// add new command to the existing Cypress interface declare namespace Cypress { interface Chainable { login: typeof login, openIframe : typeof openIframe } } let currentLoginCookies : any = null; function login(): void { if(currentLoginCookies){ cy.setCookie('JSESSIONID', currentLoginCookies.value, { expiry : currentLoginCookies.expiry, path : currentLoginCookies.path, domain : currentLoginCookies.domain }); }else { const constant = { "LOGIN_ID" : "#loginId", "PASSWORD_ID" : "#password", "LOGIN_BTN_ID" : "#loginBtn" }; cy.visit('/login_external.htm'); cy.get(constant.LOGIN_ID).type("us16807000") .get(constant.PASSWORD_ID).type("us16807000") .get(constant.LOGIN_BTN_ID).click(); cy.getCookie("JSESSIONID").then((res) => { currentLoginCookies = res; }); } } function openIframe(iframeUrl : string): Chainable { return cy.visit(iframeUrl); } Cypress.Commands.add('login', login); Cypress.Commands.add('openIframe', openIframe);