# Prepare stage for multistage image build ## START OF STAGE0 ## FROM onap/ccsdk-alpine-j11-image:${project.docker.latestfulltag.version} AS stage0 USER root ENV ODL_HOME /opt/opendaylight/current # copy the opendaylight tar and expand COPY ${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version}.tar.gz /tmp/ RUN mkdir -p /opt/odl \ && tar xzf /tmp/${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version}.tar.gz --directory /opt/odl \ && rm -rf /tmp/${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version}.tar.gz \ && mv /opt/odl/${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version} /opt/opendaylight \ && ln -s /opt/opendaylight /opt/opendaylight/${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version} \ && ln -s /opt/opendaylight /opt/opendaylight/current # Enable wheel and create a group and user RUN sed -i -e 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/g' /etc/sudoers \ && addgroup -S odl \ && adduser -S odl -G odl \ && addgroup odl wheel # Patch some opendaylight artifacts COPY system $ODL_HOME/system # Add missing scripts see SDNC-1056 #COPY configure_cluster.sh configure-cluster-ipdetect.sh custom_shard_config.txt set_persistence.sh $ODL_HOME/bin/ #RUN chmod 755 $ODL_HOME/bin/configure_cluster.sh $ODL_HOME/bin/configure-cluster-ipdetect.sh $ODL_HOME/bin/set_persistence.sh $ODL_HOME/bin/custom_shard_config.txt # Remove vulnerable version of ops4j logging COPY framework-${odl.karaf.framework.version}-features.xml $ODL_HOME/system/org/apache/karaf/features/framework/${odl.karaf.framework.version}/framework-${odl.karaf.framework.version}-features.xml COPY startup.properties $ODL_HOME/etc/startup.properties RUN rm -rf $ODL_HOME/system/org/ops4j/pax/logging/pax-logging-log4j2/${odl.pax.logging.version} RUN rm -rf $ODL_HOME/system/org/ops4j/pax/logging/pax-logging-api/${odl.pax.logging.version} # Changing ownership and permission of /opt RUN chown -R odl:odl /opt && chmod -R 755 /opt ## END OF STAGE0 ## ################################################# ## This will create actual image FROM scratch MAINTAINER CCSDK Team (onap-ccsdk@lists.onap.org) USER root ENV JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/openjdk \ PATH=$PATH:/opt/java/openjdk/bin \ ODL_HOME=/opt/opendaylight/current # Copy Everything from stage0 COPY --from=stage0 / / USER odl EXPOSE 8181 WORKDIR $ODL_HOME # ENTRYPOINT exec /opt/opendaylight/bin/karaf