/* * ============LICENSE_START=================================================== * SPARKY (AAI UI service) * ============================================================================ * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. * Copyright © 2017 Amdocs * All rights reserved. * ============================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END===================================================== * * ECOMP and OpenECOMP are trademarks * and service marks of AT&T Intellectual Property. */ import React, {Component} from 'react'; import ComponentManagerContainer from 'generic-components/componentManager/ComponentManagerContainer.jsx'; import { MIN_PANEL_WIDTH, MIN_PANEL_HEIGHT, MAX_PANEL_WIDTH, EDIT_ICON, LAYOUT_STATIC } from 'generic-components/componentManager/ComponentManagerConstants.js'; var widthProvider = require('react-grid-layout').WidthProvider; var ReactGridLayout = require('react-grid-layout'); ReactGridLayout = widthProvider(ReactGridLayout); export default class ComponentManager extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); if (props.layoutType === LAYOUT_STATIC && Object.keys(props.layoutFormat).length > 0) { this.state = { layout: props.layoutFormat.layout, panels: props.layoutFormat.panels, containers: props.layoutFormat.containers }; } else { this.state = { layout: [], panels: [], containers: [] }; } this.onLayoutChange = this.onLayoutChange.bind(this); } createContainer( containerId, xPos, yPos, width, height, staticLayout = false) { if (staticLayout) { return { id: containerId, properties: { x: xPos, y: yPos, w: width, h: height, isDraggable: false, isResizable: false } }; } else { return { id: containerId, properties: { x: xPos, y: yPos, w: width, h: height, minW: MIN_PANEL_WIDTH, maxW: MAX_PANEL_WIDTH, minH: MIN_PANEL_HEIGHT } }; } } createPanel(id, title, panelSource, panelProps, actionList) { return { id: id, title: title, source: panelSource, props: panelProps, actions: actionList }; } addNewComponent(compProps, containingContainerId) { let containerId = containingContainerId; let actionsList = []; if (typeof containerId === 'undefined' || containerId === null) { // new component being added isn't associated with a // container yet, so create one containerId = 'container:' + (new Date).getTime(); let updatedContainerProps = []; this.state.containers.forEach((containerProps) => { updatedContainerProps.push(containerProps); }); updatedContainerProps.push( this.createContainer(containerId, 0, Infinity, 12, 2)); this.setState({containers: updatedContainerProps}); actionsList = [ { type: 'close', id: containerId, callback: () => { this.removeExistingComponent(containerId); } } ]; } else { // we are updating a static container with a new panel, add the edit // action so it can be updated moving forward actionsList = [ { type: 'custom', id: containingContainerId, icon: EDIT_ICON, callback: () => { this.props.addPanelCallback(containingContainerId); } } ]; } let updatedPanelProps = []; this.state.panels.forEach((panelProp) => { if (panelProp.id !== containingContainerId) { // add all existing panels except the one with a // matching id (this is an edit scenario, will replace // with new panel below updatedPanelProps.push(panelProp); } }); updatedPanelProps.push( this.createPanel( containerId, compProps.title, compProps.visualizationSource, compProps.visualizationProps, actionsList)); this.setState({panels: updatedPanelProps}); } removeExistingComponent(id) { let updatedPanelProps = this.state.panels.filter((panelProp) => { return id !== panelProp.id; }); this.setState({panels: updatedPanelProps}); let updatedContainerProps = this.state.containers.filter( (containerProp) => { return id !== containerProp.id; }); this.setState({containers: updatedContainerProps}); } getLayoutProperties() { return { layout: this.state.layout, containers: this.state.containers, panels: this.state.panels }; } setLayoutProperties(layoutProperties) { this.setState({ layout: layoutProperties.layout, containers: layoutProperties.containers, panels: layoutProperties.panels }); } fetchMatchingPanel(containerId) { let actionsList = []; let matchingPanel = ( {'Please select a visualization'} ); this.state.panels.forEach((panel) => { if (panel.id === containerId) { let GeneratedComponent = this.props.componentPropertiesProvider[panel.source].component.class; let visProps = panel.props; matchingPanel = ( ); } }); return matchingPanel; } preparedContainers() { let containersToRender = []; this.state.containers.forEach((container) => { let matchingPanel = this.fetchMatchingPanel(container.id); containersToRender.push(
); }); return containersToRender; } onLayoutChange(layout) { this.setState({layout: layout}); this.props.onLayoutChange(layout); } buildStaticContainers(layoutFormat) { let staticContainers = []; let nextRowIndex = 0; layoutFormat.layout.forEach((row) => { let nextColIndex = 0; let currentTallestContainer = 0; row.forEach((col) => { let containerId = 'container:' + nextRowIndex + '-' + nextColIndex; let xPos = nextColIndex; let yPos = nextRowIndex; let width = 12 * col.width; let height = col.height; nextColIndex = nextColIndex + width; currentTallestContainer = Math.max(currentTallestContainer, col.height); staticContainers.push( this.createContainer( containerId, xPos, yPos, width, height, true ) ); }); nextRowIndex = currentTallestContainer; }); return staticContainers; } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (nextProps.layoutFormat !== this.props.layoutFormat) { // layout format being passed in are the containers, panels and layout // for the newly view this.setState({ layout: nextProps.layoutFormat.layout, panels: nextProps.layoutFormat.panels, containers: nextProps.layoutFormat.containers }); } } render() { return (
); } } ComponentManager.defaultProps = { cols: 12, rewHeight: 100, onLayoutChange: function () { }, showHeader: true, showTitle: true, showBorder: true };