/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * org.onap.aai * ================================================================================ * Copyright © 2017-2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ import React, {Component} from 'react'; import Modal from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Modal'; import Grid from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Grid'; import FormGroup from 'react-bootstrap/lib/FormGroup'; import FormControl from 'react-bootstrap/lib/FormControl'; import ControlLabel from 'react-bootstrap/lib/ControlLabel'; import Button from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Button'; import {GlobalExtConstants} from 'utils/GlobalExtConstants.js'; import Spinner from 'utils/SpinnerContainer.jsx'; import Row from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Row'; import Col from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Col'; import Panel from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Panel'; import Tooltip from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Tooltip'; import FilterTypes from 'generic-components/filter/components/FilterTypes.jsx'; import BootstrapSwitchButton from 'bootstrap-switch-button-react'; import {GeneralCommonFunctions} from 'utils/GeneralCommonFunctions.js'; import * as d3 from "d3"; import 'd3-selection-multi'; let EDGERULES = GlobalExtConstants.EDGERULES; let OXM = GlobalExtConstants.OXM; let INVLIST = GlobalExtConstants.INVLIST; let ENVIRONMENT = GlobalExtConstants.ENVIRONMENT; let APERTURE_SERVICE = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(ENVIRONMENT + 'APERTURE_SERVICE')); let nodeTypes = []; let properties = null; let traverseRulesDsl = []; const settings = { 'NODESERVER': INVLIST.NODESERVER, 'PROXY': INVLIST.PROXY, 'PREFIX': INVLIST.PREFIX, 'VERSION': INVLIST.VERSION, 'USESTUBS': INVLIST.useStubs }; class PathFilterDslBuilder extends Component { constructor(props) { console.log('PathFilter props>>>>',props); super(props); APERTURE_SERVICE=JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(ENVIRONMENT + 'APERTURE_SERVICE')); this.state = {edgeRules : null, showNodeModal: false, treemap: null, root: null, svg: null, duration: null, g: null, selectedNode: null, traverseToNodes:[], nodeDetails: [], dslQuery: '', dslQueryTree:'', editModel:'', showEditModal: false, zoomFit: null, autoZoomEnabled: true, aggregateObjects: false, init: true, filterTypeDisplay: 'Filter Type', selectedfilterType:[], oxmMapping:null, closePathNodeModal:true, submitPathNodeModal:false, parentNodeType:'', parentAttrDetails:'', showPathFilterDslBuilder:false, dslPath:'', dslPathTree:null, isInitialize:true, treeData:'', showEditNodeModal:false, enableRealTime: JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(ENVIRONMENT + 'ENABLE_ANALYSIS')) } } componentDidMount () { console.log('Path Filter componentDidMount',JSON.stringify(this.props)); //this.buildSQLStatementsFromSchema(); this.processEdgeRules(EDGERULES); } componentDidUpdate (nextProps) { console.log('Path Filter componentDidUpdate>>>>>>>',nextProps); if(this.state.isInitialize){ this.props=nextProps; console.log('this.props>>>>>>>>>>>>>',this.props); this.setState({submitPathNodeModal:this.props.submitPathNodeModal, closePathNodeModal:this.props.closePathNodeModal, parentNodeType:this.props.nodeType, parentAttrDetails:this.props.attrDetails, showPathFilterDslBuilder:this.props.showPathFilterDslBuilder, dslPath:this.props.dslPath, dslPathTree:this.props.dslPathTree, isInitialize: false},()=>{ if(this.props.dslPathTree){ this.build(this.props.nodeType,null,this.props.attrDetails,this.props.dslPathTree); }else{ //this.initialize(this.props.nodeName); this.setState({showNodeModal: true,isInitialize:false},()=>{this.populateEdgeRules(this.props.nodeName,this.state.edgeRules)}); } }); } console.log('this.state under Update>>>>>',this.state); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { console.log('path Filter componentWillReceiveProps>>>>'); } initialize = () => { var nodeDetails = []; var node = null; console.log('initializing'); var id = GeneralCommonFunctions.generateID(); var nodeTypes = GeneralCommonFunctions.getNodeTypes(); for (var i = 0; i < nodeTypes.length; i++) { node = nodeTypes[i] + id; if(this.props.nodeName === nodeTypes[i]){ var attributes = GeneralCommonFunctions.getFilteringOptions(nodeTypes[i]); if(!nodeDetails[node] && Object.keys(attributes).length > 0){ nodeDetails[node] = {}; nodeDetails[node].nodeType = nodeTypes[i]; nodeDetails[node].isSelected = false; nodeDetails[node].attrDetails = attributes; nodeDetails[node].parentContainer = GeneralCommonFunctions.populateContainer(nodeTypes[i]); } } } let nodesSorted = nodeDetails.sort(function (filter1, filter2) { if (filter1.nodeType < filter2.nodeType) { return -1; } else if (filter1.nodeType > filter2.nodeType) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }); console.log('Node Types List' + JSON.stringify(nodesSorted)); nodeDetails = nodesSorted; this.setState({ nodeDetails: nodeDetails, showNodeModal: true, isInitialize:false }); } initialLoadWhileClose= ()=>{ this.setState({showNodeModal: true,isInitialize:false},()=>{this.populateEdgeRules(this.props.nodeName,this.state.edgeRules)}); } processEdgeRules = (data) => { this.setState({ edgeRules: data.rules }); } closeNodeModal = () =>{ this.setState({ showNodeModal: false, traverseToNodes: [], selectedNode: null }); } onNodeCheckbox(e) { var nodeDetails = this.state.nodeDetails; if (e.target.checked) { nodeDetails[e.target.value].isSelected = true; this.selectAll(e.target.value); }else { nodeDetails[e.target.value].isSelected = false; this.deselectAll(e.target.value); } // update the state with the new array of traverse to nodes this.setState({ nodeDetails: nodeDetails }); } onNodeRadio(e) { var nodeDetails = this.state.nodeDetails; if (e.target.checked) { nodeDetails[e.target.value].isSelected = true; this.selectAll(e.target.value); } for (var key in nodeDetails) { if(key != e.target.value && nodeDetails[key].isSelected ){ nodeDetails[key].isSelected = false; this.deselectAll(key); } } // update the state with the new array of traverse to nodes this.setState({ nodeDetails: nodeDetails }); } onAutoZoomCheckbox(e) { var cbValue = false; if (e.target.checked) { cbValue = true; }else { cbValue = false; } this.setState({ autoZoomEnabled: cbValue }); } onAttributeCheckbox(e){//delete let splitVal = e.target.value.split("|"); let nodeKey = splitVal[0]; let attrValue = splitVal[1]; let nodeDetails = this.state.nodeDetails; let node = nodeDetails[nodeKey]; let attribute = null; if(!node.attrDetails){ node.attrDetails = []; } if(!node.attrDetails[attrValue]){ node.attrDetails[attrValue] = {}; node.attrDetails[attrValue].isSelected = true; node.attrDetails[attrValue].filterValue = []; node.attrDetails[attrValue].filterType = []; } // check if the check box is checked or unchecked if (e.target.checked) { // add the value of the checkbox to nodes array node.attrDetails[attrValue].isSelected = true; node.attrDetails[attrValue].filterType[0]='EQ'; } else { // or remove the value from the unchecked checkbox from the array node.attrDetails[attrValue].isSelected = false; node.attrDetails[attrValue].filterType = ['']; node.attrDetails[attrValue].filterValue = ['']; } nodeDetails[nodeKey] = node; // update the state with the new array of traverse to nodes this.setState({ nodeDetails: nodeDetails }); } onFilterValueChange(e, nodeKey, attrKey, indx){ let nodeDetails = this.state.nodeDetails; let node = nodeDetails[nodeKey]; if(!node.attrDetails){ node.attrDetails = []; } if(!node.attrDetails[attrKey]){ node.attrDetails[attrKey] = {}; node.attrDetails[attrKey].isSelected = true; node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue = []; node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterType = []; } // add the value of the checkbox to nodes array //node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue.push(e.target.value); let filterValArr=node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue; filterValArr[indx]=e.target.value; node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue=filterValArr; nodeDetails[nodeKey] = node; // update the state with the new array of traverse to nodes this.setState({ nodeDetails: nodeDetails }); } submitPathNodeModal= () =>{ console.log('PathFinder submitPathNodeModal>>>>>',this.props); this.props.submitPathNodeModal(this.state.dslQuery,this.props.nodeType,this.state.dslQueryTree,this.props.isEditEnable,this.props.pathFilterIndex); } submitNodeModal = () =>{ if(this.state.selectedNode){ var treeData=this.state.dslQueryTree; var updatedTreeData=''; var d = this.state.selectedNode; for(var node in this.state.nodeDetails){ if(this.state.nodeDetails[node].isSelected){ var newNodeObj = { type: 'node', name: this.state.nodeDetails[node].nodeType, id: node, details: {} }; //Creates new Node Object.assign(newNodeObj.details, this.state.nodeDetails[node]); var newNode = d3.hierarchy(newNodeObj); newNode.depth = d.depth + 1; newNode.height = d.height - 1; newNode.parent = d; newNode.id = node; if(!d.children){ d.children = []; } if(newNodeObj.details){ var selectedAttributeCount = 0; for (var key in newNodeObj.details.attrDetails){ if (newNodeObj.details.attrDetails[key].isSelected){ selectedAttributeCount++; } if(selectedAttributeCount === Object.keys(newNodeObj.details.attrDetails).length){ newNodeObj.details.includeInOutput = true; } } } console.log('submit node newNodeObj>>>>>',newNodeObj); treeData=(updatedTreeData==='')?treeData:updatedTreeData; updatedTreeData=this.handlingTreeDataWhileAddRemove(treeData,newNodeObj,d.data.id,d.data.name); d.children.push(newNode); this.setState({ nodeDetails: [] }); } } this.setState({ showNodeModal: false, traverseToNodes: [], selectedNode: null, dslQueryTree:updatedTreeData }, ()=>{this.update(this, d)}); }else{ var nodeType = ""; var attrDetails = null; for (var key in this.state.nodeDetails) { if(this.state.nodeDetails[key].isSelected){ nodeType = this.state.nodeDetails[key].nodeType; attrDetails = this.state.nodeDetails[key].attrDetails; } } this.build(nodeType, null, attrDetails); this.setState({ nodeDetails: [], showNodeModal: false, traverseToNodes: [], selectedNode: null }); } } handlingTreeDataWhileAddRemove = (treeData,addObject,id,name)=>{ if(addObject===''){ if(treeData.children && treeData.children.length>0){ for(var y=0;y0){ for(var y=0;y { let nodeDetails=GeneralCommonFunctions.populateEdgeRules(nodeType,this.state.edgeRules); this.setState({ nodeDetails: nodeDetails }); } closeEditDSLModal = () => { console.log("closing DSL edit modal"); this.setState({ showEditModal: false }); } submitEditNodeModal = () =>{ this.update(this, this.state.selectedNode); this.setState({showEditNodeModal: false}); } closeEditNodeModal = () =>{ this.setState({ showEditNodeModal: false, selectedNode: null }); } bindEdits = (e) => { this.setState({ editModel: e.target.value }); } update = (base, source, isInit) => { // Assigns the x and y position for the nodes var treeData = base.state.treemap(base.state.root); var DSL = GeneralCommonFunctions.populatePathDSL(treeData,true,false,this.state.enableRealTime); console.log(JSON.stringify("DSL :" + DSL)); this.setState({ dslQuery: DSL }); // Compute the new tree layout. var nodes = treeData.descendants(), links = treeData.descendants().slice(1); var list1 = d3.selectAll(".fa") .filter(".fa-plus") .style("display","block"); // Normalize for fixed-depth. nodes.forEach(function(d){ d.y = d.depth * 100}); // ****************** Nodes section *************************** // Update the nodes... var node = base.state.g.selectAll('g.node') .data(nodes, function(d) {return d.id }); // Enter any new modes at the parent's previous position. var nodeEnter = node.enter().append('g') .attr('class', 'node') .attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + source.y0 + "," + source.x0 + ")"; }) // .on('click', click) .on('dblclick', doubleClick); // Add Circle for the nodes nodeEnter.append('circle') .attr('class', 'node') .attr('r', 1e-6) .style("fill", function(d) { return d.data.details && d.data.details.includeInOutput ? "lightsteelblue" : "#fff"; }); nodeEnter.append("svg:foreignObject") .attr("width", 20) .attr("height", 25) .attr("y", -14) .attr("x", -10) .append("xhtml:span") .attr("class", function (d) { let icon = ''; if(!INVLIST.IS_ONAP){ icon = 'icon-datanetwork-serverL'; }else{ icon = 'browse-fa fa fa-server'; } if(d.data.details && d.data.details.parentContainer){ var iconKey = ((d.data.details.parentContainer).replace(/-/g, '')).toUpperCase(); if(INVLIST.INVENTORYLIST[iconKey] && INVLIST.INVENTORYLIST[iconKey].icon){ return INVLIST.INVENTORYLIST[iconKey].icon; }else{ return icon; } }else{ return icon; } }) .style("font-size", function (d) { if (!INVLIST.IS_ONAP){ return "20px"; } else { return "16px"; } }) .attr("id", function (d) {return "nodeIcon" + d.id}) .style("color", '#387dff') .style("display", "block") .style("padding-top",function(d){ if (!INVLIST.IS_ONAP){ return "0px"; } else { return "8px"; } }); nodeEnter.append("svg:foreignObject") .attr("width", 6) .attr("height", 6) .attr("y", 10) .attr("x", -10) .on('click', function (d) { if(d.data.details.isRootNode){ d = null; base.state.svg.selectAll("*").remove(); base.setState({init: true, dslQuery: '',dslQueryTree:''}); }else{ let dslQueryTree=base.state.dslQueryTree; for(var i = 0; d.parent.children && i < d.parent.children.length; i++){ if (d.parent.children.length > 1 && d.data.name === d.parent.children[i].data.name){ d.parent.children.splice(i, 1); dslQueryTree=base.handlingTreeDataWhileAddRemove(dslQueryTree,'',d.data.id,d.data.name); base.setState({dslQueryTree:dslQueryTree}); }else if (d.parent.children.length === 1 && d.data.name === d.parent.children[i].data.name){ d.parent.children = null; } } base.update(base, d); } }) .append("xhtml:span") .attr("class", "fa fa-minus") .style("padding-top", "1px") .style("font-size", function (d){ return "5px";}) .attr("id", function (d) {return "nodeDelete" + d.id}) .style("color", '#387dff') .style("display", function (d) {return "block";}); nodeEnter.append("svg:foreignObject") .attr("width", 6) .attr("height", 6) .attr("y", 10) .attr("x", 5) .on('click', function (d) { add(d)}) .append("xhtml:span") .attr("class", "fa fa-plus") .style("font-size", function (d){ return "5px";}) .style("padding-top", "1px") .attr("id", function (d) {return "nodeAdd" + d.id}) .style("color", '#387dff'); nodeEnter.append("svg:foreignObject") .attr("width", 6) .attr("height", 6) .attr("y", -17) .attr("x", -10) .on('click', function (d) { edit(d)}) .append("xhtml:span") .attr("class", "fa fa-pencil-square") .style("padding-top", "1px") .style("font-size", function (d){ return "5px";}) .attr("id", function (d) {return "nodeEdit" + d.id}) .style("color", '#387dff'); // Add labels for the nodes nodeEnter.append('text') .attr("dy", ".35em") .attr("x", function(d) { return d.children ? -13 : 13; }) .attr("text-anchor", function(d) { return d.children ? "end" : "start"; }) .text(function(d) { return d.data.name; }); // UPDATE var nodeUpdate = nodeEnter.merge(node); var postNodeDrawnCallBack = function (d){ if(!isInit && base.state.autoZoomEnabled || d.data.details.isRootNode){ base.state.zoomFit(); } } // Transition to the proper position for the node nodeUpdate.transition() .duration(base.state.duration) .attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + d.y + "," + d.x + ")" }).on("end", postNodeDrawnCallBack); // Update the node attributes and style nodeUpdate.select('circle.node') .attr('r', 11) .style("fill", function(d) { return d.data.details && d.data.details.includeInOutput ? "lightsteelblue" : "#fff"; }) .attr('cursor', 'pointer'); // Remove any exiting nodes var nodeExit = node.exit().transition() .duration(base.state.duration) .attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + source.y + "," + source.x + ")"; }) .remove(); // On exit reduce the node circles size to 0 nodeExit.select('circle') .attr('r', 1e-6); // On exit reduce the opacity of text labels nodeExit.select('text') .style('fill-opacity', 1e-6); // ****************** links section *************************** // Update the links... var link = base.state.g.selectAll('path.link') .data(links, function(d) { return d.id; }); // Enter any new links at the parent's previous position. var linkEnter = link.enter().insert('path', "g") .attr("class", "link") .attr('d', function(d){ var o = {x: source.x0, y: source.y0} return diagonal(o, o) }); // UPDATE var linkUpdate = linkEnter.merge(link); // Transition back to the parent element position linkUpdate.transition() .duration(base.state.duration) .attr('d', function(d){ return diagonal(d, d.parent) }); // Remove any exiting links var linkExit = link.exit().transition() .duration(base.state.duration) .attr('d', function(d) { var o = {x: source.x, y: source.y} return diagonal(o, o) }) .remove(); // Store the old positions for transition. nodes.forEach(function(d){ d.x0 = d.x; d.y0 = d.y; }); // Creates a curved (diagonal) path from parent to the child nodes function diagonal(s, d) { var path = 'M ' + s.y + ' ' + s.x + ' C ' + ((s.y + d.y) / 2) + ' ' + s.x + ' ' + (s.y + d.y) / 2 + ' ' + d.x + ' ' + d.y + ' ' + d.x; return path } base.state.svg.on("dblclick.zoom", null); // Toggle children on click. function add(d){ base.populateEdgeRules(d.data.name,base.state.edgeRules); if(!d.children){ d.children = []; d.data.children = []; } base.setState({ selectedNode: d, showNodeModal: true }); } function edit(d){ console.log("object editing: " + d); var nodeDetails = base.state.nodeDetails; //set up node details to have the node to edit nodeDetails[0] = d.data.details; base.setState({ selectedNode: d, showEditNodeModal: true }); } function doubleClick(d) { edit(d); } } selectAll = (nodeKey) =>{//delete var nodeDetails = this.state.nodeDetails; for (var key in nodeDetails[nodeKey].attrDetails) { nodeDetails[nodeKey].attrDetails[key].isSelected = true; } this.setState({nodeDetails: nodeDetails}); } deselectAll = (nodeKey) =>{//delete var nodeDetails = this.state.nodeDetails; for (var key in nodeDetails[nodeKey].attrDetails) { nodeDetails[nodeKey].attrDetails[key].isSelected = false; } this.setState({nodeDetails: nodeDetails}); } build = (type, propID, attrDetails,preBuiltTree) =>{ console.log('build>>>>>>>>',type); var selected = null; var treeData = { "name": "complex", "id": "complex", "children": [] }; if(!preBuiltTree && type && (propID || attrDetails)){ let nodeType = type; treeData = { "name": nodeType, "id": nodeType, "children": [], "details":{} } treeData.details.includeInOutput = true; treeData.details.isSelected = true; treeData.details.isRootNode = true; treeData.details.nodeType = nodeType; if(attrDetails){ treeData.details.attrDetails = attrDetails; } else{ treeData.details.attrDetails = {}; } if(propID){ let propIds = (propID) ? propID.split(';') : ''; let propertyValue = ''; for(var i in propIds){ let propValue = propIds[i].split(':'); console.log(propValue[0] + '....' + propValue[1]); treeData.details.attrDetails[propValue[0]] = {}; treeData.details.attrDetails[propValue[0]].filterValue=[]; treeData.details.attrDetails[propValue[0]].filterValue.push(atob(propValue[1]).replace('
','')); treeData.details.attrDetails[propValue[0]].attributeName = propValue[0]; treeData.details.attrDetails[propValue[0]].isSelected = true; } } }else if (preBuiltTree){ treeData = preBuiltTree; } // append the svg object to the body of the page // appends a 'group' element to 'svg' // moves the 'group' element to the top left margin var svg = d3.select("#PathDSLBuilder"); // Set the dimensions and margins of the diagram var margin = {top: 20, right: 120, bottom: 20, left: 120}, width = +svg.attr("width") - margin.right - margin.left, height = +svg.attr("height") - margin.top - margin.bottom; var g = svg.append("g") .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")"); var duration = 750, root; // declares a tree layout and assigns the size var treemap = d3.tree().size([height - 200, width]); // Assigns parent, children, height, depth root = d3.hierarchy(treeData, function(d) { return d.children; }); root.x0 = height / 2; root.y0 = 0; //Zoom functions function zoom_actions(){ g.attr("transform", d3.event.transform) } //add zoom capabilities var zoom_handler = d3.zoom() .on("zoom", zoom_actions); zoom_handler(svg); function zoomFit() { var bounds = g.node().getBBox(); var parent = g.node().parentElement; var fullWidth = parent.clientWidth || parent.parentNode.clientWidth, fullHeight = parent.clientHeight || parent.parentNode.clientHeight; var width = bounds.width, height = bounds.height; var midX = bounds.x + width / 2, midY = bounds.y + height / 2; if (width == 0 || height == 0) return; // nothing to fit var scale = Math.min((0.95 / Math.max(width / fullWidth, height / fullHeight)), 2); var translate = [fullWidth / 2 - scale * midX, fullHeight / 2 - scale * midY]; var transform = d3.zoomIdentity .translate(80, translate[1]) .scale(scale); svg.transition().duration(350) .call(zoom_handler.transform, transform); } //Set Default zoom svg.call(zoom_handler) .call(zoom_handler.transform, d3.zoomIdentity.translate(80, -500).scale(2)); this.setState({ init: false, svg: svg, g: g, treemap: treemap, root: root, duration: duration, zoomFit: zoomFit, dslQueryTree: treeData }, ()=>{this.update(this, root, true);}) // Collapse the node and all it's children function collapse(d) { if(d.children) { d.children.forEach(collapse) d.children = null } } } onTargetMenuOfFilterTypes=(listname,id)=>{ console.log(listname+'onTargetMenuOfFilterTypes',id); let keysOfArray=id.split('#'); let nodekey=keysOfArray[0]; let attrKey=keysOfArray[1]; let indx=parseInt(keysOfArray[2]); let nodeDetails = this.state.nodeDetails; let node = nodeDetails[nodekey]; if(!node.attrDetails){ node.attrDetails = []; } if(!node.attrDetails[attrKey]){ node.attrDetails[attrKey] = {}; node.attrDetails[attrKey].isSelected = true; node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue = []; node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterType = []; }else{ let filterTypes=node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterType; filterTypes[indx]=listname; node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterType=filterTypes; } nodeDetails[nodekey] = node; // update the state with the new array of traverse to nodes this.setState({ nodeDetails: nodeDetails }); }; filterTags = (key,property,state) =>{ let filterTags =''; let filters=''; state=true;//always enable, in future if wants to disable remove this line if(APERTURE_SERVICE && this.state.enableRealTime){ let nodeDetails = this.state.nodeDetails; let node = nodeDetails[key]; filterTags= Object.keys(Object.keys(node.attrDetails[property].filterType)).map((indx) =>{ let selectedFilter=(node.attrDetails[property].filterType[indx]!=='')?node.attrDetails[property].filterType[indx]:this.state.filterTypeDisplay; return
}); filters= {filterTags}; } return filters; }; addOrTemplate=(nodeKey,attrKey,indx)=>{ let nodeDetails = this.state.nodeDetails; let node = nodeDetails[nodeKey]; node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue.push(''); node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterType.push('EQ'); nodeDetails[nodeKey] = node; // update the state with the new array of traverse to nodes this.setState({ nodeDetails: nodeDetails }); }; deleteOrTemplate=(nodeKey,attrKey,index)=>{ let nodeDetails = this.state.nodeDetails; let node = nodeDetails[nodeKey]; let filterValuesArray=node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue; let filterTypeArray=node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterType; filterValuesArray.splice(index,1); filterTypeArray.splice(index,1); node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue=filterValuesArray; node.attrDetails[attrKey].filterType=filterTypeArray; nodeDetails[nodeKey] = node; this.setState({ nodeDetails: nodeDetails }); } render(){ return(
DSL PATH Query : {this.state.dslQuery}
Modify Dsl Path Query
{Object.keys(this.state.nodeDetails).sort().map((key, node) => (
PROPERTIES {this.state.enableRealTime && Filter Types } Filter By (Optional) {Object.keys(this.state.nodeDetails[key].attrDetails).sort().map((attrKey, attr) => { return(
{this.filterTags(key,attrKey,this.state.nodeDetails[key].attrDetails[attrKey].isSelected)} {Object.keys(this.state.nodeDetails[key].attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue).map((indx) =>{ return(
{this.state.nodeDetails[key].attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue[indx] ==='' && {this.onFilterValueChange(e, key, attrKey,indx);}} /> } {this.state.nodeDetails[key].attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue[indx] !=='' && {this.onFilterValueChange(e, key, attrKey,indx);}} placeholder={"Enter " + attrKey } className='inputFilter' value={this.state.nodeDetails[key].attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue[indx]} /> } {indx == 0 && } {indx > 0 && }
) })}
); } )}
Modify Node
Include in Output {this.state.enableRealTime && Filter Types } Filter By (Optional) {this.state.selectedNode && this.state.selectedNode.data && this.state.selectedNode.data.details && this.state.nodeDetails[0] && Object.keys(this.state.nodeDetails[0].attrDetails).sort().map((attrKey, attr) => { return(
{this.filterTags(0,attrKey, this.state.nodeDetails[0].attrDetails[attrKey].isSelected)} {Object.keys(this.state.nodeDetails[0].attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue).map((indx) =>{ return(
{this.state.nodeDetails[0].attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue[indx] ==='' && {this.onFilterValueChange(e, 0, attrKey, indx);}} /> } {this.state.nodeDetails[0].attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue[indx] !=='' && {this.onFilterValueChange(e, 0, attrKey,indx);}} placeholder={"Enter " + attrKey } className='inputFilter' value={this.state.nodeDetails[0].attrDetails[attrKey].filterValue[indx]} /> } {indx == 0 && } {indx > 0 && }
) })}
); } )}
); } } export default PathFilterDslBuilder;