/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ONAP-REST * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * Modified Copyright (C) 2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * Modifications Copyright (C) 2019 Nordix Foundation. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.policy.rest.util; import com.att.research.xacml.util.XACMLProperties; import com.google.gson.Gson; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EMap; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAnnotation; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnum; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnumLiteral; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAttributeImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EEnumImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceFactoryImpl; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.onap.policy.rest.XacmlRestProperties; import org.onap.policy.rest.dao.CommonClassDao; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.DictionaryData; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml; @Getter @Setter public class MsModelUtils { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(MsModelUtils.class); // String constants private static final String BOOLEAN = "boolean"; private static final String CONFIGURATION = "configuration"; private static final String DATATYPE = "data_types.policy.data."; private static final String DATA_TYPE = "data_types"; private static final String DEFAULT = ".default"; private static final String DEFAULTVALUE = ":defaultValue-"; private static final String DESCRIPTION = ".description"; private static final String DESCRIPTION_KEY = "description"; private static final String DESCRIPTION_TOKEN = ":description-"; private static final String DICTIONARY = "dictionary:"; private static final String DICTIONARYNAME = "dictionaryName"; private static final String ERROR = "error"; private static final String E_PROXY_URI = "eProxyURI:"; private static final String INTEGER = "integer"; private static final String JSON_MODEL = "JSON_MODEL"; private static final String LIST = "list"; private static final String MANYFALSE = ":MANY-false"; private static final String MANYTRUE = ":MANY-true"; private static final String MAP = "map"; private static final String MATCHABLE = ".matchable"; private static final String MATCHABLEKEY = "matchable"; private static final String MATCHINGTRUE = "matching-true"; private static final String NODE_TYPE = "node_types"; private static final String PROPERTIES = ".properties."; private static final String PROPERTIES_KEY = "properties"; private static final String REQUIRED = ".required"; private static final String REQUIREDFALSE = ":required-false"; private static final String REQUIREDTRUE = ":required-true"; private static final String REQUIREDVALUE = ":required-"; private static final String STRING = "string"; private static final String TOSCA_DEFINITION_VERSION = "tosca_definitions_version"; private static final String TOSCA_SIMPLE_YAML_1_0_0 = "tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0"; private static final String TYPE = ".type"; private static CommonClassDao commonClassDao; private HashMap classMap = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap enumMap = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap matchingClass = new HashMap<>(); private String onap = ""; private String policy = ""; private List orderedElements = new ArrayList<>(); private String dataOrderInfo = ""; private Set uniqueDataKeys = new HashSet<>(); private Set uniqueKeys = new HashSet<>(); private String listConstraints = null; private String referenceAttributes; private LinkedHashMap retmap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private Map matchableValues; private StringBuilder dataListBuffer = new StringBuilder(); private List dataConstraints = new ArrayList<>(); private String attributeString = null; private boolean isDuplicatedAttributes = false; private String jsonRuleFormation = null; /** * The Enum AnnotationType. */ private enum AnnotationType { MATCHING, VALIDATION, DICTIONARY } /** * The Enum ModelType. */ public enum ModelType { XMI } /** * The Enum SearchType. */ public enum SearchType { TOSCA_DEFINITION_VERSION, TOSCA_SIMPLE_YAML_1_0_0, NODE_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, JSON_MODEL } /** * Instantiates a new ms model utils. */ public MsModelUtils() { // Default Constructor } /** * Instantiates a new ms model utils. * * @param commonClassDao the common class dao */ public MsModelUtils(CommonClassDao commonClassDao) { MsModelUtils.commonClassDao = commonClassDao; } /** * Instantiates a new ms model utils. * * @param onap the onap * @param policy the policy */ public MsModelUtils(String onap, String policy) { this.onap = onap; this.policy = policy; } /** * Process epackage. * * @param file the file * @param model the model * @return the map */ public Map processEpackage(String file, ModelType model) { if (model == ModelType.XMI) { processXmiEpackage(file); } return classMap; } /** * Process XMI epackage. * * @param xmiFile the xmi file */ private void processXmiEpackage(String xmiFile) { EPackage root = getEpackage(xmiFile); TreeIterator treeItr = root.eAllContents(); String className; String returnValue; // Pulling out dependency from file while (treeItr.hasNext()) { EObject obj = treeItr.next(); if (obj instanceof EClassifier) { EClassifier eclassifier = (EClassifier) obj; className = eclassifier.getName(); if (obj instanceof EEnum) { enumMap.putAll(getEEnum(obj)); } else if (obj instanceof EClass) { String temp = getDependencyList(eclassifier).toString(); returnValue = StringUtils.replaceEach(temp, new String[] { "[", "]" }, new String[] { "", "" }); getAttributes(className, returnValue, root); } } } if (!enumMap.isEmpty()) { addEnumClassMap(); } if (!matchingClass.isEmpty()) { checkForMatchingClass(); } } /** * Check for matching class. */ private void checkForMatchingClass() { HashMap tempAttribute = new HashMap<>(); for (Entry set : matchingClass.entrySet()) { String key = set.getKey(); if (classMap.containsKey(key)) { Map listAttributes = classMap.get(key).getAttribute(); Map listRef = classMap.get(key).getRefAttribute(); for (Entry eset : listAttributes.entrySet()) { String key2 = eset.getKey(); tempAttribute.put(key2, MATCHINGTRUE); } for (Entry eset : listRef.entrySet()) { String key3 = eset.getKey(); tempAttribute.put(key3, MATCHINGTRUE); } } updateMatching(tempAttribute, key); } } /** * Update matching. * * @param tempAttribute the temp attribute * @param key the key */ private void updateMatching(HashMap tempAttribute, String key) { Map newClass = classMap; for (Entry updateClass : newClass.entrySet()) { Map valueMap = updateClass.getValue().getMatchingSet(); String keymap = updateClass.getKey(); if (valueMap.containsKey(key)) { Map modifyMap = classMap.get(keymap).getMatchingSet(); modifyMap.remove(key); modifyMap.putAll(tempAttribute); classMap.get(keymap).setMatchingSet(modifyMap); } } } /** * Adds the enum class map. */ private void addEnumClassMap() { for (Entry value : classMap.entrySet()) { value.getValue().setEnumType(enumMap); } } /** * Gets the epackage. * * @param xmiFile the xmi file * @return the epackage */ private EPackage getEpackage(String xmiFile) { ResourceSet resSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); Resource.Factory.Registry reg = Resource.Factory.Registry.INSTANCE; Map objectMap = reg.getExtensionToFactoryMap(); objectMap.put("xmi", new XMIResourceFactoryImpl()); Resource resource = resSet.getResource(URI.createFileURI(xmiFile), true); try { resource.load(Collections.emptyMap()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error loading Encore Resource for new Model" + e); } return (EPackage) resource.getContents().get(0); } /** * Gets the e enum. * * @param obj the obj * @return the e enum */ private HashMap getEEnum(EObject obj) { List valueList = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap returnMap = new HashMap<>(); EEnum eenum = (EEnum) obj; String name = eenum.getName(); for (EEnumLiteral enumLiteral : eenum.getELiterals()) { Enumerator instance = enumLiteral.getInstance(); String value = instance.getLiteral(); valueList.add(value); } returnMap.put(name, valueList.toString()); return returnMap; } /** * Gets the attributes. * * @param className the class name * @param dependency the dependency * @param root the root */ public void getAttributes(String className, String dependency, EPackage root) { List dpendList = new ArrayList<>(); if (dependency != null) { dpendList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(dependency.split(","))); } MsAttributeObject msAttributeObject = new MsAttributeObject(); msAttributeObject.setClassName(className); String extendClass = getSubTypes(root, className); Map returnRefList = getRefAttributeList(root, className, extendClass); Map returnAttributeList = getAttributeList(root, className, extendClass); Map returnSubList = getSubAttributeList(root, className, extendClass); HashMap returnAnnotation = getAnnotation(root, className, extendClass); msAttributeObject.setAttribute(returnAttributeList); msAttributeObject.setRefAttribute(returnRefList); msAttributeObject.setSubClass(returnSubList); msAttributeObject.setDependency(dpendList.toString()); msAttributeObject.addMatchingSet(returnAnnotation); msAttributeObject.setPolicyTempalate(isPolicyTemplate(root, className)); this.classMap.put(className, msAttributeObject); } /** * Gets the annotation. * * @param root the root * @param className the class name * @param extendClass the extend class * @return the annotation */ private HashMap getAnnotation(EPackage root, String className, String extendClass) { TreeIterator treeItr = root.eAllContents(); boolean requiredAttribute = false; boolean requiredMatchAttribute = false; HashMap annotationSet = new HashMap<>(); // Pulling out dependency from file while (treeItr.hasNext()) { EObject obj = treeItr.next(); if (obj instanceof EClassifier) { requiredAttribute = isRequiredAttribute(obj, className); requiredMatchAttribute = isRequiredAttribute(obj, extendClass); } if (requiredAttribute) { if (obj instanceof EStructuralFeature) { checkAnnotation(annotationSet, (EStructuralFeature) obj); } } else if (requiredMatchAttribute && (obj instanceof EStructuralFeature)) { findMatchingAnnotation(annotationSet, obj); } } return annotationSet; } /** * Find matching annotation. * * @param annotationSet the annotation set * @param obj the obj */ private void findMatchingAnnotation(HashMap annotationSet, EObject obj) { EStructuralFeature estrucClassifier = (EStructuralFeature) obj; if (estrucClassifier.getEAnnotations().isEmpty()) { return; } String matching = annotationValue(estrucClassifier, AnnotationType.MATCHING, policy); if (matching != null) { if (obj instanceof EReference) { EClass refType = ((EReference) obj).getEReferenceType(); annotationSet.put(refType.getName(), matching); matchingClass.put(refType.getName(), matching); } else { annotationSet.put(estrucClassifier.getName(), matching); } } } /** * Check annotation. * * @param annotationSet the annotation set * @param obj the obj */ private void checkAnnotation(HashMap annotationSet, EStructuralFeature obj) { EStructuralFeature estrucClassifier = obj; if (estrucClassifier.getEAnnotations().isEmpty()) { return; } String matching = annotationValue(estrucClassifier, AnnotationType.MATCHING, policy); if (matching != null) { annotationSet.put(estrucClassifier.getName(), matching); } String range = annotationValue(estrucClassifier, AnnotationType.VALIDATION, policy); if (range != null) { annotationSet.put(estrucClassifier.getName(), range); } String annotationDict = annotationValue(estrucClassifier, AnnotationType.DICTIONARY, policy); if (annotationDict != null) { annotationSet.put(estrucClassifier.getName(), annotationDict); } } /** * Gets the sub attribute list. * * @param root the root * @param className the class name * @param superClass the super class * @return the sub attribute list */ private Map getSubAttributeList(EPackage root, String className, String superClass) { TreeIterator treeItr = root.eAllContents(); boolean requiredAttribute = false; Map subAttribute = new HashMap<>(); int rollingCount = 0; int processClass = 0; // Pulling out dependency from file while (treeItr.hasNext() && rollingCount < 2) { EObject obj = treeItr.next(); if (obj instanceof EClassifier) { requiredAttribute = isRequiredAttribute(obj, className) || isRequiredAttribute(obj, superClass); if (requiredAttribute) { processClass++; } rollingCount = rollingCount + processClass; } if (requiredAttribute && (obj instanceof EStructuralFeature)) { EStructuralFeature estrucClassifier = (EStructuralFeature) obj; if (!estrucClassifier.getEAnnotations().isEmpty()) { updateSubAttributes(subAttribute, obj, estrucClassifier); } } } return subAttribute; } /** * Update sub attributes. * * @param subAttribute the sub attribute * @param obj the obj * @param estrucClassifier the e struc classifier */ private void updateSubAttributes(Map subAttribute, EObject obj, EStructuralFeature estrucClassifier) { if (!(obj instanceof EReference)) { return; } if (annotationTest(estrucClassifier, CONFIGURATION, onap)) { EClass refType = ((EReference) obj).getEReferenceType(); if (!refType.toString().contains(E_PROXY_URI)) { String required = REQUIREDFALSE; if (estrucClassifier.getLowerBound() == 1) { required = REQUIREDTRUE; } subAttribute.put(estrucClassifier.getName(), refType.getName() + required); } } } /** * Check defult value. * * @param defultValue the defult value * @return the string */ public String checkDefultValue(String defultValue) { if (defultValue != null) { return DEFAULTVALUE + defultValue; } return ":defaultValue-NA"; } /** * Check required pattern. * * @param upper the upper * @param lower the lower * @return the string */ public String checkRequiredPattern(int upper, int lower) { String pattern = XACMLProperties.getProperty(XacmlRestProperties.PROP_XCORE_REQUIRED_PATTERN); if (pattern != null && upper == Integer.parseInt(pattern.split(",")[1]) && lower == Integer.parseInt(pattern.split(",")[0])) { return REQUIREDTRUE; } return REQUIREDFALSE; } /** * Builds the java object. * * @param map the map * @return the JSON object */ public JSONObject buildJavaObject(Map map) { return new JSONObject(map); } /** * Gets the ref attribute list. * * @param root the root * @param className the class name * @param superClass the super class * @return the ref attribute list */ public Map getRefAttributeList(EPackage root, String className, String superClass) { TreeIterator treeItr = root.eAllContents(); boolean requiredAttribute = false; HashMap refAttribute = new HashMap<>(); int rollingCount = 0; int processClass = 0; boolean annotation; // Pulling out dependency from file while (treeItr.hasNext()) { EObject obj = treeItr.next(); if (obj instanceof EClassifier) { requiredAttribute = isRequiredAttribute(obj, className) || isRequiredAttribute(obj, superClass); if (requiredAttribute) { processClass++; } rollingCount = rollingCount + processClass; } if (requiredAttribute && (obj instanceof EStructuralFeature)) { EStructuralFeature estrucClassifier = (EStructuralFeature) obj; if (!estrucClassifier.getEAnnotations().isEmpty()) { annotation = annotationTest(estrucClassifier, CONFIGURATION, onap); if (annotation && obj instanceof EReference) { updRefAttributes(refAttribute, (EStructuralFeature) obj, estrucClassifier); } else if (annotation && obj instanceof EAttributeImpl) { updEnumTypeRefAttrib(refAttribute, (EStructuralFeature) obj, estrucClassifier); } } } } return refAttribute; } /** * Upd enum type ref attrib. * * @param refAttribute the ref attribute * @param obj the obj * @param estrucClassifier the e struc classifier */ private void updEnumTypeRefAttrib(HashMap refAttribute, EStructuralFeature obj, EStructuralFeature estrucClassifier) { EClassifier refType = ((EAttributeImpl) obj).getEType(); if (!(refType instanceof EEnumImpl)) { return; } String array = arrayCheck(obj.getUpperBound()); String required = REQUIREDFALSE; if (obj.getLowerBound() == 1) { required = REQUIREDTRUE; } refAttribute.put(estrucClassifier.getName(), refType.getName() + array + required); } /** * Upd ref attributes. * * @param refAttribute the ref attribute * @param obj the obj * @param estrucClassifier the e struc classifier */ private void updRefAttributes(HashMap refAttribute, EStructuralFeature obj, EStructuralFeature estrucClassifier) { EClass refType = ((EReference) obj).getEReferenceType(); if (refType.toString().contains(E_PROXY_URI)) { String one = refType.toString().split(E_PROXY_URI)[1]; String refValue = StringUtils.replaceEach(one.split("#")[1], new String[] { "//", ")" }, new String[] { "", "" }); refAttribute.put(estrucClassifier.getName(), refValue); } else { String required = REQUIREDFALSE; if (obj.getLowerBound() == 1) { required = REQUIREDTRUE; } refAttribute.put(estrucClassifier.getName(), refType.getName() + arrayCheck(obj.getUpperBound()) + required); } } /** * Annotation test. * * @param estrucClassifier the e struc classifier * @param annotation the annotation * @param type the type * @return true, if successful */ private boolean annotationTest(EStructuralFeature estrucClassifier, String annotation, String type) { String annotationType; EAnnotation eannotation; String onapType; String onapValue; EList value = estrucClassifier.getEAnnotations(); for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); i++) { annotationType = value.get(i).getSource(); eannotation = estrucClassifier.getEAnnotations().get(i); onapType = eannotation.getDetails().get(0).getValue(); onapValue = eannotation.getDetails().get(0).getKey(); if (annotationType.contains(type) && onapType.contains(annotation)) { return true; } if (annotationType.contains(type) && onapValue.contains(annotation)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Annotation value. * * @param estrucClassifier the e struc classifier * @param annotation the annotation * @param type the type * @return the string */ private String annotationValue(EStructuralFeature estrucClassifier, AnnotationType annotation, String type) { String annotationType; EAnnotation eannotation; String onapType; String onapValue = null; EList value = estrucClassifier.getEAnnotations(); for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); i++) { annotationType = value.get(i).getSource(); eannotation = estrucClassifier.getEAnnotations().get(i); onapType = eannotation.getDetails().get(0).getKey(); if (annotationType.contains(type) && onapType.compareToIgnoreCase(annotation.toString()) == 0) { onapValue = eannotation.getDetails().get(0).getValue(); if (annotation == AnnotationType.VALIDATION) { return onapValue; } else { return onapType + "-" + onapValue; } } } return onapValue; } /** * Checks if is required attribute. * * @param obj the obj * @param className the class name * @return true, if is required attribute */ public boolean isRequiredAttribute(EObject obj, String className) { EClassifier eclassifier = (EClassifier) obj; String workingClass = eclassifier.getName().trim(); return workingClass.equalsIgnoreCase(className); } /** * Checks if is policy template. * * @param root the root * @param className the class name * @return true, if is policy template */ private boolean isPolicyTemplate(EPackage root, String className) { boolean result = false; for (EClassifier classifier : root.getEClassifiers()) { if (classifier instanceof EClass) { EClass eclass = (EClass) classifier; if (eclass.getName().contentEquals(className)) { result = checkPolicyTemplate(eclass); break; } } } return result; } /** * Check policy template. * * @param eclass the e class * @return true, if successful */ private boolean checkPolicyTemplate(EClass eclass) { EList value = eclass.getEAnnotations(); for (EAnnotation workingValue : value) { EMap keyMap = workingValue.getDetails(); if (keyMap.containsKey("policyTemplate")) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets the sub types. * * @param root the root * @param className the class name * @return the sub types */ private String getSubTypes(EPackage root, String className) { String returnSubTypes = null; for (EClassifier classifier : root.getEClassifiers()) { if (classifier instanceof EClass) { returnSubTypes = findSubTypes(className, returnSubTypes, (EClass) classifier); } } return returnSubTypes; } /** * Find sub types. * * @param className the class name * @param returnSubTypes the return sub types * @param classifier the classifier * @return the string */ private String findSubTypes(String className, String returnSubTypes, EClass classifier) { EClass eclass = classifier; for (EClass esuperType : eclass.getEAllSuperTypes()) { if (eclass.getName().contentEquals(className)) { returnSubTypes = esuperType.getName(); } } return returnSubTypes; } /** * Gets the attribute list. * * @param root the root * @param className the class name * @param superClass the super class * @return the attribute list */ public Map getAttributeList(EPackage root, String className, String superClass) { TreeIterator treeItr = root.eAllContents(); boolean requiredAttribute = false; HashMap refAttribute = new HashMap<>(); // Pulling out dependency from file while (treeItr.hasNext()) { EObject obj = treeItr.next(); if (obj instanceof EClassifier) { requiredAttribute = isRequiredAttribute(obj, className) || isRequiredAttribute(obj, superClass); } if (requiredAttribute && (obj instanceof EStructuralFeature)) { EStructuralFeature estrucClassifier = (EStructuralFeature) obj; if (!estrucClassifier.getEAnnotations().isEmpty()) { checkStrucClassifier(refAttribute, obj, estrucClassifier); } } } return refAttribute; } /** * Check struc classifier. * * @param refAttribute the ref attribute * @param obj the obj * @param estrucClassifier the e struc classifier */ private void checkStrucClassifier(HashMap refAttribute, EObject obj, EStructuralFeature estrucClassifier) { EClassifier refType = ((EStructuralFeature) obj).getEType(); boolean annotation = annotationTest(estrucClassifier, CONFIGURATION, onap); boolean dictionaryTest = annotationTest(estrucClassifier, DICTIONARY, policy); if (annotation && !(obj instanceof EReference) && !(refType instanceof EEnumImpl)) { updEReferenceAttrib(refAttribute, dictionaryTest, (EStructuralFeature) obj, estrucClassifier); } } /** * Upd E reference attrib. * * @param refAttribute the ref attribute * @param dictionaryTest the dictionary test * @param obj the obj * @param estrucClassifier the e struc classifier */ private void updEReferenceAttrib(HashMap refAttribute, boolean dictionaryTest, EStructuralFeature obj, EStructuralFeature estrucClassifier) { String etype; String name = estrucClassifier.getName(); if (dictionaryTest) { etype = annotationValue(estrucClassifier, AnnotationType.DICTIONARY, policy); } else { etype = estrucClassifier.getEType().getInstanceClassName(); } String defaultValue = checkDefultValue(obj.getDefaultValueLiteral()); String array = arrayCheck(obj.getUpperBound()); String required = checkRequiredPattern(obj.getUpperBound(), obj.getLowerBound()); refAttribute.put(name, etype + defaultValue + required + array); } /** * Array check. * * @param upperBound the upper bound * @return the string */ public String arrayCheck(int upperBound) { if (upperBound == -1) { return MANYTRUE; } return MANYFALSE; } /** * Gets the dependency list. * * @param eclassifier the e classifier * @return the dependency list */ public List getDependencyList(EClassifier eclassifier) { List returnValue = new ArrayList<>(); ; EList somelist = ((EClass) eclassifier).getEAllSuperTypes(); if (somelist.isEmpty()) { return returnValue; } for (EClass depend : somelist) { if (depend.toString().contains(E_PROXY_URI)) { String one = depend.toString().split(E_PROXY_URI)[1]; String value = StringUtils.replaceEach(one.split("#")[1], new String[] { "//", ")" }, new String[] { "", "" }); returnValue.add(value); } } return returnValue; } /** * Builds the sub list. * * @param subClassAttributes the sub class attributes * @param classMap the class map * @param className the class name * @return the map */ public Map buildSubList(Map subClassAttributes, Map classMap, String className) { Map missingValues = new HashMap<>(); Map workingMap; boolean enumType; for (Entry map : classMap.get(className).getRefAttribute().entrySet()) { String value = map.getValue().split(":")[0]; if (value != null) { classMap.get(className).getEnumType(); enumType = classMap.get(className).getEnumType().containsKey(value); if (!enumType) { workingMap = classMap.get(value).getRefAttribute(); for (Entry subMab : workingMap.entrySet()) { String value2 = subMab.getValue().split(":")[0]; if (!subClassAttributes.containsValue(value2)) { missingValues.put(subMab.getKey(), subMab.getValue()); } } } } } return missingValues; } /** * Recursive reference. * * @param classMap the class map * @param className the class name * @return the map */ public Map> recursiveReference(Map classMap, String className) { Map> returnObject = new HashMap<>(); Map returnClass = getRefclass(classMap, className); returnObject.put(className, returnClass); for (Entry reAttribute : returnClass.entrySet()) { if (reAttribute.getValue().split(":")[1].contains("MANY") && classMap.get(reAttribute.getValue().split(":")[0]) != null) { returnObject.putAll(recursiveReference(classMap, reAttribute.getValue().split(":")[0])); } } return returnObject; } /** * Creates the json. * * @param classMap the class map * @param className the class name * @return the string */ public String createJson(Map classMap, String className) { boolean enumType; Map> myObject = new HashMap<>(); for (Entry map : classMap.get(className).getRefAttribute().entrySet()) { String value = map.getValue().split(":")[0]; if (value != null) { enumType = classMap.get(className).getEnumType().containsKey(value); if (!enumType && map.getValue().split(":")[1].contains("MANY")) { Map> testRecursive = recursiveReference(classMap, map.getValue().split(":")[0]); myObject.putAll(testRecursive); } } } Gson gson = new Gson(); return gson.toJson(myObject); } /** * Gets the refclass. * * @param classMap the class map * @param className the class name * @return the refclass */ public Map getRefclass(Map classMap, String className) { HashMap missingValues = new HashMap<>(); if (classMap.get(className).getAttribute() != null || !classMap.get(className).getAttribute().isEmpty()) { missingValues.putAll(classMap.get(className).getAttribute()); } if (classMap.get(className).getRefAttribute() != null || !classMap.get(className).getRefAttribute().isEmpty()) { missingValues.putAll(classMap.get(className).getRefAttribute()); } return missingValues; } /** * Creates the sub attributes. * * @param dependency the dependency * @param classMap the class map * @param modelName the model name * @return the string */ public String createSubAttributes(List dependency, Map classMap, String modelName) { HashMap workingMap = new HashMap<>(); MsAttributeObject tempObject; if (dependency != null) { if (dependency.isEmpty()) { return "{}"; } dependency.add(modelName); for (String element : dependency) { tempObject = classMap.get(element); if (tempObject != null) { workingMap.putAll(classMap.get(element).getSubClass()); } } } return createJson(classMap, modelName); } /** * Gets the full dependency list. * * @param dependency the dependency * @param classMap the class map * @return the full dependency list */ public List getFullDependencyList(List dependency, Map classMap) { ArrayList returnList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList workingList; returnList.addAll(dependency); for (String element : dependency) { if (classMap.containsKey(element)) { MsAttributeObject value = classMap.get(element); String rawValue = StringUtils.replaceEach(value.getDependency(), new String[] { "[", "]" }, new String[] { "", "" }); workingList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(rawValue.split(","))); for (String depend : workingList) { updDependencyList(returnList, depend); } } } return returnList; } /** * Upd dependency list. * * @param returnList the return list * @param depend the depend */ private void updDependencyList(ArrayList returnList, String depend) { if (!returnList.contains(depend) && !depend.isEmpty()) { returnList.add(depend.trim()); } } /** * Parses the TOSCA model. * * @param fileName the file name * @return the string */ public String parseTosca(String fileName) { Map map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); try { map = load(fileName); if (map != null && map.get(ERROR) != null) { return map.get(ERROR); } parseDataAndPolicyNodes(map); LinkedHashMap dataMapForJson = parseDataNodes(map); constructJsonForDataFields(dataMapForJson); LinkedHashMap> mapKey = parsePolicyNodes(map); createAttributes(mapKey); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e); } catch (ParserException e) { logger.error(e); return e.getMessage(); } return null; } /** * Load. * * @param fileName the file name * @return the map * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws ParserException the parser exception */ public Map load(String fileName) throws IOException, ParserException { File newConfiguration = new File(fileName); StringBuilder orderInfo = new StringBuilder("["); Yaml yaml = new Yaml(); LinkedHashMap yamlMap = null; try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(newConfiguration)) { yamlMap = yaml.load(is); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error(e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); throw new ParserException("Invalid TOSCA Model format. Please make sure it is a valid YAML file"); } LinkedHashMap settings = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (yamlMap == null) { return settings; } String message = validations(yamlMap); if (message != null) { settings.put(ERROR, message); return settings; } findNode(yamlMap); if (!isDuplicatedAttributes && orderedElements != null && !orderedElements.isEmpty()) { orderedElements.stream().forEach(string -> { orderInfo.append(string); orderInfo.append(","); logger.info("Content: " + string); }); orderInfo.append("]"); dataOrderInfo = orderInfo.toString(); dataOrderInfo = dataOrderInfo.replace(",]", "]"); logger.info("dataOrderInfo :" + dataOrderInfo); } List path = new ArrayList<>(); serializeMap(settings, new StringBuilder(), path, yamlMap); return settings; } /** * Validations. * * @param yamlMap the yaml map * @return the string */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String validations(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map yamlMap) { boolean isNoteTypeFound = false; boolean isDataTypeFound = false; boolean isToscaVersionKeyFound = false; boolean isToscaVersionValueFound = false; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map m1 = new HashMap(); short order = 0; if (yamlMap != null) { // Get a set of the entries @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Set entries = yamlMap.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry me : entries) { if (TOSCA_SIMPLE_YAML_1_0_0.equals(me.getValue())) { isToscaVersionValueFound = true; } switch (me.getKey().toString()) { case TOSCA_DEFINITION_VERSION: isToscaVersionKeyFound = true; order++; m1.put(TOSCA_DEFINITION_VERSION, order); break; case NODE_TYPE: isNoteTypeFound = true; order++; m1.put(NODE_TYPE, order); break; case DATA_TYPE: isDataTypeFound = true; order++; m1.put(DATA_TYPE, order); break; case JSON_MODEL: setJsonRuleFormation(me.getValue().toString()); break; default: break; } } if (!isDataTypeFound) { return "data_types are missing or invalid."; } if (!isToscaVersionKeyFound || !isToscaVersionValueFound) { return "tosca_definitions_version is missing or invalid."; } if (!isNoteTypeFound) { return "node_types are missing or invalid."; } short version = (short) m1.get(TOSCA_DEFINITION_VERSION); if (version > 1) { return "tosca_definitions_version should be defined first."; } short data = (short) m1.get(DATA_TYPE); short node = (short) m1.get(NODE_TYPE); if (isDataTypeFound && node > data) { return "node_types should be defined before data_types."; } } return null; } /** * Serialize map. * * @param settings the settings * @param sb the sb * @param path the path * @param yamlMap the yaml map */ @SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private void serializeMap(LinkedHashMap settings, StringBuilder sb, List path, Map yamlMap) { for (Map.Entry entry : yamlMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() instanceof Map) { path.add((String) entry.getKey()); serializeMap(settings, sb, path, (Map) entry.getValue()); path.remove(path.size() - 1); } else if (entry.getValue() instanceof List) { path.add((String) entry.getKey()); serializeList(settings, sb, path, (List) entry.getValue()); path.remove(path.size() - 1); } else { serializeValue(settings, sb, path, (String) entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } /** * Serialize list. * * @param settings the settings * @param sb the sb * @param path the path * @param yamlList the yaml list */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void serializeList(LinkedHashMap settings, StringBuilder sb, List path, List yamlList) { int counter = 0; for (Object listEle : yamlList) { if (listEle instanceof Map) { path.add(Integer.toString(counter)); serializeMap(settings, sb, path, (Map) listEle); path.remove(path.size() - 1); } else if (listEle instanceof List) { path.add(Integer.toString(counter)); serializeList(settings, sb, path, (List) listEle); path.remove(path.size() - 1); } else { serializeValue(settings, sb, path, Integer.toString(counter), listEle); } counter++; } } /** * Serialize value. * * @param settings the settings * @param sb the sb * @param path the path * @param name the name * @param value the value */ private void serializeValue(LinkedHashMap settings, StringBuilder sb, List path, String name, Object value) { if (value == null) { return; } sb.setLength(0); for (String pathEle : path) { sb.append(pathEle).append('.'); } sb.append(name); settings.put(sb.toString(), value.toString()); } /** * Parses the data and policy nodes. * * @param map the map */ void parseDataAndPolicyNodes(Map map) { for (String key : map.keySet()) { if (key.contains("policy.nodes.Root")) { continue; } else if (key.contains("policy.nodes")) { String wordToFind = "policy.nodes."; int indexForPolicyNode = key.indexOf(wordToFind); String subNodeString = key.substring(indexForPolicyNode + 13, key.length()); stringBetweenDots(subNodeString); } else if (key.contains("policy.data")) { String wordToFind = "policy.data."; int indexForPolicyNode = key.indexOf(wordToFind); String subNodeString = key.substring(indexForPolicyNode + 12, key.length()); stringBetweenDotsForDataFields(subNodeString); } } } /** * String between dots. * * @param str the str * @return the int */ // Second index of dot should be returned. public int stringBetweenDots(String str) { String stringToSearch = str; String[] ss = stringToSearch.split("\\."); if (ss != null) { int len = ss.length; if (len > 2) { uniqueKeys.add(ss[2]); } } return uniqueKeys.size(); } /** * String between dots for data fields. * * @param str the str */ public void stringBetweenDotsForDataFields(String str) { String stringToSearch = str; String[] ss = stringToSearch.split("\\."); if (ss != null) { int len = ss.length; if (len > 2) { uniqueDataKeys.add(ss[0] + "%" + ss[2]); } } } /** * Construct json for data fields. * * @param dataMapForJson the data map for json */ void constructJsonForDataFields(LinkedHashMap dataMapForJson) { LinkedHashMap> dataMapKey = new LinkedHashMap<>(); LinkedHashMap hmSub; for (Map.Entry entry : dataMapForJson.entrySet()) { String uniqueDataKey = entry.getKey(); String[] uniqueDataKeySplit = uniqueDataKey.split("%"); String value = dataMapForJson.get(uniqueDataKey); if (dataMapKey.containsKey(uniqueDataKeySplit[0])) { hmSub = dataMapKey.get(uniqueDataKeySplit[0]); hmSub.put(uniqueDataKeySplit[1], value); } else { hmSub = new LinkedHashMap<>(); hmSub.put(uniqueDataKeySplit[1], value); } dataMapKey.put(uniqueDataKeySplit[0], hmSub); } JSONObject mainObject = new JSONObject(); JSONObject json; for (Map.Entry> entry : dataMapKey.entrySet()) { String keyString = entry.getKey(); json = new JSONObject(); HashMap jsonHm = dataMapKey.get(keyString); for (Map.Entry entryMap : jsonHm.entrySet()) { String key = entryMap.getKey(); json.put(key, jsonHm.get(key)); } mainObject.put(keyString, json); } Iterator keysItr = mainObject.keys(); while (keysItr.hasNext()) { String key = keysItr.next(); String value = mainObject.get(key).toString(); retmap.put(key, value); } logger.info("#############################################################################"); logger.info(mainObject); logger.info("###############################################################################"); } /** * Parses the data nodes. * * @param map the map * @return the linked hash map */ LinkedHashMap parseDataNodes(Map map) { LinkedHashMap dataMapForJson = new LinkedHashMap<>(); matchableValues = new HashMap<>(); for (String uniqueDataKey : uniqueDataKeys) { if (uniqueDataKey.contains("%")) { String[] uniqueDataKeySplit = uniqueDataKey.split("%"); String findType = DATATYPE + uniqueDataKeySplit[0] + PROPERTIES + uniqueDataKeySplit[1] + TYPE; String typeValue = map.get(findType); logger.info(typeValue); String findRequired = DATATYPE + uniqueDataKeySplit[0] + PROPERTIES + uniqueDataKeySplit[1] + REQUIRED; String requiredValue = map.get(findRequired); String matchable = DATATYPE + uniqueDataKeySplit[0] + PROPERTIES + uniqueDataKeySplit[1] + MATCHABLE; String matchableValue = map.get(matchable); if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(matchableValue)) { String key = uniqueDataKeySplit[uniqueDataKeySplit.length - 1]; matchableValues.put(key, MATCHINGTRUE); } if (requiredValue == null || requiredValue.isEmpty()) { requiredValue = "false"; } if (INTEGER.equalsIgnoreCase(typeValue) || STRING.equalsIgnoreCase(typeValue) || typeValue.equalsIgnoreCase(BOOLEAN)) { String findDefault = DATATYPE + uniqueDataKeySplit[0] + PROPERTIES + uniqueDataKeySplit[1] + DEFAULT; String defaultValue = map.get(findDefault); logger.info("defaultValue is:" + defaultValue); logger.info("requiredValue is:" + requiredValue); StringBuilder attributeIndividualStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); attributeIndividualStringBuilder.append(typeValue + DEFAULTVALUE); attributeIndividualStringBuilder.append(defaultValue + REQUIREDVALUE); attributeIndividualStringBuilder.append(requiredValue + MANYFALSE); String findDescription = DATATYPE + uniqueDataKeySplit[0] + PROPERTIES + uniqueDataKeySplit[1] + DESCRIPTION; attributeIndividualStringBuilder.append(DESCRIPTION_TOKEN + map.get(findDescription)); dataMapForJson.put(uniqueDataKey, attributeIndividualStringBuilder.toString()); } else if (LIST.equalsIgnoreCase(typeValue) || MAP.equalsIgnoreCase(typeValue)) { logger.info("requiredValue is:" + requiredValue); String findList = DATATYPE + uniqueDataKeySplit[0] + PROPERTIES + uniqueDataKeySplit[1] + ".entry_schema.type"; String findDefaultValue = DATATYPE + uniqueDataKeySplit[0] + PROPERTIES + uniqueDataKeySplit[1] + ".entry_schema.default"; String findDescription = DATATYPE + uniqueDataKeySplit[0] + PROPERTIES + uniqueDataKeySplit[1] + ".entry_schema.description"; String listValue = map.get(findList); String defaultValue = map.get(findDefaultValue); String description = map.get(findDescription); if (listValue != null) { logger.info("Type of list is:" + listValue); // Its userdefined if (listValue.contains(".")) { String trimValue = listValue.substring(listValue.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); StringBuilder referenceIndividualStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); referenceIndividualStringBuilder.append(trimValue + REQUIREDVALUE); referenceIndividualStringBuilder.append(requiredValue + MANYTRUE); referenceIndividualStringBuilder.append(DESCRIPTION_TOKEN + description); dataMapForJson.put(uniqueDataKey, referenceIndividualStringBuilder.toString()); } else { // Its string StringBuilder stringListItems = new StringBuilder(); if (LIST.equalsIgnoreCase(typeValue)) { stringListItems.append(uniqueDataKeySplit[1].toUpperCase() + DEFAULTVALUE + defaultValue + REQUIREDVALUE + requiredValue + MANYFALSE + DESCRIPTION_TOKEN + description); } else if (MAP.equalsIgnoreCase(typeValue)) { stringListItems.append(uniqueDataKeySplit[1].toUpperCase() + DEFAULTVALUE + defaultValue + REQUIREDVALUE + requiredValue + MANYTRUE + DESCRIPTION_TOKEN + description); } dataMapForJson.put(uniqueDataKey, stringListItems.toString()); dataListBuffer.append(uniqueDataKeySplit[1].toUpperCase() + "=["); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { String findConstraints = DATATYPE + uniqueDataKeySplit[0] + PROPERTIES + uniqueDataKeySplit[1] + ".entry_schema.constraints.0.valid_values." + i; String constraintsValue = map.get(findConstraints); logger.info(constraintsValue); boolean ruleCheck = false; if (constraintsValue == null) { break; } else if (constraintsValue.startsWith(DICTIONARY)) { List dictFromDB = null; String[] dictionaryNameValRule; String[] dictionaryName = constraintsValue.split(":"); String dictionaryNameVal = dictionaryName[1]; if (dictionaryNameVal.contains("#Rules")) { ruleCheck = true; dictionaryNameValRule = dictionaryNameVal.split("#"); dictFromDB = commonClassDao.getDataById(DictionaryData.class, DICTIONARYNAME, dictionaryNameValRule[0]); } else { dictFromDB = commonClassDao.getDataById(DictionaryData.class, DICTIONARYNAME, dictionaryName[1]); } if (dictFromDB != null && !dictFromDB.isEmpty()) { DictionaryData data = (DictionaryData) dictFromDB.get(0); if (ruleCheck) { constraintsValue = DICTIONARY + data.getDictionaryUrl() + "@" + data.getDictionaryDataByName() + "&Rule"; } else { constraintsValue = DICTIONARY + data.getDictionaryUrl() + "@" + data.getDictionaryDataByName(); } } dataListBuffer.append(constraintsValue + ","); } else { logger.info("constraintsValue => " + constraintsValue); if (constraintsValue.contains("=")) { constraintsValue = constraintsValue.replace("=", "equal-sign"); } dataConstraints.add(constraintsValue); dataListBuffer.append(constraintsValue + ","); } } dataListBuffer.append("]#"); logger.info(dataListBuffer); } } } else { String findUserDefined = DATATYPE + uniqueDataKeySplit[0] + "." + PROPERTIES_KEY + "." + uniqueDataKeySplit[1] + TYPE; String findDescription = DATATYPE + uniqueDataKeySplit[0] + "." + PROPERTIES_KEY + "." + uniqueDataKeySplit[1] + DESCRIPTION; String userDefinedValue = map.get(findUserDefined); String description = map.get(findDescription); String trimValue = userDefinedValue.substring(userDefinedValue.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); StringBuilder referenceIndividualStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); referenceIndividualStringBuilder.append(trimValue + REQUIREDVALUE); referenceIndividualStringBuilder.append(requiredValue + MANYFALSE); referenceIndividualStringBuilder.append(DESCRIPTION_TOKEN + description); dataMapForJson.put(uniqueDataKey, referenceIndividualStringBuilder.toString()); } } else { matchableValues.put(uniqueDataKey, MATCHINGTRUE); } } return dataMapForJson; } /** * Parses the policy nodes. * * @param map the map * @return the linked hash map * @throws ParserException the parser exception */ LinkedHashMap> parsePolicyNodes(Map map) throws ParserException { LinkedHashMap> mapKey = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (String uniqueKey : uniqueKeys) { LinkedHashMap hm; for (Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (key.contains(uniqueKey) && key.contains("policy.nodes")) { if (mapKey.containsKey(uniqueKey)) { hm = mapKey.get(uniqueKey); String keyStr = key.substring(key.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); String valueStr = map.get(key); if ("type".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr) && key.contains("entry_schema.0.type") || key.contains("entry_schema.type") && valueStr.contains("policy.data.")) { throw new ParserException("For user defined object type," + " Please make sure no space between 'type:' and object " + valueStr); } if ("type".equals(keyStr)) { if (!key.contains("entry_schema")) { hm.put(keyStr, valueStr); } } else { hm.put(keyStr, valueStr); } } else { hm = new LinkedHashMap<>(); String keyStr = key.substring(key.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); String valueStr = map.get(key); if (("type").equals(keyStr)) { if (!key.contains("entry_schema")) { hm.put(keyStr, valueStr); } } else { hm.put(keyStr, valueStr); } mapKey.put(uniqueKey, hm); } } } } return mapKey; } /** * Creates the attributes. * * @param mapKey the map key */ private void createAttributes(LinkedHashMap> mapKey) { StringBuilder attributeStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder referenceStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder listBuffer = new StringBuilder(); List constraints = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry> entry : mapKey.entrySet()) { String keySetString = entry.getKey(); LinkedHashMap keyValues = mapKey.get(keySetString); if (keyValues.get("type") != null && (STRING.equalsIgnoreCase(keyValues.get("type")) || INTEGER.equalsIgnoreCase(keyValues.get("type")) || BOOLEAN.equalsIgnoreCase(keyValues.get("type")))) { StringBuilder attributeIndividualStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); attributeIndividualStringBuilder.append(keySetString + "="); attributeIndividualStringBuilder.append(keyValues.get("type") + DEFAULTVALUE); attributeIndividualStringBuilder.append(keyValues.get("default") + REQUIREDVALUE); attributeIndividualStringBuilder.append(keyValues.get("required") + MANYFALSE); attributeIndividualStringBuilder.append(DESCRIPTION_TOKEN + keyValues.get(DESCRIPTION_KEY)); attributeStringBuilder.append(attributeIndividualStringBuilder + ","); if (keyValues.get(MATCHABLEKEY) != null && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(keyValues.get(MATCHABLEKEY))) { matchableValues.put(keySetString, MATCHINGTRUE); } } else if (LIST.equalsIgnoreCase(keyValues.get("type"))) { if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(keyValues.get(MATCHABLEKEY))) { matchableValues.put(keySetString, MATCHINGTRUE); } // List Data type Set keys = keyValues.keySet(); Iterator itr = keys.iterator(); boolean isDefinedType = false; while (itr.hasNext()) { String key = itr.next(); if ((!("type").equals(key) || ("required").equals(key))) { String value = keyValues.get(key); // The "." in the value determines if its a string or a user defined type. if (!value.contains(".")) { // This is string if (StringUtils.isNumeric(key)) { // only integer key for the value of Constrains constraints.add(keyValues.get(key)); } } else { // This is user defined type String trimValue = value.substring(value.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); StringBuilder referenceIndividualStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); referenceIndividualStringBuilder.append(keySetString + "=" + trimValue + MANYTRUE + DESCRIPTION_TOKEN + keyValues.get(DESCRIPTION_KEY)); referenceStringBuilder.append(referenceIndividualStringBuilder + ","); isDefinedType = true; } } } if (!isDefinedType && LIST.equalsIgnoreCase(keyValues.get("type")) && (constraints == null || constraints.isEmpty())) { referenceStringBuilder.append(keySetString + "=MANY-true" + ","); } } else { // User defined Datatype. if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(keyValues.get(MATCHABLEKEY))) { matchableValues.put(keySetString, MATCHINGTRUE); } String value = keyValues.get("type"); if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) { String trimValue = value.substring(value.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); StringBuilder referenceIndividualStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); referenceIndividualStringBuilder.append(keySetString + "=" + trimValue + MANYFALSE + DESCRIPTION_TOKEN + keyValues.get(DESCRIPTION_KEY)); referenceStringBuilder.append(referenceIndividualStringBuilder + ","); } else { logger.info("keyValues.get(type) is null/empty"); } } if (constraints != null && !constraints.isEmpty()) { // List handling. listBuffer.append(keySetString.toUpperCase() + "=["); for (String str : constraints) { if (str.contains(DICTIONARY)) { String[] dictionaryName = str.split(":"); List dictFromDB = commonClassDao.getDataById(DictionaryData.class, DICTIONARYNAME, dictionaryName[1]); if (dictFromDB != null && !dictFromDB.isEmpty()) { DictionaryData data = (DictionaryData) dictFromDB.get(0); str = DICTIONARY + data.getDictionaryUrl() + "@" + data.getDictionaryDataByName(); } } listBuffer.append(str + ","); } listBuffer.append("]#"); logger.info(listBuffer); StringBuilder referenceIndividualStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); referenceIndividualStringBuilder.append(keySetString + "=" + keySetString.toUpperCase() + MANYFALSE); referenceStringBuilder.append(referenceIndividualStringBuilder + ","); constraints.clear(); } } dataListBuffer.append(listBuffer); logger.info("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"); logger.info("Whole attribute String is:" + attributeStringBuilder); logger.info("Whole reference String is:" + referenceStringBuilder); logger.info("List String is:" + listBuffer); logger.info("Data list buffer is:" + dataListBuffer); logger.info("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"); this.listConstraints = dataListBuffer.toString(); this.referenceAttributes = referenceStringBuilder.toString(); this.attributeString = attributeStringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Find node. * * @param map the map */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void findNode(LinkedHashMap map) { map.forEach((key, value) -> { // if the value is properties and its type is map object, then save all the keys if (key.equals(PROPERTIES_KEY) && value instanceof Map) { saveNodes((LinkedHashMap) value); if (isDuplicatedAttributes) { orderedElements = new ArrayList<>(); return; } } if (!"policy.nodes.Root".equals(key) && value instanceof Map) { // value is a Map object, then make a recursive call findNode((LinkedHashMap) value); } }); } /** * Save nodes. * * @param map the map */ private void saveNodes(LinkedHashMap map) { for (Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { if (orderedElements.indexOf(entry.getKey()) >= 0) { // duplicated attribute names isDuplicatedAttributes = true; return; } else { orderedElements.add((String) entry.getKey()); } } } }