/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.config.NcmpConfiguration import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.exception.NcmpException import org.onap.cps.spi.model.ModuleReference import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration import spock.lang.Shared @SpringBootTest @ContextConfiguration(classes = [NcmpConfiguration.DmiProperties, DmiModelOperations]) class DmiModelOperationsSpec extends DmiOperationsBaseSpec { @Shared def newModuleReferences = [new ModuleReference('mod1','A'), new ModuleReference('mod2','X')] @Autowired DmiModelOperations objectUnderTest def 'Retrieving module references.'() { given: 'a persistence cm handle' mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval([]) and: 'a positive response from dmi service when it is called with the expected parameters' def moduleReferencesAsLisOfMaps = [[moduleName:'mod1',revision:'A'],[moduleName:'mod2',revision:'X']] def responseFromDmi = new ResponseEntity([schemas:moduleReferencesAsLisOfMaps], HttpStatus.OK) mockDmiRestClient.postOperationWithJsonData("${dmiServiceName}/dmi/v1/ch/${cmHandleId}/modules", '{"cmHandleProperties":{}}', [:]) >> responseFromDmi when: 'get module references is called' def result = objectUnderTest.getModuleReferences(persistenceCmHandle) then: 'the result consists of expected module references' assert result == [new ModuleReference(moduleName:'mod1',revision:'A'), new ModuleReference(moduleName:'mod2',revision:'X')] } def 'Retrieving module references edge case: #scenario.'() { given: 'a persistence cm handle' mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval([]) and: 'any response from dmi service when it is called with the expected parameters' // TODO (toine): production code ignores any error code from DMI, this should be improved in future def responseFromDmi = new ResponseEntity(bodyAsMap, HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) mockDmiRestClient.postOperationWithJsonData(*_) >> responseFromDmi when: 'get module references is called' def result = objectUnderTest.getModuleReferences(persistenceCmHandle) then: 'the result is empty' assert result == [] where: 'the dmi response body has the following content' scenario | bodyAsMap 'no modules' | [schemas:[]] 'modules null' | [schemas:null] 'no schema' | [something:'else'] 'no body' | null } def 'Retrieving module references, additional property handling: #scenario.'() { given: 'a persistence cm handle' mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval(additionalPropertiesObject) and: 'a positive response from dmi service when it is called with tha expected parameters' def responseFromDmi = new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.OK) mockDmiRestClient.postOperationWithJsonData("${dmiServiceName}/dmi/v1/ch/${cmHandleId}/modules", '{"cmHandleProperties":' + expectedAdditionalPropertiesInRequest + '}', [:]) >> responseFromDmi when: 'a get module references is called' def result = objectUnderTest.getModuleReferences(persistenceCmHandle) then: 'the result is the response from dmi service' assert result == [] where: 'the following additional properties are used' scenario | additionalPropertiesObject || expectedAdditionalPropertiesInRequest 'with properties' | [sampleAdditionalProperty] || '{"prop1":"val1"}' 'with null properties' | null || '{}' 'without properties' | [] || '{}' } def 'Retrieving yang resources.'() { given: 'a persistence cm handle' mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval([]) and: 'a positive response from dmi service when it is called with tha expected parameters' def responseFromDmi = new ResponseEntity([[moduleName: 'mod1', revision: 'A', yangSource: 'some yang source'], [moduleName: 'mod2', revision: 'C', yangSource: 'other yang source']], HttpStatus.OK) def expectedModuleReferencesInRequest = '{"name":"mod1","revision":"A"},{"name":"mod2","revision":"X"}' mockDmiRestClient.postOperationWithJsonData("${dmiServiceName}/dmi/v1/ch/${cmHandleId}/moduleResources", '{"data":{"modules":[' + expectedModuleReferencesInRequest + ']},"cmHandleProperties":{}}', [:]) >> responseFromDmi when: 'get new yang resources from dmi service' def result = objectUnderTest.getNewYangResourcesFromDmi(persistenceCmHandle, newModuleReferences) then: 'the result has the 2 expected yang (re)sources (order is not guaranteed)' assert result.size() == 2 assert result.get('mod1') == 'some yang source' assert result.get('mod2') == 'other yang source' } def 'Retrieving yang resources, edge case: scenario.'() { given: 'a persistence cm handle' mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval([]) and: 'a positive response from dmi service when it is called with tha expected parameters' // TODO (toine): production code ignores any error code from DMI, this should be improved in future def responseFromDmi = new ResponseEntity(responseFromDmiBody, HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) mockDmiRestClient.postOperationWithJsonData(*_) >> responseFromDmi when: 'get new yang resources from dmi service' def result = objectUnderTest.getNewYangResourcesFromDmi(persistenceCmHandle, newModuleReferences) then: 'the result is empty' assert result == [:] where: 'the dmi response body has the following content' scenario | responseFromDmiBody 'empty array' | [] 'null array' | null } def 'Retrieving yang resources, additional property handling #scenario.'() { given: 'a persistence cm handle' mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval(additionalPropertiesObject) and: 'a positive response from dmi service when it is called with the expected parameters' def responseFromDmi = new ResponseEntity<>([[moduleName: 'mod1', revision: 'A', yangSource: 'some yang source']], HttpStatus.OK) mockDmiRestClient.postOperationWithJsonData("${dmiServiceName}/dmi/v1/ch/${cmHandleId}/moduleResources", '{"data":{"modules":[' + expectedModuleReferencesInRequest + ']},"cmHandleProperties":'+expectedAdditionalPropertiesInRequest+'}', [:]) >> responseFromDmi when: 'get new yang resources from dmi service' def result = objectUnderTest.getNewYangResourcesFromDmi(persistenceCmHandle, unknownModuleReferences) then: 'the result is the response from dmi service' assert result == [mod1:'some yang source'] where: 'the following additional properties are used' scenario | additionalPropertiesObject | unknownModuleReferences || expectedAdditionalPropertiesInRequest | expectedModuleReferencesInRequest 'with module references and properties' | [sampleAdditionalProperty] | newModuleReferences || '{"prop1":"val1"}' | '{"name":"mod1","revision":"A"},{"name":"mod2","revision":"X"}' 'without module references' | [sampleAdditionalProperty] | [] || '{"prop1":"val1"}' | '' 'without properties' | [] | newModuleReferences || '{}' | '{"name":"mod1","revision":"A"},{"name":"mod2","revision":"X"}' } def 'Retrieving yang resources from dmi with additional properties null.'() { given: 'a persistence cm handle' mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval(null) when: 'a get new yang resources from dmi is called' objectUnderTest.getNewYangResourcesFromDmi(persistenceCmHandle, []) then: 'a null pointer is thrown (we might need to address this later)' thrown(NullPointerException) } def 'Retrieving module references with Json processing exception.'() { given: 'a persistence cm handle' mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval([]) and: 'a Json processing exception occurs' spyObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(_) >> {throw (new JsonProcessingException(''))} when: 'a dmi operation is executed' objectUnderTest.getModuleReferences(persistenceCmHandle) then: 'an ncmp exception is thrown' def exceptionThrown = thrown(NcmpException) and: 'the message indicates a parsing error' exceptionThrown.message.toLowerCase().contains('parsing error') } }