assert result.eventId != null
- def 'Map the LcmEvent for alternate IDs when #scenario'() {
- given: 'NCMP cm handle details with current and old alternate IDs'
- def existingNcmpServiceCmHandle = new NcmpServiceCmHandle(cmHandleId: cmHandleId, alternateId: existingAlternateId, compositeState: new CompositeState(dataSyncEnabled: false))
- def targetNcmpServiceCmHandle = new NcmpServiceCmHandle(cmHandleId: cmHandleId, alternateId: targetAlternateId, compositeState: new CompositeState(dataSyncEnabled: false))
+ def 'Map the LcmEvent for alternate ID, data producer identifier, and module set tag when they contain #scenario'() {
+ given: 'NCMP cm handle details with current and old values for alternate ID, module set tag, and data producer identifier'
+ def existingNcmpServiceCmHandle = new NcmpServiceCmHandle(cmHandleId: cmHandleId, alternateId: existingAlternateId, moduleSetTag: existingModuleSetTag, dataProducerIdentifier: existingDataProducerIdentifier, compositeState: new CompositeState(dataSyncEnabled: false))
+ def targetNcmpServiceCmHandle = new NcmpServiceCmHandle(cmHandleId: cmHandleId, alternateId: targetAlternateId, moduleSetTag: targetModuleSetTag, dataProducerIdentifier: targetDataProducerIdentifier, compositeState: new CompositeState(dataSyncEnabled: false))
when: 'the event is populated'
def result = objectUnderTest.populateLcmEvent(cmHandleId, targetNcmpServiceCmHandle, existingNcmpServiceCmHandle)
- then: 'the alternate ID is present or is an empty string in the payload'
- assert result.event.alternateId == expectedEventAlternateId
- where: 'the following alternate IDs are provided'
- scenario | existingAlternateId | targetAlternateId || expectedEventAlternateId
- 'same new and old alternate ID' | 'someAlternateId' | 'someAlternateId' || 'someAlternateId'
- 'blank new and old alternate ID' | '' | '' || ''
- 'new alternate id and blank old alternate ID' | '' | 'someAlternateId' || 'someAlternateId'
+ then: 'the alternate ID, module set tag, and data producer identifier are present or are an empty string in the payload'
+ assert result.event.alternateId == targetAlternateId
+ assert result.event.moduleSetTag == targetModuleSetTag
+ assert result.event.dataProducerIdentifier == targetDataProducerIdentifier
+ where: 'the following values are provided for the alternate ID, module set tag, and data producer identifier'
+ scenario | existingAlternateId | targetAlternateId | existingModuleSetTag | targetModuleSetTag | existingDataProducerIdentifier | targetDataProducerIdentifier
+ 'same target and existing values' | 'someAlternateId' | 'someAlternateId' | 'someModuleSetTag' | 'someModuleSetTag' | 'someDataProducerIdentifier' | 'someDataProducerIdentifier'
+ 'blank target and existing values' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | ''
+ 'new target value and blank existing values' | '' | 'someAlternateId' | '' | 'someAlternateId' | '' | 'someDataProducerIdentifier'
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