readPolicy(stream); if (policy instanceof PolicySetType) { return ((PolicySetType) policy).getDescription(); } else if (policy instanceof PolicyType) { return ((PolicyType) policy).getDescription(); } PolicyLogger.error(MessageCodes.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Expecting a PolicySet/Policy/Rule object. Got: " + policy.getClass().getCanonicalName()); return null; } /** * getUserInfo. * * @param data PolicyEntity * @param activePolicies list of active policies * @return array of String */ public String[] getUserInfo(PolicyEntity data, List activePolicies) { String policyName = data.getScope().replace(".", File.separator) + File.separator + data.getPolicyName().substring(0, data.getPolicyName().indexOf('.')); PolicyVersion polVersion = activePolicies.stream().filter(a -> policyName.equals(a.getPolicyName())).findAny().orElse(null); String[] result = new String[2]; UserInfo userCreate = null; UserInfo userModify = null; if (polVersion != null) { userCreate = (UserInfo) getEntityItem(UserInfo.class, "userLoginId", polVersion.getCreatedBy()); userModify = (UserInfo) getEntityItem(UserInfo.class, "userLoginId", polVersion.getModifiedBy()); } result[0] = userCreate != null ? userCreate.getUserName() : SUPERADMIN; result[1] = userModify != null ? userModify.getUserName() : SUPERADMIN; return result; } public static String getLogTableLimit() { return logTableLimit; } public static void setLogTableLimit(String logTableLimit) { PolicyController.logTableLimit = logTableLimit; } public static String getSystemAlertTableLimit() { return systemAlertTableLimit; } public static void setSystemAlertTableLimit(String systemAlertTableLimit) { PolicyController.systemAlertTableLimit = systemAlertTableLimit; } public static CommonClassDao getCommonClassDao() { return commonClassDao; } public static void setCommonClassDao(CommonClassDao commonClassDao) { PolicyController.commonClassDao = commonClassDao; } public static Map> getMapDatatype2Function() { return mapDatatype2Function; } public static void setMapDatatype2Function(Map> mapDatatype2Function) { PolicyController.mapDatatype2Function = mapDatatype2Function; } public static Map getMapID2Function() { return mapID2Function; } public static void setMapID2Function(Map mapID2Function) { PolicyController.mapID2Function = mapID2Function; } public static String getSmtpHost() { return smtpHost; } public static void setSmtpHost(String smtpHost) { PolicyController.smtpHost = smtpHost; } public static String getSmtpPort() { return smtpPort; } public static void setSmtpPort(String smtpPort) { PolicyController.smtpPort = smtpPort; } public static String getSmtpUsername() { return smtpUsername; } public static void setSmtpUsername(String smtpUsername) { PolicyController.smtpUsername = smtpUsername; } public static String getSmtpPassword() { return smtpPassword; } public static void setSmtpPassword(String smtpPassword) { PolicyController.smtpPassword = smtpPassword; } public static String getSmtpApplicationName() { return smtpApplicationName; } public static void setSmtpApplicationName(String smtpApplicationName) { PolicyController.smtpApplicationName = smtpApplicationName; } public static String getSmtpEmailExtension() { return smtpEmailExtension; } public static void setSmtpEmailExtension(String smtpEmailExtension) { PolicyController.smtpEmailExtension = smtpEmailExtension; } public static String getLogdbDriver() { return logdbDriver; } public static void setLogdbDriver(String logdbDriver) { PolicyController.logdbDriver = logdbDriver; } public static String getLogdbUrl() { return logdbUrl; } public static void setLogdbUrl(String logdbUrl) { PolicyController.logdbUrl = logdbUrl; } public static String getLogdbUserName() { return logdbUserName; } public static void setLogdbUserName(String logdbUserName) { PolicyController.logdbUserName = logdbUserName; } public static String getLogdbPassword() { return logdbPassword; } public static void setLogdbPassword(String logdbPassword) { PolicyController.logdbPassword = logdbPassword; } public static String getLogdbDialect() { return logdbDialect; } public static void setLogdbDialect(String logdbDialect) { PolicyController.logdbDialect = logdbDialect; } public static String getXacmldbUrl() { return xacmldbUrl; } public static void setXacmldbUrl(String xacmldbUrl) { PolicyController.xacmldbUrl = xacmldbUrl; } public static String getXacmldbUserName() { return xacmldbUserName; } public static void setXacmldbUserName(String xacmldbUserName) { PolicyController.xacmldbUserName = xacmldbUserName; } public static String getXacmldbPassword() { return xacmldbPassword; } public static void setXacmldbPassword(String xacmldbPassword) { PolicyController.xacmldbPassword = xacmldbPassword; } public static String getAutoPushAvailable() { return autoPushAvailable; } public static void setAutoPushAvailable(String autoPushAvailable) { PolicyController.autoPushAvailable = autoPushAvailable; } public static String getAutoPushDSClosedLoop() { return autoPushDSClosedLoop; } public static void setAutoPushDSClosedLoop(String autoPushDSClosedLoop) { PolicyController.autoPushDSClosedLoop = autoPushDSClosedLoop; } public static String getAutoPushDSFirewall() { return autoPushDSFirewall; } public static void setAutoPushDSFirewall(String autoPushDSFirewall) { PolicyController.autoPushDSFirewall = autoPushDSFirewall; } public static String getAutoPushDSMicroservice() { return autoPushDSMicroservice; } public static void setAutoPushDSMicroservice(String autoPushDSMicroservice) { PolicyController.autoPushDSMicroservice = autoPushDSMicroservice; } public static String getAutoPushPDPGroup() { return autoPushPDPGroup; } public static void setAutoPushPDPGroup(String autoPushPDPGroup) { PolicyController.autoPushPDPGroup = autoPushPDPGroup; } public static String getPapUrl() { return papUrl; } public static void setPapUrl(String papUrl) { PolicyController.papUrl = papUrl; } public static String getMsOnapName() { return msOnapName; } public static void setMsOnapName(String msOnapName) { PolicyController.msOnapName = msOnapName; } public static String getMsPolicyName() { return msPolicyName; } public static void setMsPolicyName(String msPolicyName) { PolicyController.msPolicyName = msPolicyName; } public static String getConfigHome() { return configHome; } public static void setConfigHome(String configHome) { PolicyController.configHome = configHome; } public static String getActionHome() { return actionHome; } public static void setActionHome(String actionHome) { PolicyController.actionHome = actionHome; } public static Object getMapaccess() { return mapAccess; } public static String getPolicydata() { return policyData; } public static String getCharacterencoding() { return PolicyUtils.CHARACTER_ENCODING; } public static String getContenttype() { return PolicyUtils.APPLICATION_JSON; } public static String getFile() { return file; } /** * Set File Size limit. * * @param uploadSize value. */ public static void setFileSizeLimit(String uploadSize) { // Default size limit is 30MB if (uploadSize == null || uploadSize.isEmpty()) { fileSizeLimit = 30000000; } else { fileSizeLimit = Long.parseLong(uploadSize); } } public static long getFileSizeLimit() { return fileSizeLimit; } }