package org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api; import java.util.*; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api.elements.InterfacesDef; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api.elements.NodeType; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api.elements.RelationshipType; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api.functions.Function; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api.functions.GetAttribute; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api.functions.GetInput; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api.parameters.Input; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api.parameters.Output; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api.utils.ThreadLocalsHolder; public class TopologyTemplate { private static final String DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static final String INPUTS = "inputs"; private static final String NODE_TEMPLATES = "node_templates"; private static final String RELATIONSHIP_TEMPLATES = "relationship_templates"; private static final String OUTPUTS = "outputs"; private static final String GROUPS = "groups"; private static final String SUBSTITUTION_MAPPINGS = "substitution_mappings"; private static final String POLICIES = "policies"; private static final String METADATA = "metadata"; private static String SECTIONS[] = { DESCRIPTION, INPUTS, NODE_TEMPLATES, RELATIONSHIP_TEMPLATES, OUTPUTS, GROUPS, SUBSTITUTION_MAPPINGS, POLICIES, METADATA }; private LinkedHashMap tpl; LinkedHashMap metaData; private ArrayList inputs; private ArrayList outputs; private ArrayList relationshipTemplates; private ArrayList nodeTemplates; private LinkedHashMap customDefs; private LinkedHashMap relTypes;//TYPE private NodeTemplate subMappedNodeTemplate; private ArrayList groups; private ArrayList policies; private LinkedHashMap parsedParams = null;//TYPE private String description; private ToscaGraph graph; private SubstitutionMappings substitutionMappings; private boolean resolveGetInput; public TopologyTemplate( LinkedHashMap _template, LinkedHashMap _customDefs, LinkedHashMap _relTypes,//TYPE LinkedHashMap _parsedParams, NodeTemplate _subMappedNodeTemplate, boolean _resolveGetInput) { tpl = _template; if(tpl != null) { subMappedNodeTemplate = _subMappedNodeTemplate; metaData = _metaData(); customDefs = _customDefs; relTypes = _relTypes; parsedParams = _parsedParams; resolveGetInput = _resolveGetInput; _validateField(); description = _tplDescription(); inputs = _inputs(); relationshipTemplates =_relationshipTemplates(); nodeTemplates = _nodeTemplates(); outputs = _outputs(); if(nodeTemplates != null) { graph = new ToscaGraph(nodeTemplates); } groups = _groups(); policies = _policies(); _processIntrinsicFunctions(); substitutionMappings = _substitutionMappings(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ArrayList _inputs() { //DumpUtils.dumpYaml(customDefs,0); ArrayList alInputs = new ArrayList<>(); for(String name: _tplInputs().keySet()) { Object attrs = _tplInputs().get(name); Input input = new Input(name,(LinkedHashMap)attrs,customDefs); if(parsedParams != null && parsedParams.get(name) != null) { input.validate(parsedParams.get(name)); } else { Object _default = input.getDefault(); if(_default != null) { input.validate(_default); } } if((parsedParams != null && parsedParams.get(input.getName()) == null || parsedParams == null) && input.isRequired() && input.getDefault() == null) { System.out.format("Log warning: The required parameter \"%s\" is not provided\n",input.getName()); } alInputs.add(input); } return alInputs; } private LinkedHashMap _metaData() { if(tpl.get(METADATA) != null) { return (LinkedHashMap)tpl.get(METADATA); } else { return new LinkedHashMap(); } } private ArrayList _nodeTemplates() { ArrayList alNodeTemplates = new ArrayList<>(); LinkedHashMap tpls = _tplNodeTemplates(); if(tpls != null) { for(String name: tpls.keySet()) { NodeTemplate tpl = new NodeTemplate(name, tpls, customDefs, relationshipTemplates, relTypes); if(tpl.getTypeDefinition() != null) { boolean b = NodeType.TOSCA_DEF.get(tpl.getType()) != null; if(b || (tpl.getCustomDef() != null && !tpl.getCustomDef().isEmpty())) { tpl.validate(); alNodeTemplates.add(tpl); } } } } return alNodeTemplates; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ArrayList _relationshipTemplates() { ArrayList alRelationshipTemplates = new ArrayList<>(); LinkedHashMap tpls = _tplRelationshipTemplates(); if(tpls != null) { for(String name: tpls.keySet()) { RelationshipTemplate tpl = new RelationshipTemplate( (LinkedHashMap)tpls.get(name),name,customDefs,null,null); alRelationshipTemplates.add(tpl); } } return alRelationshipTemplates; } private ArrayList _outputs() { ArrayList alOutputs = new ArrayList<>(); for(Map.Entry me: _tplOutputs().entrySet()) { String oname = me.getKey(); LinkedHashMap oattrs = (LinkedHashMap)me.getValue(); Output o = new Output(oname,oattrs); o.validate(); alOutputs.add(o); } return alOutputs; } private SubstitutionMappings _substitutionMappings() { LinkedHashMap tplSubstitutionMapping = (LinkedHashMap) _tplSubstitutionMappings(); //*** the commenting-out below and the weaker condition are in the Python source // #if tpl_substitution_mapping and self.sub_mapped_node_template: if(tplSubstitutionMapping != null && tplSubstitutionMapping.size() > 0) { return new SubstitutionMappings(tplSubstitutionMapping, nodeTemplates, inputs, outputs, groups, subMappedNodeTemplate, customDefs); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ArrayList _policies() { ArrayList alPolicies = new ArrayList<>(); for(Object po: _tplPolicies()) { LinkedHashMap policy = (LinkedHashMap)po; for(Map.Entry me: policy.entrySet()) { String policyName = me.getKey(); LinkedHashMap policyTpl = (LinkedHashMap)me.getValue(); ArrayList targetList = (ArrayList)policyTpl.get("targets"); //ArrayList targetObjects = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList targetNodes = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList targetObjects = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList targetGroups = new ArrayList<>(); String targetsType = "groups"; if(targetList != null && targetList.size() >= 1) { targetGroups = _getPolicyGroups(targetList); if(targetGroups == null) { targetsType = "node_templates"; targetNodes = _getGroupMembers(targetList); for(NodeTemplate nt: targetNodes) { targetObjects.add(nt); } } else { for(Group gr: targetGroups) { targetObjects.add(gr); } } } Policy policyObj = new Policy(policyName, policyTpl, targetObjects, targetsType, customDefs); alPolicies.add(policyObj); } } return alPolicies; } private ArrayList _groups() { ArrayList groups = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList memberNodes = null; for(Map.Entry me: _tplGroups().entrySet()) { String groupName = me.getKey(); LinkedHashMap groupTpl = (LinkedHashMap)me.getValue(); ArrayList memberNames = (ArrayList)groupTpl.get("members"); if(memberNames != null) { DataEntity.validateDatatype("list", memberNames,null,null,null); if(memberNames.size() < 1 || (new HashSet(memberNames)).size() != memberNames.size()) { ThreadLocalsHolder.getCollector().appendWarning(String.format( "InvalidGroupTargetException: Member nodes \"%s\" should be >= 1 and not repeated", memberNames.toString())); } else { memberNodes = _getGroupMembers(memberNames); } } Group group = new Group(groupName, groupTpl, memberNodes, customDefs); groups.add(group); } return groups; } private ArrayList _getGroupMembers(ArrayList memberNames) { ArrayList memberNodes = new ArrayList<>(); _validateGroupMembers(memberNames); for(String member: memberNames) { for(NodeTemplate node: nodeTemplates) { if(member.equals(node.getName())) { memberNodes.add(node); } } } return memberNodes; } private ArrayList _getPolicyGroups(ArrayList memberNames) { ArrayList memberGroups = new ArrayList<>(); for(String member: memberNames) { for(Group group: groups) { if(member.equals(group.getName())) { memberGroups.add(group); } } } return memberGroups; } private void _validateGroupMembers(ArrayList members) { ArrayList nodeNames = new ArrayList<>(); for(NodeTemplate node: nodeTemplates) { nodeNames.add(node.getName()); } for(String member: members) { if(!nodeNames.contains(member)) { ThreadLocalsHolder.getCollector().appendException(String.format( "InvalidGroupTargetException: Target member \"%s\" is not found in \"nodeTemplates\"",member)); } } } // topology template can act like node template // it is exposed by substitution_mappings. public String nodetype() { return substitutionMappings.getNodeType(); } public LinkedHashMap capabilities() { return substitutionMappings.getCapabilities(); } public LinkedHashMap requirements() { return substitutionMappings.getRequirements(); } private String _tplDescription() { return (String)tpl.get(DESCRIPTION); //if description: // return description.rstrip() } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private LinkedHashMap _tplInputs() { if(tpl.get(INPUTS) != null) { return (LinkedHashMap)tpl.get(INPUTS); } else { return new LinkedHashMap(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private LinkedHashMap _tplNodeTemplates() { return (LinkedHashMap)tpl.get(NODE_TEMPLATES); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private LinkedHashMap _tplRelationshipTemplates() { if(tpl.get(RELATIONSHIP_TEMPLATES) != null) { return (LinkedHashMap)tpl.get(RELATIONSHIP_TEMPLATES); } else { return new LinkedHashMap(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private LinkedHashMap _tplOutputs() { if(tpl.get(OUTPUTS) != null) { return (LinkedHashMap)tpl.get(OUTPUTS); } else { return new LinkedHashMap(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private LinkedHashMap _tplSubstitutionMappings() { if(tpl.get(SUBSTITUTION_MAPPINGS) != null) { return (LinkedHashMap)tpl.get(SUBSTITUTION_MAPPINGS); } else { return new LinkedHashMap(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private LinkedHashMap _tplGroups() { if(tpl.get(GROUPS) != null) { return (LinkedHashMap)tpl.get(GROUPS); } else { return new LinkedHashMap(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ArrayList _tplPolicies() { if(tpl.get(POLICIES) != null) { return (ArrayList)tpl.get(POLICIES); } else { return new ArrayList(); } } private void _validateField() { for(String name: tpl.keySet()) { boolean bFound = false; for(String section: SECTIONS) { if(name.equals(section)) { bFound = true; break; } } if(!bFound) { ThreadLocalsHolder.getCollector().appendException(String.format( "UnknownFieldError: TopologyTemplate contains unknown field \"%s\"",name)); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void _processIntrinsicFunctions() { // Process intrinsic functions // Current implementation processes functions within node template // properties, requirements, interfaces inputs and template outputs. if(nodeTemplates != null) { for(NodeTemplate nt: nodeTemplates) { for(Property prop: nt.getPropertiesObjects()) { prop.setValue(Function.getFunction(this,nt,prop.getValue(), resolveGetInput)); } for(InterfacesDef ifd: nt.getInterfaces()) { LinkedHashMap ifin = ifd.getInputs(); if(ifin != null) { for(Map.Entry me: ifin.entrySet()) { String name = me.getKey(); Object value = Function.getFunction(this,nt,me.getValue(), resolveGetInput); ifd.setInput(name,value); } } } if(nt.getRequirements() != null) { for(RequirementAssignment req: nt.getRequirements().getAll()) { LinkedHashMap rel; Object t = req.getRelationship(); // it can be a string or a LHM... if(t instanceof LinkedHashMap) { rel = (LinkedHashMap)t; } else { // we set it to null to fail the next test // and avoid the get("proprties") rel = null; } if(rel != null && rel.get("properties") != null) { LinkedHashMap relprops = (LinkedHashMap)rel.get("properties"); for(String key: relprops.keySet()) { Object value = relprops.get(key); Object func = Function.getFunction(this,req,value, resolveGetInput); relprops.put(key,func); } } } } if(nt.getCapabilitiesObjects() != null) { for(CapabilityAssignment cap: nt.getCapabilitiesObjects()) { if(cap.getPropertiesObjects() != null) { for(Property prop: cap.getPropertiesObjects()) { Object propvalue = Function.getFunction(this,nt,prop.getValue(), resolveGetInput); if(propvalue instanceof GetInput) { propvalue = ((GetInput)propvalue).result(); for(String p: cap.getProperties().keySet()) { //Object v = cap.getProperties().get(p); if(p.equals(prop.getName())) { cap.setProperty(p,propvalue); } } } } } } } for(RelationshipType rel: nt.getRelationships().keySet()) { NodeTemplate node = nt.getRelationships().get(rel); ArrayList relTpls = node.getRelationshipTemplate(); if(relTpls != null) { for(RelationshipTemplate relTpl: relTpls) { // TT 5 for(InterfacesDef iface: relTpl.getInterfaces()) { if(iface.getInputs() != null) { for(String name: iface.getInputs().keySet()) { Object value = iface.getInputs().get(name); Object func = Function.getFunction( this, relTpl, value, resolveGetInput); iface.setInput(name,func); } } } } } } } } for(Output output: outputs) { Object func = Function.getFunction(this,outputs,output.getValue(), resolveGetInput); if(func instanceof GetAttribute) { output.setAttr(Output.VALUE,func); } } } public static String getSubMappingNodeType(LinkedHashMap topologyTpl) { if(topologyTpl != null && topologyTpl instanceof LinkedHashMap) { Object submapTpl = topologyTpl.get(SUBSTITUTION_MAPPINGS); return SubstitutionMappings.stGetNodeType((LinkedHashMap)submapTpl); } return null; } // getters public LinkedHashMap getTpl() { return tpl; } public LinkedHashMap getMetadata() { return metaData; } public ArrayList getInputs() { return inputs; } public ArrayList getOutputs() { return outputs; } public ArrayList getPolicies() { return policies; } public ArrayList getRelationshipTemplates() { return relationshipTemplates; } public ArrayList getNodeTemplates() { return nodeTemplates; } public ArrayList getGroups() { return groups; } public SubstitutionMappings getSubstitutionMappings() { return substitutionMappings; } public LinkedHashMap getParsedParams() { return parsedParams; } public boolean getResolveGetInput() { return resolveGetInput; } } /*python # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging from toscaparser.common import exception from toscaparser.dataentity import DataEntity from toscaparser import functions from toscaparser.groups import Group from toscaparser.nodetemplate import NodeTemplate from toscaparser.parameters import Input from toscaparser.parameters import Output from toscaparser.policy import Policy from toscaparser.relationship_template import RelationshipTemplate from toscaparser.substitution_mappings import SubstitutionMappings from toscaparser.tpl_relationship_graph import ToscaGraph from toscaparser.utils.gettextutils import _ # Topology template key names SECTIONS = (DESCRIPTION, INPUTS, NODE_TEMPLATES, RELATIONSHIP_TEMPLATES, OUTPUTS, GROUPS, SUBSTITUION_MAPPINGS, POLICIES) = \ ('description', 'inputs', 'node_templates', 'relationship_templates', 'outputs', 'groups', 'substitution_mappings', 'policies') log = logging.getLogger("tosca.model") class TopologyTemplate(object): '''Load the template data.''' def __init__(self, template, custom_defs, rel_types=None, parsed_params=None, sub_mapped_node_template=None): self.tpl = template self.sub_mapped_node_template = sub_mapped_node_template if self.tpl: self.custom_defs = custom_defs self.rel_types = rel_types self.parsed_params = parsed_params self._validate_field() self.description = self._tpl_description() self.inputs = self._inputs() self.relationship_templates = self._relationship_templates() self.nodetemplates = self._nodetemplates() self.outputs = self._outputs() if hasattr(self, 'nodetemplates'): self.graph = ToscaGraph(self.nodetemplates) self.groups = self._groups() self.policies = self._policies() self._process_intrinsic_functions() self.substitution_mappings = self._substitution_mappings() def _inputs(self): inputs = [] for name, attrs in self._tpl_inputs().items(): input = Input(name, attrs) if self.parsed_params and name in self.parsed_params: input.validate(self.parsed_params[name]) else: default = input.default if default: input.validate(default) if (self.parsed_params and not in self.parsed_params or self.parsed_params is None) and input.required \ and input.default is None: log.warning(_('The required parameter %s ' 'is not provided') % inputs.append(input) return inputs def _nodetemplates(self): nodetemplates = [] tpls = self._tpl_nodetemplates() if tpls: for name in tpls: tpl = NodeTemplate(name, tpls, self.custom_defs, self.relationship_templates, self.rel_types) if (tpl.type_definition and (tpl.type in tpl.type_definition.TOSCA_DEF or (tpl.type not in tpl.type_definition.TOSCA_DEF and bool(tpl.custom_def)))): tpl.validate(self) nodetemplates.append(tpl) return nodetemplates def _relationship_templates(self): rel_templates = [] tpls = self._tpl_relationship_templates() for name in tpls: tpl = RelationshipTemplate(tpls[name], name, self.custom_defs) rel_templates.append(tpl) return rel_templates def _outputs(self): outputs = [] for name, attrs in self._tpl_outputs().items(): output = Output(name, attrs) output.validate() outputs.append(output) return outputs def _substitution_mappings(self): tpl_substitution_mapping = self._tpl_substitution_mappings() # if tpl_substitution_mapping and self.sub_mapped_node_template: if tpl_substitution_mapping: return SubstitutionMappings(tpl_substitution_mapping, self.nodetemplates, self.inputs, self.outputs, self.sub_mapped_node_template, self.custom_defs) def _policies(self): policies = [] for policy in self._tpl_policies(): for policy_name, policy_tpl in policy.items(): target_list = policy_tpl.get('targets') if target_list and len(target_list) >= 1: target_objects = [] targets_type = "groups" target_objects = self._get_policy_groups(target_list) if not target_objects: targets_type = "node_templates" target_objects = self._get_group_members(target_list) policyObj = Policy(policy_name, policy_tpl, target_objects, targets_type, self.custom_defs) policies.append(policyObj) return policies def _groups(self): groups = [] member_nodes = None for group_name, group_tpl in self._tpl_groups().items(): member_names = group_tpl.get('members') if member_names is not None: DataEntity.validate_datatype('list', member_names) if len(member_names) < 1 or \ len(member_names) != len(set(member_names)): exception.ExceptionCollector.appendException( exception.InvalidGroupTargetException( message=_('Member nodes "%s" should be >= 1 ' 'and not repeated') % member_names)) else: member_nodes = self._get_group_members(member_names) group = Group(group_name, group_tpl, member_nodes, self.custom_defs) groups.append(group) return groups def _get_group_members(self, member_names): member_nodes = [] self._validate_group_members(member_names) for member in member_names: for node in self.nodetemplates: if == member: member_nodes.append(node) return member_nodes def _get_policy_groups(self, member_names): member_groups = [] for member in member_names: for group in self.groups: if == member: member_groups.append(group) return member_groups def _validate_group_members(self, members): node_names = [] for node in self.nodetemplates: node_names.append( for member in members: if member not in node_names: exception.ExceptionCollector.appendException( exception.InvalidGroupTargetException( message=_('Target member "%s" is not found in ' 'node_templates') % member)) # topology template can act like node template # it is exposed by substitution_mappings. def nodetype(self): return self.substitution_mappings.node_type \ if self.substitution_mappings else None def capabilities(self): return self.substitution_mappings.capabilities \ if self.substitution_mappings else None def requirements(self): return self.substitution_mappings.requirements \ if self.substitution_mappings else None def _tpl_description(self): description = self.tpl.get(DESCRIPTION) if description: return description.rstrip() def _tpl_inputs(self): return self.tpl.get(INPUTS) or {} def _tpl_nodetemplates(self): return self.tpl.get(NODE_TEMPLATES) def _tpl_relationship_templates(self): return self.tpl.get(RELATIONSHIP_TEMPLATES) or {} def _tpl_outputs(self): return self.tpl.get(OUTPUTS) or {} def _tpl_substitution_mappings(self): return self.tpl.get(SUBSTITUION_MAPPINGS) or {} def _tpl_groups(self): return self.tpl.get(GROUPS) or {} def _tpl_policies(self): return self.tpl.get(POLICIES) or {} def _validate_field(self): for name in self.tpl: if name not in SECTIONS: exception.ExceptionCollector.appendException( exception.UnknownFieldError(what='Template', field=name)) def _process_intrinsic_functions(self): """Process intrinsic functions Current implementation processes functions within node template properties, requirements, interfaces inputs and template outputs. """ if hasattr(self, 'nodetemplates'): for node_template in self.nodetemplates: for prop in node_template.get_properties_objects(): prop.value = functions.get_function(self, node_template, prop.value) for interface in node_template.interfaces: if interface.inputs: for name, value in interface.inputs.items(): interface.inputs[name] = functions.get_function( self, node_template, value) if node_template.requirements and \ isinstance(node_template.requirements, list): for req in node_template.requirements: rel = req for req_name, req_item in req.items(): if isinstance(req_item, dict): rel = req_item.get('relationship') break if rel and 'properties' in rel: for key, value in rel['properties'].items(): rel['properties'][key] = \ functions.get_function(self, req, value) if node_template.get_capabilities_objects(): for cap in node_template.get_capabilities_objects(): if cap.get_properties_objects(): for prop in cap.get_properties_objects(): propvalue = functions.get_function( self, node_template, prop.value) if isinstance(propvalue, functions.GetInput): propvalue = propvalue.result() for p, v in cap._properties.items(): if p == cap._properties[p] = propvalue for rel, node in node_template.relationships.items(): rel_tpls = node.relationship_tpl if rel_tpls: for rel_tpl in rel_tpls: for interface in rel_tpl.interfaces: if interface.inputs: for name, value in \ interface.inputs.items(): interface.inputs[name] = \ functions.get_function(self, rel_tpl, value) for output in self.outputs: func = functions.get_function(self, self.outputs, output.value) if isinstance(func, functions.GetAttribute): output.attrs[output.VALUE] = func @classmethod def get_sub_mapping_node_type(cls, topology_tpl): if topology_tpl and isinstance(topology_tpl, dict): submap_tpl = topology_tpl.get(SUBSTITUION_MAPPINGS) return SubstitutionMappings.get_node_type(submap_tpl) */