#Docker Upgrade Scripts ##Description These scripts will upgrade docker images in all ONAP components ##Setting UP apt-get install python-pip pip install Fabric Download all the files and modify onap_docker_upgrade.conf with correct configuration based on infrastructure endpoints [keystone_auth] user = password = tenant = url = user: User name to access the tenant Password: Password for the user authentication tenant: Tenant information url: keystone endpoint URL. Currently v2.0 is only supported [onap] instance_prefix = instance_prefix: ONAP instance prefix configured in heat template or VM name Deployment type: 1-nic-nofloat, 1-nic-float, 2-nic deployment_type = deployment_type: Based on infrastructure network setup for VMs dcae_key_path = onap_key_path = Run python onap_docker_upgrade.py To run daily basis, add the script to cron job and redirect output to a log file