# This file is used to set the environment which the install_*.sh files # will use when executing. Only set variables that must be derived at # installation time here. For variables that should be set by the installer # in SWM, add VariableDescriptor elements to the descriptor.xml. Place # logical steps in the install_preproc.sh or install_postproc.sh. . `dirname $0`/common.env # CHECK FOR ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED VARIABLES HERE #derive version components for lrm.xml MAJOR_VERSION=`echo ${AFTSWM_ACTION_NEW_VERSION} | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'`; export MAJOR_VERSION MINOR_VERSION=`echo ${AFTSWM_ACTION_NEW_VERSION} | awk -F'.' '{print $2}'`; export MINOR_VERSION PATCH_VERSION=`echo ${AFTSWM_ACTION_NEW_VERSION} | awk -F'.' '{print $3}'`; export PATCH_VERSION