*** Settings *** Documentation Tests related to updating PRH app config based on CBS config Suite Setup Run keywords Create sessions Resource resources/prh_sessions.robot Resource resources/prh_config_library.robot Resource resources/prh_library.robot Test Timeout 15 seconds *** Test Cases *** CBS configuration forced refresh [Documentation] It should be possible to force refresh PRH configuration from CBS [Tags] PRH coniguration ${some_random_value}= Generate random value Put key-value to consul foo_${some_random_value} bar_${some_random_value} Force PRH config refresh Check key-value in PRH app environment foo_${some_random_value} bar_${some_random_value} CBS configuration scheduled refresh [Documentation] PRH should pull for CBS configuration updates according to schedule [Tags] PRH coniguration Set scheduled CBS updates interval 1s ${some_random_value}= Generate random value Put key-value to consul spam_${some_random_value} ham_${some_random_value} wait until keyword succeeds 20x 500ms ... Check key-value in PRH app environment spam_${some_random_value} ham_${some_random_value} [Teardown] Set scheduled CBS updates interval 0 PRH log level change based on CBS config [Documentation] It should be possible to change logging levels in PRH based on entries in CBS [Tags] PRH coniguration logging Set logging level in CBS org.onap.dcaegen2.services.prh.foo WARN Force PRH config refresh Verify logging level org.onap.dcaegen2.services.prh.foo WARN