--- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: cephclusters.ceph.rook.io annotations: "helm.sh/hook": crd-install spec: group: ceph.rook.io names: kind: CephCluster listKind: CephClusterList plural: cephclusters singular: cephcluster scope: Namespaced version: v1 validation: openAPIV3Schema: properties: spec: properties: cephVersion: properties: allowUnsupported: type: boolean image: type: string name: pattern: ^(luminous|mimic|nautilus)$ type: string dashboard: properties: enabled: type: boolean urlPrefix: type: string port: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 dataDirHostPath: pattern: ^/(\S+) type: string mon: properties: allowMultiplePerNode: type: boolean count: maximum: 9 minimum: 1 type: integer required: - count network: properties: hostNetwork: type: boolean storage: properties: nodes: items: {} type: array useAllDevices: {} useAllNodes: type: boolean required: - mon additionalPrinterColumns: - name: DataDirHostPath type: string description: Directory used on the K8s nodes JSONPath: .spec.dataDirHostPath - name: MonCount type: string description: Number of MONs JSONPath: .spec.mon.count - name: Age type: date JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp - name: State type: string description: Current State JSONPath: .status.state --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: cephfilesystems.ceph.rook.io annotations: "helm.sh/hook": crd-install spec: group: ceph.rook.io names: kind: CephFilesystem listKind: CephFilesystemList plural: cephfilesystems singular: cephfilesystem scope: Namespaced version: v1 additionalPrinterColumns: - name: MdsCount type: string description: Number of MDSs JSONPath: .spec.metadataServer.activeCount - name: Age type: date JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: cephobjectstores.ceph.rook.io annotations: "helm.sh/hook": crd-install spec: group: ceph.rook.io names: kind: CephObjectStore listKind: CephObjectStoreList plural: cephobjectstores singular: cephobjectstore scope: Namespaced version: v1 --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: cephobjectstoreusers.ceph.rook.io annotations: "helm.sh/hook": crd-install spec: group: ceph.rook.io names: kind: CephObjectStoreUser listKind: CephObjectStoreUserList plural: cephobjectstoreusers singular: cephobjectstoreuser shortNames: - rcou - objectuser scope: Namespaced version: v1 --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: cephblockpools.ceph.rook.io annotations: "helm.sh/hook": crd-install spec: group: ceph.rook.io names: kind: CephBlockPool listKind: CephBlockPoolList plural: cephblockpools singular: cephblockpool scope: Namespaced version: v1 --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: volumes.rook.io annotations: "helm.sh/hook": crd-install spec: group: rook.io names: kind: Volume listKind: VolumeList plural: volumes singular: volume shortNames: - rv scope: Namespaced version: v1alpha2 ---