import {Injectable} from "@angular/core"; import {NgRedux} from "@angular-redux/store"; import {AppState} from "../../../shared/store/reducers"; import {ServiceInstanceActions} from "../../../shared/models/serviceInstanceActions"; import {MessageBoxData} from "../../../shared/components/messageBox/"; import {MessageBoxService} from "../../../shared/components/messageBox/messageBox.service"; import * as _ from "lodash"; import {DrawingBoardModes} from "../drawing-board.modes"; import {AuditInfoModalComponent} from "../../../shared/components/auditInfoModal/auditInfoModal.component"; import {ILevelNodeInfo} from "./models/"; import {ComponentInfoModel, ComponentInfoType} from "../component-info/component-info-model"; import {ModelInformationItem} from "../../../shared/components/model-information/model-information.component"; import {undoUpgradeService, upgradeService} from "../../../shared/storeUtil/utils/service/service.actions"; import {VNFMethods} from "../../../shared/storeUtil/utils/vnf/vnf.actions"; import {FeatureFlagsService, Features} from "../../../shared/services/featureFlag/feature-flags.service"; import {Utils} from "../../../shared/utils/utils"; import {Constants} from "../../../shared/utils/constants"; import {NodeInstance} from "../../../shared/models/nodeInstance"; @Injectable() export class SharedTreeService { private _sharedTreeService: SharedTreeService; constructor(private _store: NgRedux) { } /*********************************************************** * return if instance has missing data * @param instance - vnf instance * @param dynamicInputs - from the instance * @param isEcompGeneratedNaming ************************************************************/ selectedVNF: string = null; getSelectedVNF(): string { return this.selectedVNF; } setSelectedVNF(node): void { if (_.isNil(node) || !== 'VF') { this.selectedVNF = null; } else { this.selectedVNF =; } } /** * Determines a consistent unique ID for a given right-tree * node instance. */ modelUniqueId = (nodeInstance: NodeInstance): string => { return _.isNil(nodeInstance.modelInfo) ? null : (nodeInstance.modelInfo.modelCustomizationId || nodeInstance.modelInfo.modelInvariantId); }; modelUniqueNameOrId = (instance): string => instance.originalName ? instance.originalName : this.modelUniqueId(instance); /** * Finds a model inside a full service model * @param serviceModelFromHierarchy * @param modelTypeName "vnfs" | "networks" | "vfModules" | "collectionResources" | ... * @param modelUniqueNameOrId Either an entry name (i.e. "originalName"), modelCustomizationId or modelInvariantId. * Note that modelInvariantId will work only where model lacks a modelCustomizationId. * @param modeName An optional entry name (i.e. "originalName"); will not try to use as id */ modelByIdentifiers = (serviceModelFromHierarchy, modelTypeName: string, modelUniqueNameOrId: string, modeName?: string): any => { const logErrorAndReturnUndefined = () =>`modelByIdentifiers: could not find a model matching query`, { modelTypeName, modelUniqueNameOrId, modeName, serviceModelFromHierarchy }); if (_.isNil(serviceModelFromHierarchy)) return logErrorAndReturnUndefined(); const modelsOfType = serviceModelFromHierarchy[modelTypeName]; if (_.isNil(modelsOfType)) return logErrorAndReturnUndefined(); const modelIfModelIdentifierIsEntryName = modelsOfType[modelUniqueNameOrId]; const modelIfModeNameExists = _.isNil(modeName) ? null : modelsOfType[modeName]; if (!_.isNil(modelIfModelIdentifierIsEntryName)) { return modelIfModelIdentifierIsEntryName; } else if (!_.isNil(modelIfModeNameExists)) { return modelIfModeNameExists; } else { // try modelUniqueNameOrId as an id return _.find(modelsOfType, o => (o.customizationUuid || o.invariantUuid) === modelUniqueNameOrId) || logErrorAndReturnUndefined() } }; hasMissingData(instance, dynamicInputs: any, isEcompGeneratedNaming: boolean, requiredFields: string[]): boolean { if (!isEcompGeneratedNaming && _.isEmpty(instance.instanceName)) { return true; } for (let field of requiredFields) { if (_.isEmpty(instance[field])) { return true; } } for (let field of dynamicInputs) { if (field.isRequired && !_.isNil(instance.instanceParams) && _.isEmpty(instance.instanceParams[0][])) { return true; } } return false; } addingStatusProperty(node) { node['statusProperties'] = []; node['statusProperties'].push({key: 'Prov Status:', value: node.provStatus, testId: 'provStatus'}); node['statusProperties'].push({key: 'Orch Status:', value: node.orchStatus, testId: 'orchStatus'}); if (node.inMaint) { node['statusProperties'].push({key: 'In-maintenance', value: '', testId: 'inMaint'}); } return node; } /********************************************** * should delete or remove child instance's "new" -> should remove !new" -> should change action status **********************************************/ removeDeleteAllChild(node, serviceModelId: string, callback): void { for (let nodeChild of node.children) { if ( === ServiceInstanceActions.Create) { if (!_.isNil( && !_.isNil( && !_.isNil(['remove'])) {['remove']['method'](nodeChild, serviceModelId); } } else { if (!_.isNil( && !_.isNil( && !_.isNil(['delete'])) {['delete']['method'](nodeChild, serviceModelId); } } } callback(node, serviceModelId); } /********************************************** * should undo delete child instance's **********************************************/ undoDeleteAllChild(node, serviceModelId: string, callback): void { for (let nodeChild of node.children) { if (!_.isNil( && !_.isNil( && !_.isNil(['undoDelete'])) {['undoDelete']['method'](nodeChild, serviceModelId); } } callback(node, serviceModelId); } /********************************************** * should return true if can delete **********************************************/ shouldShowDelete(node, serviceModelId): boolean { return this.shouldShowButtonGeneric(node, "delete", serviceModelId) } /********************************************** * should return true if can undo delete **********************************************/ shouldShowUndoDelete(node): boolean { const mode = this._store.getState().global.drawingBoardStatus; if (mode === DrawingBoardModes.EDIT && !_.isNil( && !_.isNil(['undoDelete'])) { if ( === ServiceInstanceActions.Create || === ServiceInstanceActions.Delete) { return false; } else if ('_').pop() === 'Delete') { return true } return false; } return false; } /********************************************** * should return true if can remove or edit * enabled only on edit/design mode and for new instances **********************************************/ shouldShowRemoveAndEdit(node): boolean { const mode = this._store.getState().global.drawingBoardStatus; if (!_.isNil(node) && !_.isNil( && !_.isNil( && === ServiceInstanceActions.Create && mode !== DrawingBoardModes.VIEW && mode !== DrawingBoardModes.RETRY) { return true; } return false; } /********************************************** * enabled only on edit/design * enabled only if there's a newer version for VNF-M **********************************************/ upgradeBottomUp(node,serviceModelId: string): void { this.iterateOverTreeBranchAndRunAction(node, serviceModelId, VNFMethods.UPGRADE); this._store.dispatch(upgradeService(serviceModelId)); } private iterateOverTreeBranchAndRunAction(node, serviceModelId: string, actionMethod) { while (_.has(node.parent, 'data') && _.has(, 'menuActions') && !_.isNil([actionMethod])) { node = node.parent;[actionMethod]['method'](node, serviceModelId); } } /**************************************************** * should return true if customer can upgrade a VFM * ****************************************************/ shouldShowUpgrade(node, serviceModelId): boolean { if (FeatureFlagsService.getFlagState(Features.FLAG_FLASH_REPLACE_VF_MODULE, this._store) && this.isThereAnUpdatedLatestVersion(serviceModelId)) { return this.shouldShowButtonGeneric(node, VNFMethods.UPGRADE, serviceModelId); } else { return false } } private isThereAnUpdatedLatestVersion(serviceModelId) : boolean{ let serviceInstance = this.getServiceInstance(serviceModelId); return !_.isNil(serviceInstance.latestAvailableVersion) && (Number(serviceInstance.modelInfo.modelVersion) < serviceInstance.latestAvailableVersion); } private getServiceInstance(serviceModelId): any { return this._store.getState().service.serviceInstance[serviceModelId]; } shouldShowButtonGeneric(node, method, serviceModelId) { const mode = this._store.getState().global.drawingBoardStatus; const isMacro = !(this.getServiceInstance(serviceModelId).isALaCarte); if (isMacro) { //if macro action allowed only for service level return false; } if (!_.isNil(node) && !_.isNil( && !_.isNil( && !_.isNil([method])) { if (mode !== DrawingBoardModes.EDIT || === ServiceInstanceActions.Create) { return false; } else if ( === ServiceInstanceActions.None) { return true } } return false; } /********************************************** * return boolean according to * current defined action of VFModule node **********************************************/ shouldShowUndoUpgrade(node): boolean { const mode = this._store.getState().global.drawingBoardStatus; if (mode === DrawingBoardModes.EDIT && !_.isNil( && !_.isNil([VNFMethods.UNDO_UPGRADE])) { if ( === ServiceInstanceActions.Upgrade) { return false; } else if ('_').pop() === ServiceInstanceActions.Upgrade) { return true } return false; } return false; } /********************************************** * enabled only on edit/design * enabled only if there's a newer version for VNF-M **********************************************/ undoUpgradeBottomUp(node,serviceModelId: string): void { this.iterateOverTreeBranchAndRunAction(node, serviceModelId, VNFMethods.UNDO_UPGRADE); this._store.dispatch(undoUpgradeService(serviceModelId)); } /********************************************** * should return true if can duplicate by mode **********************************************/ shouldShowDuplicate(node): boolean { const mode = this._store.getState().global.drawingBoardStatus; return !mode.includes('RETRY'); } /********************************************** * should return true if can audit info **********************************************/ shouldShowAuditInfo(node): boolean { return this.isRetryMode() || (!_.isNil( && !_.isNil( && !== ServiceInstanceActions.Create); } isRetryMode(): boolean { const mode = this._store.getState().global.drawingBoardStatus; return mode.includes('RETRY'); } /********************************************** * should return true if can add node instances **********************************************/ shouldShowAddIcon(): boolean{ const mode = this._store.getState().global.drawingBoardStatus; return mode === DrawingBoardModes.EDIT || mode=== DrawingBoardModes.CREATE || mode=== DrawingBoardModes.RECREATE; } isReachedToMaxInstances(properties, counter, flags): boolean{ let maxInstances = Utils.getMaxFirstLevel(properties, flags); if(_.isNil(maxInstances)){ return false; }else { return !(maxInstances > counter); } } /************************************************ return number of instances with action Delete @type: vnfs networks, vngGroups (not vfModule) @node : node model from the left tree ************************************************/ getExistingInstancesWithDeleteMode(node, serviceModelId: string, type: string): number { let counter = 0; const existingInstances = this.getServiceInstance(serviceModelId)[type]; const modelUniqueId =; if (!_.isNil(existingInstances)) { for (let instanceKey in existingInstances) { if (!_.isNil(existingInstances[instanceKey].action)) { if (existingInstances[instanceKey].modelInfo.modelUniqueId === modelUniqueId && existingInstances[instanceKey].action.split('_').pop() === 'Delete') { counter++; } } } } return counter; } isServiceOnDeleteMode(serviceId: string): boolean { return this._store.getState().service.serviceInstance[serviceId].action === ServiceInstanceActions.Delete; } openModal(node : any | any[] , serviceModelId : string, cb : Function) : void { let type: string = _.isArray(node) ? 'Service' :; let messageBoxData: MessageBoxData = new MessageBoxData( "Mark for Delete", `You are about to mark for delete this ${type} this will also mark all its children and remove all new instances just added`, "warning", "md", [ { text: "Mark and remove", size: "large", callback: cb.bind(this, node, serviceModelId), closeModal: true }, {text: "Don’t Remove", size: "medium", closeModal: true} ]);; } someChildHasCreateAction(nodes: any | any[]) : boolean { let nodesArr = _.isArray(nodes) ? nodes : [nodes]; for(const node of nodesArr){ if(node.action === ServiceInstanceActions.Create) {return true;} if(node.children){ for (let nodeChild of node.children) { if (nodeChild.action === ServiceInstanceActions.Create) { return true; } if(nodeChild.children && nodeChild.children.length > 0){ for(let child of nodeChild.children){ let hasCreateAction = this.someChildHasCreateAction(child); if(hasCreateAction) { return true; } } } } } } return false; } shouldShowDeleteInstanceWithChildrenModal(node : any | any[] , serviceModelId : string, cb : Function) : void { if(this.someChildHasCreateAction(node)){ this.openModal(node , serviceModelId, cb); }else { cb(node, serviceModelId) } } isFailed(node): boolean { return !_.isNil( ? : false; } /************************************************ in a case the node is failed e.g. not instantiated correctly the function will call to openRetryInstanceAuditInfoModal @node : node model from the left tree @serviceModelId : serviceModelId @instance : instance @instanceType: instanceType @modelInfoService : the model (vnf, vfmodule, network, vnfgroup)object that call to the function (this) ************************************************/ openAuditInfoModal(node, serviceModelId, instance, instanceType, modelInfoService : ILevelNodeInfo){{ instanceId: serviceModelId, type: instanceType, model: modelInfoService.getModel(, instance, this._store.getState().service.serviceHierarchy[serviceModelId]), instance }); } addGeneralInfoItems(modelInfoSpecificItems: ModelInformationItem[], type: ComponentInfoType, model, instance):ComponentInfoModel { let modelInfoItems: ModelInformationItem[] = [ ModelInformationItem.createInstance("Model version", model ? model.version : null), ModelInformationItem.createInstance("Model customization ID", model ? model.customizationUuid : null), ModelInformationItem.createInstance("Instance ID", instance ? instance.instanceId : null), ModelInformationItem.createInstance("Instance type", instance ? instance.instanceType : null), ModelInformationItem.createInstance("In maintenance", instance? instance.inMaint : null), ]; modelInfoItems = modelInfoItems.concat(modelInfoSpecificItems); return this.getComponentInfoModelByModelInformationItems(modelInfoItems, type, instance); } getComponentInfoModelByModelInformationItems(modelInfoItems: ModelInformationItem[], type: ComponentInfoType, instance){ const modelInfoItemsWithoutEmpty = _.filter(modelInfoItems, function(item){ return !item.values.every(_.isNil)}); return new ComponentInfoModel(type, modelInfoItemsWithoutEmpty, [], instance != null); } createMaximumToInstantiateModelInformationItem(model): ModelInformationItem { return ModelInformationItem.createInstance( "Max instances", !_.isNil(model.max) ? String(model.max) : Constants.ModelInfo.UNLIMITED_DEFAULT ); } }