/** * Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.onap.holmes.common.aai.config; public class AaiConfig { private static final String AAI_API_VERSION = "v14"; public static final String X_TRANSACTION_ID = "9999"; public static final String X_FROMAPP_ID = "jimmy-postman"; private static final String AAI_AUTHENTICATION_USER = "AAI"; private static final String AAI_AUTHENTICATION_PAASWORD = "AAI"; public static String getAuthenticationCredentials() { String usernameAndPassword = AAI_AUTHENTICATION_USER + ":" + AAI_AUTHENTICATION_PAASWORD; return "Basic " + java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(usernameAndPassword.getBytes()); } public static class AaiConsts { private static final String AAI_PREF = "/aai/"; public static final String AAI_VNF_ADDR = AAI_PREF + AAI_API_VERSION + "/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf"; public static final String AAI_TP_UPDATE = AAI_PREF + AAI_API_VERSION + "/network/network-resources/network-resource/{networkId}/pnfs/pnf/{pnfName}/p-interfaces/p-interface/{ifName}"; public static final String AAI_LINK_QUERY = AAI_PREF + AAI_API_VERSION + "/network-resources/network-resource/{networkId}/pnfs/pnf/{pnfName}/p-interfaces?interface-name={ifName}&operational-status={status}"; public static final String AAI_LINK_UPDATE = AAI_PREF + AAI_API_VERSION + "/network/logical-links/logical-link/{linkName}"; public static final String AAI_TP_ADDR = AAI_PREF + AAI_API_VERSION + "/network/pnfs/pnf/{node-Id}/p-interfaces/p-interface/{tp-id}"; public static final String AAI_VPN_ADDR = AAI_PREF + AAI_API_VERSION + "/network/network-resources/network-resource/{networkId}/pnfs/pnf/{pnfName}/p-interfaces?interface-name={ifName}&operational-status={status}"; public static final String AAI_CONN_ADDR =AAI_PREF + AAI_API_VERSION + "/network/vpn-bindings?vpn-id={vpnId}"; public static final String AAI_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ADDR_4_CCVPN = AAI_PREF + AAI_API_VERSION + "/network/connectivities/connectivity/{connectivityId}"; public static final String AAI_SERVICE_INSTANCES_ADDR_4_CCVPN = AAI_PREF + AAI_API_VERSION + "/business/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}"; public static final String AAI_VM_ADDR = AAI_PREF + AAI_API_VERSION + "/search/nodes-query?search-node-type=vserver&filter="; } public static class MsbConsts { private static final String AAI_MSB_PREF = "/api"; private static final String AAI_NETWORK = "/aai-network/"; private static final String AAI_BUSINESS = "/aai-business/"; private static final String AAI_SEARCH = "/aai-search/"; public static final String AAI_VNF_ADDR = AAI_MSB_PREF + AAI_NETWORK + AAI_API_VERSION + "/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf"; public static final String AAI_TP_UPDATE = AAI_MSB_PREF + AAI_NETWORK + AAI_API_VERSION + "/network-resources/network-resource/{networkId}/pnfs/pnf/{pnfName}/p-interfaces/p-interface/{ifName}"; public static final String AAI_LINK_QUERY = AAI_MSB_PREF + AAI_NETWORK + AAI_API_VERSION + "/network-resources/network-resource/{networkId}/pnfs/pnf/{pnfName}/p-interfaces?interface-name={ifName}&operational-status={status}"; public static final String AAI_LINK_UPDATE = AAI_MSB_PREF + AAI_NETWORK + AAI_API_VERSION + "/logical-links/logical-link/{linkName}"; public static final String AAI_TP_ADDR = AAI_MSB_PREF + AAI_NETWORK + AAI_API_VERSION + "/pnfs/pnf/{node-Id}/p-interfaces/p-interface/{tp-id}"; public static final String AAI_VPN_ADDR = AAI_MSB_PREF + AAI_NETWORK + AAI_API_VERSION + "/network-resources/network-resource/{networkId}/pnfs/pnf/{pnfName}/p-interfaces?interface-name={ifName}&operational-status={status}"; public static final String AAI_CONN_ADDR =AAI_MSB_PREF + AAI_NETWORK + AAI_API_VERSION + "/vpn-bindings?vpn-id={vpnId}"; public static final String AAI_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ADDR_4_CCVPN = AAI_MSB_PREF + AAI_NETWORK + AAI_API_VERSION + "/connectivities/connectivity/{connectivityId}"; public static final String AAI_SERVICE_INSTANCES_ADDR_4_CCVPN = AAI_MSB_PREF + AAI_BUSINESS + AAI_API_VERSION + "/customers/customer/{global-customer-id}/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/{service-type}"; public static final String AAI_VM_ADDR = AAI_MSB_PREF + AAI_SEARCH + AAI_API_VERSION + "/nodes-query?search-node-type=vserver&filter="; } }