*** Settings *** Library RequestsLibrary Resource ../../../../common.robot Resource ./netconf-server-properties.robot *** Keywords *** Verify That Server Is Healthy [Documentation] Verify that server is healthy Create Session netconf_server_session ${NETCONF_SERVER_URL} ${resp}= GET On Session netconf_server_session /healthcheck Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.text} UP Verify That Server Is Ready [Documentation] Verify that server is ready Create Session netconf_server_session ${NETCONF_SERVER_URL} ${resp}= GET On Session netconf_server_session /readiness Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.text} Ready Update NetConf Module Configuration [Documentation] Update module configuration [Arguments] ${module} ${path_to_data} ${resp_code} ${data}= Get Data From File ${path_to_data} Create Session netconf_server_session ${NETCONF_SERVER_URL} ${resp}= POST On Session netconf_server_session /change_config/${module} data=${data} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${resp_code} Verify That Change Is Available In NetConf Module Change Configuration History [Documentation] Verify that configuration was distributed to Kafka [Arguments] ${resp_code} Create Session netconf_server_session ${NETCONF_SERVER_URL} ${resp}= GET On Session netconf_server_session /change_history Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${resp_code} ${actual_data}= Convert To String ${resp.json()} Should Be Equal ${actual_data} [{u'new': {u'path': u'/pnf-simulator:config/itemValue1', u'value': 42}, u'type': u'ChangeCreated'}, {u'new': {u'path': u'/pnf-simulator:config/itemValue2', u'value': 35}, u'type': u'ChangeCreated'}]