## What does this API do ? This API has support for two PROMQL functions as of now : 1. 'query' 2. 'query_range' You can directly call the above functions with required parameters, and API shall give out a result set. ## How to use this API ? ### Using 'query' ``` 1. Copy the directory 'promql_api' to your working directory. ``` ``` 2. Import the API function: query from promql_api.prom_ql_api import query ``` ``` 3. have a global or local variable as 'QUERY_STRING' QUERY_STRING = ['irate(collectd_cpufreq{exported_instance="otconap7",cpufreq="1"}[2m])'] ``` ``` 4. Store the result set in a list: list_of_result_sets = query(QUERY_STRING) ``` ``` The return is : [{'metric': {'cpufreq': '1', 'endpoint': 'collectd-prometheus', 'exported_instance': 'otconap7', 'instance': 'ZZ.QQQ.XXX.YY:9103', 'job': 'collectd', 'namespace': 'edge1', 'pod': 'plundering-liger-collectd-wz7xg', 'service': 'collectd'}, 'value': [1559177169.415, '119727200']}] ``` ### Using 'query_range' ``` 1. Copy the directory 'promql_api' to your working directory. ``` ``` 2. Import the API function: query_range from promql_api.prom_ql_api import query_range ``` ``` 3. Its the calling application's responsibility to pass on the correct set of paramters. Form a map of required parameters: map_of_parameters = {'query': 'up', 'start': '2019-06-19T20:10:30.781Z', 'end': '2019-06-19T20:10:45.781Z', 'step': '15s'} ``` ``` 4. Store the result set in a list: list_of_result_sets = query_range(map_of_parameters) ``` ``` The return is: [[{'metric': {'__name__': 'up', 'endpoint': 'cadvisor-prometheus', 'instance': 'ZZ.QQQ.XXX.YY:8080', 'job': 'cadvisor', 'namespace': 'default', 'pod': 'cp-cadvisor-69287', 'service': 'cadvisor'}, 'values': [[1560975030.781, '1'], [1560975045.781, '1']]}, {'metric': {'__name__': 'up', 'endpoint': 'collectd-prometheus', 'instance': 'ZZ.QQQ.XXX.YY:9103', 'job': 'collectd', 'namespace': 'default', 'pod': 'vcmts-stats-daemonset-lsqjk', 'service': 'collectd'}, 'values': [[1560975030.781, '1'], [1560975045.781, '1']]}, {'metric': {'__name__': 'up', 'endpoint': 'metrics', 'instance': 'ZZ.QQQ.XXX.YY:9100', 'job': 'cp-prometheus-node-exporter', 'namespace': 'default', 'pod': 'cp-prometheus-node-exporter-sbbb9', 'service': 'cp-prometheus-node-exporter'}, 'values': [[1560975030.781, '1'], [1560975045.781, '1']]}, {'metric': {'__name__': 'up', 'endpoint': 'metrics', 'instance': 'ZZ.QQQ.XXX.YY:9100', 'job': 'cp-prometheus-node-exporter', 'namespace': 'default', 'pod': 'cp-prometheus-node-exporter-mcqtp', 'service': 'cp-prometheus-node-exporter'}, 'values': [[1560975030.781, '1'], [1560975045.781, '1']]}]] ``` ## Troubleshooting tips * Check the sample file - sample_promql_query.py in the repo ( sample-apps/m3db_promql) * Make sure the file "__init__.py" is present in promql_api directory after you copy the directory. * Make sure environment variables like "DATA_ENDPOINT" are correctly set. * For custom and advanced querying https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/api/ * Logs are generated in the directory where the query function is called. * sample log file - promql_api.log ``` 05-30-2019 08:47:53PM ::prom_ql_api.py :: set_log_config :: INFO :: Set the log configs. 05-30-2019 08:47:53PM ::prom_ql_api.py :: load_and_validate_env_vars :: INFO :: Loading the env variables ... 05-30-2019 08:47:53PM ::prom_ql_api.py :: load_and_validate_env_vars :: ERROR :: Env var: DATA_ENDPOINT not found ! 05-30-2019 08:47:53PM ::prom_ql_api.py :: query :: INFO :: Forming the get request ... 05-30-2019 08:47:53PM ::prom_ql_api.py :: query :: INFO :: API request::: URL: http://ZZ.QQQ.XXX.YY:30090/api/v1/ query 05-30-2019 08:47:53PM ::prom_ql_api.py :: query :: INFO :: API request::: params: {'query': 'irate(collectd_cpufreq{exported_instance="otconap7",cpufreq="1"}[2m])'} 05-30-2019 08:47:53PM ::connectionpool.py :: _new_conn :: DEBUG :: Starting new HTTP connection (1): ZZ.QQQ.XXX.YY 05-30-2019 08:47:53PM ::connectionpool.py :: _make_request :: DEBUG :: http://ZZ.QQQ.XXX.YY:30090 "GET /api/v1/ query?query=irate%28collectd_cpufreq%7Bexported_instance%3D%22otconap7%22%2Ccpufreq%3D%221%22%7D%5B2m%5D%29 HTTP/1. 1" 200 370 05-30-2019 08:47:53PM ::prom_ql_api.py :: query :: INFO :: ::::::::::RESULTS::::::::::::: irate(collectd_cpufreq{exported_instance="otconap7",cpufreq="1"}[2m]) 05-30-2019 08:47:53PM ::prom_ql_api.py :: query :: INFO :: {'metric': {'cpufreq': '1', 'endpoint': 'collectd- prometheus', 'exported_instance': 'otconap7', 'instance': 'ZZ.QQQ.XXX.YY:9103', 'job': 'collectd', 'namespace': 'edge1', 'pod': 'plundering-liger-collectd-wz7xg', 'service': 'collectd'}, 'value': [1559249299.084, '236300']} ``` * Tested Error scenario: Configure QUERY_STRING as : ``` QUERY_STRING = ['irate(collectd_cpufreq{exported_instance="otconap7", cpufreq="1"}[2m])', 'collectd_cpu_percent{job="collectd" exported_instance="an11-31"}[1m]'] ``` O/P : ``` Check logs..HTTP error occurred: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://ZZ.QQQ.XXX.YY:30090/api/v1/query?query=collectd_cpu_percent%7Bjob%3D%22collectd%22+exported_instance%3D%22an11-31%22%7D%5B1m%5D [{'metric': {'cpufreq': '1', 'endpoint': 'collectd-prometheus', 'exported_instance': 'otconap7', 'instance': 'ZZ.QQQ.XXX.YY:9103', 'job': 'collectd', 'namespace': 'edge1', 'pod': 'plundering-liger-collectd-wz7xg', 'service': 'collectd'}, 'value': [1559343866.631, '119798600']}] {'error': 'parse error at char 37: missing comma before next identifier ' '"exported_instance"', 'errorType': 'bad_data'} ```