/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ONAP-PAP-REST * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * Modified Copyright (C) 2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.policy.pap.xacml.rest.components; import com.att.research.xacml.api.pap.PAPException; import com.att.research.xacml.api.pap.PDPPolicy; import com.att.research.xacml.util.XACMLProperties; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.URI; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.LockMode; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.onap.policy.common.logging.eelf.MessageCodes; import org.onap.policy.common.logging.eelf.PolicyLogger; import org.onap.policy.common.logging.flexlogger.FlexLogger; import org.onap.policy.common.logging.flexlogger.Logger; import org.onap.policy.rest.XACMLRestProperties; import org.onap.policy.rest.adapter.PolicyRestAdapter; import org.onap.policy.rest.dao.PolicyDBException; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.ActionBodyEntity; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.ConfigurationDataEntity; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.DatabaseLockEntity; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.GroupEntity; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.PdpEntity; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.PolicyDBDaoEntity; import org.onap.policy.rest.jpa.PolicyEntity; import org.onap.policy.utils.CryptoUtils; import org.onap.policy.xacml.api.XACMLErrorConstants; import org.onap.policy.xacml.api.pap.OnapPDP; import org.onap.policy.xacml.api.pap.OnapPDPGroup; import org.onap.policy.xacml.api.pap.PAPPolicyEngine; import org.onap.policy.xacml.std.pap.StdPDPGroup; import org.onap.policy.xacml.std.pap.StdPDPPolicy; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class PolicyDBDao { private static final Logger logger = FlexLogger.getLogger(PolicyDBDao.class); private List otherServers; public List getOtherServers() { return otherServers; } public void setOtherServers(List otherServers) { this.otherServers = otherServers; } private static PolicyDBDao currentInstance = null; private PAPPolicyEngine papEngine; public PAPPolicyEngine getPapEngine() { return papEngine; } public static final String JSON_CONFIG = "JSON"; public static final String XML_CONFIG = "XML"; public static final String PROPERTIES_CONFIG = "PROPERTIES"; public static final String OTHER_CONFIG = "OTHER"; public static final String AUDIT_USER = "audit"; public static final String CONFIG = "Config"; public static final String ACTION = "Action"; public static final String GROUP_ID = "groupId"; public static final String DELETED = "deleted"; public static final String GROUPENTITY_SELECT = "SELECT g FROM GroupEntity g WHERE g.groupId=:groupId AND g.deleted=:deleted"; public static final String PDPENTITY_SELECT = "SELECT p FROM PdpEntity p WHERE p.pdpId=:pdpId AND p.deleted=:deleted"; public static final String GROUP_NOT_FOUND = "The group could not be found with id "; public static final String FOUND_IN_DB_NOT_DEL = " were found in the database that are not deleted"; public static final String MORE_THAN_ONE_PDP = "Somehow, more than one pdp with the same id "; public static final String DELETED_STATUS_FOUND = " and deleted status were found in the database"; public static final String DUPLICATE_GROUPID = "Somehow, more than one group with the same id "; public static final String PDP_ID = "pdpId"; public static final String QUERY_FAILED_FOR_GROUP = "Query failed trying to check for existing group"; public static final String QUERY_FAILED_GET_GROUP = "Query failed trying to get group "; public static final String SCOPE = "scope"; public static final String POLICYDBDAO_VAR = "PolicyDBDao"; public static final String DUP_POLICYID = "Somehow, more than one policy with the id "; public static final String FOUND_IN_DB = " were found in the database"; public static boolean isJunit = false; public static void setJunit(boolean isJunit) { PolicyDBDao.isJunit = isJunit; } private static SessionFactory sessionfactory; /** * Gets the current instance of PolicyDBDao. * * @return The instance of PolicyDBDao or throws exception if the given instance is null. * @throws IllegalStateException if a PolicyDBDao instance is null. Call createPolicyDBDaoInstance * (EntityManagerFactory emf) to get this. */ public static PolicyDBDao getPolicyDBDaoInstance() { logger.debug("getPolicyDBDaoInstance() as getPolicyDBDaoInstance() called"); if (currentInstance != null) { return currentInstance; } else { currentInstance = new PolicyDBDao("init"); } return currentInstance; } public void setPapEngine(PAPPolicyEngine papEngine2) { this.papEngine = papEngine2; } @Autowired public PolicyDBDao(SessionFactory sessionFactory) { PolicyDBDao.sessionfactory = sessionFactory; } public PolicyDBDao() { // Default Constructor } public PolicyDBDao(String init) { // not needed in this release if (!register()) { PolicyLogger .error("This server's PolicyDBDao instance could not be registered and may not reveive updates"); } otherServers = getRemotePolicyDBDaoList(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Number of remote PolicyDBDao instances: " + otherServers.size()); } if (otherServers.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("List of PolicyDBDao servers is empty or could not be retrieved"); } } // not static because we are going to be using the instance's emf // waitTime in ms to wait for lock, or -1 to wait forever (no) @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void startTransactionSynced(Session session, int waitTime) throws InterruptedException { logger.debug("\n\nstartTransactionSynced(Hibernate Session,int waitTime) as " + "\n startTransactionSynced(" + session + "," + waitTime + ") called\n\n"); DatabaseLockEntity lock = null; session.beginTransaction(); try { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("\n\nstartTransactionSynced():" + "\n ATTEMPT to get the DB lock" + "\n\n"); } lock = (DatabaseLockEntity) session.get(DatabaseLockEntity.class, 1, LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("\n\nstartTransactionSynced():" + "\n GOT the DB lock" + "\n\n"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception Occured" + e); } if (lock == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The lock row does not exist in the table. Please create a primary key with value = 1."); } } /** * Gets the list of other registered PolicyDBDaos from the database * * @return List (type PolicyDBDaoEntity) of other PolicyDBDaos */ private List getRemotePolicyDBDaoList() { logger.debug("getRemotePolicyDBDaoList() as getRemotePolicyDBDaoList() called"); List policyDBDaoEntityList = new LinkedList<>(); Session session = sessionfactory.openSession(); try { Criteria cr = session.createCriteria(PolicyDBDaoEntity.class); policyDBDaoEntityList = cr.list(); } catch (Exception e) { PolicyLogger.error(MessageCodes.EXCEPTION_ERROR, e, POLICYDBDAO_VAR, "Exception querying for other registered PolicyDBDaos"); logger.warn("List of remote PolicyDBDaos will be empty", e); } finally { try { session.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PROCESS_FLOW + "Error While Closing Connection/Statement" + e); } } return policyDBDaoEntityList; } public PolicyDBDaoTransaction getNewTransaction() { logger.debug("getNewTransaction() as getNewTransaction() called"); return new PolicyDbDaoTransactionInstance("init"); } /* * Because the normal transactions are not used in audits, we can use the same transaction * mechanism to get a transaction and obtain the emlock and the DB lock. We just need to provide * different transaction timeout values in ms because the audit will run longer than normal * transactions. */ public PolicyDBDaoTransaction getNewAuditTransaction() { logger.debug("getNewAuditTransaction() as getNewAuditTransaction() called"); // Use the standard transaction wait time in ms int auditWaitMs = Integer.parseInt(XACMLProperties.getProperty(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_TRANS_WAIT)); // Use the (extended) audit timeout time in ms int auditTimeoutMs = Integer.parseInt(XACMLProperties.getProperty(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_AUDIT_TIMEOUT)); return new PolicyDbDaoTransactionInstance(auditTimeoutMs, auditWaitMs); } /** * Checks if two strings are equal. Null strings ARE allowed. * * @param one A String or null to compare * @param two A String or null to compare */ public static boolean stringEquals(String one, String two) { logger.debug("stringEquals(String one, String two) as stringEquals(" + one + ", " + two + ") called"); if (one == null && two == null) { return true; } if (one == null || two == null) { return false; } return one.equals(two); } /** * Returns the url of this local pap server, removing the username and password, if they are * present * * @return The url of this local pap server */ public String[] getPapUrlUserPass() { logger.debug("getPapUrl() as getPapUrl() called"); String url = XACMLProperties.getProperty(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_URL); if (url == null) { return null; } return splitPapUrlUserPass(url); } public String[] splitPapUrlUserPass(String url) { String[] urlUserPass = new String[3]; String[] commaSplit = url.split(","); urlUserPass[0] = commaSplit[0]; if (commaSplit.length > 2) { urlUserPass[1] = commaSplit[1]; urlUserPass[2] = commaSplit[2]; } if (urlUserPass[1] == null || "".equals(urlUserPass[1])) { String usernamePropertyValue = XACMLProperties.getProperty(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_USERID); if (usernamePropertyValue != null) { urlUserPass[1] = usernamePropertyValue; } } if (urlUserPass[2] == null || "".equals(urlUserPass[2])) { String passwordPropertyValue = XACMLProperties.getProperty(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_PASS); if (passwordPropertyValue != null) { urlUserPass[2] = passwordPropertyValue; } } // if there is no comma, for some reason there is no user name and // password, so don't try to cut them off return urlUserPass; } /** * Register the PolicyDBDao instance in the PolicyDBDaoEntity table * * @return Boolean, were we able to register? */ private boolean register() { logger.debug("register() as register() called"); String[] url = getPapUrlUserPass(); // --- check URL length if (url == null || url.length < 3) { return false; } Session session = sessionfactory.openSession(); try { startTransactionSynced(session, 1000); } catch (InterruptedException | IllegalStateException e) { logger.debug("\nPolicyDBDao.register() caught an IllegalStateException: \n" + e + "\n"); DatabaseLockEntity lock; lock = (DatabaseLockEntity) session.get(DatabaseLockEntity.class, 1); if (lock == null) { lock = new DatabaseLockEntity(); lock.setKey(1); try { session.persist(lock); session.flush(); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { PolicyLogger.error(MessageCodes.EXCEPTION_ERROR, e2, POLICYDBDAO_VAR, "COULD NOT CREATE DATABASELOCK ROW. WILL TRY ONE MORE TIME"); } session = sessionfactory.openSession(); try { startTransactionSynced(session, 1000); } catch (Exception e3) { String msg = "DATABASE LOCKING NOT WORKING. CONCURRENCY CONTROL NOT WORKING"; PolicyLogger.error(MessageCodes.EXCEPTION_ERROR, e3, POLICYDBDAO_VAR, msg); throw new IllegalStateException("msg" + "\n" + e3); } } } logger.debug("\nPolicyDBDao.register. Database locking and concurrency control is initialized\n"); PolicyDBDaoEntity foundPolicyDBDaoEntity = null; Criteria cr = session.createCriteria(PolicyDBDaoEntity.class); cr.add(Restrictions.eq("policyDBDaoUrl", url[0])); List data = cr.list(); if (!data.isEmpty()) { foundPolicyDBDaoEntity = (PolicyDBDaoEntity) data.get(0); } // encrypt the password String txt = null; try { txt = CryptoUtils.encryptTxt(url[2].getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug(e); PolicyLogger.error(MessageCodes.EXCEPTION_ERROR, e, POLICYDBDAO_VAR, "Could not encrypt PAP password"); } if (foundPolicyDBDaoEntity == null) { PolicyDBDaoEntity newPolicyDBDaoEntity = new PolicyDBDaoEntity(); newPolicyDBDaoEntity.setPolicyDBDaoUrl(url[0]); newPolicyDBDaoEntity.setDescription("PAP server at " + url[0]); newPolicyDBDaoEntity.setUsername(url[1]); newPolicyDBDaoEntity.setPassword(txt); try { session.persist(newPolicyDBDaoEntity); session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug(e); try { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } catch (Exception e2) { logger.debug(e2); PolicyLogger.error(MessageCodes.EXCEPTION_ERROR, e2, POLICYDBDAO_VAR, "Could not add new PolicyDBDao to the database"); } } } else { // just want to update in order to change modified date if (url[1] != null && !stringEquals(url[1], foundPolicyDBDaoEntity.getUsername())) { foundPolicyDBDaoEntity.setUsername(url[1]); } if (txt != null && !stringEquals(txt, foundPolicyDBDaoEntity.getPassword())) { foundPolicyDBDaoEntity.setPassword(txt); } foundPolicyDBDaoEntity.preUpdate(); try { session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug(e); try { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } catch (Exception e2) { logger.debug(e2); PolicyLogger.error(MessageCodes.EXCEPTION_ERROR, e2, POLICYDBDAO_VAR, "Could not update PolicyDBDao in the database"); } } } session.close(); logger.debug("\nPolicyDBDao.register(). Success!!\n"); return true; } /* * This method is called during all pushPolicy transactions and makes sure the file system group * is in sync with the database groupentity */ public StdPDPGroup synchronizeGroupPoliciesInFileSystem(StdPDPGroup pdpGroup, GroupEntity groupentity) throws PAPException, PolicyDBException { HashMap currentPolicyMap = new HashMap<>(); HashSet newPolicyIdSet = new HashSet<>(); HashSet newPolicySet = new HashSet<>(); for (PDPPolicy pdpPolicy : pdpGroup.getPolicies()) { currentPolicyMap.put(pdpPolicy.getId(), pdpPolicy); } for (PolicyEntity policy : groupentity.getPolicies()) { String pdpPolicyId = getPdpPolicyName(policy.getPolicyName(), policy.getScope()); newPolicyIdSet.add(pdpPolicyId); if (currentPolicyMap.containsKey(pdpPolicyId)) { newPolicySet.add(currentPolicyMap.get(pdpPolicyId)); } else { // convert PolicyEntity object to PDPPolicy String name = pdpPolicyId.replace(".xml", ""); name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.')); InputStream policyStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(policy.getPolicyData().getBytes()); pdpGroup.copyPolicyToFile(pdpPolicyId, name, policyStream); URI location = Paths.get(pdpGroup.getDirectory().toAbsolutePath().toString(), pdpPolicyId).toUri(); StdPDPPolicy newPolicy = null; try { newPolicy = new StdPDPPolicy(pdpPolicyId, true, removeExtensionAndVersionFromPolicyName(pdpPolicyId), location); newPolicySet.add(newPolicy); logger.info("Adding new policy to PDPGroup - " + newPolicy.getId() + ", Location - " + location); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug(e); PolicyLogger .error("PolicyDBDao: Exception occurred while creating the StdPDPPolicy newPolicy object " + e.getMessage()); } } } for (String id : currentPolicyMap.keySet()) { if (!newPolicyIdSet.contains(id)) { try { Files.delete(Paths.get(currentPolicyMap.get(id).getLocation())); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug(e); PolicyLogger .error("PolicyDBDao: Exception occurred while attempting to delete the old version of the policy file from the group. " + e.getMessage()); } } } logger.info("PolicyDBDao: Adding new policy set to group to keep filesystem and DB in sync"); pdpGroup.setPolicies(newPolicySet); return pdpGroup; } public String removeExtensionAndVersionFromPolicyName(String originalPolicyName) throws PolicyDBException { return getPolicyNameAndVersionFromPolicyFileName(originalPolicyName)[0]; } /** * Splits apart the policy name and version from a policy file path * * @param originalPolicyName: a policy file name ex: Config_policy.2.xml * @return An array [0]: The policy name, [1]: the policy version, as a string */ public String[] getPolicyNameAndVersionFromPolicyFileName(String originalPolicyName) throws PolicyDBException { String policyName = originalPolicyName; String[] nameAndVersion = new String[2]; try { policyName = removeFileExtension(policyName); nameAndVersion[0] = policyName.substring(0, policyName.lastIndexOf('.')); if (isNullOrEmpty(nameAndVersion[0])) { throw new PolicyDBException(); } } catch (Exception e) { nameAndVersion[0] = originalPolicyName; logger.debug(e); } try { nameAndVersion[1] = policyName.substring(policyName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (isNullOrEmpty(nameAndVersion[1])) { throw new PolicyDBException(); } } catch (Exception e) { nameAndVersion[1] = "1"; logger.debug(e); } return nameAndVersion; } public String getPdpPolicyName(String name, String scope) { String finalName = ""; finalName += scope; finalName += "."; finalName += removeFileExtension(name); finalName += ".xml"; return finalName; } private String removeFileExtension(String fileName) { return fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.')); } public void auditLocalDatabase(PAPPolicyEngine papEngine2) { logger.debug("PolicyDBDao.auditLocalDatabase() is called"); try { deleteAllGroupTables(); auditGroups(papEngine2); } catch (Exception e) { PolicyLogger.error(MessageCodes.EXCEPTION_ERROR, e, POLICYDBDAO_VAR, "auditLocalDatabase() error"); logger.error("Exception Occured" + e); } } public StdPDPGroup auditLocalFileSystem(StdPDPGroup group) { logger.info("Starting Local File System group audit"); Session session = sessionfactory.openSession(); session.getTransaction().begin(); StdPDPGroup updatedGroup = null; try { Query groupQuery = session.createQuery(GROUPENTITY_SELECT); groupQuery.setParameter(GROUP_ID, group.getId()); groupQuery.setParameter(DELETED, false); List groupQueryList = groupQuery.list(); if (groupQueryList != null && !groupQueryList.isEmpty()) { GroupEntity dbgroup = (GroupEntity) groupQueryList.get(0); updatedGroup = synchronizeGroupPoliciesInFileSystem(group, dbgroup); logger.info("Group was updated during file system audit: " + updatedGroup.toString()); } } catch (PAPException | PolicyDBException e) { logger.error(e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); PolicyLogger.error(MessageCodes.EXCEPTION_ERROR, e, POLICYDBDAO_VAR, "Caught Exception trying to check if group exists groupQuery.getResultList()"); throw new PersistenceException("Query failed trying to check if group " + group.getId() + " exists"); } session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); return updatedGroup; } /* * This method is called at startup to recreate config data from DB to the file system. * */ public void synchronizeConfigDataInFileSystem() { logger.info("Starting Local File System Config data Sync"); // sync both web apps Config and Action syncConfigData(ConfigurationDataEntity.class, CONFIG); syncConfigData(ActionBodyEntity.class, ACTION); } private void syncConfigData(Class cl, String type) { Session session = sessionfactory.openSession(); try { final Criteria configDataQuery = session.createCriteria(cl.getName()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List configDataResult = configDataQuery.list(); Path webappsPath = Paths.get(XACMLProperties.getProperty(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_WEBAPPS), type); for (final T configData : configDataResult) { String configName = null; byte[] configBody; try { if (CONFIG.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { configName = ((ConfigurationDataEntity) configData).getConfigurationName(); configBody = (((ConfigurationDataEntity) configData).getConfigBody() != null) ? ((ConfigurationDataEntity) configData).getConfigBody() .getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) : "".getBytes(); } else { configName = ((ActionBodyEntity) configData).getActionBodyName(); configBody = (((ActionBodyEntity) configData).getActionBody() != null) ? ((ActionBodyEntity) configData).getActionBody().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) : "".getBytes(); } Path filePath = Paths.get(webappsPath.toString(), configName); if (!filePath.toFile().exists()) { Files.write(filePath, configBody); logger.info("Created Config File from DB - " + filePath.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { // log and keep going PolicyLogger.error(MessageCodes.EXCEPTION_ERROR, e, POLICYDBDAO_VAR, "Exception occured while creating Configuration File - " + configName); } } } catch (final Exception exception) { logger.error("Unable to synchronizeConfigDataInFileSystem", exception); } session.close(); } public void deleteAllGroupTables() { logger.debug("PolicyDBDao.deleteAllGroupTables() called"); Session session = sessionfactory.openSession(); session.getTransaction().begin(); Query deletePdpEntityEntityTableUpdate = session.getNamedQuery("PdpEntity.deleteAll"); deletePdpEntityEntityTableUpdate.executeUpdate(); Query deleteGroupEntityTableUpdate = session.getNamedQuery("GroupEntity.deleteAll"); deleteGroupEntityTableUpdate.executeUpdate(); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void auditGroups(PAPPolicyEngine papEngine2) { logger.debug("PolicyDBDao.auditGroups() called"); Session session = sessionfactory.openSession(); session.getTransaction().begin(); final String AUDIT_STR = "Audit"; try { Set groups = papEngine2.getOnapPDPGroups(); for (OnapPDPGroup grp : groups) { try { GroupEntity groupEntity = new GroupEntity(); groupEntity.setGroupName(grp.getName()); groupEntity.setDescription(grp.getDescription()); groupEntity.setDefaultGroup(grp.isDefaultGroup()); groupEntity.setCreatedBy(AUDIT_STR); groupEntity.setGroupId(createNewPDPGroupId(grp.getId())); groupEntity.setModifiedBy(AUDIT_STR); session.persist(groupEntity); Set pdps = grp.getOnapPdps(); for (OnapPDP pdp : pdps) { PdpEntity pdpEntity = new PdpEntity(); pdpEntity.setGroup(groupEntity); pdpEntity.setJmxPort(pdp.getJmxPort()); pdpEntity.setPdpId(pdp.getId()); pdpEntity.setPdpName(pdp.getName()); pdpEntity.setModifiedBy(AUDIT_STR); pdpEntity.setCreatedBy(AUDIT_STR); session.persist(pdpEntity); } Set policies = grp.getPolicies(); for (PDPPolicy policy : policies) { try { String[] stringArray = getNameScopeAndVersionFromPdpPolicy(policy.getId()); if (stringArray == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid input - policyID must contain name, scope and version"); } List policyEntityList; Query getPolicyEntitiesQuery = session.getNamedQuery("PolicyEntity.findByNameAndScope"); getPolicyEntitiesQuery.setParameter("name", stringArray[0]); getPolicyEntitiesQuery.setParameter(SCOPE, stringArray[1]); policyEntityList = getPolicyEntitiesQuery.list(); PolicyEntity policyEntity = null; if (!policyEntityList.isEmpty()) { policyEntity = policyEntityList.get(0); } if (policyEntity != null) { groupEntity.addPolicyToGroup(policyEntity); } } catch (Exception e2) { PolicyLogger.error(MessageCodes.EXCEPTION_ERROR, e2, POLICYDBDAO_VAR, "Exception auditGroups inner catch"); } } } catch (Exception e1) { PolicyLogger.error(MessageCodes.EXCEPTION_ERROR, e1, POLICYDBDAO_VAR, "Exception auditGroups middle catch"); } } } catch (Exception e) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); PolicyLogger.error(MessageCodes.EXCEPTION_ERROR, e, POLICYDBDAO_VAR, "Exception auditGroups outer catch"); session.close(); return; } session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); } public String getConfigFile(String filename, PolicyRestAdapter policy) { if (policy == null) { return getConfigFile(filename, (String) null); } return getConfigFile(filename, policy.getConfigType()); } // copied from ConfigPolicy.java and modified // Here we are adding the extension for the configurations file based on the // config type selection for saving. public String getConfigFile(String inputFilename, String configType) { String filename = inputFilename; logger.debug("getConfigFile(String filename, String scope, String configType) as getConfigFile(" + filename + ", " + configType + ") called"); filename = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(filename); String id = configType; if (id != null) { if (id.equals(ConfigPolicy.JSON_CONFIG) || id.contains("Firewall")) { filename = filename + ".json"; } if (id.equals(ConfigPolicy.XML_CONFIG)) { filename = filename + ".xml"; } if (id.equals(ConfigPolicy.PROPERTIES_CONFIG)) { filename = filename + ".properties"; } if (id.equals(ConfigPolicy.OTHER_CONFIG)) { filename = filename + ".txt"; } } return filename; } public String[] getNameScopeAndVersionFromPdpPolicy(String fileName) { String[] splitByDots = fileName.split("\\."); if (splitByDots.length < 3) { return null; } String policyName = splitByDots[splitByDots.length - 3]; String version = splitByDots[splitByDots.length - 2]; // policy names now include version String scope = ""; for (int i = 0; i < splitByDots.length - 3; i++) { scope += ".".concat(splitByDots[i]); } // remove the first dot if (scope.length() > 0) { scope = scope.substring(1); } String[] returnArray = new String[3]; returnArray[0] = policyName + "." + version + ".xml"; returnArray[2] = version; returnArray[1] = scope; return returnArray; } public static String createNewPDPGroupId(String name) { String id = name; // replace "bad" characters with sequences that will be ok for file // names and properties keys. id = id.replace(" ", "_sp_"); id = id.replace("\t", "_tab_"); id = id.replace("\\", "_bksl_"); id = id.replace("/", "_sl_"); id = id.replace(":", "_col_"); id = id.replace("*", "_ast_"); id = id.replace("?", "_q_"); id = id.replace("\"", "_quo_"); id = id.replace("<", "_lt_"); id = id.replace(">", "_gt_"); id = id.replace("|", "_bar_"); id = id.replace("=", "_eq_"); id = id.replace(",", "_com_"); id = id.replace(";", "_scom_"); return id; } /** * Checks if any of the given strings are empty or null * * @param strings One or more Strings (or nulls) to check if they are null or empty * @return true if one or more of the given strings are empty or null */ public static boolean isNullOrEmpty(String... strings) { for (String s : strings) { if (s == null || "".equals(s)) { return true; } } return false; } public static PolicyDBDaoTestClass getPolicyDBDaoTestClass() { return new PolicyDBDao().new PolicyDBDaoTestClass(); } final class PolicyDBDaoTestClass { String getConfigFile(String filename, String scope, PolicyRestAdapter policy) { return scope + "." + PolicyDBDao.this.getConfigFile(filename, policy); } String[] getPolicyNameAndVersionFromPolicyFileName(String originalPolicyName) throws PolicyDBException { return PolicyDBDao.this.getPolicyNameAndVersionFromPolicyFileName(originalPolicyName); } String[] getNameScopeAndVersionFromPdpPolicy(String fileName) { return PolicyDBDao.this.getNameScopeAndVersionFromPdpPolicy(fileName); } String getPdpPolicyName(String name, String scope) { return PolicyDBDao.this.getPdpPolicyName(name, scope); } } }