# TC_Perm1.27.1.POS Create Permission expect 201 perm create com.test.TC_Perm1.@[user.name].p.A myInstance myAction # TC_Perm1.27.2.POS Create Role expect 201 role create com.test.TC_Perm1.@[user.name].r.A # TC_Perm1.27.10.NEG Role must Exist to Add to Role without force expect 404 perm grant com.test.TC_Perm1.@[user.name].p.A myInstance myAction com.test.TC_Perm1.@[user.name].r.unknown # TC_Perm1.27.11.POS Role is created with force expect 201 force perm create com.test.TC_Perm1.@[user.name].p.A myInstance myAction com.test.TC_Perm1.@[user.name].r.unknown # TC_Perm1.27.12.NEG Perm must Exist to Grant without force expect 404 perm grant com.test.TC_Perm1.@[user.name].p.unknown myInstance myAction com.test.TC_Perm1.@[user.name].r.A # TC_Perm1.27.13.POS Perm is created with force expect 201 force perm grant com.test.TC_Perm1.@[user.name].p.unknown myInstance myAction com.test.TC_Perm1.@[user.name].r.A # TC_Perm1.27.14.POS Role and perm are created with force expect 201 force perm create com.test.TC_Perm1.@[user.name].p.unknown2 myInstance myAction com.test.TC_Perm1.@[user.name].r.unknown2