# vFW_CNF_CDS use case automation 1. Install required packages with pipenv `pipenv install` 2. Run virtual environment `pipenv shell --fancy` 3. Add kubeconfig files, one for ONAP cluster, and one for k8s cluster that will host vFW: - `artifacts/cluster_kubeconfig` - `artifacts/onap_kubeconfig` 4. Prepare onboarding packages `cd ../templates/ && make && cd ../automation/` 5. Modify `config.py`: - NATIVE - enables native helm orchestration path in SO - CLOUD_REGION - GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID - VENDOR - SERVICENAME - CUSTOMER_RESOURCE_DEFINITIONS - add list of CRDs to be installed on non KUD k8s cluster 6. Run script `python create_k8s_region.py` in order to create **k8s cloud region** 7. Onboard **vFW** `python onboard.py` 8. Instantiate **vFW** `python instantiate.py`