/******************************************************************************* * ============LICENSE_START================================================== * * org.onap.dmaap * * =========================================================================== * * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * =========================================================================== * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * * ============LICENSE_END==================================================== * * * * ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. * * ******************************************************************************/ package org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * Main control point for delivering files to destinations. *

* The Delivery class manages assignment of delivery threads to delivery * queues and creation and destruction of delivery queues as * configuration changes. DeliveryQueues are assigned threads based on a * modified round-robin approach giving priority to queues with more work * as measured by both bytes to deliver and files to deliver and lower * priority to queues that already have delivery threads working. * A delivery thread continues to work for a delivery queue as long as * that queue has more files to deliver. */ public class Delivery { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.Delivery"); private static class DelItem implements Comparable { private String pubid; private String spool; public int compareTo(DelItem x) { int i = pubid.compareTo(x.pubid); if (i == 0) { i = spool.compareTo(x.spool); } return (i); } public String getPublishId() { return (pubid); } public String getSpool() { return (spool); } public DelItem(String pubid, String spool) { this.pubid = pubid; this.spool = spool; } } private double fdstart; private double fdstop; private int threads; private int curthreads; private NodeConfigManager config; private Hashtable dqs = new Hashtable(); private DeliveryQueue[] queues = new DeliveryQueue[0]; private int qpos = 0; private long nextcheck; private Runnable cmon = new Runnable() { public void run() { checkconfig(); } }; /** * Constructs a new Delivery system using the specified configuration manager. * * @param config The configuration manager for this delivery system. */ public Delivery(NodeConfigManager config) { this.config = config; config.registerConfigTask(cmon); checkconfig(); } private void cleardir(String dir) { if (dqs.get(dir) != null) { return; } File fdir = new File(dir); for (File junk : fdir.listFiles()) { if (junk.isFile()) { junk.delete(); } } fdir.delete(); } private void freeDiskCheck() { File spoolfile = new File(config.getSpoolBase()); long tspace = spoolfile.getTotalSpace(); long start = (long) (tspace * fdstart); long stop = (long) (tspace * fdstop); long cur = spoolfile.getUsableSpace(); if (cur >= start) { return; } Vector cv = new Vector(); for (String sdir : dqs.keySet()) { for (String meta : (new File(sdir)).list()) { if (!meta.endsWith(".M") || meta.charAt(0) == '.') { continue; } cv.add(new DelItem(meta.substring(0, meta.length() - 2), sdir)); } } DelItem[] items = cv.toArray(new DelItem[cv.size()]); Arrays.sort(items); logger.info("NODE0501 Free disk space below red threshold. current=" + cur + " red=" + start + " total=" + tspace); for (DelItem item : items) { long amount = dqs.get(item.getSpool()).cancelTask(item.getPublishId()); logger.info("NODE0502 Attempting to discard " + item.getSpool() + "/" + item.getPublishId() + " to free up disk"); if (amount > 0) { cur += amount; if (cur >= stop) { cur = spoolfile.getUsableSpace(); } if (cur >= stop) { logger.info("NODE0503 Free disk space at or above yellow threshold. current=" + cur + " yellow=" + stop + " total=" + tspace); return; } } } cur = spoolfile.getUsableSpace(); if (cur >= stop) { logger.info("NODE0503 Free disk space at or above yellow threshold. current=" + cur + " yellow=" + stop + " total=" + tspace); return; } logger.warn("NODE0504 Unable to recover sufficient disk space to reach green status. current=" + cur + " yellow=" + stop + " total=" + tspace); } private void cleardirs() { String basedir = config.getSpoolBase(); String nbase = basedir + "/n"; for (String nodedir : (new File(nbase)).list()) { if (!nodedir.startsWith(".")) { cleardir(nbase + "/" + nodedir); } } String sxbase = basedir + "/s"; for (String sxdir : (new File(sxbase)).list()) { if (sxdir.startsWith(".")) { continue; } File sxf = new File(sxbase + "/" + sxdir); for (String sdir : sxf.list()) { if (!sdir.startsWith(".")) { cleardir(sxbase + "/" + sxdir + "/" + sdir); } } sxf.delete(); // won't if anything still in it } } private synchronized void checkconfig() { if (!config.isConfigured()) { return; } fdstart = config.getFreeDiskStart(); fdstop = config.getFreeDiskStop(); threads = config.getDeliveryThreads(); if (threads < 1) { threads = 1; } DestInfo[] alldis = config.getAllDests(); DeliveryQueue[] nqs = new DeliveryQueue[alldis.length]; qpos = 0; Hashtable ndqs = new Hashtable(); for (DestInfo di : alldis) { String spl = di.getSpool(); DeliveryQueue dq = dqs.get(spl); if (dq == null) { dq = new DeliveryQueue(config, di); } else { dq.config(di); } ndqs.put(spl, dq); nqs[qpos++] = dq; } queues = nqs; dqs = ndqs; cleardirs(); while (curthreads < threads) { curthreads++; (new Thread() { { setName("Delivery Thread"); } public void run() { dodelivery(); } }).start(); } nextcheck = 0; notify(); } private void dodelivery() { DeliveryQueue dq; while ((dq = getNextQueue()) != null) { dq.run(); } } private synchronized DeliveryQueue getNextQueue() { while (true) { if (curthreads > threads) { curthreads--; return (null); } if (qpos < queues.length) { DeliveryQueue dq = queues[qpos++]; if (dq.isSkipSet()) { continue; } nextcheck = 0; notify(); return (dq); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now < nextcheck) { try { wait(nextcheck + 500 - now); } catch (Exception e) { } now = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (now >= nextcheck) { nextcheck = now + 5000; qpos = 0; freeDiskCheck(); } } } /** * Reset the retry timer for a delivery queue */ public synchronized void resetQueue(String spool) { if (spool != null) { DeliveryQueue dq = dqs.get(spool); if (dq != null) { dq.resetQueue(); } } } /** * Mark the task in spool a success */ public synchronized boolean markTaskSuccess(String spool, String pubId) { boolean succeeded = false; if (spool != null) { DeliveryQueue dq = dqs.get(spool); if (dq != null) { succeeded = dq.markTaskSuccess(pubId); } } return succeeded; } }