# Grafana Helm Chart * Installs the web dashboarding system [Grafana](http://grafana.org/) ## TL;DR; ```console $ helm install stable/grafana ``` ## Installing the Chart To install the chart with the release name `my-release`: ```console $ helm install --name my-release stable/grafana ``` ## Uninstalling the Chart To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment: ```console $ helm delete my-release ``` The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release. ## Configuration | Parameter | Description | Default | |-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | `replicas` | Number of nodes | `1` | | `deploymentStrategy` | Deployment strategy | `RollingUpdate` | | `livenessProbe` | Liveness Probe settings | `{ "httpGet": { "path": "/api/health", "port": 3000 } "initialDelaySeconds": 60, "timeoutSeconds": 30, "failureThreshold": 10 }` | | `readinessProbe` | Rediness Probe settings | `{ "httpGet": { "path": "/api/health", "port": 3000 } }`| | `securityContext` | Deployment securityContext | `{"runAsUser": 472, "fsGroup": 472}` | | `priorityClassName` | Name of Priority Class to assign pods | `nil` | | `image.repository` | Image repository | `grafana/grafana` | | `image.tag` | Image tag. (`Must be >= 5.0.0`) | `6.0.2` | | `image.pullPolicy` | Image pull policy | `IfNotPresent` | | `service.type` | Kubernetes service type | `ClusterIP` | | `service.port` | Kubernetes port where service is exposed | `80` | | `service.targetPort` | internal service is port | `3000` | | `service.annotations` | Service annotations | `{}` | | `service.labels` | Custom labels | `{}` | | `ingress.enabled` | Enables Ingress | `false` | | `ingress.annotations` | Ingress annotations | `{}` | | `ingress.labels` | Custom labels | `{}` | | `ingress.hosts` | Ingress accepted hostnames | `[]` | | `ingress.tls` | Ingress TLS configuration | `[]` | | `resources` | CPU/Memory resource requests/limits | `{}` | | `nodeSelector` | Node labels for pod assignment | `{}` | | `tolerations` | Toleration labels for pod assignment | `[]` | | `affinity` | Affinity settings for pod assignment | `{}` | | `extraInitContainers` | Init containers to add to the grafana pod | `{}` | | `extraContainers` | Sidecar containers to add to the grafana pod | `{}` | | `persistence.enabled` | Use persistent volume to store data | `false` | | `persistence.initChownData` | Change ownership of persistent volume on initialization | `true` | | `persistence.size` | Size of persistent volume claim | `10Gi` | | `persistence.existingClaim` | Use an existing PVC to persist data | `nil` | | `persistence.storageClassName` | Type of persistent volume claim | `nil` | | `persistence.accessModes` | Persistence access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` | | `persistence.subPath` | Mount a sub dir of the persistent volume | `nil` | | `schedulerName` | Alternate scheduler name | `nil` | | `env` | Extra environment variables passed to pods | `{}` | | `envFromSecret` | Name of a Kubenretes secret (must be manually created in the same namespace) containing values to be added to the environment | `""` | | `extraSecretMounts` | Additional grafana server secret mounts | `[]` | | `extraVolumeMounts` | Additional grafana server volume mounts | `[]` | | `extraConfigmapMounts` | Additional grafana server configMap volume mounts | `[]` | | `extraEmptyDirMounts` | Additional grafana server emptyDir volume mounts | `[]` | | `plugins` | Plugins to be loaded along with Grafana | `[]` | | `datasources` | Configure grafana datasources (passed through tpl) | `{}` | | `notifiers` | Configure grafana notifiers | `{}` | | `dashboardProviders` | Configure grafana dashboard providers | `{}` | | `dashboards` | Dashboards to import | `{}` | | `dashboardsConfigMaps` | ConfigMaps reference that contains dashboards | `{}` | | `grafana.ini` | Grafana's primary configuration | `{}` | | `ldap.existingSecret` | The name of an existing secret containing the `ldap.toml` file, this must have the key `ldap-toml`. | `""` | | `ldap.config ` | Grafana's LDAP configuration | `""` | | `annotations` | Deployment annotations | `{}` | | `podAnnotations` | Pod annotations | `{}` | | `sidecar.image` | Sidecar image | `kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar:0.0.13` | | `sidecar.imagePullPolicy` | Sidecar image pull policy | `IfNotPresent` | | `sidecar.resources` | Sidecar resources | `{}` | | `sidecar.dashboards.enabled` | Enabled the cluster wide search for dashboards and adds/updates/deletes them in grafana | `false` | | `sidecar.dashboards.label` | Label that config maps with dashboards should have to be added | `grafana_dashboard` | | `sidecar.dashboards.searchNamespace` | If specified, the sidecar will search for dashboard config-maps inside this namespace. Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used. It's also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces | `nil` | | `sidecar.datasources.enabled` | Enabled the cluster wide search for datasources and adds/updates/deletes them in grafana |`false` | | `sidecar.datasources.label` | Label that config maps with datasources should have to be added | `grafana_datasource` | | `sidecar.datasources.searchNamespace` | If specified, the sidecar will search for datasources config-maps inside this namespace. Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used. It's also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces | `nil` | | `smtp.existingSecret` | The name of an existing secret containing the SMTP credentials. | `""` | | `smtp.userKey` | The key in the existing SMTP secret containing the username. | `"user"` | | `smtp.passwordKey` | The key in the existing SMTP secret containing the password. | `"password"` | | `admin.existingSecret` | The name of an existing secret containing the admin credentials. | `""` | | `admin.userKey` | The key in the existing admin secret containing the username. | `"admin-user"` | | `admin.passwordKey` | The key in the existing admin secret containing the password. | `"admin-password"` | | `rbac.create` | Create and use RBAC resources | `true` | | `rbac.namespaced` | Creates Role and Rolebinding instead of the default ClusterRole and ClusteRoleBindings for the grafana instance | `false` | | `rbac.pspEnabled` | Create PodSecurityPolicy (with `rbac.create`, grant roles permissions as well) | `true` | | `rbac.pspUseAppArmor` | Enforce AppArmor in created PodSecurityPolicy (requires `rbac.pspEnabled`) | `true` | | `command` | Define command to be executed by grafana container at startup | `nil` | ### Example of extraVolumeMounts ```yaml - extraVolumeMounts: - name: plugins mountPath: /var/lib/grafana/plugins subPath: configs/grafana/plugins existingClaim: existing-grafana-claim readOnly: false ``` ## Import dashboards There are a few methods to import dashboards to Grafana. Below are some examples and explanations as to how to use each method: ```yaml dashboards: default: some-dashboard: json: | { "annotations": ... # Complete json file here ... "title": "Some Dashboard", "uid": "abcd1234", "version": 1 } custom-dashboard: # This is a path to a file inside the dashboards directory inside the chart directory file: dashboards/custom-dashboard.json prometheus-stats: # Ref: https://grafana.com/dashboards/2 gnetId: 2 revision: 2 datasource: Prometheus local-dashboard: url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/user/repository/master/dashboards/dashboard.json ``` ## BASE64 dashboards Dashboards could be storaged in a server that does not return JSON directly and instead of it returns a Base64 encoded file (e.g. Gerrit) A new parameter has been added to the url use case so if you specify a b64content value equals to true after the url entry a Base64 decoding is applied before save the file to disk. If this entry is not set or is equals to false not decoding is applied to the file before saving it to disk. ### Gerrit use case: Gerrit API for download files has the following schema: https://yourgerritserver/a/{project-name}/branches/{branch-id}/files/{file-id}/content where {project-name} and {file-id} usualy has '/' in their values and so they MUST be replaced by %2F so if project-name is user/repo, branch-id is master and file-id is equals to dir1/dir2/dashboard the url value is https://yourgerritserver/a/user%2Frepo/branches/master/files/dir1%2Fdir2%2Fdashboard/content ## Sidecar for dashboards If the parameter `sidecar.dashboards.enabled` is set, a sidecar container is deployed in the grafana pod. This container watches all config maps in the cluster and filters out the ones with a label as defined in `sidecar.dashboards.label`. The files defined in those configmaps are written to a folder and accessed by grafana. Changes to the configmaps are monitored and the imported dashboards are deleted/updated. A recommendation is to use one configmap per dashboard, as an reduction of multiple dashboards inside one configmap is currently not properly mirrored in grafana. Example dashboard config: ``` apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: sample-grafana-dashboard labels: grafana_dashboard: 1 data: k8s-dashboard.json: |- [...] ``` ## Sidecar for datasources If the parameter `sidecar.datasources.enabled` is set, an init container is deployed in the grafana pod. This container lists all config maps in the cluster and filters out the ones with a label as defined in `sidecar.datasources.label`. The files defined in those configmaps are written to a folder and accessed by grafana on startup. Using these yaml files, the data sources in grafana can be imported. The configmaps must be created before `helm install` so that the datasources init container can list the configmaps. Example datasource config adapted from [Grafana](http://docs.grafana.org/administration/provisioning/#example-datasource-config-file): ``` apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: sample-grafana-datasource labels: grafana_datasource: 1 data: datasource.yaml: |- # config file version apiVersion: 1 # list of datasources that should be deleted from the database deleteDatasources: - name: Graphite orgId: 1 # list of datasources to insert/update depending # whats available in the database datasources: # name of the datasource. Required - name: Graphite # datasource type. Required type: graphite # access mode. proxy or direct (Server or Browser in the UI). Required access: proxy # org id. will default to orgId 1 if not specified orgId: 1 # url url: http://localhost:8080 # database password, if used password: # database user, if used user: # database name, if used database: # enable/disable basic auth basicAuth: # basic auth username basicAuthUser: # basic auth password basicAuthPassword: # enable/disable with credentials headers withCredentials: # mark as default datasource. Max one per org isDefault: # fields that will be converted to json and stored in json_data jsonData: graphiteVersion: "1.1" tlsAuth: true tlsAuthWithCACert: true # json object of data that will be encrypted. secureJsonData: tlsCACert: "..." tlsClientCert: "..." tlsClientKey: "..." version: 1 # allow users to edit datasources from the UI. editable: false ```