*** Settings *** Resource ./resources/dcae_keywords.robot *** Test Cases *** VES Collector HTTP Health Check [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 DCAE-VESC-HC [Documentation] Run healthcheck over HTTP Run Healthcheck ${http_session} Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event API V7 [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post single event with valid data to /eventListener/v7 endpoint and expect 202 Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7} 202 ab305d54-85b4-a31b-7db2-fb6b9e546015 Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with Standard Defined Fields API V7 [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post single event with valid data with Standard Defined Fields to /eventListener/v7 endpoint and expect 202 Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7_STND_DEF_FIELDS} 202 stndDefined-gNB-Nokia-PowerLost Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with wrong JSON [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post single event with invalid data to /eventListener/v7 endpoint and expect 400 Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_INVALID_JSON_V7} 400 Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with missing mandatory parameter [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post single event with lack of one of the mandatory parameters "domain" to /eventListener/v7 endpoint and expect 400 Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_MISSING_MANDATORY_PARAMETER_V7} 400 Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with empty json [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post single event with empty json to /eventListener/v7 endpoint and expect 400 Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_EMPTY_JSON} 400 Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with parameter out of schema [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post single event with parameter which is not defined in schema and send to /eventListener/v7 endpoint. Expected 400 Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_PARAMETER_OUT_OF_SCHEMA_V7} 400 Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with No Auth over HTTPS [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post single event over HTTPS with authentication disabled and expect ConnectionError @{err_content} Create List Errno 111 Send Request And Expect Error Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_basic_auth_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7} ConnectionError:* @{err_content} Publish Single VES VoLTE Fault Event [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post single event with valid data to /eventListener/v5 endpoint and expect 202 Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} 202 ab305d54-85b4-a31b-7db2-fb6b9e546015 Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event API V5 [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post single measurement event with valid data to /eventListener/v5 endpoint and expect 202 Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${EVENT_MEASURE_FILE} 202 0b2b5790-3673-480a-a4bd-5a00b88e5af6 Publish VES VoLTE Fault Batch Events [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post single event with valid data to /eventListener/v5/eventBatch endpoint and expect 202 Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_PATH} ${EVENT_BATCH_DATA_FILE} 202 ab305d54-85b4-a31b-7db2-fb6b9e546025 Publish VES Batch Events with empty json [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post empty json to /eventListener/v7/eventBatch endpoint and expect 400 Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_ENDPOINT_V7} ${VES_EMPTY_JSON} 400 Publish VES Batch Events with missing mandatory parameter [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post event list where one of the events doesn't have mandatory domain param, to /eventListener/v7/eventBatch endpoint and expect 400 Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_ENDPOINT_V7} ${VES_BATCH_MISSING_MANDATORY_PARAM_V7} 400 Publish VES Batch Events wih parameter out of schema [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post event list where one of the events have additional dummy param, to /eventListener/v7/eventBatch endpoint and expect 400 Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_ENDPOINT_V7} ${VES_BATCH_PARAM_OUT_OF_SCHEMA_V7} 400 Publish VES Event With Invalid Method [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Use invalid Put instead of Post method to expect 405 Response Status Code Log Send HTTP Request with invalid method Put instead of Post Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector With Put Method ${http_session} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} 405 Publish VES Event With Invalid URL Path [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post single event to invalid url path and expect 404 Response Status Code Log Send HTTP Request with invalid /listener/v5/ instead of /eventListener/v5 path Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} /listener/v5/ ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} 404 Publish 'Other' Registration Event [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post an event aligned with “other” domain and expect HTTP 202 Accepeted Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${EVENT_PNF_REGISTRATION} 202 QTFCOC540002E-reg Publish VES Event With Invalid Method V7 [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Use invalid Put instead of Post method to expect 405 Response Status Code Log Send HTTP Request with invalid method Put instead of Post Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector With Put Method ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} 405 Publish VES Event With Invalid URL Path V7 [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post single event to invalid url path and expect 404 Response Status Code Log Send HTTP Request with invalid /listener/v5/ instead of /eventListener/v5 path Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} /listener/v7/ ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} 404 Publish PNF Registration Event [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 [Documentation] Post PNF Registration event and expect HTTP 202 Accepeted Response Status Code Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${EVENT_PNF_REGISTRATION_V7} 202 registration_38407540