# ============LICENSE_START==================================================== # org.onap.dcae # ============================================================================= # Copyright (c) 2019-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ============================================================================= # Copyright (c) 2021 highstreet technologies GmbH. All rights reserved. # ============================================================================= # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END====================================================== import json import requests from testing_helpers import get_fixture_path as get_test_file from aoconversion import docker_gen as aoc_docker_gen from aoconversion import scanner as aoc_scanner # # General mocking # class _MockModule: """ Class to mock packages. Just a quick way to create an object with specified attributes """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) # # Mocking for package "docker" # class _MockAPIClient: """ Class to mock docker.APIClient class. """ def __init__(self, base_url, version=None, user_agent='xxx'): pass def build(self, path, rm, tag): return [b'some message', b'another message'] def push(self, repository, auth_config, stream): return [b'some message', b'another message'] def images(self, x): return True def _mock_kwargs_from_env(**kwargs): """ Method to mock docker.utils.kwargs_from_env method. """ return {'base_url': None} _mockdocker = _MockModule( APIClient=_MockAPIClient, utils=_MockModule(kwargs_from_env=_mock_kwargs_from_env)) # # Mocking for requests.get # class _r: """ Fake responses for mocking requests.get """ def __init__(self, json=None, file=None, data=None): self.jx = json self.fx = file self.dx = data self.status_code = 200 @property def text(self): return self._raw().decode() def raise_for_status(self): pass def _raw(self): if self.dx is None: if self.fx is not None: with open(self.fx, 'rb') as f: self.dx = f.read() elif self.jx is not None: self.dx = json.dumps(self.jx, sort_keys=True).encode() else: self.dx = b'' return self.dx def iter_content(self, bsize=-1): buf = self._raw() pos = 0 lim = len(buf) if bsize <= 0: bsize = lim while pos + bsize < lim: yield buf[pos:pos + bsize] pos = pos + bsize yield buf[pos:] def json(self): if self.jx is None: self.jx = json.loads(self._raw().decode()) return self.jx def _mockwww(responses): def _op(path, json=None, auth=None, cert=None, verify=None, stream=False): return responses[path] return _op _mockpostdata = { 'https://onboarding/dataformats': _r({'dataFormatUrl': 'https://onboarding/dataformats/somedfid'}), 'https://onboarding/components': _r({'componentUrl': 'https://onboarding/components/somedxid'}), } _mockpatchdata = { 'https://onboarding/dataformats/somedfid': _r({}), 'https://onboarding/components/somedxid': _r({}), } _mockwebdata = { 'https://acumos/catalogs': _r({'content': [{'catalogId': 'c1'}]}), 'https://acumos/solutions?catalogId=c1': _r({'content': [{'solutionId': 's1', 'name': 'example-model', 'ratingAverageTenths': 17}]}), 'https://acumos/solutions/s1/revisions': _r({'content': [{'revisionId': 'r1'}]}), 'https://acumos/solutions/s1/revisions/r1': _r({'content': { 'version': 'v1', 'modified': '2019-01-01T00:00:00Z', 'artifacts': [ {'artifactId': 'a1', 'name': 'xxx.other'}, {'artifactId': 'a2', 'name': 'xxx.proto'}, {'artifactId': 'a3', 'name': 'xxx.zip'}, {'artifactId': 'a4', 'name': 'xxx.json'}, ]} }), 'https://acumos/artifacts/a2/content': _r(file=get_test_file('models/example-model/model.proto')), 'https://acumos/artifacts/a3/content': _r(data=b'dummy zip archive data'), 'https://acumos/artifacts/a4/content': _r(file=get_test_file('models/example-model/metadata.json')), } # # End mocking tools # def test_aoconversion(mock_schemas, tmpdir, monkeypatch): config = aoc_scanner.Config(dcaeurl='http://dcaeurl', dcaeuser='dcaeuser', onboardingurl='https://onboarding', onboardinguser='obuser', onboardingpass='obpass', acumosurl='https://acumos', certfile=None, dockerregistry='dockerregistry', dockeruser='registryuser', dockerpass='registrypassword', http_proxy='', https_proxy='', no_proxy='') monkeypatch.setattr(aoc_docker_gen, 'APIClient', _mockdocker.APIClient) monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', _mockwww(_mockwebdata)) monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'post', _mockwww(_mockpostdata)) monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'patch', _mockwww(_mockpatchdata)) aoc_scanner.scan(config) aoc_scanner.scan(config) def test__derefconfig(): config_path = get_test_file('config.yaml') assert aoc_scanner._derefconfig('@' + config_path) == 'dcaeurl: https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/platform/plain/mod'