update link to upper-constraints.txt
[integration.git] / test / mocks / prov-mns-provider / src / ProvMnSProvider.py
1 from  http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
2 import re
3 import json
4 import base64
5 from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
7 with open("DefinedNRMFunction.json",'r') as f:
8     jsonFile = json.loads(f.read())
9 SupportingFunctionList = jsonFile["NRMFunction"]
11 with open("UserInfo.json",'r') as f:
12     UserFile = json.loads(f.read())
14 with open("ConfigInfo.json",'r') as f:
15     ConfigFile = json.loads(f.read())
17 with open("preSetMOI.json",'r') as f:
18     Cretaed_MOIs = json.loads(f.read())
19 Cretaed_MOIs_list = Cretaed_MOIs['preSetMOI']
21 ipAddress = ConfigFile["ipAddress"]
22 portNumber = ConfigFile["portNumber"]
23 prefix = ConfigFile["prefix"]
25 username = UserFile['userName']
26 password = UserFile['password']
27 Auth_str = username+":"+password
28 print(Auth_str)
29 base64string = base64.b64encode(bytes(Auth_str,'utf-8'))
30 authheader =  "Basic %s" % base64string.decode('utf-8')
31 print(authheader)
33 class ServerHTTP(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
34     def do_GET(self):
35         path = self.path
36         print("\n**************************** NEW GET REQUEST ********************************")
37         request = urlparse(path)
38         print("the PATH of the received GET request:" + request.path)
39         pathlist = request.path.split('/')
40         prefix_check = True
41         try:
42             if "/" + pathlist[1] + "/"+ pathlist[2] != prefix:
43                 prefix_check = False
44             className = pathlist[3]
45             idName = pathlist[4]
46         except IndexError:
47             prefix_check = False
48         response = {}
49         query_params = parse_qs(request.query)
50         if self.headers['Authorization'] == authheader and prefix_check is True:
51             if className in SupportingFunctionList:
52                 try:
53                     print("the value of the scope : "+ str(query_params['scope']))
54                     print("the value of the filter : "+ str(query_params['filter']))
55                     print("the value of the fields : "+ str(query_params['fields']))
56                 except:
57                     print("the request body doesn't follow the standard format")
58                     response['error'] = "the request body doesn't follow the standard format"
59                     print("Fail to get MOI object: "+'/' +className+'/'+idName)
60                     self.send_response(406)
61                 else:
62                     find_moi = False
63                     for MOI in Cretaed_MOIs_list:
64                         if (idName == MOI['id'] and className == MOI['class']):
65                             find_moi = True
66                             try:
67                                 attributes = {}
68                                 for field in query_params['fields']:
69                                     attributes[field] = MOI['attributes'][field]
70                             except:
71                                 print("the createed MOI doesn't contain the required attribute")
72                                 response['error'] = "the createed MOI doesn't contain the required attribute"
73                                 print("Fail to get MOI object: "+'/' +className+'/'+idName)
74                                 self.send_response(406)
75                             else:
76                                 print("Successfully get MOI object: "+ className+'_'+idName)
77                                 response = {"data":[{"href":"/"+className+"/"+idName,"class":className,"id":idName,"attributes":attributes}]}
78                                 self.send_response(200)
79                     if (find_moi is False):
80                         response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"MOI does not exist"}
81                         print("Fail to get MOI object: "+'/' +className+'/'+idName)
82                         self.send_response(406)
83             else:
84                 response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"MOI class not support"}
85                 print("Fail to get MOI object: "+'/' +className+'/'+idName)
86                 self.send_response(406)
87         else:
88             if prefix_check is True:
89                 self.send_response(401)
90                 response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"not Authorized"}
91             else:
92                 self.send_response(404)
93                 response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"wrong prefix"}
94         self.send_header("Content-type","application/json")
95         self.end_headers()
96         buf = json.dumps(response)
97         self.wfile.write(bytes(buf,'utf-8'))
99     def do_PATCH(self):
100         path = self.path
101         print("\n**************************** NEW PATCH REQUEST ********************************")
102         request = urlparse(path)
103         print("the PATH of the received GET request:" + request.path)
104         pathlist = request.path.split('/')
105         prefix_check = True
106         try:
107             if "/" + pathlist[1] + "/"+ pathlist[2] != prefix:
108                 prefix_check = False
109             className = pathlist[3]
110             idName = pathlist[4]
111         except IndexError:
112             prefix_check = False
113         response = {}
114         query_params = parse_qs(request.query)
115         if self.headers['Authorization'] == authheader and prefix_check is True:
116             if className in SupportingFunctionList:
117                 datas = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers['content-length']))
118                 json_str = datas.decode('utf-8')
119                 json_str = re.sub('\'','\"', json_str)
120                 json_dict = json.loads(json_str)
121                 try:
122                     print("the value of the scope : "+ str(query_params['scope']))
123                     print("the value of the filter : "+ str(query_params['filter']))
124                     print("the modified attribute values : "+json.dumps(json_dict['data']))
125                 except:
126                     print("the request body doesn't follow the standard format")
127                     response['error'] = "the request body doesn't follow the standard format"
128                     print("Fail to modify MOI object: "+'/' +className+'/'+idName)
129                     self.send_response(406)
130                 else:
131                     find_moi = False
132                     for MOI in Cretaed_MOIs_list:
133                         if (idName == MOI['id'] and className == MOI['class']):
134                             find_moi = True
135                             wrong_attribute = False
136                             for key, value in json_dict['data'].items():
137                                 if (key in MOI['attributes']):
138                                     MOI['attributes'][key] = value
139                                 else:
140                                     wrong_attribute = True
141                             if (wrong_attribute is True):
142                                 print("the createed MOI doesn't contain the required attribute")
143                                 response['error'] = "the createed MOI doesn't contain the required attribute"
144                                 print("Fail to get modify object: "+'/' +className+'/'+idName)
145                                 self.send_response(406)
146                             else:
147                                 print("Successfully modify MOI object: "+ className+'_'+idName)
148                                 response = {"data":[MOI]}
149                                 self.send_response(200)
150                     if (find_moi is False):
151                         response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"MOI does not exist"}
152                         print("Fail to get MOI object: "+'/' +className+'/'+idName)
153                         self.send_response(406)
154             else:
155                 response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"MOI class not support"}
156                 print("Fail to modify MOI object: "+'/' +className+'/'+idName)
157                 self.send_response(406)
158         else:
159             if prefix_check is True:
160                 self.send_response(401)
161                 response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"not Authorized"}
162             else:
163                 self.send_response(404)
164                 response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"wrong prefix"}
165         self.send_header("Content-type","application/json")
166         self.end_headers()
167         buf = json.dumps(response)
168         self.wfile.write(bytes(buf,'utf-8'))
170     def do_DELETE(self):
171         path = self.path
172         print("\n**************************** NEW DELETE REQUEST ********************************")
173         request = urlparse(path)
174         print("the PATH of the received DELETE request:" + request.path)
175         pathlist = request.path.split('/')
176         prefix_check = True
177         try:
178             if "/" + pathlist[1] + "/"+ pathlist[2] != prefix:
179                 prefix_check = False
180             className = pathlist[3]
181             idName = pathlist[4]
182         except IndexError:
183             prefix_check = False
184         response = {}
185         query_params = parse_qs(request.query)
186         if self.headers['Authorization'] == authheader and prefix_check is True:
187             if className in SupportingFunctionList:
188                 try:
189                     print("the value of the scope : "+ str(query_params['scope']))
190                     print("the value of the filter : "+ str(query_params['filter']))
191                 except:
192                     print("the request body doesn't follow the standard format")
193                     response['error'] = "the request body doesn't follow the standard format"
194                     print("Fail to delete MOI object: "+'/' +className+'/'+idName)
195                     self.send_response(406)
196                 else:
197                     find_moi = False
198                     for MOI in Cretaed_MOIs_list:
199                         if (idName == MOI['id'] and className == MOI['class']):
200                             find_moi = True
201                             Cretaed_MOIs_list.remove(MOI)
202                             print("Successfully delete MOI object: "+ className+'_'+idName)
203                             response = {"data":["/"+className+"/"+idName]}
204                             self.send_response(200)
205                     if (find_moi is False):
206                         response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"MOI does not exist"}
207                         print("Fail to delete MOI object: "+'/' +className+'/'+idName)
208                         self.send_response(406)
209             else:
210                 response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"MOI class not support"}
211                 print("Fail to delete MOI object: "+'/' +className+'/'+idName)
212                 self.send_response(406)
213         else:
214             if prefix_check is True:
215                 self.send_response(401)
216                 response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"not Authorized"}
217             else:
218                 self.send_response(404)
219                 response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"wrong prefix"}
220         self.send_header("Content-type","application/json")
221         self.end_headers()
222         buf = json.dumps(response)
223         self.wfile.write(bytes(buf,'utf-8'))
225     def do_PUT(self):
226         path = self.path
227         print("\n**************************** NEW PUT REQUEST ********************************")
228         print("the PATH of the received PUT request:" + path)
229         pathlist = path.split('/')
230         prefix_check = True
231         try:
232             if "/" + pathlist[1] + "/"+ pathlist[2] != prefix:
233                 prefix_check = False
234             className = pathlist[3]
235             idName = pathlist[4]
236         except IndexError:
237             prefix_check = False
238         response = {}
239         if self.headers['Authorization'] == authheader and prefix_check is True:
240             if className in SupportingFunctionList:
241                 datas = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers['content-length']))
242                 json_str = datas.decode('utf-8')
243                 json_str = re.sub('\'','\"', json_str)
244                 json_dict = json.loads(json_str)
245                 try:
246                     print("the class of the New MOI : "+json_dict['data']['class'])
247                     print("the ID of the New MOI : "+json_dict['data']['id'])
248                     print("the href of the New MOI : "+json_dict['data']['href'])
249                     print("the attributes of the New MOI : "+json.dumps(json_dict['data']['attributes']))
250                 except:
251                     print("the request body doesn't follow the standard format")
252                     response['error'] = "the request body doesn't follow the standard format"
253                     print("Fail to create MOI object: "+'/' +className+'/'+idName)
254                     self.send_response(406)
255                 else:
256                     print("Successfully create MOI object: "+ className+'/'+idName)
257                     Cretaed_MOIs_list.append(json_dict['data'])
258                     response = json_dict
259                     self.send_response(201)
260                     self.send_header("Location",path)
261             else:
262                 response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"MOI class not support"}
263                 print("Fail to create MOI object: "+'/' +className+'/'+idName)
264                 self.send_response(406)
265         else:
266             if prefix_check is True:
267                 self.send_response(401)
268                 response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"not Authorized"}
269             else:
270                 self.send_response(404)
271                 response['error'] = {"errorInfo":"wrong prefix"}
272         self.send_header("Content-type","application/json")
273         self.end_headers()
274         buf = json.dumps(response)
275         self.wfile.write(bytes(buf,'utf-8'))
277 def start_server(port):
278     http_server = HTTPServer((ipAddress, int(port)), ServerHTTP)
279     http_server.serve_forever()
281 if __name__ == "__main__":
282     start_server(int(portNumber))