/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ONAP Policy Engine * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * Modifications Copyright (C) 2019 Bell Canada * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.policy.components; import com.att.research.xacml.api.AttributeValue; import com.att.research.xacml.std.IdentifierImpl; import com.att.research.xacml.std.StdAttribute; import com.att.research.xacml.std.StdAttributeValue; import com.att.research.xacml.util.XACMLPolicyScanner.CallbackResult; import com.att.research.xacml.util.XACMLPolicyScanner.SimpleCallback; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.AdviceExpressionType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.AdviceExpressionsType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.AllOfType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.AnyOfType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.ApplyType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.AttributeAssignmentExpressionType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.AttributeDesignatorType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.AttributeSelectorType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.AttributeValueType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.ConditionType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.MatchType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.ObligationExpressionType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.ObligationExpressionsType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.PolicySetType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.PolicyType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.RuleType; import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.VariableReferenceType; import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.onap.policy.common.logging.flexlogger.FlexLogger; import org.onap.policy.common.logging.flexlogger.Logger; import org.onap.policy.controller.PolicyController; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.FunctionDefinition; import org.onap.policy.xacml.api.XACMLErrorConstants; import org.onap.policy.xacml.util.XACMLPolicyScanner; public class HumanPolicyComponent { private static final Logger LOGGER = FlexLogger.getLogger(HumanPolicyComponent.class); // Constants Used in XML Creation public static final String CATEGORY_RECIPIENT_SUBJECT = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:recipient-subject"; public static final String CATEGORY_RESOURCE = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:attribute-category:resource"; public static final String CATEGORY_ACTION = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:attribute-category:action"; public static final String CATEGORY_ACCESS_SUBJECT = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:access-subject"; public static final String ACTION_ID = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:action-id"; public static final String SUBJECT_ID = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id"; public static final String RESOURCE_ID = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id"; public static final String FUNTION_INTEGER_ONE_AND_ONLY = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:integer-one-and-only"; public static final String FUNCTION_STRING_ONE_AND_ONLY = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-one-and-only"; public static final String FUNCTION_STRING_EQUAL = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal"; public static final String FUNCTION_STRING_REGEX_MATCH = "org.onap.function.regex-match"; public static final String FUNCTION_STRING_EQUAL_IGNORE = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:function:string-equal-ignore-case"; public static final String INTEGER_DATATYPE = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"; public static final String BOOLEAN_DATATYPE = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean"; public static final String STRING_DATATYPE = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"; public static final String URI_DATATYPE = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI"; public static final String RULE_VARIABLE = "var:"; public static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; private static final String ENTER = "ENTER"; private static HtmlProcessor htmlProcessor; private static File policyFile; private HumanPolicyComponent() { // Default Constructor } /** * DescribePolicy. * * @param policyFile File * @return JSONObject */ public static JSONObject DescribePolicy(final File policyFile) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace(ENTER); } HumanPolicyComponent.policyFile = policyFile; return humanPolicyLayout(); } private static JSONObject humanPolicyLayout() { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace(ENTER); } try { String html = processPolicy(); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put("html", html); return result; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "cannot build html area por policy", e); } return null; } private static String processPolicy() { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace(ENTER); } try (FileInputStream pIS = new FileInputStream(policyFile)) { Object policy = XACMLPolicyScanner.readPolicy(pIS); if (policy == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Policy File " + policyFile.getName() + " cannot be unmarshalled"); } HumanPolicyComponent.htmlProcessor = new HtmlProcessor(HumanPolicyComponent.policyFile, policy); Path policyPath = Paths.get(policyFile.getAbsolutePath()); XACMLPolicyScanner xacmlScanner = new XACMLPolicyScanner(policyPath, htmlProcessor); xacmlScanner.scan(); String html = htmlProcessor.html(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(policyPath + System.lineSeparator() + html); } return html; } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Exception reading policy: " + policyFile.getAbsolutePath() + ": " + e.getMessage(); LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + msg, e); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } } class HtmlProcessor extends SimpleCallback { private static final Logger LOGGER = FlexLogger.getLogger(HtmlProcessor.class); private static final String ENTER = "ENTER"; private static Map function2human; static { function2human = new HashMap<>(); function2human.put(HumanPolicyComponent.FUNCTION_STRING_EQUAL, "equal"); function2human.put(HumanPolicyComponent.FUNCTION_STRING_EQUAL_IGNORE, "equal"); function2human.put(HumanPolicyComponent.FUNCTION_STRING_ONE_AND_ONLY, "one-and-only"); function2human.put(HumanPolicyComponent.FUNCTION_STRING_REGEX_MATCH, "matching regular expression"); function2human.put(HumanPolicyComponent.FUNTION_INTEGER_ONE_AND_ONLY, "one-and-only"); } private static Map combiningAlgo2human; static { combiningAlgo2human = new HashMap<>(); combiningAlgo2human.put("deny-overrides", "to deny if any $placeholder$ below evaluates to deny"); combiningAlgo2human.put("permit-overrides", "to permit if any $placeholder$ below evaluates to permit"); combiningAlgo2human.put("ordered-deny-overrides", "to deny if any $placeholder$ below evaluates to deny"); combiningAlgo2human.put("ordered-permit-overrides", "to permit if any $placeholder$ below evaluates to permit"); combiningAlgo2human.put("deny-unless-permit", "to permit if any $placeholder$ below evaluates to deny and not indeterminate"); combiningAlgo2human.put("permit-unless-deny", "to deny if any $placeholder$ below evaluates to is permit and not indeterminate"); combiningAlgo2human.put("first-applicable", "to honour the result of the first successfully evaluated $placeholder$ in order"); combiningAlgo2human.put("only-one-applicable", "to honour the result of the first successfully evaluated $placeholder$ in order"); } private Map attributeIdentifiersMap = new HashMap<>(); private final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); private final PrintWriter htmlOut = new PrintWriter(stringWriter); private final String policyName; private final Object rootPolicyObject; public HtmlProcessor(File policyFile, Object policyObject) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace(ENTER); } if (policyFile == null) { LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Null Policy File"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Policy File"); } if (!policyFile.exists() || !policyFile.canRead()) { String msg = "Can't access " + policyFile.getAbsolutePath(); LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS + msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if ((!(policyObject instanceof PolicySetType) && !(policyObject instanceof PolicyType))) { String msg = "Invalid unmarshalled object: " + policyObject; LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID + msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } this.policyName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(policyFile.getName()); this.rootPolicyObject = policyObject; String version = "-"; if (policyObject instanceof PolicyType) { PolicyType policy = (PolicyType) policyObject; version = policy.getVersion(); htmlOut.println("

Policy: " + policyName + " (version " + version + ")

"); } else { PolicySetType policySet = (PolicySetType) policyObject; version = policySet.getVersion(); htmlOut.println("

Policy Set: " + policyName + " (v" + version + ")

"); } htmlOut.println("

Location: " + policyFile.getPath() + "

"); htmlOut.println("
"); if (rootPolicyObject instanceof PolicySetType) { if (policyName.startsWith("Config_")) { htmlOut.println("

This is a config policy set.

"); } else if (policyName.startsWith("Action_")) { htmlOut.println("

This is an action policy set.

"); } htmlOut.println("
"); } else { if (policyName.startsWith("Config_")) { htmlOut.println("

This is a config policy.

"); } else if (policyName.startsWith("Action_")) { htmlOut.println("

This is an action policy.

"); } htmlOut.println("
    "); } } /** * getAttributeIdentifiersMap. * * @return the attributeIdentifiersMap */ public Map getAttributeIdentifiersMap() { return attributeIdentifiersMap; } @Override public void onFinishScan(Object root) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace(ENTER); } if (rootPolicyObject instanceof PolicySetType) { htmlOut.println("
"); } else { htmlOut.println(""); } htmlOut.println("
"); htmlOut.println("

Attribute Table:

"); htmlOut.println(""); htmlOut.println(""); htmlOut.print(""); htmlOut.print(""); htmlOut.print(""); htmlOut.println(""); for (Map.Entry entry : this.attributeIdentifiersMap.entrySet()) { AttributeIdentifiers value = entry.getValue(); htmlOut.println(""); htmlOut.print(""); htmlOut.print(""); htmlOut.print(""); htmlOut.println(""); } htmlOut.println("
" + value.category + "" + value.getType() + "" + value.id + "
"); htmlOut.println("

"); // Not necessary for the user, uncomment if desired at some point // writeRawXACML() super.onFinishScan(root); } @Override public CallbackResult onPreVisitPolicySet(PolicySetType parent, PolicySetType policySet) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("PolicySet: " + policySet.getPolicySetId() + " Version: " + policySet.getVersion()); } if (parent != null && LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("PolicySet: " + policySet.getPolicySetId() + "Parent PolicySet: " + parent.getPolicySetId() + " Version: " + parent.getVersion()); } String description = policySet.getDescription(); if (description != null && LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("PolicySet: " + policySet.getPolicySetId() + " Description: " + policySet.getDescription()); } if (parent == null) { // root policySet(policySet, "dl"); } else { policySet(policySet, "li"); } if (!policySet.getPolicySetOrPolicyOrPolicySetIdReference().isEmpty()) { htmlOut.println("
    "); } return super.onPreVisitPolicySet(parent, policySet); } @Override public CallbackResult onPostVisitPolicySet(PolicySetType parent, PolicySetType policySet) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("PolicySet: " + policySet.getPolicySetId() + " Version: " + policySet.getVersion()); } if (parent != null && LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("PolicySet: " + policySet.getPolicySetId() + "Parent PolicySet: " + parent.getPolicySetId() + " Version: " + parent.getVersion()); } String description = policySet.getDescription(); if (description != null && LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("PolicySet: " + policySet.getPolicySetId() + " Description: " + policySet.getDescription()); } if (!policySet.getPolicySetOrPolicyOrPolicySetIdReference().isEmpty()) { htmlOut.println("
"); } htmlOut.println("

"); return super.onPostVisitPolicySet(parent, policySet); } public void policySet(PolicySetType policySet, String htmlListElement) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("PolicySet: " + policySet.getPolicySetId()); } String combiningAlgorithm = "-"; String id = "-"; String version = "-"; if (policySet.getPolicyCombiningAlgId() != null) { combiningAlgorithm = extractLastIdentifier(policySet.getPolicyCombiningAlgId(), ":"); } if (policySet.getPolicySetId() != null) { id = extractLastIdentifier(policySet.getPolicySetId(), ":"); } if (policySet.getVersion() != null) { version = policySet.getVersion(); } htmlOut.println("<" + htmlListElement + ">Policy Set ID: " + id + " (v" + version + ") " + ""); if (policySet.getTarget() == null || policySet.getTarget().getAnyOf() == null || policySet.getTarget().getAnyOf().isEmpty()) { htmlOut.println("

This policy set applies to all requests.

"); } else { htmlOut.print("

"); htmlOut.print("This policy set applies to requests with attributes "); target(policySet.getTarget().getAnyOf()); htmlOut.println(".

"); } if (policySet.getPolicySetOrPolicyOrPolicySetIdReference() != null && !policySet.getPolicySetOrPolicyOrPolicySetIdReference().isEmpty()) { String algoDesc = combiningAlgo2human.get(combiningAlgorithm); if (algoDesc != null) { algoDesc = algoDesc.replace("$placeholder$", "policy") + " (" + "" + combiningAlgorithm + ")"; } else { algoDesc = combiningAlgorithm; } htmlOut.println("

The result is " + algoDesc + ":

"); } } @Override public CallbackResult onPreVisitPolicy(PolicySetType parent, PolicyType policy) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("PolicySet: " + policy.getPolicyId() + " Version: " + policy.getVersion()); } if (parent != null && LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("PolicySet: " + policy.getPolicyId() + "Parent PolicySet: " + parent.getPolicySetId() + " Version: " + parent.getVersion()); } String description = policy.getDescription(); if (description != null && LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("PolicySet: " + policy.getPolicyId() + " Description: " + policy.getDescription()); } policy(policy); if (!policy.getCombinerParametersOrRuleCombinerParametersOrVariableDefinition().isEmpty()) { htmlOut.println("
    "); } return super.onPreVisitPolicy(parent, policy); } @Override public CallbackResult onPostVisitPolicy(PolicySetType parent, PolicyType policy) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("PolicySet: " + policy.getPolicyId() + " Version: " + policy.getVersion()); } if (parent != null && LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("PolicySet: " + policy.getPolicyId() + "Parent PolicySet: " + parent.getPolicySetId() + " Version: " + parent.getVersion()); } if (!policy.getCombinerParametersOrRuleCombinerParametersOrVariableDefinition().isEmpty()) { htmlOut.println("
"); } htmlOut.println("

"); return super.onPostVisitPolicy(parent, policy); } public void policy(PolicyType policy) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Policy: " + policy.getPolicyId()); } String combiningAlgorithm = "-"; String id = "-"; String version = "-"; if (policy.getRuleCombiningAlgId() != null) { combiningAlgorithm = extractLastIdentifier(policy.getRuleCombiningAlgId(), ":"); } if (policy.getPolicyId() != null) { id = extractLastIdentifier(policy.getPolicyId(), ":"); } if (policy.getVersion() != null) { version = policy.getVersion(); } htmlOut.println("
  • Policy ID: " + id + " (v" + version + ") " + "
  • "); if (policy.getTarget() == null || policy.getTarget().getAnyOf() == null || policy.getTarget().getAnyOf().isEmpty()) { htmlOut.println("

    This policy applies to all requests.

    "); } else { htmlOut.print("

    "); htmlOut.print("This policy applies to requests with attributes "); target(policy.getTarget().getAnyOf()); htmlOut.println(".

    "); } if (policy.getCombinerParametersOrRuleCombinerParametersOrVariableDefinition() != null && !policy.getCombinerParametersOrRuleCombinerParametersOrVariableDefinition().isEmpty()) { String algoDesc = combiningAlgo2human.get(combiningAlgorithm); if (algoDesc != null) { algoDesc = algoDesc.replace("$placeholder$", "rule") + " (" + combiningAlgorithm + ")"; } else { algoDesc = combiningAlgorithm; } htmlOut.println("

    The result is " + algoDesc + ":

    "); } } @Override public CallbackResult onPreVisitRule(PolicyType parent, RuleType rule) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Rule: " + rule.getRuleId()); } if (parent != null && LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Parent Policy: " + parent.getPolicyId() + " Version: " + parent.getVersion()); } String description = rule.getDescription(); if (description != null && LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Rule: " + rule.getRuleId() + " Description: " + rule.getDescription()); } rule(rule); return super.onPreVisitRule(parent, rule); } @Override public CallbackResult onPostVisitRule(PolicyType parent, RuleType rule) { if (parent != null && LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Parent Policy: " + parent.getPolicyId() + " Version: " + parent.getVersion()); } return super.onPostVisitRule(parent, rule); } public void rule(RuleType rule) { String id = "-"; if (rule.getRuleId() != null) { id = extractLastIdentifier(rule.getRuleId(), ":"); } htmlOut.println("
  • Rule ID: " + id + "
  • "); htmlOut.println("
    "); htmlOut.print("

    "); htmlOut.print(rule.getEffect().value()); if (rule.getTarget() == null || rule.getTarget().getAnyOf() == null || rule.getTarget().getAnyOf().isEmpty()) { htmlOut.print(" for all requests"); } else { htmlOut.print(" for requests with attributes "); target(rule.getTarget().getAnyOf()); } if (rule.getCondition() != null) { htmlOut.print(" when "); htmlOut.println(this.stringifyCondition(rule.getCondition()) + " "); } else { htmlOut.print(" with no conditions "); } if (rule.getAdviceExpressions() != null) { advice(rule.getAdviceExpressions()); if (rule.getObligationExpressions() != null) { htmlOut.println(" and "); } } if (rule.getObligationExpressions() != null) { obligation(rule.getObligationExpressions()); } htmlOut.println("

    "); } private void advice(AdviceExpressionsType adviceExpressions) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace(ENTER); } List ae = adviceExpressions.getAdviceExpression(); for (AdviceExpressionType expression : ae) { htmlOut.println(" with advice (" + expression.getAdviceId() + ") on " + expression.getAppliesTo().value() + ":"); htmlOut.println("
      "); List assignments = expression.getAttributeAssignmentExpression(); if (assignments != null) { processAttributeAssignments(assignments); } htmlOut.println("
    "); } } private void obligation(ObligationExpressionsType obligationExpressions) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace(ENTER); } List oe = obligationExpressions.getObligationExpression(); for (ObligationExpressionType expression : oe) { htmlOut.println(" with obligations (" + expression.getObligationId() + ") to be fullfilled on " + expression.getFulfillOn().value() + ":"); htmlOut.println("
      "); List assignments = expression.getAttributeAssignmentExpression(); if (assignments != null) { processAttributeAssignments(assignments); } htmlOut.println("
    "); } } /** * processAttributeAssignments. * * @param assignments List of AttributeAssignmentExpressionType */ private void processAttributeAssignments(List assignments) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace(ENTER); } for (AttributeAssignmentExpressionType assignment : assignments) { String succintIdentifier = extractLastIdentifier(assignment.getCategory(), ":") + ":" + extractLastIdentifier(assignment.getAttributeId(), ":"); AttributeIdentifiers attributeIdentifiers = null; if (!this.attributeIdentifiersMap.containsKey(succintIdentifier)) { // Note Attribute Assignments do not have an Attribute Type, assume string // but note this case is unlikely since attributeMap should have been populated // during parsing of target and conditions, and not in this case for Advice and // Obligations. attributeIdentifiers = new AttributeIdentifiers(assignment.getCategory(), "NA", assignment.getAttributeId()); this.attributeIdentifiersMap.put(succintIdentifier, attributeIdentifiers); } htmlOut.print("
  • " + succintIdentifier + " is "); // AttributeValueType JAXBElement jaxbExp = assignment.getExpression(); Object assignmentObject = jaxbExp.getValue(); if (assignmentObject instanceof AttributeValueType) { AttributeValueType avt = (AttributeValueType) assignmentObject; if (attributeIdentifiers != null) { attributeIdentifiers.setType(avt.getDataType()); } int numContent = avt.getContent().size(); int countContent = 0; for (Object c : avt.getContent()) { countContent++; htmlOut.print("" + c + ""); if (countContent < numContent) { htmlOut.print(" or "); } } htmlOut.println("
  • "); } else if (assignmentObject instanceof AttributeDesignatorType || assignmentObject instanceof AttributeSelectorType || assignmentObject instanceof ApplyType) { htmlOut.println("NA"); } else { htmlOut.println("Unexpected"); } } } /** * target. * * @param anyOfList List of AnyOfType's */ public void target(List anyOfList) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace(ENTER); } if (anyOfList == null) { return; } Iterator iterAnyOf = anyOfList.iterator(); StringBuilder targetInHuman = new StringBuilder(); while (iterAnyOf.hasNext()) { AnyOfType anyOf = iterAnyOf.next(); List allOfList = anyOf.getAllOf(); Iterator iterAllOf = allOfList.iterator(); while (iterAllOf.hasNext()) { AllOfType allOf = iterAllOf.next(); List matchList = allOf.getMatch(); Iterator iterMatch = matchList.iterator(); if (matchList.size() > 1) { targetInHuman.append("("); } while (iterMatch.hasNext()) { MatchType match = iterMatch.next(); // // Finally down to the actual attribute // StdAttribute attribute = null; AttributeValueType value = match.getAttributeValue(); String attributeDataType; if (match.getAttributeDesignator() != null && value != null) { AttributeDesignatorType designator = match.getAttributeDesignator(); attribute = new StdAttribute(new IdentifierImpl(designator.getCategory()), new IdentifierImpl(designator.getAttributeId()), new StdAttributeValue>(new IdentifierImpl(value.getDataType()), value.getContent()), designator.getIssuer(), false); attributeDataType = designator.getDataType(); } else if (match.getAttributeSelector() != null && value != null) { AttributeSelectorType selector = match.getAttributeSelector(); attribute = new StdAttribute(new IdentifierImpl(selector.getCategory()), new IdentifierImpl(selector.getContextSelectorId()), new StdAttributeValue>(new IdentifierImpl(value.getDataType()), value.getContent()), null, false); attributeDataType = selector.getDataType(); } else { LOGGER.warn("NULL designator/selector or value for match."); attributeDataType = "NA"; } String functionName = getHumanFunction(match.getMatchId()); if (attribute != null) { String succintIdentifier = extractLastIdentifier( attribute.getCategory().stringValue(), ":") + ":" + extractLastIdentifier(attribute.getAttributeId().stringValue(), ":"); AttributeIdentifiers ai = new AttributeIdentifiers(attribute.getCategory().stringValue(), attributeDataType, attribute.getAttributeId().stringValue()); this.attributeIdentifiersMap.put(succintIdentifier, ai); targetInHuman.append("" + succintIdentifier + " " + functionName + " "); int numAttributes = attribute.getValues().size(); int count = 0; for (AttributeValue v : attribute.getValues()) { count++; if (v.getValue() instanceof Collection) { Collection collectionValues = (Collection) v.getValue(); int numValues = collectionValues.size(); int countValues = 0; for (Object o : collectionValues) { countValues++; targetInHuman.append(" " + o + ""); if (countValues < numValues) { targetInHuman.append(", or"); } } } else { targetInHuman.append(" " + v.getValue() + ""); if (count < numAttributes) { targetInHuman.append(", or "); } } } } if (iterMatch.hasNext()) { targetInHuman.append(" and "); } } // end iterMatch if (matchList.size() > 1) { targetInHuman.append(")"); } } if (iterAllOf.hasNext()) { targetInHuman.append(" or "); } } // end iterAllOf if (iterAnyOf.hasNext()) { targetInHuman = new StringBuilder(); targetInHuman.append("(" + targetInHuman + ")" + " or "); } else { if (anyOfList.size() > 1) { targetInHuman.append(")"); } } htmlOut.println(targetInHuman); } private String getHumanFunction(String matchId) { if (HtmlProcessor.function2human.containsKey(matchId)) { return HtmlProcessor.function2human.get(matchId); } FunctionDefinition function = PolicyController.getFunctionIdMap().get(matchId); String functionName = function.getShortname(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(functionName + ": #args[" + function.getArgLb() + "," + function.getArgUb() + "]"); } return extractLastIdentifier(removePrimitives(functionName), ":"); } public String html() { this.htmlOut.flush(); return this.stringWriter.toString(); } private String extractLastIdentifier(String in, String separator) { int lastIndex = in.lastIndexOf(separator); if (lastIndex < 0) { return in; } else { return in.substring(lastIndex + 1); } } private String removePrimitives(String in) { String newIn = in; newIn = newIn.replace("string-", ""); newIn = newIn.replace("integer-", ""); newIn = newIn.replace("double-", ""); newIn = newIn.replace("boolean-", ""); return newIn; } private String stringifyCondition(ConditionType condition) { if (condition.getExpression() == null) { return ""; } return stringifyExpression(condition.getExpression().getValue()); } private String stringifyExpression(Object expression) { if (expression instanceof ApplyType) { ApplyType apply = (ApplyType) expression; FunctionDefinition function = PolicyController.getFunctionIdMap().get(apply.getFunctionId()); String functionName = function.getShortname(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(functionName + ": #args[" + function.getArgLb() + "," + function.getArgUb() + "]"); } if (functionName.contains("one-and-only")) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("one-and-only found: " + functionName); } List> exps = apply.getExpression(); if (exps == null || exps.isEmpty()) { return ""; } else { StringBuilder forResult = new StringBuilder(); for (JAXBElement e : exps) { Object theValue = e.getValue(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("one-and-only children: " + theValue); } if (theValue != null) { forResult.append(stringifyExpression(theValue)); } } return forResult.toString(); } } final int numExpr = (apply.getExpression() == null) ? -1 : apply.getExpression().size(); if (numExpr <= 0) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(functionName + " 0 expressions: " + numExpr); } return ""; } else if (numExpr == 1) { // eg: not if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(functionName + " 1 expression: " + numExpr); } StringBuilder applySubresult = new StringBuilder(); for (JAXBElement e : apply.getExpression()) { Object theValue = e.getValue(); if (theValue != null) { applySubresult.append(this.stringifyExpression(e.getValue())); } } return " " + removePrimitives(functionName) + " (" + applySubresult.toString() + ")"; } else { // > 1 arguments if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(functionName + " > 1 expressions: " + numExpr); } StringBuilder applySubresult = new StringBuilder(); int exprCount = 0; for (JAXBElement e : apply.getExpression()) { exprCount++; Object ev = e.getValue(); if (ev != null) { if (ev instanceof ApplyType) { if (((ApplyType) ev).getFunctionId().contains("one-and-only")) { applySubresult.append(this.stringifyExpression(e.getValue())); } else { applySubresult.append("(" + this.stringifyExpression(e.getValue()) + ")"); } } else { applySubresult.append(this.stringifyExpression(e.getValue())); } if (exprCount < numExpr) { applySubresult.append(" " + removePrimitives(functionName) + " "); } } } return applySubresult.toString(); } } if (expression instanceof AttributeDesignatorType) { AttributeDesignatorType adt = (AttributeDesignatorType) expression; String succintIdentifier = extractLastIdentifier(adt.getCategory(), ":") + ":" + extractLastIdentifier(adt.getAttributeId(), ":"); AttributeIdentifiers ai = new AttributeIdentifiers(adt.getCategory(), adt.getDataType(), adt.getAttributeId()); this.attributeIdentifiersMap.put(succintIdentifier, ai); return "" + succintIdentifier + ""; } if (expression instanceof AttributeSelectorType) { AttributeSelectorType ast = (AttributeSelectorType) expression; String attrName = ast.getPath(); if (attrName == null || (attrName.length() == 0)) { return ""; } String textSelector = "/text()"; if (attrName.endsWith(textSelector)) { attrName = attrName.substring(0, attrName.length() - textSelector.length()); } attrName = extractLastIdentifier(attrName, "/"); attrName = extractLastIdentifier(attrName, ":"); return " " + attrName; } if (expression instanceof AttributeValueType) { AttributeValueType avt = (AttributeValueType) expression; List content = avt.getContent(); StringBuilder stringValue = new StringBuilder(" "); for (Object o : content) { stringValue.append(" "); stringValue.append(o.toString()); } return stringValue.toString(); } if (expression instanceof VariableReferenceType) { // // Really unknown - the variable may or may not have been defined // return " VARIABLEREF-NOT-HANDLED"; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected input expression"); } } } class AttributeIdentifiers { public final String category; private String type; public final String id; public AttributeIdentifiers(String category, String type, String id) { this.category = category; this.setType(type); this.id = id; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } }