Policy PAP Stability Tests false true false PAP_HOST = PAP_PORT 6969 = API_HOST = API_PORT 6969 = https://${PAP_HOST}:6969/policy/pap/v1 healthcheck zb!XztG34 https://${API_HOST}:6969/policy/api/v1 healthcheck zb!XztG34 true Accept application/json Content-Type application/json stoptest false 1 1 1 false true false { "tosca_definitions_version": "tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0", "policy_types": [ { "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex": { "version": "1.0.0", "description": "Operational Policy for Control Loops using the APEX PDP", "properties": { "engine_service": { "type": "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EngineService", "description": "APEX Engine Service Parameters" }, "inputs": { "type": "map", "description": "Inputs for handling events coming into the APEX engine", "entry_schema": { "type": "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventHandler" } }, "outputs": { "type": "map", "description": "Outputs for handling events going out of the APEX engine", "entry_schema": { "type": "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventHandler" } }, "environment": { "type": "list", "description": "Envioronmental parameters for the APEX engine", "entry_schema": { "type": "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Environment" } } } } } ], "data_types": [ { "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EngineService": { "derived_from": "tosca.datatypes.Root", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "description": "Specifies the engine name", "required": false, "default": "ApexEngineService" }, "version": { "type": "string", "description": "Specifies the engine version in double dotted format", "required": false, "default": "1.0.0" }, "id": { "type": "int", "description": "Specifies the engine id", "required": true }, "instance_count": { "type": "int", "description": "Specifies the number of engine threads that should be run", "required": true }, "deployment_port": { "type": "int", "description": "Specifies the port to connect to for engine administration", "required": false, "default": 1 }, "policy_model_file_name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the file from which to read the APEX policy model", "required": false, "default": "" }, "policy_type_impl": { "type": "string", "description": "The policy type implementation from which to read the APEX policy model", "required": false, "default": "" }, "periodic_event_period": { "type": "string", "description": "The time interval in milliseconds for the periodic scanning event, 0 means \"don't scan\"", "required": false, "default": 0 }, "engine": { "type": "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.engineservice.Engine", "description": "The parameters for all engines in the APEX engine service", "required": true } } } }, { "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventHandler": { "derived_from": "tosca.datatypes.Root", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "description": "Specifies the event handler name, if not specified this is set to the key name", "required": false }, "carrier_technology": { "type": "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.CarrierTechnology", "description": "Specifies the carrier technology of the event handler (such as REST/Web Socket/Kafka)", "required": true }, "event_protocol": { "type": "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventProtocol", "description": "Specifies the event protocol of events for the event handler (such as Yaml/JSON/XML/POJO)", "required": true }, "event_name": { "type": "string", "description": "Specifies the event name for events on this event handler, if not specified, the event name is read from or written to the event being received or sent", "required": false }, "event_name_filter": { "type": "string", "description": "Specifies a filter as a regular expression, events that do not match the filter are dropped, the default is to let all events through", "required": false }, "synchronous_mode": { "type": "bool", "description": "Specifies the event handler is syncronous (receive event and send response)", "required": false, "default": false }, "synchronous_peer": { "type": "string", "description": "The peer event handler (output for input or input for output) of this event handler in synchronous mode, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in synchronous mode", "required": false, "default": "" }, "synchronous_timeout": { "type": "int", "description": "The timeout in milliseconds for responses to be issued by APEX torequests, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in synchronous mode", "required": false, "default": "" }, "requestor_mode": { "type": "bool", "description": "Specifies the event handler is in requestor mode (send event and wait for response mode)", "required": false, "default": false }, "requestor_peer": { "type": "string", "description": "The peer event handler (output for input or input for output) of this event handler in requestor mode, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in requestor mode", "required": false, "default": "" }, "requestor_timeout": { "type": "int", "description": "The timeout in milliseconds for wait for responses to requests, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in requestor mode", "required": false, "default": "" } } } }, { "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.CarrierTechnology": { "derived_from": "tosca.datatypes.Root", "properties": { "label": { "type": "string", "description": "The label (name) of the carrier technology (such as REST, Kafka, WebSocket)", "required": true }, "plugin_parameter_class_name": { "type": "string", "description": "The class name of the class that overrides default handling of event input or output for this carrier technology, defaults to the supplied input or output class", "required": false } } } }, { "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventProtocol": { "derived_from": "tosca.datatypes.Root", "properties": { "label": { "type": "string", "description": "The label (name) of the event protocol (such as Yaml, JSON, XML, or POJO)", "required": true }, "event_protocol_plugin_class": { "type": "string", "description": "The class name of the class that overrides default handling of the event protocol for this carrier technology, defaults to the supplied event protocol class", "required": false } } } }, { "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Environmental": { "derived_from": "tosca.datatypes.Root", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the environment variable", "required": true }, "value": { "type": "string", "description": "The value of the environment variable", "required": true } } } }, { "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.engineservice.Engine": { "derived_from": "tosca.datatypes.Root", "properties": { "context": { "type": "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.engineservice.engine.Context", "description": "The properties for handling context in APEX engines, defaults to using Java maps for context", "required": false }, "executors": { "type": "map", "description": "The plugins for policy executors used in engines such as javascript, MVEL, Jython", "required": true, "entry_schema": { "description": "The plugin class path for this policy executor", "type": "string" } } } } }, { "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.engineservice.engine.Context": { "derived_from": "tosca.datatypes.Root", "properties": { "distributor": { "type": "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Plugin", "description": "The plugin to be used for distributing context between APEX PDPs at runtime", "required": false }, "schemas": { "type": "map", "description": "The plugins for context schemas available in APEX PDPs such as Java and Avro", "required": false, "entry_schema": { "type": "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Plugin" } }, "locking": { "type": "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.plugin", "description": "The plugin to be used for locking context in and between APEX PDPs at runtime", "required": false }, "persistence": { "type": "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Plugin", "description": "The plugin to be used for persisting context for APEX PDPs at runtime", "required": false } } } }, { "onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Plugin": { "derived_from": "tosca.datatypes.Root", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the executor such as Javascript, Jython or MVEL", "required": true }, "plugin_class_name": { "type": "string", "description": "The class path of the plugin class for this executor" } } } } ] } = ${API_HOST} ${API_PORT} https policy/api/v1/policytypes POST true false true false 200 Assertion.response_code false 1 true false { "tosca_definitions_version": "tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0", "topology_template": { "policies": [ { "operational.apex.sampledomain": { "type": "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex", "typeVersion": "1.0.0", "name": "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Sampledomain", "version": "1.0.0", "properties": { "content": { "engineServiceParameters": { "name": "MyApexEngine", "version": "0.0.1", "id": 45, "instanceCount": 4, "deploymentPort": 12561, "policy_type_impl": { "policy_impl": "There will be an actual policy impl in production" }, "engineParameters": { "executorParameters": { "JAVASCRIPT": { "parameterClassName": "org.onap.policy.apex.plugins.executor.javascript.JavascriptExecutorParameters" } } } }, "eventInputParameters": { "FirstConsumer": { "carrierTechnologyParameters": { "carrierTechnology": "RESTSERVER", "parameterClassName": "org.onap.policy.apex.plugins.event.carrier.restserver.RestServerCarrierTechnologyParameters", "parameters": { "standalone": true, "host": "", "port": 23324 } }, "eventProtocolParameters": { "eventProtocol": "JSON" }, "synchronousMode": true, "synchronousPeer": "FirstProducer", "synchronousTimeout": 2000 } }, "eventOutputParameters": { "FirstProducer": { "carrierTechnologyParameters": { "carrierTechnology": "RESTSERVER", "parameterClassName": "org.onap.policy.apex.plugins.event.carrier.restserver.RestServerCarrierTechnologyParameters" }, "eventProtocolParameters": { "eventProtocol": "JSON" }, "synchronousMode": true, "synchronousPeer": "FirstConsumer", "synchronousTimeout": 2000 } } } } } } ] } } = ${API_HOST} ${API_PORT} https /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies POST true false true false 200 Assertion.response_code false 1 stoptest false 1 1 1 false ${PAP_HOST} ${PAP_PORT} https /policy/pap/v1/healthcheck GET true false true false Basic Health Check 200 Assertion.response_code false 1 groovy true import groovy.json.JsonSlurper; def res = []; if (prev.getResponseCode() == '200') { def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper(); res = jsonSlurper.parseText(prev.getResponseDataAsString()); assert res instanceof Map; assert res.code == 200; assert res.name == "Policy PAP"; assert res.healthy==true; assert res.message=="alive"; } ${PAP_HOST} ${PAP_PORT} https policy/pap/v1/statistics GET true false true false Check Statistics 200 Assertion.response_code false 1 groovy true import groovy.json.JsonSlurper; def res = []; if (prev.getResponseCode() == '200') { def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper(); res = jsonSlurper.parseText(prev.getResponseDataAsString()); assert res instanceof Map; assert res.code == 200; assert res.totalPdpCount == 0; assert res.totalPdpGroupCount==0; assert res.totalPolicyDeployCount==0; assert res.policyDeploySuccessCount==0; } ${PAP_HOST} ${PAP_PORT} https policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/defaultGroup?state=ACTIVE PUT true false true false 200 Assertion.response_code false 1 200 ${PAP_HOST} ${PAP_PORT} https /policy/pap/v1/pdps GET true false true false Check PdpGroup Query 200 Assertion.response_code false 1 groovy true import groovy.json.JsonSlurper; def res = []; if (prev.getResponseCode() == '200') { def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper(); res = jsonSlurper.parseText(prev.getResponseDataAsString()); assert res instanceof Map; assert res.groups.size > 0; assert res.groups[0].pdpGroupState== 'ACTIVE'; } true false { "policies" : [ { "policy-id": "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Sampledomain", "policy-version": 1 } ] } = ${PAP_HOST} ${PAP_PORT} https policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies POST true false true false 200 Assertion.response_code false 1 500 ${PAP_HOST} ${PAP_PORT} https policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Sampledomain DELETE true false true false 200 Assertion.response_code false 1 500 ${PAP_HOST} ${PAP_PORT} https policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/defaultGroup?state=PASSIVE PUT true false true false 200 Assertion.response_code false 1 200 ${PAP_HOST} ${PAP_PORT} https /policy/pap/v1/pdps GET true false true false Check PdpGroup Query 200 Assertion.response_code false 1 groovy true import groovy.json.JsonSlurper; def res = []; if (prev.getResponseCode() == '200') { def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper(); res = jsonSlurper.parseText(prev.getResponseDataAsString()); assert res instanceof Map; assert res.groups.size > 0; assert res.groups[0].pdpGroupState== 'PASSIVE'; } stoptest false 1 1 1 false ${API_HOST} ${API_PORT} https /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Sampledomain/versions/1.0.0 DELETE true false true false 200 Assertion.response_code false 1 ${API_HOST} ${API_PORT} https /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex/versions/1.0.0 DELETE true false true false 200 Assertion.response_code false 1 false saveConfig true true true true true true true false true true false false false true false false false true 0 true true true true true true C:\Users\eramkve\Desktop\stability.log false saveConfig true true true true true true true false true true false false false true false false false true 0 true true true true true true C:\Users\eramkve\Desktop\stability.log false saveConfig true true true true true true true false true true false false false true false false false true 0 true true true true true true C:\Users\eramkve\Desktop\stability.log